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4 years ago
why do they call this 'spiritual'? there's nothing spiritual about it. it is simply the subtle body, the healing channels, the chakras, etc. are all in the physical plane. the spiritual dimension has NO DISEASE. energy healers are NOT spiritual healers.
Forum: Clergy and Therapy Abuse
4 years ago
yes indeed. the psych drugs have been closely associated with violent, suicidal behavior. Ritalin, it's been said, has been assocciated with more than one incident of mass shootings in the schools where young children and more were killed. Nature is a powerful healer. going out in nature, taking herbs, changing diet,altering lifestyle helps much.
Forum: Clergy and Therapy Abuse
5 years ago
hate is the opposite of love. True, real, genuine love is bliss. Therefore, hate is the opposite. It destroys the possibility of coming to taste real love.
Forum: Hate Groups
5 years ago
oh well. everything in life in this material world has risks. it's a major risk to place your life, to open your heart to someone who doesn't know himself and his goal in life. that's all. so important to know yourself. to pray to the Lord in your heart so you may hear His gauidance.
Forum: Clergy and Therapy Abuse
5 years ago
actaully life coaches are the modern-day "psychiatrists" who then became "shrinks" who then became "psychoanalyst" who then became "therapists." it's just a jumble of semantics, style and technique of trying to lead a person's life. problem is, if money is the goal, then helping the person/patient is not. then it becomes messy. one who leads ought
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
6 years ago
To all those lonely people. when feeling lonely, remember the Lord is in your heart at all times. therefore we are never alone. Therefore we should never be lonely
Forum: Destructive Churches
6 years ago
Nowadays, there are just too many theories, studies, beliefs, schools of thought, etc. on what is really healthy and what is not. Some work wonders for others and don't work at all for others. After one 'superfood' is lauded and bandied about as the ultimate panacea, another set of 'studies' will show up saying 'oops, that wasn't healthy after all... THIS is wha
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
6 years ago
Everybody seeks knowledge for the same reason: to find happiness. Because knowledge is the light in the darkness. When there is light, how can there be darkness? Therefore, when one wants happiness, one should look within, for happiness is not found externally. With this in mind, one can be more on guard against all the harmful pseudo forms of knowledge that bring one only deeper into darkness.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
6 years ago
How very sad and ironic that the science of life, Ayurveda, is the platform on which these pseudo-gurus choose to rip off people in the name of service. A guru can't be called a guru if they cheat people. or force them to serve.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
6 years ago
This is a crying shame. How people lead others into the dirt in the name of religion, philosophy, "spirituality" and such. All the more we have to pray for guidance from within, the Lord in our hearts. We must always pray to be protected from such low-lifes who are far from helping, and rather destroying lives.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
6 years ago
I don't understand how this subject came into this forum. Is AH1N1 now a cult? ON a side note: even if this is truly dying or spreading, another one will pop up deadlier and more virulent... such is life in this world of degraded environment and people. A punishment for our sins.
Forum: Hate Groups
6 years ago
Any form of extremism is dangerous to the health of body and mind. Extremism goes beyond logic. It takes a belief to the deep end of fanaticism, which rules out reasoning. There must be a balance always of sentiment and philosophy for every belief. When it's too much philosophy without sentiment, it becomes a purely mental thing, which leads to speculation and a lot of erroneous conclusions
Forum: Hate Groups
6 years ago
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind.
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
6 years ago
The greatest danger of meditation is when it is wrong meditation. Like focused on the world of matter, instead of on the spiritual world, on the Supreme Being. Because in the material, there is no perfection. In the spiritual, everything is perfect.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
6 years ago
I agree with dsm. Hatred is anger festered and expanded. Anger and hate are intimately connected. One can feel anger but not hatred. But one cannot feel hatred without anger. Both are not healthy for anyone at any time. Though we will surely feel it many times in our lives, we must learn to stand aside and not become overcome by hatred and anger. Anger is natural to feel when attacked, when seein
Forum: Hate Groups
6 years ago
It’s the opposite of love. It is an unhealthy emotion, unavoidable but destructive. To nurture hate brings no benefit but only numbs the heart to love. So when fire of hate comes on, pour the water of love on it. Love benefits all. Love makes us happy.. Hate makes us miserable.
Forum: Hate Groups
6 years ago
Hatred is a natural reaction yes. But it doesn't mean it's right. Hatred is never healthy for anyone--that is hatred towards people or other living beings. It is a destructive emotion the eats away the goodness in people. I agree with what dsm says, that it is anger that has festered and expanded. Fester is not good for anyone. What is good is to see it, go above it and cure it. Love is
Forum: Hate Groups
6 years ago
Also, one of the great dangers is the meditation that "I am God." If the meditation is real, as it should be, there shouldn't be any danger at all.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
6 years ago
Anything can be “cult-like in nature” when it goes beyond reason, practicality, sincerity and honesty. In other words, fanatic. Fanatic does not define alternative medicine. Truth to tell, “alternative medicine” is actually the original medicine, not “alternative.” The herbal, natural modalities of healing which had evolved after millennia of use and effectivity used by generations has become
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
6 years ago
The self-help field has grown far and wide because of the increasing awareness of how each person is responsible for his/her own health. And because the toxins in the environment and in food has reached staggering proportions. And because many in the conventional medicine industry have proven as untrustworthy as the big agriculture industries. But, as there is always a bad—or dangerous—side to
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
6 years ago
Cult- noun ( 1. a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies. 2. an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult. 3. the object of such devotion. 4. a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc. 5. Soci
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
6 years ago
Gosh! Even such a worthless book as this would get the rap as a cult is astonishing! Why even waste time on it? In this world, I guess there will never be a scarcity of people wanting to be called guru. Important thing is to follow your heart, be humble and sincere. There is a power greater than our own little minds. If we follow our limited mind, we can easily fall into dangerous traps.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
6 years ago
History has shown the vicious cycle of anything good: it starts, it catches fire, it spreads far and wide from hype and super hype. with super hype is the evolvement of the good thing. different techniques, applications, combinations etc. People catch the hype fever, some overdo it. Some people get harmed by the wrong application or wrong combination or whatever. Then that mistaken use gets a ba
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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