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19 years ago
Hi Hsuchi, That's what is so dangerous about these "programs." Most people won't be harmed, but a significant number will be. These are amateurs, untrained and unmonitored, who are engaging in sophisticated psycholgical manipulations. Most of the things they do are recognized by professionals as hypnotic inductions, regressions, Gestalt-type role-playing, confrontational
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Funny, he looks like Mephistopheles. Seems like I heard; the old voice roll, soft and intimate alternating with commanding and authoritative. "invitation" - so you think it's "your choice" sotto voce denial of proselytizing "feel good," "pump-you-up" type stuff to associate himself and his organisation with good feeling
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Hope someone makes a movie of it. There are enough people now who would understand it. There was an episode a couple of years ago on "Six Feet Under" in which one of the characters gets involved with a fictional LGAT. And also one on "CSI," I believe. (Or some similar show.) They were quite good and the authors obviously had some ax to grind and used fictional accounts to
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
QuoteToyerHello again - My gf made it through the Advanced Forum and is all excited about it. She stated via e-mail: "Tuesday night is the last part of the class and it would mean a lot to me if you would be there to support as I complete my class and complete me creating who I am now in the world. Do you think that is a possibility?" I wrote back in a rather dry e-mail (mostly beca
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
QuoteSL1993Elena, is there some link to this? Do you mean the connection between Buckminster Fuller and Werner Erhard? Try going to Amazon and doing a search. You can read a couple of pages that way. Ellen
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
QuoteCosmophilospherI have to do a bit of a mea culpa on the Bucky Fuller and Werner Erhard connection. I just really didn't know that much about it, and i still don't. I found this link though. There are some ugly things about Bucky, no question. But personally, i have just read his books, and i found them to very unique, and very interesting. Carl Sagan was also a bit of a tr
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
QuoteConcerned Oz Ellen you mentioned:- Quote(Sounds like his "partner" has retained at least some of the Landmark stuff. They do a lot of "affirmations" or self-coaching-type meditation or self-hypnosis. They call them "processes." She probably also has the same sort of "document" listing "What we don't like about Susie" somewhere.) Can y
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Actually, at its core, Landmark is salesman's training. It might be similar to Dale Carnegie without the creepy scientological and Mind Dynamics content. Or some of it, anyway. Remember, Werner Erhard was training/teaching/coaching/ his teams of door-to-door, high-pressure, foot-in-the-door book sales teams when he started est. They were and are the lowest grade of persuasion and influen
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
There are lots of people who have no susceptibility to Landmark-type manipulation. Someone who has seen a family member or friend involved, for instance. Or, as a friend of mine, who declined to go who had been encouraged by her then fiancee to attend, told me: "I think it was because my father was a used-car salesman." She saw right through it without knowing anything about it or We
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
QuoteToyer 1) Whenever we get into any sort of philosophical or psych discussion, her base is from that of LEC and it's, as I believe you all know, gobbly-goop, to say the least, and ends up the same morass that every other post on here has described. 2) I'm worried about her on-going interest and "training" in LEC, and concenred about this Advanced Course. Worried that
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Watch out! The "Advanced Course" is where the heavy indoctrination goes on. If she's gotten that far, in all likelihood, they've got her by the short hairs. I don't know what the stats are; there are probably a few who walk away half-way through in disgust. But they make it very, very difficult to do this with few or no ways to exit, so most people just try to get t
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Greetings, A good place to start would be usenet: Just search on "Children's Forum" within the newsgroup. There were some posters a while back who were involved in the thing. While Landmark can be destructive enough to adults, it must be devastating to children. The thought that these people are targeting children should be enough to bring in the cops o
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Coz Its all about the HIGH, like a drug addict. Casinos, Robbins, cocaine, they are all about trying to get the same thing. That HIGH. That Flow. Being "on a roll". (and frankly, that's what the "Enlightenment salesmen" are selling too.) Coz You hit the nail on the head with this one, Coz. That's exactly right....and the casinos have been doing
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
These people have had thirty years to come up with more and more sophisticated ways to seduce people. And using people to exploit their friends is just so much business as usual to Landmarkers. They know how easy it is for friends to get us to do things. And how obligated we feel once they get the ball rolling. Most people don't want to hurt their friend's feelings, so they sit thro
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
I think the Landmark organisation must have hired or enlisted some more scientologists to provide ~tech~nical consulting, tactical support, strategic ~assistance,~ and spiritual guidance. I wonder if Landmark is paying royalties to the Co$ for the use of their ~winning formulae.~ Ellen
