Clairvision is cult
Posted by: trixy ()
Date: November 05, 2023 07:35PM

I'm starting a new thread here because I want to share some things about the clairvision school. Hopefully this will help anyone looking into the clairvision school of meditation it to find information more easily.

Clairvision is a cult.

Do not participate in clairvision meditation courses. The Awakening the third eye course is a financially incentivised scam for instructors to recruit new members and find new clients for their pretend healing sessions.

You can kind of divide clairvision people into two main categories. The people ripping people off and the people being ripped off.

Just to make this clear, someone who is running an Awakening the third eye course is highly likely to have given up their job and home to go and live on a clairvision property. Once you get involved at this level it becomes really hard to leave. Many people are told that they will be trained as a healer and they decide to move to the property and become a resident. Then they get slowly inducted into doing all sorts of free labor to benefit the school. They edit videos, do sound editing, edit text, work on the website, create learning material and do all sorts of labor like painting, maintaining properties and accounting.

There is very very little actual teaching that happens. They don't really have any training. You just live there and work for free. Many people are working illegally on tourist visas. Once you spend a bunch of time there you slowly learn the secret language and you become less and less able to connect with people who don't understand the language.

Once you have a long period of unemployment on your resume it's harder to get a real job. Now you're ready to become a practitioner. To become a practitioner you basically have to show that you're an obedient little helper and that you're committed to helping the school and putting the needs of the school above your own.

If you do regression therapy for a year or so and buy enough knowledge tracks you get cleared to become a practitioner doing their version of healing. Now you're ready to go out into the world and make money. But to make money you have to teach people how to be good regression clients.

You're basically a professional recruiter now. If you really behave yourself and do everything that's asked of you, you may be allowed to go and teach meditation courses in various locations. This is where the Awakening the third eye course comes in. The facilitator now gets the money from the workshop and the ability to market themselves as a healer. This is how they get your money. But, the problem is that the healing doesn't really work. So you're paying all this money to do sessions but nothing is really happening. Now you get told you should spend some time in the energy and they send you off to do a week long regression course.

Now you have a bunch of people who have not been trained in facilitating any kind of healing all giving each other sessions. You both give and receive sessions in the course.

After sessions they put everyone into little groups where people are encouraged to confess. They make it sound like it's good to share but it's probably not that good for you.

The problem with getting a beginner to facilitate regression therapy is that they have no idea what they are doing. It's like an experiment. You have to experiment with how to navigate the session. You get to guess as to how to help this person. What happens if the person hit's some deep trauma? You don't know how to help them. Well this is where the instructors come to help. But the instructors don't know how to help you either. But they have been told they do know, they have been told they are qualified so they try to help. It's a big mess.

Now everyone you work with in the course is like your therapist. They get to know your deepest pain, your triggers, your trauma. But don't worry, because now you know theirs as well!

This creates what psychologists call enmeshment. You become psychologically entangled with all these people. You go into sharing groups and share deeply personal issues. This deepens the feelings of enmeshment. At first it feels good. It sort of feels like you're connected with these people. It feels like you have opened your heart. But this is not healthy. You're not resolving any trauma. You are opening all these boxes or worms without actually healing anything completely. You begin to get confused because you feel more in touch with deeper things inside you, and you begin to feel more emotionally messy. You become unstable. Then they tell you need to work harder, do more sessions, get more healing, meditate more. If you try to raise that you're not feeling ok you get gaslit into thinking you're doing it wrong. So you try harder. Now you're on the hook.

People don't have boundaries there. You completely lose your boundaries over time by continuing to confess in your sharing groups and regression practices. Everyone is in everyone else's business. Gossip is the most fun they get to have.

They try to convince you to come live on the property. Or "be in the energy". You slowly get more involved and your family and friends begin to feel like strangers. You feel like the only people who understand you are the people you are enmeshed with. You begin to cut ties with family and work and you start to feel like maybe you should be in the energy.

This is kind of marketed as next level healing. Like you are more committed to your process. Like your someone who really wants enlightenment.

So you move there. You leave your job, you become someone who is doing full time practices. You're on the path to enlightenment now. Or you might just clean toilets and fix broken stuff.

There's a horrible problem with rats. If you're sleeping in your room expect rats. Rats running over you at night and rummaging around in your bags looking for scraps. They have tried all sorts of ways to get rid of the rats but they can't seem to solve it. People just sort of get used to having rats running around in their rooms at night. Sometimes rats would run across the rafters in the temple during an intensive and Samuel would pretend they were some kind of rare and special marsupial, and it was a special occasion to spot such a rare and exotic creature. No, sorry. That's a pack rat.

So, if you get invited to an Awakening the third eye course, just know, the person trying to get you into the course needs your money. They most likely don't have an income. They need money, they need clients. They think they are a healer. They think they are going to help you.

There's this kind of celebrity-like culture within clairvision for the instructors and mc's. The mc is the person running the workshop or course. Once you get elevated to running courses it's much easier to get clients to do sessions with. Both within the school and outside. They go to different towns or cities and try to run workshops in the hope of getting clients to do sessions with or to get people in their weekly classes. They have classes in Sydney Australia and Berkeley California.

The people that attend classes and week long retreats feed money into the school so it can pay multiple mortgages. There were four main properties when I was there. There are properties where weekly classes happen in Sydney and Berkeley. Then there's properties in rural areas. One is near Mudgee in NSW. One is near Susanville, California.

The people who live on those properties think they are working towards enlightenment. But really they are just providing free slave labor to the school. If you attend classes or courses you are basically funding their ability to live in the countryside and do meditation. But they don't really get to meditate that much because they are busy working on various projects to further the school's agenda and restore the decaying infrastructure.

Most of the people living on the property in California don't have medical insurance. But that's ok, they don't really believe in western medicine anyway. I've seen people get really sick, and they were encouraged to not go to the doctor or seek medical help. They believe it's energetic and part of the healing process. One woman almost died because she was discouraged from seeking medical attention.

When winter comes everyone is sent away from the California property because they don't want to pay the heating bills. So everyone leaves but they struggle to find accommodation for the short term. Many people fly to Australia during this time and go and stay on the property in nsw.

There are people who have done clairvision practices for almost 30 years. No one, not one person who did clairvision meditation ever reached enlightenment.

If you're an Olympic coach, but none of the people you train ever make it to the Olympics to actually compete, are you really an Olympic coach? No, not really. You're a bullshit artist. You're just a scammer.

The people who run the school are totally disconnected from reality. They have spent so much time living on their properties doing their pretend meditation techniques, reading the books and following the courses that they really can't relate to people who don't do clairvision. They call people who are not in the school muggles. In Harry potter non magic people are muggles.

Many of the techniques they teach in the beginning are taken from esoteric traditions and mysticism. The third eye stuff comes from egyption traditions. As you go deeper down the rabbit hole the techniques are just made up by Samuel. They usually involve some series of complex abstract concepts where you think somethings happening but you're not quite sure if it's what's supposed to be happening.

