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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: FCSLC ()
Date: September 16, 2014 07:35AM

Welcome LampShmamp. Is your cover name in any way related to the Lamp of ????

lily rose. I must confess before heaven and earth that it was those nephilim hair-dressers that really chapped my hide----------never gone to one even to this day.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: paleface ()
Date: September 16, 2014 09:07AM

Didn't JRS claim credit for speaking judgement (and death) upon the Kennedys? I seem to recall backroom gossip that it was his prophetic declarations that initiated the assassinations. Ridiculous claim.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: lily rose ()
Date: September 16, 2014 12:33PM

Andre was the name of the San Fernando Valley nephilim hair dresser that John exposed. Goes to show that you can't trust the French but I don't think Andre was assassinated. I do recall hearing those claims about the prophetic hits on the Kennedy brothers and that Joe Kennedy (the father) also was big nephilim. I believe JRS's politics leaned to the right.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: LampShmamp ()
Date: September 16, 2014 01:41PM

Thanks for the welcomes! Anyone who self promotes herself as the Lamp of Israel is asking for derision, hence my username. I left the Walk in 1977 before the really bizarre things with Stevens, Gary and Marilyn started occurring. But I'm still learning--did not know about the nephilim debacle. Good grief.

So thanks for your answers about when it became a cult. I know we have all thought about this a great deal. Does everyone generally agree that it was a cult from the beginning? Then have most also concluded that Stevens was never a man of god, did not speak god's word, was not an apostle, was not anointed in some way, had only self interest in mind from the very beginning, deliberately set out to deceive? Or no?

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: September 16, 2014 09:15PM

If I ever start another band, I will give serious consideration to naming it 'Andre The Nephilim Hair Dresser.' Just has a certain ring to it.

lily rose Wrote:
> Andre was the name of the San Fernando Valley
> nephilim hair dresser that John exposed. Goes to
> show that you can't trust the French but I don't
> think Andre was assassinated. I do recall hearing
> those claims about the prophetic hits on the
> Kennedy brothers and that Joe Kennedy (the father)
> also was big nephilim. I believe JRS's politics
> leaned to the right.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: September 16, 2014 09:27PM

I read a biography of Lyndon Johnson recently (The Path to Power). According to the author (Robert Caro), no one was more effective in persuading someone on one-to-one basis & getting them on board with an agenda he had in mind, than Lyndon. The whole process started with Lyndon deciding to believe something, motivated by self-interest. Whether it was true or not, was irrelevant. Eventually through the force of his will, and continuous repeating of what he wanted to be true, he in fact began to believe it to be so...gaining persuasive power in the process. I wonder if John had this personality attribute...and this eventually led to his belief (and others in his wake) that he was God's voice to this age, the door opener--destined for resurrection life etc.?

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 17, 2014 04:18AM

If anyone wants some insights on how this develops, get and
read Prophetic Charisma, by Len Oakes.

Oakes lived in and got married in a commune led by a charismatic pastor.

He and his wife eventually had worries about the direction it was taking
and they wisely left. Sometime later, the leader took the community into
a crisis.

Oakes interviewed 20 different charismatic leaders -- those willing to be interviewed.

All of them turned out to have great difficulty enjoying and feeling comfortable
in adult, peer to peer relationships. All of them had to be within a structure
where they and their vision were deferred to.

Being a leader was hard work. They had to micro manage and be in control and
on alert, all the time.

The members of the group could, as a group and in shared enthusiasm accomplish a very great deal. Those who did not get intimate with the leader and who
left the community when they sensed themselves ready (as the Oakes chose to do) -- they fared best.

The leaders all seemed to have some form of injury to self image. All of them
sought self repair by influencing the world outside of themselves.

The first thing they had to do was find some way to believe in themselves as marked for a special mission, and then find ways to persuade others to share
their belief in themselves as special.

And all of the leaders, before becoming leaders, were all 'avid students of
social manipulation'.

Oakes noted all of them had been in occupations or courses of study that
equipped them for public careers.

Many had been teachers. Some had run businessess of varying sizes or been in
sales work. Or the ministry.

Oakes also noted that no one person is universally appealing.

If you want to be in one of the Oriental religions, you have to learn the
manners and literatures useful to a guru.

If you are a charismatic christian, you have to learn church life, scripture
and the dress, manners and preaching style appropriate in those settings.

Prophetic Charisma, by Len Oakes. A very good read.

There are some excerpts from the book on Sustained Action, a website that
examines the methods and damage done by Carlos Castaneda.


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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: lily rose ()
Date: September 17, 2014 06:57AM

Given the religious upbringing by JRS's father and religious background of the churches JRS attended, I think it is highly likely that he believed what he taught the congregation and the psychological factors mentioned above by Corboy and Changedagain could easily have been at play in his personality. However, when 1979 approached did JRS wonder at all if it was all empty words. The question that I still have is when he ministered to folks and he tuned into them and read them, was that a gift from God or just a psychic ability.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: paleface ()
Date: September 17, 2014 07:26AM

Lily, we may never know for sure. I've talked to ex-LW pastors that left when JRS died. A lot of them think there were very real manifestations of the Holy Spirit coming out of John. I'm inclined to believe it was a mixture. Part of God and part of something else.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: FCSLC ()
Date: September 17, 2014 11:53AM

The article recommended by lily rose found on Google: Full text of “Anointing – or Apostasy? The Latter Rain ...... has some answers.

Parts of this article deal with the surprising accuracy William Branham displayed during his personal ministry sessions. Branham more than once stated there was an entity which stood by his side which helped him. He couldn’t minister if someone got between him and the entity.

I don’t know either, but I now know or believe there are paranormal gifts/seducing spirits that certain people have, in the natural world---------almost from birth in Branham’s case.

Just because someone has “abnormal” abilities, -------- that does not make them God.

lily rose wrote: [[[Clearly a cult by 1957 when the First Principles were written. Here's a definition from the First Principles. Submission is the accepting of control or authority of another by being obedient and compliant to those over you in the Lord.]]]

There have been enough posts and scriptures quoted on this forum to overwhelmingly support the fact that this type of submission is not required by God. It is in complete opposition to what Jesus Christ commanded in Matthew 23:8-10.

It’s cult teaching. It’s been a cult since the “First Principles” were penned.

When I think about JRS, I see an individual who could not escape the Latter Rain Heresy.

I hope to see him in heaven. He will be Brother Stevens to me, one among all the other innumerable attendees.

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