Soka Gakkai International - trying to save SGI Lost pages
Posted by: simplify ()
Date: September 11, 2013 07:58PM

I thought it might be an idea to start a thread to copy the lost SGI pages to, so they don't get mixed up with current ongoing postings.

I'm having difficulty copying the pages to paste in the original format (by screen capture) - as my computer complains the files are just too big and it would be tedious beyond belief to capture manageable chunks of pages to paste (does anyone have that sort of time?).

BUT I noticed that I can't seem to get archived copies of pages that we are up to now in the current thread. For instance we are up to page 320 and I can only get archived pages from 321 onwards.

Because of this I thought it might be urgent to copy the next few pages before we can't get at them any more, however simply copy/pasting them leaves the pages formatted in a less than easy to read way.

If anyone has a better way to do this let me know, I'm rushing now so will paste the next 5 or so pages in unfriendly format for now and hope we can come up with a better idea. We seem to in the middle of exploring SGI-UK's accounts as declared to the charity commission (which if I remember rightly showed that SGI-UK is almost totally subsidised by Japan, probably as a vanity project, which is probably why in the UK people are less aggressively milked for donations).


ps. if anyone else wants to help save pages, why not check what the last page added here is and copy paste a few - it only takes a few seconds a page.

As advised by Anticult, I type Soka Gakkai International page=319 and change the number to the page I want to copy. Remember to click the little arrow to get the archived page. I then simply copy the whole page in the usual way - highlighting it and copying. Then I paste it into the post here - simple. I have been tidying it up a little to make it more readable by searching for 'options' which takes me to the end of each post and replacing the blurb there with a line of '============' to separate each post.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/11/2013 08:21PM by simplify.

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Re: Soka Gakkai International - trying to save SGI Lost pages
Posted by: simplify ()
Date: September 11, 2013 08:08PM

Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

old page 322

Former Cult Members and Affected Families

October 22, 2011 01:43PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

If someone has time to check the SGI-UK documents, and find and post the figures for the total amount spent by SGI-UK per year, and what they spend it on?

Also, to post their total UK revenues for the year, and compare them.

In other areas, SGI's main expense was a few Executive salaries, investing, and real estate purchases, architects, lobbying the government, that is, money for politicians.

They can fudge the numbers, but it sounds like the laws for reporting are different in the UK than in the US. As in the US, if you are a "religion" then you don't have to report anything to the public. You can conceal everything, like SGI does.

Which is why SGI-USA does not deserve 1 dollar in donations, as SGI chooses to conceal their expenses, and not publish the gov't statements openly.

The only info found about SGI-USA was from the Soka U investment corporation.

SGI, The richest cult in the world, over $1 BILLION in the USA

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/22/2011 01:45PM by The Anticult.

October 23, 2011 06:01PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Soka Gakkai International -- SGI-UK Charity Number 1104491

A page that list some of the details about SGI-UK.

Yes, SGI-UK is a mickey-mouse peanuts organization.
If you consider $77 million US in assets peanuts.

So there is another close to 100 million in SGI-cash stashed in the UK, and they only registered this one in 2004.
How was SGI operating before 2004 in the UK?
Are there other SGI organizations in the UK with alternate names listed somewhere?

You can see that SGI-UK strategically spends about $1.5 million more a year than they SAY they take in to that particular "charity". (unless others are listed with different names, etc)

So what are the specific costs? Where exactly are they spending that money?
How much is going for salaries?
Where exactly is that money being spent?