During more advanced courses they do this thing they call mapping. This is where they obsess over these vague and fleeting experiences during meditation. They create all these bizarre terms about different experiences. Each season of courses they discover new and exciting levels of experience that they kind of catalog and name. There's this rabbid fascination with these subtle and vague states. Once everyone thinks they are getting the experience they create this kind of new level where everyone who went to the course are now leveled up to this higher level of attainment. Anyone who missed the course is kind of shamed and seen as though they will bring everyone down now because they didn't reach that level. Now the person who missed the course gets demoted to a lesser training or they get given the opportunity to attend a bridging course where they can catch up spirituality. If you catch up you're allowed back into the club. This cultivates a type of spiritual fomo where everyone is scared to miss out on the next course. It keeps people coming back. But if you're having a baby or need to attend your mother's funeral, too bad. You missed out.

They have these sharing groups. They call it a choir. If you're in a choir you're supposed to meet every week and help each other work towards enlightenment by doing regression and trying to level up.

You might be in a choir for years but if you miss a course and everyone but you gets to level up then you get purged from the choir.

They are really strict about being on time. If you show up late to a class you kind of get shamed for bringing down the energy. It doesn't matter that there was traffic. It's your fault.

There's this strange type of spiritual codependency within the group. For example, they talk a lot about the energy of the group, or the energy of the temple. Everyone needs the energy of the temple to reach higher states of enlightenment. They kind of fetishise and worship the energy of the temple. They believe it will bestow spiritual gifts on them if they behave appropriately. If you are seen as having a negative effect on the energy of the temple you are considered to be stopping everyone else there from getting enlightened. So you have to be careful to not say anything that will bring the energy down. They call this crashing the space. If you crash the space you might cause someone to miss out on getting enlightened. They sort of believe that they are just on the edge of attainment, they just need to concentrate a little harder, a little longer. If you break their concentration or crash the space they freak out, because they believe the temple was just about to bestow some magical gift to them but you ruined it. It's very strange to think about. It's like you become responsible for other people's spiritual connection to God. You can either help them or hinder them. It cultivates a culture of fear and shame and obligation.

There's a culture of very strict adherence to the teachings. But, those teachings change and evolve and grow every time they run a course.

They have a lot of complicated beliefs about the nature of reality. They believe that your mind, thoughts, feelings, emotions and dreams come from your astral body. But they believe that your astral body is made up of astral matter that is kind of the pollution from higher spiritual beings. It's like your mind is made up from astral matter that surrounds the earth. As you incarnate before birth you travel down from spiritual worlds as a more pure being and you accumulate this astral body from the astral layer of the earth. But this layer belongs to Luciferic beings. So your mind is made up of this stuff that doesn't really belong to you. It's the property of the Luciferic beings. Luciferic beings are like these fallen angles that are stuck in this no man's land between heaven and earth. Those beings kind of herd and control people like a farmer herds cattle. They believe we have to meditate to sort of overwrite this bad data that's in the astral energy that makes up your mind and personality.

They believe that we are all broken, that we are fallen because we are stuck with this awful astral energy that composes our mind and personality and the only way to get liberated from this fallen level is to transform this fallen matter with the pure light of the higher self. They call the higher self the ego. But they spell it with a capital E.

The process of converting the fallen matter of the astral body is called transformation in their model. They like to think of it as alchemy. Turning lead into gold. The gold is the light of the higher self.

They believe that this fallen astral energy is sort of raining down on us all the time, inserting ideas and beliefs into our minds. The Luciferic beings are controlling you through the matter of your mind. But wait, there's a fix. If you attend the courses for long enough you will get initiated into the next level and get the next technique that will help you stop all this awful stuff raining down on your head. They call this the point. They think of it like a kind of energetic muscle that you slowly build. It's like an asshole above your head. If you learn how to squeeze the muscles in the asshole above your head the shit stops raining down on you. Now you can live your life while holding the spiritual asshole above your head closed and you're no longer in the shit.

It sounds crazy, I know. But they literally believe this stuff. It's like the most important thing to them.

The asshole above the head is called "the point". If you can cultivate the point and build the right muscle you can meditate in silence without thoughts. This is the whole point of meditation, to build the point.

Because they believe that your mind is made up of this fallen astral matter it kind of gives them the perfect alibi. If you get upset, if you get frustrated with doing endless hours of free labor and you try to express your frustration, they just tell you it's your astral body and that you need to do more practices, more meditation, more healing, more energetic work.

They are really strict about what you should and shouldn't do. If you are seen to be doing something that is outside the list of approved activities you get shamed and bullied. You get accused of bringing the energy down. If you don't submit to the authority of the leader you get labeled as someone who is closed. Like you have a closed heart. If you have a closed heart you can't receive the gifts from the temple. They sort of treat you as a spiritual leper. Like you have a spiritual virus and if they talk to you they will get infected too.

Everyone kind of walks on eggshells because they don't want to say the wrong thing or crash the space. At social events or gatherings there's always this awkward silence because everyone's afraid to express themselves because they might leak the shit of their astral body onto someone else.

A friend was kind of new and she got invited to a wedding and she said it was really bizarre because everyone just sort of sat there in silence.

They think that thoughts are bad. Like it's the wrongness of the mind. No one wants to admit they are thinking. They all walk around with their eyes down so if you walk past them you don't make eye contact. Because of you make eye contact you might say hi. And then they will have to talk to you. They see talking to each other as a kind of waste of time.

They use the term involution vs exvolution. Exvolution is when your mind is looking outside of itself. Involution is when your attention is traveling deeper within itself. Like your mind is falling deeper and deeper into the inside of itself.

Talking to people is considered exvolution. This is bad. They want to be seen as always being involuted. Like it means you are more serious about reaching enlightenment.

They encourage immigration marriage to help people move to the states and live on the property so they can work for free.

It's sort of considered less good to date someone who isn't in the school. If you date someone who is on the path of transformation they can help you transform and you can help them.

Because the community is kind of small and it's better to date someone who does "the work" all sorts of people that would never date each other in the outside world end up in relationships. Relationships don't tend to last long because they are usually not based on mutual attraction but more of a kind of social contract. It's common for the Mora advanced to student to feel like they are bestowing their knowledge onto the person they are dating who is lower down or newer on the spiritual path.

It's very common for the people who live on the property to wait for beginners courses to start. This is like a kind of match making opportunity where you can meet someone you fancy. Beginners often have this kind of star struck projection onto people who have been doing the work longer and it makes it easier to get a girlfriend or boyfriend. Often the instructors of the courses end up dating the students. There are many practitioners who date and eventually marry their clients. It's kind of considered normal or ok. As long as the client starts doing the work. If they're doing the work you are both considered students and it's ok to hookup.

If you can't find a date within the community you go and meet a muggle and slowly try to convert them to "do the work".

It's considered that you're pretty much helping them anyway. If you convert someone into doing the work you get archive points.

The archive is like a big spiritual database. But It's a spiritual place on a higher level of reality where "archive people" live. From there they kind of strategize on how to defeat the evil forces that are taking over the world. The Luciferic beings that are taking over the world that is. If you're good, you get to work for the archive.

