Great point.Quote
But there is a new sense of happiness brewing---the peace of knowing that I have listened to the voice inside and am living true to myself.
Consider this: We all have had the "value creation power" within us. Ours to focus and use however we choose. Getting sidetracked by the Gakkai is like the person who doesn't trust the accelerator pedal and brake pedal in their car and depending upon their mechanic to tell them on each and every occasion to use one or the other.
Didn't Nichiren say that the Boddhisattva's of the earth had obtained enlightenment in the distant past? Wasn't Jogyo Bhoddisattva himself enlightened from the past and it was only revealed at that critical point in time when the treasure tower appeared? Where in all of that was Ikea and the great money absorbtion machine in those allegorical treatices?
Each person has the seeds of enlightenment, the organization doesn't control, manage or direct how those seeds sprout. It's all just stage scenery. Once you see that for what it is, then you are set free.
The Anticult
Also, for many people who are NOT into SGI, their mind can still "catastrophize".
that is, for neutral, or unknown future events, the mind seems to naturally go to the negative scenario, and imagine it might happen, thus making the person anxious.
So a person is on a new job, doing a very good job, yet their self-doubt creeps into their minds, and they start fearing they are going to get fired, so they are constantly worried and anxious.
so when a person with that kind of vulnerability to worry, anxiety, etc, gets into SGI, they can get trapped. Because SGI preys on that anxiety, and tells them more chanting will stop the bad thing from happening.
Ultimately people with that vulnerability have to teach themselves that their own focus on potential negative events is the problem.
SGI blocks development, and creates more superstition, which is what Ikeda wants.
SGI really is a mind-trap, not so easy to get out of.
I am sorry for my ignorance, but is one an SGI member as long as you have an SGI Gohonzon? I no longer attend meetings, and I am rarely called. I am connected to a district, but no one asks about coming to chant with me, so that is fine. Am I still a member, as long as I have a Gohonzon from the SGI?
I am sorry for my ignorance, but is one an SGI member as long as you have an SGI Gohonzon? I no longer attend meetings, and I am rarely called. I am connected to a district, but no one asks about coming to chant with me, so that is fine. Am I still a member, as long as I have a Gohonzon from the SGI?