Charity Number
Date Registered
Company Number
Contact Name

Charity Commission Classifications
General Charitable Purposes, Education/Training, Religious activities, Arts/culture, Environment/Conservation/Heritage, General public/Mankind, Provides human resources, Provides buildings/facilities/open space, Provides services, Provides advocacy/advice/information
Icnpo Classifications
Religious congregations and association

Annual Returns to Charity Commission
Financial year ending
2007-12-31 2008-12-31 2009-12-31
Income from legacies £0 £0 £0
Income from endowments £0 £0 £0
Voluntary income £2.48m £1.40m £1.68m
Activities generating funds £277,000 £6,014 £7,814
Income from charitable activities £0 £1.18m £1.20m
Investment income £1.43m £1.41m £761,685
Other income £0 £0 £0
Total income £4.19m £3.99m £3.65m
Investment gains £0 £0 £0
Gains from asset revaluations £0 £0 £584,050
Gains on pension fund £0 £0 £0
Voluntary income costs £0 £0 £4,526
Fundraising trading costs £279,000 £3,161 £0
Investment management costs £0 £0 £0
Grants to institutions £0 £0 £0
Charitable activities costs £550,000 £5.14m £3.65m
Governance costs £1.64m £24,826 £22,885
Other expenses £0 £0 £0
Total expenses £2.46m £5.17m £3.68m
Support costs £0 £4.14m £2.74m
Depreciation £136,000 £1.98m £583,088
Reserves £600,000 £0 £525,235
Fixed assets at start of year £22.69m £23.45m £22.36m
Fixed assets at end of year £23.45m £22.36m £21.78m
Fixed investment assets at start of year £0 £0 £0
Fixed investment assets at end of year £0 £0 £0
Current investment assets £0 £0 £0
Cash £25.82m £25.62m £25.19m
Total current assets £27.20m £26.35m £26.13m
Creditors within 1 year £1.83m £1.08m £310,857
Long term creditors or provisions £1,000 £0 £0
Pension assets £0 £0 £0
Total assets £48.81m £47.63m £47.59m
Endowment funds £24.53m £25.70m £25.29m
Restricted funds £23.00m £0 £0
Unrestricted funds £1.29m £21.93m £22.31m
Total funds £48.81m £47.63m £47.59m
Employees 44 40 40
Volunteers 0 400
Consolidated accounts No No No
Charity only accounts No Yes Yes

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October 23, 2011 09:17PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI-UK Charity Number 1104491

ah yes, the old SGI financial tricks again.


the 2010 filing, shows that SGI-UK, has about $35 million invested, and about $40 million in the bank!
CASH AT BANK AND IN HAND 25 million pounds = $40 million.

So old SGI-UK is sitting on 40 million cash, and 35 million investments.

ok, so lets see where they spend their money.

Advancement of religion 3,653,971

You see what SGI-UK has done?
They have LUMPED all 3.6 million expenses (about $6 million) INTO ONE LINE.

They throw out that they gave UNICEF a few grand.
They also moved the Ikeda-Gandhi-King exhibit around.

But you see how SGI-UK has figured out how to play the UK system?
Sure, they report what they spend.
But they hide everything in ONE single expense, "advancement of religion".
That is done to conceal their expenses, and hide it behind "religion".
That includes salaries, one assumes hotels, cars, or who knows? Does it include a hot-tub for Ikeda in the UK?
How much is going to lobby local politicians in the UK? SGI spends millions in the US on this.

What an utter crock.
SGI is a very very dirty organization.
They conceal everything, and then try to hide it behind an SGI fog of vague text about religion and charity, while not giving ANY evidence or proof of anything.
The best SGI can come up with is a few grand for UNICEF, so that must be the only thing they did.

So yes, SGI-UK files their papers as required, but they flaunt the intent with contempt, by concealing all specific expenses.

So SGI-UK does NOT DESERVE $1 dollar or 1 pound in donation or unpaid labor. Not one shilling.
No one knows where they are spending your money.

And they have 40 million in cash on hand, at least that is what is reported.
and another 35 million in some type of investments.

SGI-UK do not deserve one cent in donation or support. Not one red penny.
SGI never fails to disappoint, truly a revolting organization.

