The best who ever lived. He, unlike Madoff, never went to jail.Quote
Found that one in my collection of Cult pics, is this the movie you are talking about? I have to go back through some facebook posts to find out more....
Yes, that's it! Thanks!
It was hyped up big time in the N$A Cult Org. the first time they showed it in the U.S. at a big L.A. screening. Like "TaitenAndProud" also said, I believe there was a second showing at some point in the 80's. I didn't go, though, because I was becoming increasingly fed up with the cult org. around that time.
So I was relieved when I finally stopped attending activities - I'd never liked them, I'd never wanted to go - it always felt like a chore - and I never got anything out of them. Certainly not enough to make up for the pain in my ass of going and spending my time there!
Ditto x10.Quote
Then, once you say "The hell with this!", you experience a real sense of freedom. Sure, you probably feel more than a little silly for wasting so much time on that, but hopefully you learned something from the experience. If only NOT to be suckered into something whose activities you don't actively enjoy!!
Ditto x20.
To this day, I have absolutely no problem whatsoever saying "No" to things that I don't want to be bothered with. I know all too well the miserable consequences of going along with something just for the sake of going along with it. My tolerance for this kind of stuff was all used up by the cult org. and I have no more, unfortunately.
..... I remember having the same reaction as you after I read the account of Toda's enlightenment in the book. After reading it avidly to find out what the answer was I was really disappointed by the answer being 'life'. At the time I thought there must be something I was missing and that I hadn't studied it deep enough.
I'm completely with you on this. As with everything "Ikeda" (his photography, his so-called poems) he thinks he's being deep, but in reality, he's pedestrian and shallow.
That said, it's apparently "deep" enough for some. More power to them, it was certainly never that way with me. (Fwiw, I noticed an inverse proportion relationship within the gakkai cult org., the more some member or leader was genuinely "into" The Dear Leader's words, the less, IMO, intelligent I thought they were. At least that was my anecdotal experience growing up in the gakkai cult org.. and I believe it holds true for both the U.S. and Japan.)
I will grant him (Ikeda) one thing, though, he *is* good at what he does - being a professional con-man.
- Hitch
I think it is monstrous that an adult is free to inflict upon a helpless child what would be an arrest-worthy offense, assault at the very least, if he were to try it on a fellow adult.Quote
The issue is forbidden because most of us were spanked in childhood and we don't want to be reminded of that. We learned as children that spanking is harmless. We had to learn this lie in order to survive. Now, as adults, we don't want to know the truth, that in fact spanking is harmful. It is interesting that when you say 'don't spank your child' people become aggressive with you. They become even more aggressive if you say 'you were spanked yourself and suffered as a child, you were forced to deny your pain in order to survive'. They would rather kill you than admit the truth and feel the pain of having been humiliated and unloved when they were spanked by someone five times bigger than themselves. These aggressive reactions are understandable. Imagine how you would feel if you went out on the street and suddenly somebody five times bigger than you beat you in a rage and you didn't even understand why. A child cannot bear this truth, it must repress it. But an adult can face up to it. As adults we are not so alone, we can look for witnesses and we have a consciousness we didn't have when we were children." []
OMG - I never saw this - the Ikeda Adonis!! Look at MEEEE!!
Who here went on tozan? Did you see this at Taiseki-ji? WTF???
Sorry about that Taiten and Proud, I meant to have that message right after my other one further up the page, but this board has been so active. I was refering to study material that I don't have anymore because I was more than happy to throw it out.Quote
Rattyboy, you posted this a few days ago:
Toward the end of my captivity in 2008 or early 2009 I read this summation from the Ikeda lecture series. (study material..or maybe I was out of rhythm again).
Did you mean to include a link? Cause I'm all kinda WTF over here :/
OMG - I never saw this - the Ikeda Adonis!! Look at MEEEE!!
Who here went on tozan? Did you see this at Taiseki-ji? WTF???
I went on Tozan, and I did NOT see this. The Nichiren Shoshu priests would not allow Ikeda to put this up at Taiseki-ji. No wonder Ikeda hated them and wanted SGI to break with Nichiren Shoshu as soon as SGI had the numbers and money to do so.
I know very little about the Nichiren Shoshu priests. Where I live, we saw a priest once a year, if that. Still, during that whole priesthood/SGI split in the 1990's, I felt that the priests were being unfairly villified. Even then, I was thinking that SGI really was engineering the split because the high priest, Nikken, was pretty much the only one who say no to Ikeda.
It's just hard to imagine that ANYONE would think it's appropriate to put something like that at a temple. Ikeda is most likely a textbook case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. For those of us who don't have it -- it's difficult to imagine the thinking of those who have it.