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14 years ago
His material highness Newsreal Image FAR FROM HIS HOLIER-THAN-ALL IMAGE, THE DALAI LAMA SUPPORTS SUCH QUESTIONABLE CAUSES AS INDIA'S NUCLEAR TESTING, SEX WITH PROSTITUTES AND ACCEPTING DONATIONS FROM A JAPANESE TERRORIST CULT. BY CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS | The Dalai Lama has come out in support of the thermonuclear tests recently conducted by the Indian state, and has done so in t
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
QuoteAlchiHi again, Stoic, I hope things could get better in the same way for the Uighurs in Xinjiang. Yeah, then maybe they'll stop stabbing innocent Chinese people with tainted needles... BEIJING, China (CNN) -- Thousands of Chinese demonstrators crowded the streets of Urumqi in western China on Thursday to protest what they say is a lack of police protection, witnesses said.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
"For people who are really interested in the real political History of Tibet, not conspiration theories, there are plenty of scholarly books on the subject." -So Michael Parenti, a respected scholar, is a "conspiracy theorist"? Is this book, with foreword from the DL's man in the West, Robert Thurman a "conspiracy book"? Buddha's Warriors: The S
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
But what of Tibetan Buddhism? Is it not an exception to this sort of strife? And what of the society it helped to create? Many Buddhists maintain that, before the Chinese crackdown in 1959, old Tibet was a spiritually oriented kingdom free from the egotistical lifestyles, empty materialism, and corrupting vices that beset modern industrialized society. Western news media, travel books, novels
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
Hi, does anyone know what this is about? I received a link to it in my private messages from "Shannon Blevins". At first, I was excited to see a new "anti-cryonics" site.... except that this page doesn't make any sense to me. Shannon, if you have a reason that this site was sent to me, please explain it. thank you
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
Thanks, BJW, for contributing. Let me clarify: no retaliation happened to me or my family or anybody I know. However, that doesn't mean I wouldn't believe that it would happen to other people. If you are at the level where you are actually in the college, then I would imagine the situation is very different, as there is large money at stake for them.
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
AN INTERVIEW WITH VICTOR AND VICTORIA TRIMONDI by James C. Stephens Reflections on the Dalai Lama’s September 2003 Visit to America and the Ceremony at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. on the Second Anniversary of 9/11 An Interview with Victor and Victoria Trimondi (Germany) September 11, 2003 Stephens: This September 11 on the second anniversary of the terrorist atta
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
Is it also disinformation that the DL was tight with war criminal Bruno Beger? Please refute. Home || Guestbook || Testimonials || PM Me! Friday, October 9, 2009 The REAL Dalai Lama (Or, "Peeing in the Cheerios") The Dalai Lama is a Fraud (among other things) Recently, the online acquaintance of someone in my Multiply 'circle' had been singing the p
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
What Yasmin said. Yes, not a very scientific place to get results from. We're biased as heck around here. But who can blame us? Read the stories on "Gentle Wind" for example, if you want to see the kind of stuff we are hardened by...
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
"(particularly after learning that the author was assistant to one of the leading psychiatrists working for the MK-Ultra project and may have been hypnotised by him prior to 'channeling' her opus,)" -Fascinating. Any other info on connections to MK-ULTRA? ACIM is bizarre, sneaky, and more widespread than most people realize.
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
14 years ago
His brother's name is "Raul"? Anyone know how that came about? Not very Japanese sounding. Small point, but interesting to me, at least.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
14 years ago
Interesting story on a guy working for IHS (Thyssen subsidiary) in China who was imprisoned for spying. IHS/Petroconsultants employed Peak Oilers Campbell and LaHarrere, and were the main early backers of the "Peak Oil" hypothesis. Chinese court sentences US geologist to 8 years By CHARLES HUTZLER, Associated Press Writer Charles Hutzler, Associated Press Writer Mon Jul 5, 1:
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
QuoteMaple So now my question is what is the connection between permaculture (which I tend to like) and biodynamics (which I tend not to like) if Holmgren (he is one of the two founders of permaculture) has a brother who is associated with the Steiner stuff, etc. Just to clarify, I'm not aware of a connection between the late Gerald Holmgren and "Steiner stuff". I just know him a
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
QuoteNick NakornDear all, I've read most of this long and fascinating thread. Whether or not the Transition Town Movement is a cult is probably open to both semantic and philosophical and political argument depending on the definitions of 'cult' used. But I believe that the TT movement displays many cultish attributes and might be on the cusp of becoming a cult or cult-like enti
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
QuoteGraham SFascinating discussion of Transition and Anthroposophy here: Simply incredible work by Nick, thanks for posting it, Graham. Kind of puts Rob's "TT has nothing to do with Steiner" line into the dustbin, doesn't it?