-----------------in UK pounds---------------

Tangible assets 21,778,954

Stocks 255,783
Debtors 681,134

Cash at bank and in hand 25,189,266

for the year ended 31 December 2010
In addition to "free reserves", at the balance sheet date, the trustees were holding £21,334,499 (2009:
£21,778,954) of unrestricted funds in a designated fund known as the Designated Fixed Assets Fund
representing the resources required to finance the net book value of functional fixed assets, and also
£25,395,445 (2009: £25,289,091) of restricted funds in an expendable endowment fund known as the
Commemorativ-- Expendable Endowment Fund.
Investments Policy

For the year ended 31 December 2010, the charity's cash deposits generated investment income of £627,001
(2009: £759,22 5) which represents an average income return of 2.5% (2009: 3.0%).

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/23/2011 09:25PM by The Anticult.

October 23, 2011 11:35PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Soka Gakkai International -- SGI-UK Charity Number 1104491

Also, you can see that last few years SGI-UK has spent as much as they made in the UK. (deliberately of course).
The income from interest and investments, is money being made in the UK, at the cost to the taxpayers of the UK, as these "charities" don't pay tax.

So its standard psychological propaganda from SGI that SGI-UK is on welfare from the loyal Japanese SGI members.
Its just meant as a guilt-trip to make the SGI-UK folks give SGI more money, so SGI can put your cash into the bank with their other $40 million.
Or who knows where its going.

SGI has the same modus operandi wherever they operate.
Imagine what is happening in some of the 3rd world-type countries where SGI operates and is growing, where there is even less regulation, and where politicians are accustomed to brown-envelopes filled with cash.

And in the SGI-UK papers, they say that their goal is to bootstrap SGI-UK and build up more centers, once membership hits a certain level in each area.
Exactly as stated.

Ikeda dumps some seed-money into a new market, in cash and investments, controlled by the SGI-Japan of course.
Then they force the locals to come up with as much cash as possible, which is used to fund local SGI growth.
Excess cash goes back into the SGI billions.
Keep each local SGI group at starvation levels, where no one gets paid, even when there is hundreds of millions and billions and billions of dollars in cash in the bank, and Ikeda and his family live like kings in their palaces.

The question then becomes, how do other cash assets get moved around from country to country?
There is a lot of information in this thread about that too.

SGi global is a nightmare.
And once Ikeda dies, and hands it over to Ikeda II, it will stay the same or get worse.
SGI is just a giant private family investment corporation, using 'religion' as a fig-leaf to avoid taxation and regulation.

SGI does not deserve one dollar from anyone for any reason.
SGI does not deserve any unpaid labor.
SGI is simply about building up billions and billions for the owner of SGI, Ikeda and his family.

October 24, 2011 03:19PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI-UK Charity Number 1104491

I moved a bit too fast on the SGI-UK reports, there is more detail at the bottom of the report.
Part of the problem is that most people don't have the time to read all the reports.

Worse, in the USA, groups like SGI can hide behind their "religion" and choose to not release their 990 tax form, so you don't know where they spend their money.
Of course, respectable groups choose to release the detailed 990 Form, so people can see what is going on with the money they donate.
At the bottom of the SGI-UK 2010 document, there is a more precise detailing of their 'charity expenses' for the 'advancement of religion'.

So the UK has much more stringent requirements that the USA in this regard, and that is good for the UK. No wonder these "new religions" have a bit of a tougher time in the UK.

So we'll take a close look at those expenses, and see how this SGI-UK "charity" is operating.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/24/2011 03:21PM by The Anticult.

October 24, 2011 03:53PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI-UK Charity Number 1104491

So SGI-UK gets most of their money from donations, and SGI courses, books and selling SGI stuff.
As well as a chunk from bank interest.

----------2010 report-------------
General donations and other similar types of voluntary income £ 1,774,078
Income from events & courses, shops, etc. £ 1,285,808
Bank interest receivable on short term cash deposits £ 761,685

ok lets see all the people SGI is helping with this charity money.

(Costs of events & courses: regional, divisional, national and group costs, Publications costs, Shops costs)

So that's 1 million gone for running the SGI-UK courses and shops.

