I am a television producer who's family was directly affected by LWF
Posted by: marzkizer ()
Date: February 05, 2009 08:19AM

I am working on a project to shed some light on John Robert Stevens the walk/CLW.

I would like to speak to ex members, those who have been affected by this group. Your confidentially is of great importance. I am just seeking more inside info.

Richar' Farr
Las Vegas



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Re: I am a television producer who's family was directly affected by LWF
Posted by: jan w. lane ()
Date: February 24, 2015 12:16PM

I too have had time in this cult. Very perverse and caused many people a great deal of loss on so many levels. My question is why would I have ever entered into an arranged marriage. How was I so naïve to have even become involved in such an organization that is by no means a Christian fellowship. I hope that by now you have had a bit of healing come into your life.

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