Pastor Hagee Scandal
Posted by: bernmutt ()
Date: August 02, 2005 11:32PM

Please read about Pastor Hagee's money scandal here:


You have until 9-1-05 to sign the online petition. What do you think of it?

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Pastor Hagee Scandal
Posted by: bernmutt ()
Date: August 03, 2005 08:59AM

I think for Hagee, it's much easier to rob Christian donors than it is to rob a bank. Almost $1 million a year for working 16 hours per week? How nice that he can name his own salary (Board of Directors is mostly family (3 of 4), and they determine his pay).

Please read about Pastor Hagee's money scandal here:


You have until 9-1-05 to sign the online petition. What do you think of it?

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Pastor Hagee Scandal
Posted by: samp ()
Date: October 05, 2005 11:46PM

I think the petition has a lot of good information. Someone has done their homework. I find it odd that Hagee lists that he only works part time on his tax returns, considering that one of his favorite statements from the pulpit is "6 days you shall work."

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Pastor Hagee Scandal
Posted by: i_was_one ()
Date: October 10, 2005 09:05AM

I am not surprised if John Hagee is making a good deal of money from his satellite ministry. I guess I am surprised, however, that apparently his salary from the satellite ministry is so much higher than his peers, ie. Jack Van Impe, Charles Stanley, etc.

The reason these ministries are so profitable is because with global or at least nationwide satellite outreach, the number of donors is very large. With that much money coming in, it is not surprising that some of the ministers succumb to greed, and take a big rake-in off the top. In a way, I am surprised that the salaries above, if accurate, are not higher.

I think some of the satellite ministry television programs are very helpful to a lot of people. I also think that most of the satellite ministry pastors are genuine and sincere in trying to help people with the television ministry. However, I think that some of the satellite ministers have gone global and expanded their outreach mostly for money, power, and prestige. Hopefully the latter are only a small minority.



PS: If the salary listed for John Hagee is accurate, he is indeed taking in a huge amount, the Lord God knows whether or not greed has something to do with it. Even though John Hagee is apparently taking in much more than most of his peers, he may be very sincere in his ministry, and helping very many people. Only God and John Hagee and his closest associates, perhaps, know for sure.

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Pastor Hagee Scandal
Posted by: bernmutt ()
Date: October 11, 2005 12:10AM

I am not surprised if John Hagee is making a good deal of money from his satellite ministry. I guess I am surprised, however, that apparently his salary from the satellite ministry is so much higher than his peers, ie. Jack Van Impe, Charles Stanley, etc..

The biggest problem is his Board of Directors (3 of 4 is family). If he had a real Board, such as one by ECFA guidelines, he would never have gotten into this mess. But he knows that, and likes it this way.


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Pastor Hagee Scandal
Posted by: bernmutt ()
Date: October 12, 2005 01:27AM

I think the petition has a lot of good information. Someone has done their homework. I find it odd that Hagee lists that he only works part time on his tax returns, considering that one of his favorite statements from the pulpit is "6 days you shall work."

His work at Global Evangelism Television is part-time, but he has a full-time job as Senior Pastor at Cornerstone Church in san Antonio. He makes almost 1 million $$$ from the part-time ministry because it's easier for him to manipulate the finances. He and his family control the board of directors, unlike the situation with his church, although he's greatly overpaid at church as well. I think when the donors find out what he's up to, his revenue stream (donations) will dry up... one can only hope...

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Pastor Hagee Scandal
Posted by: i_was_one ()
Date: October 12, 2005 08:00AM

Thanks for the information. I must admit that until recently I did not know who Pastor Hagee was until I started to watch my share of Christian Satellite television. I figured he was well to do, because he obviously has a following and seems to deliver his message very well.

Even though he may be sincere in his ministry, I agree he is taking too much out, he could work for a lot less and still be wealthy. It always looks bad when ministers make huge amounts of money, 'cause they are asking the flock to give, some of them probably even tithe, and most working folks do not have a lot left over to give, even though they need religion and the Lord just like the more well to do, or wealthy person does.

I noticed that Pastor Hagee had his son preach on his show one time, and I could see that even though he was not nearly as polished as his dad, I reckoned that the plan was to have this son take over the preaching when Pastor Hagee retires. Reading about how closely held and family run this ministry is, I am now almost certain that this son will eventually take over the preaching ministry. Unfortunately, if a scandal ruins his ministry, his son may have to strike out on his own to be successful as a minister. My guess is that path would be much more difficult than it would be to take over for dad.



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Pastor Hagee Scandal
Posted by: KevinBishop ()
Date: October 10, 2006 08:30AM

Pastor Hagee will have to account for all the misdeeds he is doing with his parishoners money. He can be reported to the IRS, just like the Baptist Foundation was found to be in fraudulent schemes. They got prison sentences for 10 years. It was all in the name of Jesus. Hagee's secret sins will be found out.

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Pastor Hagee Scandal
Posted by: dwest ()
Date: October 23, 2006 04:11AM

Very interesting man, he is considered by many to be a believer in the 'Dual Covenant' theory, which ticks a lot of fundamentalist Christians off.

I found this article over at Personal Freedom Outreach to be well researched and footnoted although dated (1990).

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