The archive is complicated. It's both a place, and a repository of knowledge and a collective of spiritual beings and people. It's like a spiritual library that contains all the spiritual knowledge of humankind. Anything spiritual that happened on the earth is sort of recorded and stored in the archive. If you want to understand something in the world you can access archive knowledge and get an instant download. That's if you have clearance of course. You can only do that if you reach a particular level.

If you work really hard and do everything right you become an archive person. You will reincarnate again with an important archive mission. Like a secret agent from a higher dimension who is an important part of saving the world. Who doesn't want to save the world?

They believe that Samuel, the guy who started it, created the archive in a past life in Atlantis. Well, they believe that because that was Samuel's story. He told everyone he was enlightened because he did all this spiritual practice in a past life in Atlantis. Just before the fall of Atlantis Samuel was recruited by these spiritual masters from a higher plane to help them create the archive. The fall of Atlantis was about to happen and all the spiritual knowledge would be lost. But Samuel was able to upload all the spiritual knowledge to this big cosmic hard drive. He was the super hero of the whole world. He saved mankind from losing all the spiritual knowledge because he was able to back it up to the big hard drive in the sky. This made him both a spiritual legend and a super hero. From then on any spiritual knowledge that humans accessed on earth was from the archive. So without Samuel we would have no Buddha, no Jesus, no Muhammad. All spiritual knowledge was made possible thanks to Samuel.

Samuel was freaky smart. But also super arrogant and abusive. He was very into screwing his students. Lot's of women wanted to date him because he was the most popular guy in the community. But he treated them like crap and the women that got involved with him always came out of it pretty beaten down and broken. There's a long list of women he systematically broke down. It was really sad to watch. He would screw around with anyone who would have him. But he didn't really follow any social norms or protocols. He just did what he wanted and lots of people got hurt.

The culture of dating the students pretty much came from Samuel. So I don't really blame the people who learned from him for doing what they are doing.

There's no accountability within the ranks of clairvision. Everyone sort of treats everything like it should be looked at from a spiritual perspective. And the most spiritual person is whoever's in charge. So the person who's in charge decides what's ok and what's not ok. But this depends largely on if they like you or not.

You could spend years working for the school and "training" to become a practitioner but if you piss off the wrong person you can get blacklisted anytime. I've seen people who worked as practitioners get told they can no longer practice because they did this or that. The person is literally working in that role to pay their bills and they get blacklisted and now they can't make money.

It's a total shit show.

They have these remote learning courses they make called knowledge tracks. Often Samuel would scrape content from a course, turn it into a kt and then sell it back to you. You paid to attend the retreat, and you participated in the practices, meditations and discussion. Then Samuel would make it into a kt and tell you that you have to buy it or you're not eligible to attend the next course.

Also, if you buy a book or a kt you can't share it with anyone. Imagine going into a bookshop and buying a book and the person at the counter tells you that you have to sign an agreement that you won't let anyone else read it. If your wife or husband want to read it they have to buy their own copy.

When you buy a kt you have to sign an agreement like that. It's basically to ensure they maximize profit. If you and your wife or husband have to buy one each, the school makes more money. Samuel talked a lot about open source ideas. But when he made anything he insured he would sell as many copies to the small community as possible.

They intentionally keep the school small so they don't get too exposed. They know they could get sued or have some kind of litigation case because it's so abusive. But people get brainwashed to believe these deep spiritual ideas about reincarnation and karma and how the school is there to save humanity and if you do anything against the school you will have bad karma or get punished in the next life. People really believe they will be punished by some powerful spiritual beings and get banished from spiritual worlds for eternity. They are really scared of cosmic punishment. They believe these things will stay with them forever so people decide to leave because the community is so toxic and abusive but they also hold this fear of "what if they're right, will I be punished?". Often when people leave they carry this internalized oppression and it's hard to shake. Some people leave and feel like they might have been cursed. Some people leave and still feel like they have to continue to follow the rules.

Some people leave and still believe a lot of the spiritual ideas but don't want any involvement with the school. Often people leave and still think they will be friends with people they knew there but most people who are still involved don't want anything to do with those that left.

There have been all sorts of crazy things that happen in the community but it's hard to resolve anything when there's this fear of speaking out.

People who do these practices believe they are developing some kind of psychic vision. Thus the term clairvision. Clarity and vision. Everyones on a spectrum depending on how powerful their vision is. If someone who has good vision tells you're bad, or making a mistake you should definitely listen. As you lose your boundaries and become more and more traumatized from doing endless regression into painful past events without ever resolving anything or finding closure your nervous systems begins to over clock. You get anxious and unsure of yourself. You lose your confidence. You lose your ability to think clearly and make decisions. There's a culture of asking people for help in making basic decisions like where to live or what car to buy. People ask other people to help them buy using their vision to look through the veil of reality to find the truth and figure out what car to buy or what apartment to rent. Everyone's sort of frozen in this debilitating state of fear of doing the wrong thing or making a mistake.

They always feel like there's some spiritual being that knows what they should do and if only they could tune in or use their vision properly this higher being would tell them what to do.

Everyone kind assumes that you want their assistance on a spiritual level all the time so they share their vision with you when they think you're out of line. It's done as some kind of considerate gift but it's really just a form of bullying.

They have a bunch of teachings around how to have sex in a more spiritual way. It's like a secret science that can be used to heal each other. Men are told they shouldn't ejaculate because they will lose jing if they do. Jing is a type of life force energy discussed in Chinese medicine. The men are supposed to not ejaculate to keep their jing and the women are supposed to learn how to have more spiritual orgasims called etheric orgasim. The etheric orgasim is the holy grail of orgasims and if a woman can do it right it infects the man via osmosis and he has a blissful healing full body orgasim without actually cumming. This is supposed to heal you and transform your energy so it can vibrate on a higher frequency.

They talk a lot about healing the etheric layer. The etheric layer is part of the life force energy and is just part of the earth's environment. It's something that's on loan along with the rest of the cells in your body.

There's lot's of talk about etheric energy and life force and healing the etheric and cultivating it to make it more special. But if you live on their property you should forget about healing because it's more like an exercise in psychological and physical endurance. You are asked to work, perform and meditate for every second of your day. You have zero time to attend to your needs, people who live there are usually extremely burnt out and exhausted due to being overworked and overstressed. They don't get enough time to sleep.

A guy was playing guitar one time and he was asked to stop playing guitar because he was bringing down the space with his music.

There's this strange culture of fake it till you make it. Because there's not really any structured class or training to follow, you're expected to dig through reams and reams of old talks that Samuel recorded a long time ago and had people transcribe into text. Once you've read some of that you can pass yourself off as qualified to instruct or teach.