Support costs (see note 7) £ 2,638,754
Staff costs (see note 8) £ 1,134,353

- See the 2010 report, to see that about another 1 million is gone for Depreciation costs, and repairs!

So 3.5 million total expenses, about 1 million to market SGI-UK, 1 million for "depreciation", 1 million for staff with a nice chunk going to the Execs.

So there is nothing in this report of doing ANY charitable work at all, except for a few grand to UNICEF.
So all the money that goes into SGI-UK goes for building costs, repairs, depreciation, and staff.

Many groups have a ratio that says 90% of all donations go to support people.
For SGI-UK, it looks like about 99% of all donations are spent on SGI overhead.
Meanwhile, SGI-UK is listing what seems to be 25 million in "freehold properties" which includes the "ornaments and art" at Taplow Court. That sounds like the luxury items for the big boss.

Operating lease rentals:
Land and buildings
Plant and machinery
Insurance \
Compiter costs
Traveu. expenses
Communications costs
Repairs, maintenance and security costs 316,464
Waste disposal and cleaning costs
Rates and utilities costs
Auditor's remuneration:
Audit fees -
Accountancy and advisory
Legal and professional fees
Bank interest, bank charges and other
finance costs
Owned assets 538,276
Leased assets
Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets
Other indirect costs

October 24, 2011 04:11PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI-UK Charity Number 1104491

Check out this beauty from Ikeda Inc.
The $40 million dollars from SGI-Japan is still controlled by SGI-Japan.
As SGI-UK can only access the funds after "consultation" with Ikeda's people. That is both interest and principal.
Very clever!
So the $40 million invested, both principal and interest is controlled by SGI-Japan, of course.
And only after SGI-Japan's approval, is any money transferred to the SGI-UK general fund, the other $35 million dollar fund.

So SGI-Japan just uses SGI-UK to diversify their global investment portfolio.
There was no real donation, in the way people think about it. SGI controls the entire fund, and can freeze/revoke it any time they choose.

Its like getting a gift of $100,000 from your rich uncle...but he's keeping the gift in his own investment account, and you can spend that money anytime he agrees to transfer some of it into your bank account.
So that is very clever.
Give someone a financial gift, and announce it to the media, but keep it in your own investment account, and collect the interest, and keep total control of it.
And give them a little money now and then, to buy rich uncle a nice chair to sit in, in case he visits.
Its the Ikeda choke-chain method of endowment funding.

Quote from 2010 form:
Commemorative Expendable Endowment Fund 25,289,091

"The Commemorative Expendable Endowment Fund was set up in 2006 upon receipt of an initial
donation from Soka Gakkai International Center in Japan to mark the 75th anniversary of the foundation of Soka Gakkai. The investment income generated, as well as the principal amount of the endowment, is available to be spent at any time by the trustees in promoting the charitable purposes of Soka Gakkai International - UK after consultation with the representatives of the donor. Funds are transferred into the General Fund once agreement has been reached to do so."

October 24, 2011 04:22PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI-UK Charity Number 1104491

So its time to make an announcement to the media.

There is a 100 million dollar Cult Research Endowment Fund, which is being made available to the posters of this thread on this forum.
The interest and principal from this incredible Endowment, can be spent at ANY TIME anyone in the thread wants to for the purposes of charity.*

* Funds will be transferred to the account once agreement has been reached to do so. Until then, the fund will be held in trust in 463 random numbered accounts in the Cayman Islands.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/24/2011 04:27PM by The Anticult.


October 24, 2011 04:24PM

Date Added: 09/16/2011
Posts: 15

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

MY GOD!!! I haven't read all of this ,but will later. Anticult were did you get this and were you a member or some CIA ,FBI investigator? Why don't these stupid members reaerch or check this out,everyone believes this place is broke and working off donations,while this fat Ikeda clown decieves everyone. This is disgusting lietrally disgusting!

