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16 years ago
QuoteHere is another one, good example of use of "loaded language", or Landmark Education jargon. See chapter on "loading the language", from Dr. Robert Lifton's book Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism. TMLP this video has been removed already...
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteJohn FoxRemember kids: The Wayback Machine is your friend (unless Landmark Education lawyers get to it first). :D View an archive of the old site]here. John Thanks John Fox! I can see why the legal team for Landmark would want to 'disappear' that site and all the valuable links on it.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuotePosted: 12-20-2003 06:49 AM Post subject: Guy has a point and I apologize -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The depersonalization issues are relevant to LGATS. The question whether enlightenment is the same or different from depersonalization is a different topic, though no less important. So, I 're-shelved' my pos
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuotesunsetsereneHello all: Here's another new anti LEC site that looks pretty good. By the way, would you like to participate in lawsuit against LEC. There's one going on in Ohio right now, and if you've suffered from the LEC experience they may want to hear from you: Inside the Landmark Forum SS QuotePosted: 12-05-2003 10:27 PM Post subject: I literally laughe
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteYou would think it is not good publicity for Landmark Education but it is possible that Landmark Staff are orchestrating and organizing all of these YouTube videos appearing on the internet all at once all of a sudden. I'd like to knnow who is orchestrating the spamming. Happens too much to be random, I doubt if there are that many spamming mentalities out there seeking cult educati
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Quotebigboyx5At the New Wiener (Mankind Project) weekend I was "persuaded" to attend, we slept in a common area on a cement floor in sleeping bags. At about 02:00 when we went to bed, the room was slightly cold. About an hour later it was so hot everyone was outside their sleeping bags. All the while (about every 20 minutes) someone would slam a door, followed immediately by an
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
I hope the American Psychiatric Association wakes up to the damage the wanna bees are causing and puts an abrupt stop to every unethical, illegal, and incompetent practice of psychotherapy or counselling, whatever its disguise, and lobbys for legislation that will keep it stopped.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteThe ShadowQuoteON2 LFI wonder if there's a landmarkian term for 'bigamy' or 'child abandonment', or 'child abuse'? Hi 'ON2 LF - YEP, I think there is: I think it is called "transforming your life".... :lol: regards, 'shad' yeh, how to go from 0 to sociopath in three days.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
I wonder if there's a landmarkian term for 'bigamy' or 'child abandonment', or 'child abuse'?
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
I cannot comprehend this asshole at all, "he broke with that identity..."? QuoteIn May 1960, he was married with four children and was working as a car salesman and quite unhappy. He broke with that identity and headed West with June Bryde, who he had been seeing secretly. I wonder when he decided to break with his identity as a human
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Quote"YOUR BELIEFS ARE FUCKING UP YOUR LIFE...YOU NEED EIGHT HOURS OF SLEEP?! ITS ONLY A BELIEF!! WHY ARE YOU LIMITING YOUR LIFE AND POTENTIAL!!!". What's really sickening about the above declaration is that there are psychologists out there that support this crap.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteZorroYep it definately affects a lot of stuff. I even stopped dreaming when I was asleep. I discussed this with another Lekkie when I first started Landmark and she was experiencing the same thing. I've started having dreams now that I've left Landmark. Some are quite disturbing I often wake up with sweat soaked clothes. This used to not happen, not with the temp I keep my place
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteMy main question here is could the programming of people in Landmark effect the center of the brain that controls sex drive? Essentially turning it down or off? Landmark programming seems to affect a person's ability to empathize, or to emote anything without a landmark filter running in the background. The programming also causes affected people to become sociopathic or sociopath lik
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
here's another one from 43 things how long will it be before that site becomes unavailable? Or does landmark own it?