Samuel invited a few people to come and live there and study for seven years to become healers. They were going to be trained in Samuel's secret healing techniques. The day they showed up expecting to be trained Samuel took one of them aside and said you're in charge of training these people. She literally knew nothing about this. She came to learn but was thrust into the role of teacher. She had to pretend to know how to train people to be healers so they wouldn't be disappointed and leave. That's what I mean by fake it till you make it. These are people who quit their jobs, sold their stuff and moved out of their accommodation to learn healing. But it was more of a hoax. They were sort of expected to figure it out on their own and if they couldn't do that then it wasn't meant to be.

There's also a very strong ideology of not having children. It's sort of seen as a waste of a life because you could have gotten enlightened if you didn't waste time parenting children. One woman had a baby and then she was sort of excluded from different social activities, she noticed that people who used to speak to her just ignored her now.

Another guy was going through some depression and when he disclosed that he was struggling to one of the higher up's during a sharing group, then she went and told the other instructors and suddenly people just stopped talking to him. He was really confused why people were ignoring him now. He told me it was really strange because one day he was socially accepted by the community and the next day it was like he was invisible. He told me that he felt like a ghost and that it seemed like people couldn't actually see him. It had gone around the gossip circles that he was "in a bad space" and people just didn't want anything to do with him anymore.

The clique culture is really strong and I've seen people completely devastated by losing their place in the community. I've seen people suicidal because they feel like they have been banished from their community. A woman who was super involved with Samuel for many years and very involved in every aspect of the organization of the school just disappear over night. One day she was living on the property and had been for ten years or so and the next day she was gone. She had moved to a new country and devoted every moment of her life to help build the school and one day he just told her she was done, and she was gone. No one heard from her again. She had no way of making money because she'd been a practitioner and healer and she was told she was forbidden to practice those techniques. She probably disagreed with him on something small and he just exiled her. Discommunicated. Every friend she ever had, lost overnight because Samuel was in a bad mood.

These are just a few stories that come to mind. I will post more as I think of it. Since I left I've explored other techniques and traditions and I think Buddhism is pretty good.
The buddhist community has checks and balances and if a teacher is out of line they get called out and dethroned so to speak. There have been buddhist teachers that were caught screwing their students and they were shut down straight away. Dethroned and removed from any position of authority. They lose their reputation and their students when this happens.

One of the reasons clairvision operates the way it does is to avoid being looked at too closely.

I hope more people speak up about their experiences at the school. There are so many people who left due to the toxic culture. Sometimes I miss having spiritual friends around and other times I wonder how the hell did I get so sucked into all this? I think for me it was largely due to being young when I was introduced to the school. I got enamored by Samuel and all his spiritual knowledge and pretty soon I was living there and working there and lost touch with life in the outside world.

Sometimes I feel bad that I didn't speak up against some of the abuse I saw. I remember seeing people being yelled at, humiliated, belittled and shamed for not complying. And I wonder, why did I just stand there? Then I'm struck with the fact that I was scared of being shamed like that myself. I didn't want to be yelled at, I didn't want to be humiliated. Psychologically, in that moment it's like being a child and the adult in the room is telling you that you're bad.

Ultimately you either succumb to the power over dynamic and regress into a child like state or you become the abuser so you don't feel like you will be abused. The whole culture runs on this. You become an abuser or you become the abused. The abusers tend to last longer there.

I'm interested in connecting with other people who left so pm me if you want to chat.

Or comment here if you have questions or want to know more about anything in particular that I've shared here.

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Re: Clairvision is cult
Posted by: metanoia ()
Date: November 05, 2023 09:08PM

trixy Wrote:

> People who do these practices believe they are
> developing some kind of psychic vision. Thus the
> term clairvision. Clarity and vision. Everyones on
> a spectrum depending on how powerful their vision
> is. If someone who has good vision tells you're
> bad, or making a mistake you should definitely
> listen. As you lose your boundaries and become
> more and more traumatized from doing endless
> regression into painful past events without ever
> resolving anything or finding closure your nervous
> systems begins to over clock. You get anxious and
> unsure of yourself. You lose your confidence. You
> lose your ability to think clearly and make
> decisions. There's a culture of asking people for
> help in making basic decisions like where to live
> or what car to buy. People ask other people to
> help them buy using their vision to look through
> the veil of reality to find the truth and figure
> out what car to buy or what apartment to rent.
> Everyone's sort of frozen in this debilitating
> state of fear of doing the wrong thing or making a
> mistake.
> They always feel like there's some spiritual being
> that knows what they should do and if only they
> could tune in or use their vision properly this
> higher being would tell them what to do.

This is such a helpful and comprehensive post, Trixy, thank you. The section I quoted above really landed for me--after my brief encounter with some folks from the school I really noticed this difficult with decisions showing up for me. I think there was a larger crisis of self-trust that was happening for me at the time, but this certainly didn't help. Curious if you have more to share on this topic.

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Disorganized Attachment - Fear Without a Solution
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: November 07, 2023 04:19AM

Psychologist Alexandra Stein has an approach to the experience intentionally cult leaders intentionally produce.

Here's an earlier post on the topic of 'Fear Without a Solution'.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Disorganized Attachment - Fear Without a Solution
Posted by: trixy ()
Date: November 17, 2023 10:25PM

Hey corboy

Thanks for sharing that. It's really consice and describes the process very well.

corboy Wrote:
> Psychologist Alexandra Stein has an approach to
> the experience intentionally cult leaders
> intentionally produce.
> Here's an earlier post on the topic of 'Fear
> Without a Solution'.
> []

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Clairvision is a cult
Posted by: trixy ()
Date: November 17, 2023 10:28PM

Hey metanoia

I've been thinking about this and I have more to say about it, but I'm taking my time because sometimes writing about it is emotionally exhausting for me. I'll be back soon

metanoia Wrote:
> trixy Wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> > People who do these practices believe they are
> > developing some kind of psychic vision. Thus
> the
> > term clairvision. Clarity and vision. Everyones
> on
> > a spectrum depending on how powerful their
> vision
> > is. If someone who has good vision tells you're
> > bad, or making a mistake you should definitely
> > listen. As you lose your boundaries and become
> > more and more traumatized from doing endless
> > regression into painful past events without
> ever
> > resolving anything or finding closure your
> nervous
> > systems begins to over clock. You get anxious
> and
> > unsure of yourself. You lose your confidence.
> You
> > lose your ability to think clearly and make
> > decisions. There's a culture of asking people
> for
> > help in making basic decisions like where to
> live
> > or what car to buy. People ask other people to
> > help them buy using their vision to look
> through
> > the veil of reality to find the truth and
> figure
> > out what car to buy or what apartment to rent.
> > Everyone's sort of frozen in this debilitating
> > state of fear of doing the wrong thing or making
> a
> > mistake.
> >
> > They always feel like there's some spiritual
> being
> > that knows what they should do and if only they
> > could tune in or use their vision properly this
> > higher being would tell them what to do.
> >
> This is such a helpful and comprehensive post,
> Trixy, thank you. The section I quoted above
> really landed for me--after my brief encounter
> with some folks from the school I really noticed
> this difficult with decisions showing up for me. I
> think there was a larger crisis of self-trust that
> was happening for me at the time, but this
> certainly didn't help. Curious if you have more to
> share on this topic.