Yes the stupid brain washed members work in offices etc too and get salaries at SGI USA. I thought you meant the division and district leaders got paid. I'm so Grossed out by this place now and see it only as a big corporation. I'll be rolling up my gohonzon soon and sending it back. These people (members) would die if they knew how terribly they were betrayed.

I'll probably continue my meditation and other ways in life. I'll NEVER join any thing else again! Religions are ALL control and manipulation!

Thanks for giving me some insight you guys! I'll be back but got the over all jist of what I needed to know. I also want to read more in depth what Anticult copied.

Stay out of cults people!

October 24, 2011 05:03PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI-UK Charity Number 1104491

Well, technically SGI-UK is operating at break-even.

As the 77 million in cash seems to be totally controlled by SGI-Japan, aka "Dr". Ikeda.

SGI is always "broke" even when they have 77 million in cash.
You see, you keep the 77 million over 'here' and just make interest with it.
And all the donation money gets spent getting more SGI donations.
So they have engineered SGI to appear to be broke.

But its loaded with cash cash cash, art, assets, investments, real estate, fancy houses for Ikeda, etc.

but really, the SGI-USA makes the UK look like chump change.
The reason for that is the USA regulations are far far less. In the USA, you call yourself a Religion, and get approved, and you don't have to tell the public anything.

At least in the UK they force them to publish that information, so SGI-UK has to watch what they do, as its published on the web.

But SGI-USA, there is nothing. Just vague talk, no audited numbers.
Its all hidden and concealed, and far bigger than the UK.
How much bigger?
No one knows.

How many tens of billions...or more?? Does SGI-USA and its connected front-groups control?
You cannot access that information, unless you see the IRS forms, or the 990 Forms in the US, and SGI-USA will not publish those.

Maybe someone in SGI-USA will access the SGI-USA books, and leak a document? []

Some info about Soka U and its 900 million bucks has to be made public, as shown here. []

You see how SGI-USA totally conceals all their details from the public.

Question: What is the asset range in the nonprofit Soka Gakkai International-usa of Santa Monica, California?
Answer: The nonprofit Soka Gakkai International-usa has an asset range of $0.

Of course, that is completely false, as all of the land, property, and everything else SGI-USA controls and owns. What are their assets?
10 billion? 50 billion?
Who knows, only the SGI bigshots know. Maybe someone will leak that information anonymously on the internet.

Soka Gakkai International-Cnmi Inc. Saipan MP USA
Soka Gakkai International-Usa Santa Monica CA USA

Soka Gakkai International-cnmi Inc Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
EIN (Tax ID) 660651154
Organization Name Soka Gakkai International-cnmi Inc
Address Po Box 505066
Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands 96950-4313
Secondary Name SGI-NMI

Soka Gakkai International-usa Santa Monica, California
EIN (Tax ID) 952265667
Organization Name Soka Gakkai International-usa
Address 606 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica, California 90401-1502

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/24/2011 05:07PM by The Anticult.

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Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/11/2013 08:12PM by simplify.

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Re: Soka Gakkai International - trying to save SGI Lost pages
Posted by: simplify ()
Date: September 11, 2013 08:16PM

Old Page: 323

Former Cult Members and Affected Families
October 24, 2011 09:45PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI-UK Charity Number 1104491

SGI is saying they have 192 organizations around the world in SGI (Soka Gakkai International).

Some of the SGI-orgs are worth many billions, like in the US, Japan, perhaps places like SGI-brazil where they are growing, and likely buying up tons of property.
Places like the UK are close to 100 million, at least as reported.

So there is no question SGI is worth many tens of billions.
If each SGI had only 50 million in assets, x 192 = 9.6 billion.

But there are estimates SGI was worth 120 billion in Japan alone, over 15 years ago!
So what is SGI in total?
150 billion?
Certainly over 100 billion.
It could be far more, as SGI buys valuable real estate, and other properties which appreciate in value.

