For Abc,
Firstly you are writing to a predominantly Christian audience (at least people who were raised in a Christian society.) Many believe the biblical view that god has condemned arabs to be forever at war, the land of the jews shall never be parted, and you are descendants of Ismael which further cursed you. What you live is pre-ordained, but consider your audience.
Here where I live there is one of the largest middle eastern settlements outside the middle east. Yasser Arafat came here to visit, we had Iraqi voting here, etc. I learned to read and write up to about 2nd grade Lebanese level and was able to speak some casual Arabic. The muslims have call to prayer heard over speakers (that went to court and they CAN do it.) So, yeah, we've got a few muslims here.
There are many different versions of the Koran. The one I was given (translated to English) was a shiite version. It read like a hate manual on western society, as did their sentiments of western people. In the case of the shiite muslims in southern lebanon? There is no good apple. They hate western society, proudly headed up the hamas, and have been at war for generations preceding WW2. Most of them are familiar with bombings, death of close family or friend due to war, etc. These people are traumatized which results in even less tolerance and more hatred towards its perceived enemy - western society.
You and I will never know for certain whether a man (possibly named jesus or mohammed) some years ago ordered anything. Nobody on this planet knows it for fact. Islam has rules and they differ from village to village, country to country. It is not black and white across all denominations. I know this for fact. I have seen various versions of the Koran, and spoken with various leaders of the different sects.
Maybe not [u:21c325170a][b:21c325170a]all[/b:21c325170a][/u:21c325170a] muslims are terrorists, but it sometimes seems like all terrorists are muslim (or at least very argumentative.) :wink: The only other country I know of whose citizens flew airplanes into buildings is Japan during WW2. I detect your middle eastern accent Abc. Especially when you say:
People are not stupid to listen to your stupid words telling them Islam is terrorist....
Re-read that sentence. What you've just said is that we're clever to listen to people who say Islam represents terror. Hmmm.
if you wanna to debate with me I'm ready,and you are welcome....
When tempers flare, the grammar is the first thing to go.
Do not try to fool people and we will see...
See what? We, as a society, have a right to speak our minds as individuals. Try [b:21c325170a]that [/b:21c325170a]in your home country.
People will judge and surely they know the right from the wrong..........
In this predominantly Christian country, people are taught from a young age - judge not lest ye be judged. The proper reply to any god loving fanatic such as yourself is - no god does not condone or require judgment by anyone, except on judgment day if you believe in that.
You are very confrontational and argumentative. If we were to ban middle easterners in our country, it would be a [u:21c325170a][b:21c325170a]lot[/b:21c325170a][/u:21c325170a] safer. Should we do that? No. We don't like the way you bicker, debate, argue, and push yourselves on us as a society, but respect your right to do it.
Go back home and study for your next TOEFL exam, and see if you can't get a better score.