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Re: Clairvision is cult
Posted by: oneclickwonder ()
Date: January 08, 2024 06:21AM

This was a lot of information and I feel also a very accurate appraisal of Clairvision, Trixy. It also feels accurate and in line with what I heard and saw when I was there and it was a refreshing read. I'm sure it will help others to see Clairvision for what it is and also be helpful for those who have left to reaffirm their own experiences and make sense of them.

Thank you for sharing.

trixy Wrote:
> I'm starting a new thread here because I want to
> share some things about the clairvision school.
> Hopefully this will help anyone looking into the
> clairvision school of meditation it to find
> information more easily.
> Clairvision is a cult.
> Do not participate in clairvision meditation
> courses. The Awakening the third eye course is a
> financially incentivised scam for instructors to
> recruit new members and find new clients for their
> pretend healing sessions.
> You can kind of divide clairvision people into two
> main categories. The people ripping people off and
> the people being ripped off.
> Just to make this clear, someone who is running an
> Awakening the third eye course is highly likely to
> have given up their job and home to go and live on
> a clairvision property. Once you get involved at
> this level it becomes really hard to leave. Many
> people are told that they will be trained as a
> healer and they decide to move to the property and
> become a resident. Then they get slowly inducted
> into doing all sorts of free labor to benefit the
> school. They edit videos, do sound editing, edit
> text, work on the website, create learning
> material and do all sorts of labor like painting,
> maintaining properties and accounting.
> There is very very little actual teaching that
> happens. They don't really have any training. You
> just live there and work for free. Many people are
> working illegally on tourist visas. Once you spend
> a bunch of time there you slowly learn the secret
> language and you become less and less able to
> connect with people who don't understand the
> language.
> Once you have a long period of unemployment on
> your resume it's harder to get a real job. Now
> you're ready to become a practitioner. To become a
> practitioner you basically have to show that
> you're an obedient little helper and that you're
> committed to helping the school and putting the
> needs of the school above your own.
> If you do regression therapy for a year or so and
> buy enough knowledge tracks you get cleared to
> become a practitioner doing their version of
> healing. Now you're ready to go out into the world
> and make money. But to make money you have to
> teach people how to be good regression clients.
> You're basically a professional recruiter now. If
> you really behave yourself and do everything
> that's asked of you, you may be allowed to go and
> teach meditation courses in various locations.
> This is where the Awakening the third eye course
> comes in. The facilitator now gets the money from
> the workshop and the ability to market themselves
> as a healer. This is how they get your money. But,
> the problem is that the healing doesn't really
> work. So you're paying all this money to do
> sessions but nothing is really happening. Now you
> get told you should spend some time in the energy
> and they send you off to do a week long regression
> course.
> Now you have a bunch of people who have not been
> trained in facilitating any kind of healing all
> giving each other sessions. You both give and
> receive sessions in the course.
> After sessions they put everyone into little
> groups where people are encouraged to confess.
> They make it sound like it's good to share but
> it's probably not that good for you.
> The problem with getting a beginner to facilitate
> regression therapy is that they have no idea what
> they are doing. It's like an experiment. You have
> to experiment with how to navigate the session.
> You get to guess as to how to help this person.
> What happens if the person hit's some deep trauma?
> You don't know how to help them. Well this is
> where the instructors come to help. But the
> instructors don't know how to help you either. But
> they have been told they do know, they have been
> told they are qualified so they try to help. It's
> a big mess.
> Now everyone you work with in the course is like
> your therapist. They get to know your deepest
> pain, your triggers, your trauma. But don't worry,
> because now you know theirs as well!
> This creates what psychologists call enmeshment.
> You become psychologically entangled with all
> these people. You go into sharing groups and share
> deeply personal issues. This deepens the feelings
> of enmeshment. At first it feels good. It sort of
> feels like you're connected with these people. It
> feels like you have opened your heart. But this is
> not healthy. You're not resolving any trauma. You
> are opening all these boxes or worms without
> actually healing anything completely. You begin to
> get confused because you feel more in touch with
> deeper things inside you, and you begin to feel
> more emotionally messy. You become unstable. Then
> they tell you need to work harder, do more
> sessions, get more healing, meditate more. If you
> try to raise that you're not feeling ok you get
> gaslit into thinking you're doing it wrong. So you
> try harder. Now you're on the hook.
> People don't have boundaries there. You completely
> lose your boundaries over time by continuing to
> confess in your sharing groups and regression
> practices. Everyone is in everyone else's
> business. Gossip is the most fun they get to have.
> They try to convince you to come live on the
> property. Or "be in the energy". You slowly get
> more involved and your family and friends begin to
> feel like strangers. You feel like the only people
> who understand you are the people you are enmeshed
> with. You begin to cut ties with family and work
> and you start to feel like maybe you should be in
> the energy.
> This is kind of marketed as next level healing.
> Like you are more committed to your process. Like
> your someone who really wants enlightenment.
> So you move there. You leave your job, you become
> someone who is doing full time practices. You're
> on the path to enlightenment now. Or you might
> just clean toilets and fix broken stuff.
> There's a horrible problem with rats. If you're
> sleeping in your room expect rats. Rats running
> over you at night and rummaging around in your
> bags looking for scraps. They have tried all sorts
> of ways to get rid of the rats but they can't seem
> to solve it. People just sort of get used to
> having rats running around in their rooms at
> night. Sometimes rats would run across the rafters
> in the temple during an intensive and Samuel would
> pretend they were some kind of rare and special
> marsupial, and it was a special occasion to spot
> such a rare and exotic creature. No, sorry. That's
> a pack rat.
> So, if you get invited to an Awakening the third
> eye course, just know, the person trying to get
> you into the course needs your money. They most
> likely don't have an income. They need money, they
> need clients. They think they are a healer. They
> think they are going to help you.
> There's this kind of celebrity-like culture within
> clairvision for the instructors and mc's. The mc
> is the person running the workshop or course. Once
> you get elevated to running courses it's much
> easier to get clients to do sessions with. Both
> within the school and outside. They go to
> different towns or cities and try to run workshops
> in the hope of getting clients to do sessions with
> or to get people in their weekly classes. They
> have classes in Sydney Australia and Berkeley
> California.
> The people that attend classes and week long
> retreats feed money into the school so it can pay
> multiple mortgages. There were four main
> properties when I was there. There are properties
> where weekly classes happen in Sydney and
> Berkeley. Then there's properties in rural areas.
> One is near Mudgee in NSW. One is near Susanville,
> California.
> The people who live on those properties think they
> are working towards enlightenment. But really they
> are just providing free slave labor to the school.
> If you attend classes or courses you are basically
> funding their ability to live in the countryside
> and do meditation. But they don't really get to
> meditate that much because they are busy working
> on various projects to further the school's agenda
> and restore the decaying infrastructure.
> Most of the people living on the property in
> California don't have medical insurance. But
> that's ok, they don't really believe in western