So yes, SGI needs more dues money from the unpaid SGI worker-bees, to buy more mansions and real estate in the UK, France, US, and everywhere else.
SGI is asset rich, but cash-poor, except for the fact they have billions in cash.

Its all very very suspicious, how SGI accumulated those massive assets like that in Japan so quickly, and then moved them around the world by the billions.
Religions get an extreme free pass in Japan, and so it seems anyone with billions of dollars they need to clean-up, starts a religion, or hooks up with some religions, to send out the "laundry".
Do the math on that.

How Money Laundering Works by Julia Layton

PROF. HIROHISA KITANO (Professor of law at Nihon
University): Nobody knows actually how rich Soka Gakkai is.
Experts estimate Soka Gakkai has more than 1,000 properties
throughout Japan with total assets of more than 10,000 billion
yen (125 billion U.S. dollars).

October 24, 2011 10:09PM

Date Added: 08/13/2009
Posts: 564

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI-UK Charity Number 1104491

Thank you so much Anti-cult for your investigations and analysis. Some of the finest real estate minds in the world are Soka Gakkai. Let me give you an example. The New York Community Center, not only is prime real estate [Union Square] but a New York State historical site. How much did they receive from the government to help fix it up through the National Trust for Historical Preservation? I know for a fact that they bought it in the late 80's for $9,000,000 in a sweatheart deal orchestrated by one of their members who is now on the board of directors, Greg Wolpert. Greg, at the time, was an executive Vice President of Williams Reality. The members themselves renovated it, many of whom were not only construction workers but artisans. SGI supplied the finest materials, marble, etched glasswork, walnut, etc. Today it is worth nearly $50,000,000, if you compare it with similar properties in or around Union Square.

The main building at the FNCC [Florida Nature Culture Center] is 160,000 square feet. It lies on 125 pristine acres, adjacent to the best housing market in the entire United States, near the everglades and Fort Lauderdale:


BTW, they are building a new headquarters in Tokyo Japan, nearly 50 stories tall and with millions of square feet of space. Do you think they will donate even 1,000 square feet to a struggling $GI entrepreneur? They have more than 1000 properties in Japan alone.

October 25, 2011 02:24AM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

and the general public must always remember, since SGI-USA is registered as a "church" non-profit, there are no capital gains tax on any of those asset appreciation.
That is pure money.
And as seen by the SGI documents, they claim millions in depreciation as expenses! So they get it both ways.
And since they own the properties, they can borrow against it, and re-invest that.

A huge part of SGI is real estate investing.
Time and time again, they buy land/property for cheap, and get SGI volunteers to fix it up and donate money, and then the value skyrockets over the years.

And of course, since SGI preaches the gospel of greed is good, and chanting for a Rolex is wonderful, then they are going to attract people who are experts at things like real estate speculation.

The documents that are available shows SGI pays its financial experts a fortune, huge salaries.

In terms of the politicians, why is it that SGI can get these political favors and sweet deals?
Because they know how to do it.

Soka University is spending 1.25 MILLION per year on LOBBYING politicians. []
They target key politicians, and out comes the contributions.
Then they get a sweetheart deal on a distressed government property.

SGI-USA and SGI global, is simply a giant financial investment corporation, which exists to amass tens of billions of dollars for the person controlling SGI. Soon Ikeda II will take control once Ikeda dies.
The religion card is used as a fig-leaf for not paying taxes, which makes running a business easier.
No taxes, minimal salaries...

And since SGI claims to be in 192 countries or whatever, they can literally do anything they want.

If a person has even a passing knowledge of how money is washed by passing it around the world, especially through countries with no regulation, it all makes perfect sense.
All the SGI artwork, real estate, billions in stock market investments, probably tens of billions in cash in banks around the world, there is no end to it.

Its been interesting taking a look at SGI.
As was noticed many years ago at some initial meetings, they are in fact the opposite of Buddhism.
Its just a gigantic global financial investment corporation, hiding behind a little fig-leaf they call a "religion", exploiting every tax loophole that exists.

