Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Date: November 19, 2020 04:23AM
I concur, this posting was "dead on" topic. (In fact this story brought me back to this forum after a long hiatus.)
Allow me to elaborate. The dying patients that the SD nurse (Jodi) who were denying that they had COVID-19 were demonstrating something far more extreme than "cognitive dissonance." Cognitive dissonance is a process by which someone attempts to cognitively manage opposing ideas that the person holds. For example, I'm dying of COVID-19 but I believe COVID-19 is a hoax. Or an often used example, "I'm a good person" and "I'm a murderer."
However, what Jodi is reporting that the patients sick from or dying from COVID-19 deny the reality of its existence even as they're dying from it. This is complete and utter denial of reality. It's clear that these people have taken on the expressed world view of Donald Trump. What Trump says, they believe.
So this strikes me as: what the cult leader says, followers believe to the exclusion of everything else. So in this case, there are no competing, incongruous ideas that somehow the person must struggle with. There's just one set of ideas, one world view and complete acceptance on the part of the followers. There is a complete cognitive and emotional attachment to the leader. There is no room for reason, for reality or for the wise words of others. I cannot overstate just how profound and complete attachment to the leader is. (Sound familiar?)
Allow me to add ... I don't want to be appear cruel and unfeeling. Having read much of what people have disclosed, I have a reasonably good idea what of the awful things that many of you have experienced at the hands of my cousin Marilyn (and other relatives of mine as well.) For that I am truly sorry.
What I wanted to point out is that the COVID-19 patients that Jodi described appear to have a mind set that goes well beyond cognitive dissonance. And this particular type of mind set that may well be something that many of you have an intimate understanding of.
kBOY Wrote:
> C H A N G E D
> Thank you for posting the "fucking horror
> movie" thread from Jodi above, which is
> not as far 'off-topic' as you surmise. It is just
> one more sad tale regarding the dangers that
> personality cults pose, be they religious,
> philosophical, or, unfortunately for our sake,
> political. The same cognitive dissonance afflicts
> them all.
> I have friendships that span decades that have now
> been adversely affected by the destructive nature
> of someone deciding to exchange reality for
> fantasy. Jodi, unfortunately, has to face
> these psychological consequences along with
> Covid-19 as a frontline worker--like she needs
> more stress in her life.
> I would also be hitting up 31 FLAVORS.