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17 years ago
question lady
Thank you for your kind words and prayers Robert-Paul. It is so good to know that other people understand how hard this is. I'm sorry your marriage ended. And I can understand why you wouldn't go back. I don't know how it will turn out for me. It's tough balancing my responsibilities to my husband, and my responsibilites to myself.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
QuoteexImpactQuotequestion lady It's weird. I can really sense that he is beginning to see the cracks in the system at one level. At another, I sense a sort of panic to NOT SEE IT. Because if he sees it he is going to feel stupid for falling for it. Can anyone relate to that? Yeah, that's pretty much what I hoped to convey in my previous post. It describes my experience to a T. So I g
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
Dear rswinters, Beautiful, inspiring post. Thank you. I would be interested to hear about how you got from where you were, to where you are now.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
Quoteskeptic Right. My behavior has no effect on you except what you perceive that it does. Afterall, you create your reality so if you don't like something about my behavior toward you that's really your problem. Couldn't be anything to do with me. I'm perfect, the lgat made me that way. You nailed it! Unfortunately, it doesn't work the other way around. When
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
Dear disconnect, I appreciate your reply civil. I am also glad that your sex life has improved. I would say that it seems obvious that being needy or desperate for sex is a turn off. I don't think Lester Levenson discovered that. One thing that bothers me about "releasing" is that just as the "thought stopping cliche" restricts a person's range of thought, it s
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
Thanks for commiserating Skeptic. Empathy and caring is a helpful and human response. Too bad hubby can't do that now. I am wondering, in your LGAT days you would have told me I needed to "reframe" rather than commiserating? Your insight is helpful. My husband is likely deceiving himself that "releasing" is the answer to all of life's problems, his and everyo
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
I have been doing pretty well in changing my approach with my husband and it seems to be helping. But I'm on the verge of losing it now. I have a real hard time dealing with the arrogance. For example, If I tell him that a friend of mine is upset about, (but taking appropriate action), in response to some dirt done to her, he says "Sally needs to "release" on that. (His min
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
Dear Chastain, I'm sorry to hear about your girlfriend. It wasn't PSI, but rather a LGAT called "The Release Technique" that my husband went to. He came back a different person. I have found that although the specifics differ from program to program, the basic techniques of LGAT's and destructive groups are remarkably similar so I encourage you to read around under di
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
QuoteEtopiaQuestion Lady – By the “law of attraction” the more you look to expose lies and manipulators the more you shall FIND and HAVE in your life – An unfortunate and poor use of the law indeed. Are you saying that by the LOA I will have more lies and manipulators in my life or more exposed lies and manipulators in my life? Are you saying that I created the lies and manipulators? Or mayb
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
QuoteEtopia I see that all of you think that this is all bullsh*t. Well, do any of you have a better idea? It's so much easier to just spread your venom. "Well the world is just screwed up and everyone is misserable like us and no one is responsible, that's just the way it is", how pathetic. We are master creators whether we know it or not. If we could wake up to this truth we
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
I agree that it is not useful to set out to "prove" a link, however it seems legitimate to study whether there is any type of relationship. Probably everyone experiences uncertainty. Some people, like Jack, accept it as a natural part of the homan experience. Isn't is possible that people who feel uncomfortable with uncertainty might be more vulnerable to the dogma of destructi
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
question lady
Dear Demon, I am sorry to hear you have been ostracized by family and friends. Leaving "The Church" in Utah can be pretty rough. I was raised mormon, in Utah, but got out at an early age. Fortunately, my immediate and extended, mostly mormon, family has continued to love me and include me consistent with the mormon emphasis on the importance of family. I realize this is not every
Forum: Destructive Churches
17 years ago
question lady
Thanks for posting the article Elena. I agree with the sentiments. mindconcern - I can understand your concerns about the dangers of entrancement by talk of spiritual energies and sacredness. It certainly can be an illusory trap. I am actually a very spiritual person, but that doesn't mean I believe because something purports to be spiritual, it is. Particularly if the so called "spi
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
Dear mindconcern, I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I can definitely relate to what you are describing. I hope she won't go to the seminar. My husband was getting pretty weird just listening to the tapes and the teleconferences. After the seminar, he came back a different person. Regarding money concerns, the sales pitch comes on real strong at the seminar (even my husband realiz
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
Dear ex-impact, Thank you for the information about how your friends helped you. What you said makes sense to me and I think it will help me tailor my approach to the situation I am dealing with. I am so glad you are willing to share your experience for the benefit of others.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
