Therapy Abuse and Practicing Medicine without a License
Posted by: RecoveryFlorence ()
Date: October 08, 2006 11:37PM

Any suggestions on starting the process in dealing with a place that's calling itself a "treatment center" but has no DHEC licensing to be "treating?"

Numerous people have contacted DHEC but the place seems very good at putting itself off as not treating. Members of our community do not know how it is that they are still operating.

Any ideas?

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Therapy Abuse and Practicing Medicine without a License
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: October 15, 2006 10:47AM

Have you contacted your state Attorney General's office, charitable registration, IRS?

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Therapy Abuse and Practicing Medicine without a License
Posted by: RecoveryFlorence ()
Date: October 18, 2006 11:05AM

I can now say Yes. :D

There has been a brew ha ha over there at the website. What was an effort to be a Recovery resource quickly degraded and now it's on a hiatus. The website of "our efforts" still stands but moved as well.

The proprietor of the establishment apparently issued a proclamation that the FBI got the names of everyone who had posted responses to the original "Allegations" article and people - not knowing their rights as it pertains to the internet and privacy and the FBI not caring about potential defamation anyway....well, it got quiet for a while.

This man is a master manipulator and that's his kindest attribute.

But yes to the Attorney General.
Yes to Charitable organization Secreatry Mark Hammond.
IRS has been sent papers.

I will insure we redouble our efforts and do it again if necessary.

Thank you for your tips. VERY much.

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Therapy Abuse and Practicing Medicine without a License
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: October 24, 2006 10:01AM

I'm glad to help.

The AG doesn't take any crap, at least in my state, and I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of one of their investigations. Since anyone can slap up a shingle and call themselves a therapist, it is often the other stuff patients need to utilize to get restitution and\or stop these pseudoprofessionals before someone else gets hurt. In the end, my doctor was charged with practicing medicine without a license and banned from practicing in my state. That was good enough for me.

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