Religious intrasigence
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: December 18, 2002 12:47AM

People who become newly religious in any one of a vast number of movements can become impossible to be around. Personally, I, ex-wife and my ex-wife's sister almost drove our families crazy. The food at home wasn't "kosher enough", my ex-wife and her sister refused to eat on the plates in their parent's home. All of this made for strained relationships.
Children who join Jews for Jesus type movements call their parents hypocrites. It can really be very bad.
And most of the time, people only become involved in these movements for a few years. Then they leave and have to live with the bad vibes they gave off.
I think people need professional counseling to reintegrate former cult member (victims).

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Religious intrasigence
Posted by: MyOwnMaster ()
Date: March 06, 2007 10:28AM

Hello Richard M Green,

I can very much relate to the strained relationships your message describes.

My ex made a lifetime commitment to Supeme Master Suma Ching Hai and her meditational path. I could not even present my ex with a chocolate as a present because he would immediately start reading the label. If there was any egg or derivative egg product in the gift, he would give it back to me saying: "I cannot eat that!" When I started crying he looked at me with big eyes asking: "Didn't you know I follow Master?" What about considering your fellow human beings feelings sometimes?

Professional counselling is a good idea if the person free-willingly wants to get out of the destructive group.

In my case, I needed professional counselling to bear with it. Of course, I lost my case to God...

It is sad that God does not unite, but rather divides people on Earth...

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Religious intrasigence
Posted by: sametanner ()
Date: March 07, 2007 11:20AM

This is not meant as criticism, just an observation. It is not God that divides people, it is people ostensibly acting or speaking for God that do the dividing. God is responsible for concepts such as "judge not, lest ye be judged" and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". It is the people claiming they know God's will that add on things like "unless they are not of our faith, creed, or race" to the previous concepts.

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