Dear ex-impact, Thanks for sharing. I am glad you had a friend who didn't give up on you. I don't want to give up on my husband but it is so hard and some days I just don't know how much longer I can go on. I read some of your earlier posts. It is amazing how similar all these programs are. I was particularly struck by this part of what you said about the Impact training:
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
I was also blindsided by my husband's involvement in another "LGAT" program. (The Release Technique marketed by Larry Crane). The more I learn about all of these programs I am struck by the similarity of their techniques). I wish I'd known then what I know now. I really blew it at first and made things worse. I blasted by husband with an onslaught of critical information. This
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
Thanks for sharing your story. I was born into the mormon church but got out of it in my teens. It is interesting for me to hear what converts found attractive. I mean no disrespect for your beliefs, but actually the idea that we have the potential to become God like is one aspect of the theology I find attractive. For me, if I follow Jesus's teachings hopefully I will, with Grace, bec
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
17 years ago
question lady
You may have found the links on the message boards rather than on the list of groups. If the link doesn't work, the posts about Avatar are under Cults, Sects, and New Age, rather than LGAT's. The topic is "new cult called Avatar". The posts were from March 2005 & appear to contain some links. You can also find by searching the board with the term 'avatar&
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
question lady
What a heartbreaking story. Thank you for going public with it. In a case like your son's, where it appears he could not leave even if he wanted to, I am wondering whether a guardianship proceeding could help. Perhaps this would at least require he show up in court and be evaluated by a psychologist.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
17 years ago
question lady
Your site is great Connie. Thank you for making me laugh while I attempt to cope with my significant other's "enlightenment." :lol: My hubby bought an iCAP Release Meter through Larry Crane's Release Technique program so I loved your post about "Peter's big release". He hasn't been able to get it to work, which is probably good because if he were any mo
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
I don't know whether Jesus died on the cross, lived out his life in the South of France or was resurrected. For me, it is the principles he taught that are important. Love one another. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That is solid. Jesus's divinity or humanity doesn't change the beauty of the principles. What an incredible world it would be if we all did ou
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
question lady
Easier said than done indeed! It might be easier with a friend or family member. I am not living with my husband now and that is probably the only way I can handle it at all. His primary loyalty and commitment now seems to be to the group rather than our marriage. Mr. Ross has great coping tips. I wish I'd known then what I know now. I found this video of a lecture by Steve Hassan
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
17 years ago
question lady
QuoteMyOwnMaster In the past year I have been trying to cope with my hurt and pain, or at least rationalize it, but I am clueless about why God-realized individuals are interested to create dependency with their followers. I am so sorry to hear of the painful experience you have been through. In my opinion, God-realized individuals are not interested in creating dependency by their fo
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
17 years ago
question lady
Cosmic Connie on this device: My husband actually bought one of these things through Larry Crane's Release Technique program. :roll:
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
I have to say that I have learned very helpful techniques from reading some Tony Robbins books. But now that I know how these mass marathon trainings can mess with your mind, I would be very cautious about going to one of his seminars.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
Interesting. I notice that the group that got my husband, The Release Technique, marketed by Larry Crane, primarily does seminars in the US, but is doing one in Germany this summer. I've got to hand it to the guy - he is a marketing master.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
17 years ago
question lady
drummerchick, I can relate to what you are saying also. I feel so powerless. I am no longer #1 in my man's life - The Release Technique people now occupy that position. So much for their claim about how "releasing" improves relationships. My man also bucks at perceived attempts to control. I realize I really blew it at first by pointing out all the nonsense of his "tran
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
17 years ago
question lady
Here's a possibility for the "karmic" theory of child abuse. Let's say that in this life someone follows "The Secret" and believes that abused children attracted that to themselves and so the new-ager does nothing to help prevent this from happening to children. (so as not to interfere with karma.) In their next life, they might be placed in a situation where they
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
17 years ago
question lady
My husband has been home from mind control camp 9 weeks now, (his seminar was a full week of non-stop ego destruction & mind stopping). We have been separated 2 weeks. We did see a counselor last week, but he is still pretty emotionally vacant, (or "released" as he would call it.) Now, he will be going to Europe for a couple of weeks. I am hoping this will keep him from his d
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
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