> medicine anyway. I've seen people get really sick,
> and they were encouraged to not go to the doctor
> or seek medical help. They believe it's energetic
> and part of the healing process. One woman almost
> died because she was discouraged from seeking
> medical attention.
> When winter comes everyone is sent away from the
> California property because they don't want to pay
> the heating bills. So everyone leaves but they
> struggle to find accommodation for the short term.
> Many people fly to Australia during this time and
> go and stay on the property in nsw.
> There are people who have done clairvision
> practices for almost 30 years. No one, not one
> person who did clairvision meditation ever reached
> enlightenment.
> If you're an Olympic coach, but none of the people
> you train ever make it to the Olympics to actually
> compete, are you really an Olympic coach? No, not
> really. You're a bullshit artist. You're just a
> scammer.
> The people who run the school are totally
> disconnected from reality. They have spent so much
> time living on their properties doing their
> pretend meditation techniques, reading the books
> and following the courses that they really can't
> relate to people who don't do clairvision. They
> call people who are not in the school muggles. In
> Harry potter non magic people are muggles.
> Many of the techniques they teach in the beginning
> are taken from esoteric traditions and mysticism.
> The third eye stuff comes from egyption
> traditions. As you go deeper down the rabbit hole
> the techniques are just made up by Samuel. They
> usually involve some series of complex abstract
> concepts where you think somethings happening but
> you're not quite sure if it's what's supposed to
> be happening.
> During more advanced courses they do this thing
> they call mapping. This is where they obsess over
> these vague and fleeting experiences during
> meditation. They create all these bizarre terms
> about different experiences. Each season of
> courses they discover new and exciting levels of
> experience that they kind of catalog and name.
> There's this rabbid fascination with these subtle
> and vague states. Once everyone thinks they are
> getting the experience they create this kind of
> new level where everyone who went to the course
> are now leveled up to this higher level of
> attainment. Anyone who missed the course is kind
> of shamed and seen as though they will bring
> everyone down now because they didn't reach that
> level. Now the person who missed the course gets
> demoted to a lesser training or they get given the
> opportunity to attend a bridging course where they
> can catch up spirituality. If you catch up you're
> allowed back into the club. This cultivates a type
> of spiritual fomo where everyone is scared to miss
> out on the next course. It keeps people coming
> back. But if you're having a baby or need to
> attend your mother's funeral, too bad. You missed
> out.
> They have these sharing groups. They call it a
> choir. If you're in a choir you're supposed to
> meet every week and help each other work towards
> enlightenment by doing regression and trying to
> level up.
> You might be in a choir for years but if you miss
> a course and everyone but you gets to level up
> then you get purged from the choir.
> They are really strict about being on time. If you
> show up late to a class you kind of get shamed for
> bringing down the energy. It doesn't matter that
> there was traffic. It's your fault.
> There's this strange type of spiritual
> codependency within the group. For example, they
> talk a lot about the energy of the group, or the
> energy of the temple. Everyone needs the energy of
> the temple to reach higher states of
> enlightenment. They kind of fetishise and worship
> the energy of the temple. They believe it will
> bestow spiritual gifts on them if they behave
> appropriately. If you are seen as having a
> negative effect on the energy of the temple you
> are considered to be stopping everyone else there
> from getting enlightened. So you have to be
> careful to not say anything that will bring the
> energy down. They call this crashing the space. If
> you crash the space you might cause someone to
> miss out on getting enlightened. They sort of
> believe that they are just on the edge of
> attainment, they just need to concentrate a little
> harder, a little longer. If you break their
> concentration or crash the space they freak out,
> because they believe the temple was just about to
> bestow some magical gift to them but you ruined
> it. It's very strange to think about. It's like
> you become responsible for other people's
> spiritual connection to God. You can either help
> them or hinder them. It cultivates a culture of
> fear and shame and obligation.
> There's a culture of very strict adherence to the
> teachings. But, those teachings change and evolve
> and grow every time they run a course.
> They have a lot of complicated beliefs about the
> nature of reality. They believe that your mind,
> thoughts, feelings, emotions and dreams come from
> your astral body. But they believe that your
> astral body is made up of astral matter that is
> kind of the pollution from higher spiritual
> beings. It's like your mind is made up from astral
> matter that surrounds the earth. As you incarnate
> before birth you travel down from spiritual worlds
> as a more pure being and you accumulate this
> astral body from the astral layer of the earth.
> But this layer belongs to Luciferic beings. So
> your mind is made up of this stuff that doesn't
> really belong to you. It's the property of the
> Luciferic beings. Luciferic beings are like these
> fallen angles that are stuck in this no man's land
> between heaven and earth. Those beings kind of
> herd and control people like a farmer herds
> cattle. They believe we have to meditate to sort
> of overwrite this bad data that's in the astral
> energy that makes up your mind and personality.
> They believe that we are all broken, that we are
> fallen because we are stuck with this awful astral
> energy that composes our mind and personality and
> the only way to get liberated from this fallen
> level is to transform this fallen matter with the
> pure light of the higher self. They call the
> higher self the ego. But they spell it with a
> capital E.
> The process of converting the fallen matter of the
> astral body is called transformation in their
> model. They like to think of it as alchemy.
> Turning lead into gold. The gold is the light of
> the higher self.
> They believe that this fallen astral energy is
> sort of raining down on us all the time, inserting
> ideas and beliefs into our minds. The Luciferic
> beings are controlling you through the matter of
> your mind. But wait, there's a fix. If you attend
> the courses for long enough you will get initiated
> into the next level and get the next technique
> that will help you stop all this awful stuff
> raining down on your head. They call this the
> point. They think of it like a kind of energetic
> muscle that you slowly build. It's like an asshole
> above your head. If you learn how to squeeze the
> muscles in the asshole above your head the shit
> stops raining down on you. Now you can live your
> life while holding the spiritual asshole above
> your head closed and you're no longer in the shit.
> It sounds crazy, I know. But they literally
> believe this stuff. It's like the most important
> thing to them.
> The asshole above the head is called "the point".
> If you can cultivate the point and build the right
> muscle you can meditate in silence without
> thoughts. This is the whole point of meditation,
> to build the point.
> Because they believe that your mind is made up of
> this fallen astral matter it kind of gives them
> the perfect alibi. If you get upset, if you get
> frustrated with doing endless hours of free labor
> and you try to express your frustration, they just
> tell you it's your astral body and that you need
> to do more practices, more meditation, more
> healing, more energetic work.
> They are really strict about what you should and
> shouldn't do. If you are seen to be doing
> something that is outside the list of approved
> activities you get shamed and bullied. You get
> accused of bringing the energy down. If you don't
> submit to the authority of the leader you get
> labeled as someone who is closed. Like you have a
> closed heart. If you have a closed heart you can't
> receive the gifts from the temple. They sort of
> treat you as a spiritual leper. Like you have a
> spiritual virus and if they talk to you they will
> get infected too.
> Everyone kind of walks on eggshells because they
> don't want to say the wrong thing or crash the
> space. At social events or gatherings there's
> always this awkward silence because everyone's
> afraid to express themselves because they might