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
Thanks for Nick Akorn link, going to spend some time on it right after I finish my reply. JD: not going to spend time breaking down what he is or isn't right about. His opinions are his, mine are mine, and they don't all match up. It is not what he says himself with his blog that matters so much to me, as his links to Peakers in their OWN WORDS that is so revealing. JD didn't f
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
Rick just poste this article. It always blows me away how many of these cretins have to jump into the Holocaust. In general, the Holocaust and the modern-day Darfur slaughter are offered as litmus tests for how committed these weirdoes are to the "Law of Attraction". I guess JAR fails the test.... "Ray has a history of finding the unlikely bright side of tragedy -- even his
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
Thanks for your continued input to this thread. I will try to answer all your points, but it may take a couple days due to my schedule. Will look at as much as I can right now and address the rest later. "Shakti I'll have to ask you to clarify your views on a couple of things: I just dont get why the oil companies- who AFAIK have been denying oil shortages mostly- would start ASPO i
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
Quotedsm THERE IS NO DISCUSSION OF ALINKSKY, OBAMA, ETC IN THIS TOPIC. Hey, it was YOU who brought this quote into the thread, not me! You apparently think you can quote anything you want, then not have it discussed ON A DISCUSSION BOARD?!!! Are you kidding? "Is it only the Charismatic and communal that has connections to Father Scanlon? Not really. For instance, one of Father Scanlon’
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
QuoteGraham SOK I have looked at some of the stuff on the Carrying Capacity Network, which also includes on its panel of advisers Bartlett, Herman Daley, Catton. I think you are asking a lot of important questions, Shakti, but I'm far from sure you have the best answers. Thanks for being open-minded enough to have second thoughts about the Carrying Capacity Network. It is the dogmatical
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
"I think you are merely betraying your own political bias. " -Sure, I'm clear on my political bias: moderate left, not dogmatically "anti-gubmint", don't like extreme anarchists or racialist Nazi types. "This is the sort of healthy debate that takes place all the time within PO circles- see Sharon Astyk's "The Tragedy of the Bathroom". They
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
Sorry, DSM, missed your reply, or would have gotten back to you earlier. Bottom line: any book that is claiming SAUL ALINSKY is the main problem of the Catholic Church rather than its Hitler Youth pope, its corrupt Vatican bank with its ties to mafiosi, and it's virtual army of boy-buggerers is simply not going to be credible. If that is YOUR position, as well, then YOU are simply not c
Forum: Destructive Churches
14 years ago
"But you attacked ALL CATHOLICS as SCIENTOLOGISTS, a crazy accusation that still makes my head spin. " Not true. Stoic merely compared your efforts to efforts by Scientologists who trolled the board as "ex" scientologists. "Stop trying to mislead people here, Stoic. Anyone can read those posts and see the truth about what you were doing. There is nothing at all sto
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
"Why? Why should TT or any group debate Anthroposophy or homeopathy? It's their group, it's a free society, they talk can about whatever they like. " -Yep, they can talk about whatever they like, as can we on this board. However, if they are going to be moving into the public sphere and taking actions that might affect those who live near them, then they will have to face
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
"Shakti: you weave into your hypothesis the New Age Anthrops. as an influence on Transition on the one hand and Halliburton, Big Oil and the Far Right on the PO community, but Im not sure you have demonstrated any connection between the two: is Halliburton run by Anthros do you think? The plot thickens! But most likely Colin Campbell, for example, has never even heard of Rudolph Steiner.&quo
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
"I am not an anarchist. That is an inappropriate remark. I'm defending Solnit's right to free speech, something I believe is highly valued by Americans? Or are you a fascist?" -OK, fine, you're not an anarchist. Solnit has every right to Free Speech, and I never contradicted that. Please point out to me where I urged the banning of her book or anything like that. An
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
"So the evidence that there is a connection between Transition Towns and Steiner is that one of the TT founders went to a Steiner school for two years." -Considering that the founder said he just randomly came up with "Head Hearts and Hands", THEN it comes out that he went to a Steiner school, yes it is totally relevant. So you are saying he spent two years at Waldorf, tota
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
"In case you hadnt noticed, the shit has already hit the fan- in the form of an almighty financial collapse, something predicted for years by many inside (and of course outside) the PO movement.How much the financial collapse is related to PO or imminent resource depletion is of course an important debate, but for our purposes here it is important to acknowledge that Campbell, for example, h
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
"As I have said before on this thread, TT and the Peak Oil people are not the only groups, not the first groups, concerned about the issue of oil dependency, diminishing supplies of oil, etc. Other groups are less concerned about setting a date, they just want to move towards using less oil and thereby reducing the ill effects of using oil, like pollution. " -Yes, but this is a thr
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
OK, Margaret, let's do a rewind on this... (sorry, Rob, this will suck for you, but hey, Margaret requested it) Rob's intro to the board: "There are no links between Transition and the Steiner schools movement. There may be some people who are involved with Steiner schools who get involved with Transition and vice versa, but there is no Steiner thinking in the Transition ap
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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