Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: April 25, 2019 04:17AM

Reep wrote:
"It looks like this branch of HFM (now HM) was incorporated in 2000 as a Foreign Nonprofit Corporation with jurisdiction in Hawaii. Isn't that about the year that G&M took up full time residence in Hawaii?

Does anyone know why it needed to be a Foreign Nonprofit?"

I wondered the same thing, Reep. No idea.
BTW, I wonder who was on the board of directors for the Anaheim church after it was sold to the city? I would think they would have to agree to the name change of the corporation--from Church of His Holy Presence to Hargrave Family Ministries
(now Hargrave Ministries).

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Onion ()
Date: April 25, 2019 05:28AM

Every corporation formed in another State, has to register to do business as a "foreign corporation" if they do business in a State other than where they were incorporated.

Rick Holbrook was the President of CHHP at one time (when it closed down and got paid by the city under eminent domain). I believe he stayed on the Board after it changed to HFM but not as President.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: April 25, 2019 06:19AM

Thanks Onion.
I had no idea that Rick Holbrook was president of the Church of His Holy Presence when it was bought by the city of Anaheim. Wasn't the purchase price substantial?
p.s. I hear that it is now a parking lot.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/25/2019 06:20AM by changedagain.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: April 25, 2019 07:26AM


Stop the name calling or stop posting on this message board.

Your ignorant comments about "stupidity" are not wanted or needed here.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Reepicheep ()
Date: April 25, 2019 11:07PM

RR Moderator posted some important links on page 875. This one helped me immensely: []

This is an excerpt of chapter 22 of a book by Robert J. Lifton, M.D. titled: Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism.

Here are the topics covered:

Milieu Control
Mystical Manipulation
The Demand for Purity
The Cult of Confession
The "Sacred Science"
Loading the Language
Doctrine Over Person
The Dispensing of Existence

Here is a quote from the last topic, The Dispensing of Existence:

“The totalist environment - even when it does not resort to physical abuse - thus stimulates in everyone a fear of extinction or annihilation. A person can overcome this fear and find (in martin Buber's term) ‘confirmation,’ not in his individual relationships, but only from the fount of all existence, the totalist Organization. Existence comes to depend upon creed (I believe, therefore I am), upon submission (I obey, therefore I am) and beyond these, upon a sense of total merger with the ideological movement. Ultimately of course one compromises and combines the totalist "confirmation" with independent elements of personal identity; but one is ever made aware that, should he stray too far along this ‘erroneous path,’ his right to existence may be withdrawn.”

Even now, after claiming to have ended TLWF and declaring that the leaders have all “stepped down”, “the faithful" are being told not to read what survivors have written or listen to what they say. Their mantra is that survivors of this cult should forgive. The survivors have been denied existence in the sense that they are invisible or dead to the people still in the cult. The leaders can't let their members listen or hear because it would open the followers’ eyes. This has happened from the very beginning of the Walk, and is still happening today.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: April 26, 2019 12:50AM

Off-subject but...has anyone ever asked Gary to mow their lawn? If so, did he do it with a good attitude, or was he cantankerous? I'm asking for a friend.
He says he wants it done (of course) for free, from someone who possesses a cheery attitude and has a walk with God. I tried to tell him he's probably approaching the wrong person, but he won't listen.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/26/2019 12:51AM by changedagain.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: April 26, 2019 01:06AM

Reepicheep Wrote:

> Even now, after claiming to have ended TLWF and
> declaring that the leaders have all “stepped
> down”, “the faithful" are being told not to read
> what survivors have written or listen to what they
> say. Their mantra is that survivors of this cult
> should forgive. The survivors have been denied
> existence in the sense that they are invisible or
> dead to the people still in the cult. The leaders
> can't let their members listen or hear because it
> would open the followers’ eyes. This has happened
> from the very beginning of the Walk, and is still
> happening today.

In spite of the organization dissolving, the control over people's lives obviously still continues. I suspect many read this forum, but are afraid of admitting it, given the shunning that would result in the social circles they inhabit. The fear of being ostracized from a group you've identified with for most (if not all) of your life is a very powerful force to overcome.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Onion ()
Date: April 26, 2019 04:09AM

Kalona News from yesterday has an article about the meeting at Shiloh regarding the City's possible annexation. One of the leaders who commented and was quoted in the newspaper is Craig Haworth.

Stepping down indeed.

There is also an article in the LA Times today about the guy at the head of USC who was "ousted" for his role in the scandals connected to USC (it is even said he was responsible for creating the climate for bribery and abuse, which sounds hauntingly familiar) is still present at USC on a daily basis because he is a tenured professor which gives him the right to enter the University.

It all sounds too familiar. Ugly and familiar.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: April 26, 2019 05:12AM

Onion wrote:
"Kalona News from yesterday has an article about the meeting at Shiloh regarding the City's possible annexation. One of the leaders who commented and was quoted in the newspaper is Craig Haworth.
Stepping down indeed."

Yeah, no surprise. It was all a facade, as many of us predicted.
BTW, Craig has been mentioned a number of times in this forum. The first post that referenced him was back in September of 2018 (below):

Posted by: paleface
Date: September 15, 2013 11:01 PM

"John Miller was forsaken by those he had given his life to. I think the above posts are correct. He a distraction from the focus on Marilyn. To this day there are few leaders in the LW with a true shepherd's heart like Miller. He is one whom the corruption of power has passed over. So now he is labeled as "the enemy". The congregants are being blatantly lied to about what happen. The curious are told to not ask. A general shunning order is in place. The hatchmen of this are: Phyllis and Craig Haworth and Bruce and Gilee Larson. These people should know better, but they must choose to ignore their own inner voices. I didn't think Christians could stoop so low. But then again, the LW isn't really Christian is it?"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/26/2019 05:15AM by changedagain.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: April 26, 2019 05:20AM

Here is the follow-up to PaleFace's comment regarding Miller. It's from FCSLC, who had every reason to dislike Miller, yet offered this measured, classy response:

Posted by: FCSLC
Date: September 17, 2013 09:52 PM

What a sad situation for John Miller. You say he is under a general shunning order, so forty (?) years of service and friendship counts for nothing. This is disturbing-----become a Christian and dump your family and friends as well as future family, friends, brothers and sisters whenever the order comes down. Live for the orders that come down because nothing else is of any value, integrity or honor. Nice lifestyle, showcase value system----the model for the Kingdom of God on Earth. (not)

Is it any wonder some churches have adopted a more democratic church government where things are voted on and the pastor is hired? Instead of submission, agreement is the deciding factor. Excommunication would be by congregational vote instead of by the whims of one or two.

It now seems to me (hindsight is 20/20) that the New Testament pattern of church government lends itself to abuse and just plain outright injustice.

There is more freedom, integrity, love and honor in Babylon."

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