Maybe one day some investigators will break the entire thing wide open in Japan, which is the root.
But the USA is a very large part of SGI, due to the lax regulations for being a religion.

Never give SGI one dollar, or one minute of unpaid labor.

October 25, 2011 09:42AM

Date Added: 06/19/2002
Posts: 4935

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

Time and time again, they buy land/property for cheap, and get SGI volunteers to fix it up

The donated labor and improvements by the SGI volunteers is what is termed 'sweat equity'

It has been suggested that the best way to target cults legally is not by focusing on their belief systems but by examining whether these illegal actions are being perpetrated

*Violation of labor law (safety, fair compensation)

*Profiteering/violation of non profit guidelines

*Stalking, harassment of defectors online and at home or at non cult related work.


October 25, 2011 08:26PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Soka Gakkai International -- SGI-UK, more brazen lies by the SGI

So here is the bottom line on SGI-UK.
When they are telling their members that they are being bailed-out by loyal hard-working SGI-Japan members, they are lying.
There is no pretty word for it.
They are lying, and those who read their reports, know that they are lying.

Here is the proof. Here is their declared income.

----------SGI-UK 2010 report-------------
General donations and other similar types of voluntary income £ 1,774,078
Income from events & courses, shops, etc. £ 1,285,808
Bank interest receivable on short term cash deposits £ 761,685

So donations from people in the UK, and fees paid from people in the UK for courses, etc =

£ 3,059,886

that is close to their entire budget, all from UK people.

What about the interest from the investments?
That is also from UK citizens, as that is on the backs of UK citizens, as those investments are not taxed, so that is coming out of the pockets of UK taxpayers.

And the £ 50,000,000 that is in SGI assets, controlled by SGI-Japan.

A modest 3% interest on that = £ 1,500,000 a year.
And SGI-UK only got half of that interest, collected tax-free on the backs of UK citizens. Some real estate jumps more than that per year in value.

So in fact, SGI-Japan is doing nothing for SGI-UK. Its the opposite.
SGI-UK is self-sustaining, and is turning a profit, as the interest from the massive assets is growing every year.

Never mind the UNPAID LABOR of all the SGI-UK volunteers, which adds to the wealth of SGI.

So there it is.
More brazen bald-faced lies by the SGI.
Sure, some of the lower end people, just believe what their superiors tell them. But anyone who is aware of their documents knows its a lie.
They lie to the SGI members, to try and make them feel guilty and inferior to SGI-Japan, to get them to work harder and give SGI more money.

Its all there in the numbers.
SGI-UK is bringing in close to $5 million US a year from UK members, all of which SGI spends to make SGI richer.
And SGI takes just a small portion of the tax-free interest from the UK, and puts a little into SGI-UK, just to beef it up a bit, probably to cover SGI Exec perks.. But again, all that money is being used for SGI promotion.

So far, nothing any SGI senior member has said in this regard has been truthful. They always tell lies.
Is it ok in SGI fake-Buddhism to lie, or what?
Is systematic lying and deception of the members and public official SGI policy?

Of course. Ikeda knows very well that the sheeple must be lead by the nose by deception and illusion, or they won't work for free, and will want to keep their own money for their own family. Those selfish little sheeple. Don't they know that Ikeda needs more billions, more than they need to fix their kids teeth?
Ikeda knows its easy.
Just tell the people that the more money they give away to SGI, the more money will magically appear in their bank account, by Karmic Magick! Ikeda knows people are superstitious like that. Magical Thinking.

Strange how their bank account gets smaller, while SGI billions multiply.

But it brings back the memories, of the SGI members who hound you to buy the SGI magazine, and hound you to start paying SGI dues, and hound you to come to meetings at their house implying its a bit of a dating scene, who pass you SGI brochures at 1am after a movie while having a drink, as they believe converting you to SGI is going to benefit THEIR karma! Such altruism.

