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11 days ago
Interested to know what might be said this morning…
Forum: Destructive Churches
17 days ago
I am shook at the activity that has started once again on this forum, only a further testament to what is going on within those walls. The camps are what put the final nail in the coffin for me. I’ll try to capture the trauma it has left me with to this day, and we are about 7/8 years on from that awful Wednesday night. I returned to Struthers in the January after facing a real difficult ti
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 weeks ago
Rainbow… I love your name. I left about four years maybe five now ago… and can say that back then taking young folks aside into side rooms was still very much practiced. I always remember supporting a young person with an English essay and being reprimanded because the essay told of the young persons struggles with sexuality. I was given what for because I never shared their secret and then
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 weeks ago
To my knowledge, the perpetrator faced time in prison, but it was never spoken about, all brushed under the carpet, I only know due to my closeness with one of the families involved. Just so happens the incident involved a number of key church families, all inter related in some way. That’s another very strange occurrence within SMC, they all end up marrying each other. You are very hard p
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 weeks ago
I follow this forum, and watch with a keen interest as to what every person has to say whether that is against SMC or in support. From my view point, I came here seeking others who had experienced difficulties while at SMC. I know that the damage I suffered still impacts me day to day, I cannot even go to the shops without a rogue thought hoping I don’t bump into any of the SMC members.
Forum: Destructive Churches
11 months ago
Hey folks… So I’ve been a silent follower of this feed for years now and only finding myself able to speak up about some of my experience with SMC Cumbernauld now. I started going along to SMC Cumbernauld through their links with local Primary schools back in the late 90s and early 2000’s. My journey with them was very much start stop, spending many years there, finding myself free bef
Forum: Destructive Churches
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