> leak the shit of their astral body onto someone
> else.
> A friend was kind of new and she got invited to a
> wedding and she said it was really bizarre because
> everyone just sort of sat there in silence.
> They think that thoughts are bad. Like it's the
> wrongness of the mind. No one wants to admit they
> are thinking. They all walk around with their eyes
> down so if you walk past them you don't make eye
> contact. Because of you make eye contact you might
> say hi. And then they will have to talk to you.
> They see talking to each other as a kind of waste
> of time.
> They use the term involution vs exvolution.
> Exvolution is when your mind is looking outside of
> itself. Involution is when your attention is
> traveling deeper within itself. Like your mind is
> falling deeper and deeper into the inside of
> itself.
> Talking to people is considered exvolution. This
> is bad. They want to be seen as always being
> involuted. Like it means you are more serious
> about reaching enlightenment.
> They encourage immigration marriage to help people
> move to the states and live on the property so
> they can work for free.
> It's sort of considered less good to date someone
> who isn't in the school. If you date someone who
> is on the path of transformation they can help you
> transform and you can help them.
> Because the community is kind of small and it's
> better to date someone who does "the work" all
> sorts of people that would never date each other
> in the outside world end up in relationships.
> Relationships don't tend to last long because they
> are usually not based on mutual attraction but
> more of a kind of social contract. It's common for
> the Mora advanced to student to feel like they are
> bestowing their knowledge onto the person they are
> dating who is lower down or newer on the spiritual
> path.
> It's very common for the people who live on the
> property to wait for beginners courses to start.
> This is like a kind of match making opportunity
> where you can meet someone you fancy. Beginners
> often have this kind of star struck projection
> onto people who have been doing the work longer
> and it makes it easier to get a girlfriend or
> boyfriend. Often the instructors of the courses
> end up dating the students. There are many
> practitioners who date and eventually marry their
> clients. It's kind of considered normal or ok. As
> long as the client starts doing the work. If
> they're doing the work you are both considered
> students and it's ok to hookup.
> If you can't find a date within the community you
> go and meet a muggle and slowly try to convert
> them to "do the work".
> It's considered that you're pretty much helping
> them anyway. If you convert someone into doing the
> work you get archive points.
> The archive is like a big spiritual database. But
> It's a spiritual place on a higher level of
> reality where "archive people" live. From there
> they kind of strategize on how to defeat the evil
> forces that are taking over the world. The
> Luciferic beings that are taking over the world
> that is. If you're good, you get to work for the
> archive.
> The archive is complicated. It's both a place, and
> a repository of knowledge and a collective of
> spiritual beings and people. It's like a spiritual
> library that contains all the spiritual knowledge
> of humankind. Anything spiritual that happened on
> the earth is sort of recorded and stored in the
> archive. If you want to understand something in
> the world you can access archive knowledge and get
> an instant download. That's if you have clearance
> of course. You can only do that if you reach a
> particular level.
> If you work really hard and do everything right
> you become an archive person. You will reincarnate
> again with an important archive mission. Like a
> secret agent from a higher dimension who is an
> important part of saving the world. Who doesn't
> want to save the world?
> They believe that Samuel, the guy who started it,
> created the archive in a past life in Atlantis.
> Well, they believe that because that was Samuel's
> story. He told everyone he was enlightened because
> he did all this spiritual practice in a past life
> in Atlantis. Just before the fall of Atlantis
> Samuel was recruited by these spiritual masters
> from a higher plane to help them create the
> archive. The fall of Atlantis was about to happen
> and all the spiritual knowledge would be lost. But
> Samuel was able to upload all the spiritual
> knowledge to this big cosmic hard drive. He was
> the super hero of the whole world. He saved
> mankind from losing all the spiritual knowledge
> because he was able to back it up to the big hard
> drive in the sky. This made him both a spiritual
> legend and a super hero. From then on any
> spiritual knowledge that humans accessed on earth
> was from the archive. So without Samuel we would
> have no Buddha, no Jesus, no Muhammad. All
> spiritual knowledge was made possible thanks to
> Samuel.
> Samuel was freaky smart. But also super arrogant
> and abusive. He was very into screwing his
> students. Lot's of women wanted to date him
> because he was the most popular guy in the
> community. But he treated them like crap and the
> women that got involved with him always came out
> of it pretty beaten down and broken. There's a
> long list of women he systematically broke down.
> It was really sad to watch. He would screw around
> with anyone who would have him. But he didn't
> really follow any social norms or protocols. He
> just did what he wanted and lots of people got
> hurt.
> The culture of dating the students pretty much
> came from Samuel. So I don't really blame the
> people who learned from him for doing what they
> are doing.
> There's no accountability within the ranks of
> clairvision. Everyone sort of treats everything
> like it should be looked at from a spiritual
> perspective. And the most spiritual person is
> whoever's in charge. So the person who's in charge
> decides what's ok and what's not ok. But this
> depends largely on if they like you or not.
> You could spend years working for the school and
> "training" to become a practitioner but if you
> piss off the wrong person you can get blacklisted
> anytime. I've seen people who worked as
> practitioners get told they can no longer practice
> because they did this or that. The person is
> literally working in that role to pay their bills
> and they get blacklisted and now they can't make
> money.
> It's a total shit show.
> They have these remote learning courses they make
> called knowledge tracks. Often Samuel would scrape
> content from a course, turn it into a kt and then
> sell it back to you. You paid to attend the
> retreat, and you participated in the practices,
> meditations and discussion. Then Samuel would make
> it into a kt and tell you that you have to buy it
> or you're not eligible to attend the next course.
> Also, if you buy a book or a kt you can't share it
> with anyone. Imagine going into a bookshop and
> buying a book and the person at the counter tells
> you that you have to sign an agreement that you
> won't let anyone else read it. If your wife or
> husband want to read it they have to buy their own
> copy.
> When you buy a kt you have to sign an agreement
> like that. It's basically to ensure they maximize
> profit. If you and your wife or husband have to
> buy one each, the school makes more money. Samuel
> talked a lot about open source ideas. But when he
> made anything he insured he would sell as many
> copies to the small community as possible.
> They intentionally keep the school small so they
> don't get too exposed. They know they could get
> sued or have some kind of litigation case because
> it's so abusive. But people get brainwashed to
> believe these deep spiritual ideas about
> reincarnation and karma and how the school is
> there to save humanity and if you do anything
> against the school you will have bad karma or get
> punished in the next life. People really believe
> they will be punished by some powerful spiritual
> beings and get banished from spiritual worlds for
> eternity. They are really scared of cosmic
> punishment. They believe these things will stay
> with them forever so people decide to leave
> because the community is so toxic and abusive but
> they also hold this fear of "what if they're
> right, will I be punished?". Often when people
> leave they carry this internalized oppression and
> it's hard to shake. Some people leave and feel
> like they might have been cursed. Some people
> leave and still feel like they have to continue to
> follow the rules.
> Some people leave and still believe a lot of the
> spiritual ideas but don't want any involvement
> with the school. Often people leave and still
> think they will be friends with people they knew
