I read somewhere on the net about "the onesidedness of oneness" and now I can't find the reference
The One-Sidedness of Oneness is one chapter in a book called The Guru Papers: Masks of Authoritarian Power by Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad (North Atlantic Books, 1993).
Thanks Besee for your post. I googled 'the onesidedness of oneness' and found an excerpt from that book which I found very excellent indeed. I'll just have to order the whole book and read it. Here's a link to the excerpt called Assault on Reason. It's just two pages PDF-file.
The Assault on Reason from the Guru PapersThere might be more interesting and useful stuff on their internet page (www.joelkramer-dianaalstad.com), but since I just found that site I cannot really tell yet.
Gurus, authorities, narcissists, abusers, dominators etc they all seem to have common themes, beliefs, practices and excuses for themselves, as they go on victimizing other people. I think it's very important that we could address and challenge those underlying patters that they all have in common. In that way we might some day be able to get rid of all the abuse and domination.
What makes intelligent, post-modern feminists and otherwise radical thinkers submit themselves to spiritual gurus for instance? I mean, one should know better. I myself definitely should have been able to do that (regarding new age), but for some reason I was way too confused to be really able to do that normal thing. Authoritarian ways can be very covert and hidden, and as long as we don't fully recognize them we can lose our way, and ourselves, and become their victims.
In my opinion it is indeed authoritarian power in itself and in all its manifestations that should be made visible (through research and scrutiny). I really don' t see any other way to free oneself from cults, cultlike behavior or environments, and the often covertly abusive persons who maintain their domination over others through them.