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
QuoteQuestioningMindsWhat two or three tough question can I put to a Landmark sales person that will bother them? I am looking for tactful questions that will make them think – yes this is a challenging request. For those of you that read my first posting my update is that I am going to see the intro evening. I have gone once before (2 years ago) and found it easy to think it is crap and
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Here are some already written. Though they were written a while ago, nothing much changes in Landmark Land. Also, the "Mary Polaski 'L' Series" on this website, though it's quite long. Ellen
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
...According to Landmark's PR and sales patter. Most people who "do" the "programs" have no idea what was done to them in the guise of "self-improvement." They may sort things out for themselves somehow afterwards without too much damage. Most people aren't deeply hypnotizable or suggestible. If you are, watch out! You could be turned into an un
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
QuoteQuestioningMindsI have managed to fight it off for a few months now but my g/f who is heavy into LM has laid down the law. Either I go to the forum or our relationship will be "completed". Doesn't the scientological content of the above statement creep you out? Did you know that the idea of "completing" something/anything came from L. Ron Hubbard? Were you
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
I started to tackle this but didn't finish. Just too much "Landmark" for me at one time. I would add to #20: 20- How dangerous is it to get involved in a relationship with a Landmarkian that is claiming to create possibilities and has been transformed? Generally, a Landmark enthusiast is in a state of, what they call "thrall," in cult-land. It can also
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
He would like it to be Billy Graham rather than the certified wacko, Arthur Blessed. The Arthur Blessed "event" took place before he met with Billy Graham. So who knows which one was the "tipping" factor. My bet is with the former. Ellen
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Nothing new in this. They learned it from the churches. Good time to recruit is any time there are people in trouble, hurt, confused, depressed, worried, injured, "in transition," widowed, after a loss or setback, in tough economic times, etc., etc. Anyone see "Frontline" last night. During a downturn in the oil business, George Bush and his formerly prosperous buddies w
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Well, "laslow" has disappeared, (or been ~disappeared~ <TIC>) but the same old Landmark defenses will sprout again in some new form. I think I'll just examine a couple of them here, for ducks... "laslow" wrote above: >>I wasn't defending Landmark,>>> (Lie. ~Creating his own reality.~ "It's ~so~
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
QuoteglamI've noticed that all of Laslow's claims -- being a researcher in biochemistry research, any information about McLean, etc., can be easily picked up from their website, which can be easily googled after one reads the article that began this thread. And it's quite a coincidence that a "new" poster here who concidentally is a researcher at McLean concidentally stum
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
>>What do you know and how do you know it? That was a question from my previous post.>>> Uh........ "laslow," YOU didn't ask me this question in a previous post. If you're going to try this one. you've got to remember what you've written under this identity. Ellen
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
QuotelaslowTo rrmoderator---- I wasn't defending Landmark, just contending that humiliation that can lead to depression as stated in the above article was not observed by me or my colleagues in our Forum. Landmark isn't therapy or promoted as such and no one here is recommending it to patients. Ellen said---- Hard to believe anyone with an academic background would be so dismis
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
QuotelaslowTo Pennybright--- I'll use my spellchecker next time! What have you published recently? To Ellen--- I never volunteered for anything Landmark. As a matter of fact I never took any courses from Landmark after the Forum. I don't care what it's genesis is or what "historical" figures from the past had to do with it. To Glam--- Lot's of questions
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
From the Boulder Weekly November 2002: Report blasts CU for Zamudio conspiracy Investigation details administrative vendetta against whistle blower by Wayne Laugesen A new report by a University of Colorado faculty committee makes damning statements about the way the university's Department of Sociology treated former Assistant Professor Margie Zamudio. A faculty hearing be
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
John E. Mack died last week. (I posted the obit to afl.) He was the Harvard professor of psychiatry who was involved with alien "abductees," and was also involved with Werner Erhard's "est." It's an interesting story for anyone who doesn't believe intelligent people can be deluded or "snookered" by an uneducated, slicko, used-car salesman.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
QuotelaslowHi all, I'm a researcher at Mclean hospital. Dr. Bruce Cohen, whom is quoted above, is my boss and the head honcho at Mclean. Below is a link to our website: I snipped the take home message of the above article siting Kendler's study. He callaborates with us from time to time. "and noted the major difficulties they faced, such as the loss of a loved one,
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
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