> there but most people who are still involved don't
> want anything to do with those that left.
> There have been all sorts of crazy things that
> happen in the community but it's hard to resolve
> anything when there's this fear of speaking out.
> People who do these practices believe they are
> developing some kind of psychic vision. Thus the
> term clairvision. Clarity and vision. Everyones on
> a spectrum depending on how powerful their vision
> is. If someone who has good vision tells you're
> bad, or making a mistake you should definitely
> listen. As you lose your boundaries and become
> more and more traumatized from doing endless
> regression into painful past events without ever
> resolving anything or finding closure your nervous
> systems begins to over clock. You get anxious and
> unsure of yourself. You lose your confidence. You
> lose your ability to think clearly and make
> decisions. There's a culture of asking people for
> help in making basic decisions like where to live
> or what car to buy. People ask other people to
> help them buy using their vision to look through
> the veil of reality to find the truth and figure
> out what car to buy or what apartment to rent.
> Everyone's sort of frozen in this debilitating
> state of fear of doing the wrong thing or making a
> mistake.
> They always feel like there's some spiritual being
> that knows what they should do and if only they
> could tune in or use their vision properly this
> higher being would tell them what to do.
> Everyone kind assumes that you want their
> assistance on a spiritual level all the time so
> they share their vision with you when they think
> you're out of line. It's done as some kind of
> considerate gift but it's really just a form of
> bullying.
> They have a bunch of teachings around how to have
> sex in a more spiritual way. It's like a secret
> science that can be used to heal each other. Men
> are told they shouldn't ejaculate because they
> will lose jing if they do. Jing is a type of life
> force energy discussed in Chinese medicine. The
> men are supposed to not ejaculate to keep their
> jing and the women are supposed to learn how to
> have more spiritual orgasims called etheric
> orgasim. The etheric orgasim is the holy grail of
> orgasims and if a woman can do it right it infects
> the man via osmosis and he has a blissful healing
> full body orgasim without actually cumming. This
> is supposed to heal you and transform your energy
> so it can vibrate on a higher frequency.
> They talk a lot about healing the etheric layer.
> The etheric layer is part of the life force energy
> and is just part of the earth's environment. It's
> something that's on loan along with the rest of
> the cells in your body.
> There's lot's of talk about etheric energy and
> life force and healing the etheric and cultivating
> it to make it more special. But if you live on
> their property you should forget about healing
> because it's more like an exercise in
> psychological and physical endurance. You are
> asked to work, perform and meditate for every
> second of your day. You have zero time to attend
> to your needs, people who live there are usually
> extremely burnt out and exhausted due to being
> overworked and overstressed. They don't get enough
> time to sleep.
> A guy was playing guitar one time and he was asked
> to stop playing guitar because he was bringing
> down the space with his music.
> There's this strange culture of fake it till you
> make it. Because there's not really any structured
> class or training to follow, you're expected to
> dig through reams and reams of old talks that
> Samuel recorded a long time ago and had people
> transcribe into text. Once you've read some of
> that you can pass yourself off as qualified to
> instruct or teach.
> Samuel invited a few people to come and live there
> and study for seven years to become healers. They
> were going to be trained in Samuel's secret
> healing techniques. The day they showed up
> expecting to be trained Samuel took one of them
> aside and said you're in charge of training these
> people. She literally knew nothing about this. She
> came to learn but was thrust into the role of
> teacher. She had to pretend to know how to train
> people to be healers so they wouldn't be
> disappointed and leave. That's what I mean by fake
> it till you make it. These are people who quit
> their jobs, sold their stuff and moved out of
> their accommodation to learn healing. But it was
> more of a hoax. They were sort of expected to
> figure it out on their own and if they couldn't do
> that then it wasn't meant to be.
> There's also a very strong ideology of not having
> children. It's sort of seen as a waste of a life
> because you could have gotten enlightened if you
> didn't waste time parenting children. One woman
> had a baby and then she was sort of excluded from
> different social activities, she noticed that
> people who used to speak to her just ignored her
> now.
> Another guy was going through some depression and
> when he disclosed that he was struggling to one of
> the higher up's during a sharing group, then she
> went and told the other instructors and suddenly
> people just stopped talking to him. He was really
> confused why people were ignoring him now. He told
> me it was really strange because one day he was
> socially accepted by the community and the next
> day it was like he was invisible. He told me that
> he felt like a ghost and that it seemed like
> people couldn't actually see him. It had gone
> around the gossip circles that he was "in a bad
> space" and people just didn't want anything to do
> with him anymore.
> The clique culture is really strong and I've seen
> people completely devastated by losing their place
> in the community. I've seen people suicidal
> because they feel like they have been banished
> from their community. A woman who was super
> involved with Samuel for many years and very
> involved in every aspect of the organization of
> the school just disappear over night. One day she
> was living on the property and had been for ten
> years or so and the next day she was gone. She had
> moved to a new country and devoted every moment of
> her life to help build the school and one day he
> just told her she was done, and she was gone. No
> one heard from her again. She had no way of making
> money because she'd been a practitioner and healer
> and she was told she was forbidden to practice
> those techniques. She probably disagreed with him
> on something small and he just exiled her.
> Discommunicated. Every friend she ever had, lost
> overnight because Samuel was in a bad mood.
> These are just a few stories that come to mind. I
> will post more as I think of it. Since I left I've
> explored other techniques and traditions and I
> think Buddhism is pretty good.
> The buddhist community has checks and balances and
> if a teacher is out of line they get called out
> and dethroned so to speak. There have been
> buddhist teachers that were caught screwing their
> students and they were shut down straight away.
> Dethroned and removed from any position of
> authority. They lose their reputation and their
> students when this happens.
> One of the reasons clairvision operates the way it
> does is to avoid being looked at too closely.
> I hope more people speak up about their
> experiences at the school. There are so many
> people who left due to the toxic culture.
> Sometimes I miss having spiritual friends around
> and other times I wonder how the hell did I get so
> sucked into all this? I think for me it was
> largely due to being young when I was introduced
> to the school. I got enamored by Samuel and all
> his spiritual knowledge and pretty soon I was
> living there and working there and lost touch with
> life in the outside world.
> Sometimes I feel bad that I didn't speak up
> against some of the abuse I saw. I remember seeing
> people being yelled at, humiliated, belittled and
> shamed for not complying. And I wonder, why did I
> just stand there? Then I'm struck with the fact
> that I was scared of being shamed like that
> myself. I didn't want to be yelled at, I didn't
> want to be humiliated. Psychologically, in that
> moment it's like being a child and the adult in
> the room is telling you that you're bad.
> Ultimately you either succumb to the power over
> dynamic and regress into a child like state or you
> become the abuser so you don't feel like you will
> be abused. The whole culture runs on this. You
> become an abuser or you become the abused. The
> abusers tend to last longer there.
> I'm interested in connecting with other people who
> left so pm me if you want to chat.
> Or comment here if you have questions or want to
> know more about anything in particular that I've
> shared here.

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