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3 years ago
Yes I agree with you there I can see. SR is a manipulative narcissist yes and he does lead a double life. Just saying
Forum: Destructive Churches
3 years ago
Good info you shared Mork, this really sums up my experiences Thought Control Require members to internalize the group’s doctrine as truth a. Adopting the group’s ‘map of reality’ as reality b. Instill black and white thinking c. Decide between good vs. evil d. Organize people into us vs. them (insiders vs. outsiders) Change person’s name and identity Use of loaded language and clichés wh
Forum: Destructive Churches
3 years ago
Have you ever slept in a rubbish skip? GW? No I bet you haven’t .
Forum: Destructive Churches
3 years ago
At least the people of Kirkby love him,he is a legend. Blessed are the meek...
Forum: Destructive Churches
3 years ago
Yes I remember him being mocked too. By today’s standards it’s called hate crime...
Forum: Destructive Churches
3 years ago
Yes look at those views! Shame they are too busy looking at this than, helping the homeless and hungry in Kirkby
Forum: Destructive Churches
3 years ago
Yes there are others too, who have rose professionally and they are guilty of full blown sexual sin. Yet it is quickly forgotten. They seem to forget I was there and remember the truth. The best evangelist they ever had, that filled the seats and coffers of KCF now lives in a rubbish skip in the town centre( for 10 years)It is clear if the fellowship had empathy for this guy, he would have been h
Forum: Destructive Churches
3 years ago
This is karma coming home to roost. I remember this guy was reported to Cheryl for allegedly punching his girlfriend of the time. A neighbour heard him beating her up. Cheryl said that she had had a vision of him punching her in the jaw. Yet she protected him and not her. A leopard never changes its spots.
Forum: Destructive Churches
3 years ago
Shocking testimony indeed... Little yellow spider= are a group of people who feel they have been crushed under foot by KCF over many years. The people involved wish to stay anonymous as they have been so damaged in the past. So these posts reflect individual testimonies.
Forum: Destructive Churches
3 years ago
How KFC systematically brain washed you! Check out this video for pearls of truth.
Forum: Destructive Churches
3 years ago
Check out this video, Rick Ross discusses how to identify an unsafe group! Also thank you to “I can see” for some suggestion of critical thinking.
Forum: Destructive Churches
3 years ago
-------- > FillMeUpJesus! > > Does Kirby Christian Fellowship now have > meaningful accountability and financial > transparency? > > 1. An independently audited and published > budget/financial statement, which discloses all > monies spent on salaries, compensation and > expenses that is distributed to all contributors? > > 2. Does the fellowship ha
Forum: Destructive Churches
5 years ago
Thanks for your post Tkalc The saddest thing about so many who have left KCF, is they are still bound by mind control. Much work has to be done to get free, and find inner peace. Old paradigms have to be smashed and then the truth can be comprehended. The truth can literally set you free, so many are afraid of facing that truth! They have seen so much, yet are afraid of what would happen
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 years ago
Spiritual leveredge in the Church
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 years ago
More signs of spiritual abuse
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 years ago
When you trust church leaders more than God
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 years ago
So this is why so many who have left don’t get free? You are still carrying chains around, no amount of alcohol or drugs will give you the feeling of freedom.
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 years ago
Signs you are being spiritually abused So this sums up my experience of KCF
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 years ago
So many have left KCF but are still prisoners to the fear caused by indoctrination, this is how to get free, it has taken me decades, but the process has to start somewhere. Let it start today with you. Watch the video and check out the YouTube channel and get your sanity back. There are some at KCF that have wanted to leave for many years but are too afraid of being shunned. Start today
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 years ago
Alongtimeago it does not really matter what AintreeLad says. We the people who were mind controlled and traumatised, and bullied all those years ago. We have already been to Hell and back many times, we are not afraid of KCF apologists. All of them are so cowardly and spineless they can’t do anything without checking in with their leader, they are unable to think for themselves for fear of sinnin
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 years ago
So a dispicable character that seems to get away with murder, because her face fits is Sharon Mccomb. What a “wonderful Christian” who sleeps with anyone she wants, and gets away with it! Beacause she belongs to the inner circle. She has caused mayhem over the years, sleeping with who she fancies, with no conscience, or even any insight as to how her sordid behaviour effects others. A sociopath o
Forum: Destructive Churches
7 years ago
Also the attempt to deflect from the fact that they are a culty fellowship, is not hidden by setting up the heaven sent website. It is perfectly obvious who they are to the people of Kirkby. They look so brainwashed and spaced out, any street-wise kirkbyite can see straight through it! Most people find it embarrassing and skin crawly...
Forum: Destructive Churches
7 years ago
I've noticed a lot of hits on this site 20 or 30, so it is still being watched by certain people. All these comments wouldn't be happening if certain people, did something Christian and healing for the terrible harm they've caused to people. There seems to be terrible pride, ego and stubbornness at play. All this stuff could have been sorted out years ago with a little kindness und
Forum: Destructive Churches
9 years ago
kCF aka Kirkby Christian Fellowship in Liverpool Merseyside is a dangerous cult. This is is is here to enable victims of this cult, to have a voice and regain sanity.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
9 years ago
Kirkby Christian Fellowship a church of no compromise No tolerance No Love No Freedom No authentic identity No Christianity No Mission
Forum: Destructive Churches
11 years ago
It's been interesting to read your posts. I was with Kirkby Christian Fellowship in the 90s, when it was linked to Struthers. Mr Black used to come and preach at Kirkby Christian Fellowship, and I believe it was under the Struthers umbrella . Interesting how both churches are on this forum.
Forum: Destructive Churches
11 years ago
I find it quite interesting that the night after my previous post, KCF was set on fire.... I think my previous post sums up everything beautifully.... what's happened to your spiritual protection KCF? Are your leaders under God's judgement? Cheryl I am challenging you, it is now time to repent, and make amends to all the people whose lives, families and marriages you have des
Forum: Destructive Churches
11 years ago
Well folks things just go from bad to worse in KCF, it seems the praying against people, Christians and other churches for their destruction continues. Jesus's message was so Simple, Love one another, as I have loved you, that is the law of love. the law of reaping and sowing is so simple, as you sow so shall you reap. So if you pray for a persons destruction, that is not in line with God
Forum: Destructive Churches
11 years ago
This is my tribute to Dave Doyle RIP. It is alleged, from a KCF member that he had withdrawn from KCF and their teachings, months before his demise. This is very tragic, and wonder if anyone knows about this?
Forum: Destructive Churches
17 years ago
You can take the person out of KCF, (But without work on the persons part) You cant take KCF out of the man.....
Forum: Destructive Churches
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