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteSO, lack of sleep, nutrition, quality air, sunlight, room to relax, uncomfortable chairs, weird language, circular reasoning, people taking notes in the back, people spilling out their most personal secrets and being screamed at - what's not to like? LOL! :lol: All that with the expectation that you were going to sit there and learn to be free and happy. Landmark technolog
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Quotecorboy The problem is, our whole culture devalues sleep. A real human potential project would ensure that every darned one of us got 8 hours at least of quality snooze each night, every night. Most of us have little idea how much better we would feel if that were the case. Sleep as a human right. A Human Potential Project called 8 Hours a Night I like it. So to put it
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteZorroWhat do you all think about Landmarks "Landmark 2020" goal of having everyone on the planet "Transformed" by the year 2020? I think landmark has about 13 years to dream up something absolutley original, compelling, effective, and salesworthy. Since landmark/est has been unable to accomplish any of the above in over thirty five years, I don't
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Quote PostPosted: 09-19-2007 11:33 PM Post subject: Yet another upcoming name change for Landmark Education ? Reply with quote Quote: Steve Zaffron. Steve Zaffron is the CEO and Chief of Technology Development of Landmark Education Business Development (LEBD) (soon to be renamed Vanto Group). At LEBD, Steve has served as the head of the research and development team that produces Lan
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteFYI - I was in the Moonies, took the scientology audit, and went to the UPCI Bible School in Florissant Missouri (Gateway College of Evangelism). From my personal experience and observations, most of them were brainless robots without a life hoping to get social validation. Me on the other hand got kicked from all three places for telling them to their faces they were nothing more than BS in
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
16 years ago
QuoteI ride a Harley - not just 24/7. I'd be willing to try if you could show me how. Gotta do something else sometimes. As for the Helmet, CA makes it mandatory and I wear a full face. I am aware that I am insulting and attacking people. Weak, mentally and emotionally challenged people who need a swift kick in their posterior, not a pity party to "enable" their weakness. C
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
16 years ago
QuoteA great way to assist people to make informed choices about what kinds of projects to get involved with--and stay well away from--is to get the public to understand that quality sleep is as important as good nutrition and exercise, and that sleep deprivation can do everything from compromise health to triggering manic episodes in persons who have inherited a genetic vulnerability to bipola
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteJack Oskar Larm wrote: Sad, so sad. Sounds like he's just the shell of a man he used to be. What is worse is that he has probably let them have the shell too. Wait, lemme correct that: He probably paid them to take the shell too. LOL!! :lol: funny and probably true!
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Quote"The Shadow"Quote"ON2 LF Prevention is probably the best option when when it comes to keeping people from being deceived into landmark. peer-reviewed. In fact I wrote a paper on cults once, and used resources like Margaret Singer and other articles by experts well known in the cult circles, and I was docked marks for not using peer-reviewed journals etc...although
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteBecause I'm bored and some of the posts on this forum are some funny sh*t. BTW i guess you haven't read ALL my posts. I AM IN A CULT! I ride a Harley!!! only advice I can give you is, when you're riding your harley, wear a helmet. If you're this bored sanebiker, use your brain to contribute something positive and a little more grown-up here. You seem unaware that
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
16 years ago
QuoteGuess I'm a maverick on this website. I got a brain. sanebiker, you say you 'got a brain', why is that brain telling you to post messages on a website that is a cult awareness/prevention/recovery type of site, when you are supposedly unaffected by any cult?
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
16 years ago
QuoteHopefully I can convince people not to join Landmark. Saving them from the crap I went through. Prevention is probably the best option when when it comes to keeping people from being deceived into landmark. I was unsuccessful at getting my friend to stop her involvement with landmark, but I know for a fact that I have prevented hundreds of other people from being blindsided by the lekkie s
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteThe final straw came when I was in the Advanced Communications course. I had already made up my mind that I was through with Landmark. But what sealed the deal for me was an exersie that we had to do where we were told to stand up and sit down reapeatedly for what seemed like an eternity. The instructor told us to "Choose Sit" then "Choose Stand" a friend
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I got out of Landmark in June 2007 when I finally realized that they are a cult and the negative impact on my life that being in Landmark was creating. The thing that got me out of Landmark is that the woman that I'm dating started pointing things out to me that didn't make sense. So I stated ques
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteasA confirmation that yes I agree- ALL of landmark should be outlawed because any positives people may experience is associated with DAMAGING techniques like 'not listening to the little voice'. My apologies. After watching first hand 'the positives' experienced by a person duped into landmarkia's big black void, I believe that the 'positives' are nothing
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteNow don't get me wrong. Landmarks process is extremely powerful and can be extremely beneficial, however the process needs to be SCRUTINISED and modified by trained psychologists and trained psychologists should be close at hand throughout the FORUM. The ADVANCED course should be OUTLAWED. you'll never see that happen. Firstly, landmark is not representative of legitimate practic
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
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