With the recent events in Gaza, world wide protests against Israel have revealed the dangers of a modern (or retro) form of Islam, which in my opinion is a very, very dangerous pan uber cult! Genocidal Chants at Anti-Israel Rallies Worldwide....
Check out the faith freedom thread and the following report from Florida where people were chanting "back to the ovens" "your mother is a whore!" and Arabic chants about destroying the Jews. This information does belong on a forum that speaks about cults. In the Ft Lauderdale report you will see and hear a pro-Palestinian protest that shows people blindly shouting the most horendous things. After they came back from the Imam's call to prayer, the crowd was even more frenzied. This is not your usual political protest. Police had to come in to protect the pro-Israeli people. There is plenty evidence of mind control techniques and the effect of mass hypnosis. Not to use a much dulled and overused cliche, but listen and look at old Hitler newsreels to see some very scary similarities. And before you judge Israel too harshly, stop listening to NPR or CNN or Reuters or AP which employ many Palestinian reporters and have an anti-Israel bias. There are other sources. Unfortunately, no source seems to be free from agendas..... but the following reports can not be found any where else...
Genocidal Chants at Anti-Israel Rallies WorldwideFaith Freedom InternationalIt's time that people who are aware of cult tactics expose the Islamic cult that is brainwashing masses of people world wide -- using every Nazi propaganda play coupled with modern technology and mind control techniques.
Most of the commentary regarding terrorism and Islam focuses on the politics or is from a left wing or right wing perspective. There is very little commentary on the cultish aspects of the most sweeping form of Islam. No one can say that the moderate Islamists are tempering the dangers.
[Moderator Note; No this material denigrating Islam does not belong on this message board and is not relevant. Islam is not a 'cult." Be specific and discuss fringe groups by name such as various ultra-Orthodox Jewish groups, Christian fundamentalist groups, Islamic fundamentalist or Jihadist groups etc.
Attempting to blame Islam as a whole for the acts of extremist fringe or terroist groups is not on topic and is a religious debate. See [forum.culteducation.com] "The purpose of this message board is not to promote a specific religious and/or political viewpoint."]Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/08/2014 06:51PM by rrmoderator.