SGI is an illusion, a gross distortion of reality, a gross distortion of actual Buddhism, and a fraud.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/25/2011 08:31PM by The Anticult.

October 26, 2011 12:44AM

Date Added: 08/29/2010
Posts: 29

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

Hi everyone,

I posted here quite awhile ago - about 100 pages back haha! I'm still here, lurking. I have this habit of pretending that my time in the SGI never happened. I drive by the SGI Culture Center on my way home from work almost every day and it barely registers in my brain - "oh yeah, I did a LOT of toban there." Then something happens that forces me to think about it. This time it's a member who sent me a friend request on Face Book. We spent a lot of time together doing YWD activites . I don't know if she's still part of the SGI.

I need to stop hiding from my SGI experience. I gave them 8 years of my life. I gave them money, my trust and almost all of my free time. It was never enough, of course. I'm ashamed of my participation in the whole Ghandi-King-Ikeda exhibit. Comparing Daisaku Ikeda with Martin Luther King Jr. and Ghandi - are you kidding me?! what a crock!

Sorry to ramble, I just needed to vent a little. I appreciate this forum and the folks in it so much. It's so nice to be able to come to a place where I can use words like daimoku, byakuren and ichinen sanzen and people know what I'm talking about.

October 26, 2011 10:28AM

Date Added: 11/22/2010
Posts: 13

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

Hello again Tibbs!

It's also been a VERY long time since I have posted on here. I really credit this forum for helping me to get the courage to leave SGI. Even after only two years my life was so entrenched in it that I didn't think leaving was even possible. But then reading others' stories about how they were able to leave, and have even happier lives afterwards gave me hope that there is life after SGI.

It's been about 11 months since I finally quit. I even gave back my Gohonzon before I moved away. I don't really talk alot with many SGI friends, though one has remained closer than others. She's an amazing person and I respect and love her very much. However, shes pretty high up in the area now. When speaking with her, I had to parse out what were her sincere thoughts and what she was told to tell/ask me. It was pretty painful but I got through it. Now we have about half a country between us, which sucks alot, but I hope she's happy in her life now.

As for my other friends, they don't really talk to me all that much. Once in a while Ill get a post on my FB asking where I've been. I don't reply.

As for my "karma", its in balance as always. good things happen, bad things happen, etc. im happy though! and whats great about that happiness is that its sincere and natural. its not a forced emotion i have to display in order to shakabuku someone, or keep a newer member from leaving. i truly believe that a forced state of being is not something that Buddha would support. It's a constraint, and the Buddha preached complete spiritual freedom.

Anyway, I want to thank everyone here for their continued support of those who are looking for a life after SGI:)

October 26, 2011 11:00AM

Date Added: 09/16/2011
Posts: 15

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI


Hey hon go back and read my story about two pages back it's before alot of Antcults posts. I hear you! It's all so clear now,how they get you to become slaves. I washed frikkin walls at that shit hole prison friendship center and cleaned toilets! I was in it for seven years,and you're right it was never enough. Feel free to vent here. You're free from that mind trap, and I actually feel for those leaders now,they're literally slaves, and are under the GRAND illusion they're handling lifes problems better than most people, because they chant. That's so arrogant, and we were a part of that.

I'm trying to be positive, and still see life as no mistakes all experiences so it's been part of a learning process. I meditate, and do yoga now,study some other Buddhisms ,and anchient teachings but NEVER will be a member of anything! One mountain many paths! No Buddhism is better than the other,thats self righteous and ego based to say that,NOT Buddhist!


October 26, 2011 01:02PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

Everyone gets scammed, duped, fooled, at least a few times in life.
SGI is a very clever and powerful sect, which exploits the good intentions of good people.
It also preys on the vulnerabilities of humans.

SGI also knows idle hands make trouble, so it keeps those hands busy. More importantly, Ikeda-SGI knows that too much thinkin' by the members also makes trouble, so they keep them chanting, and use that as a cultic mechanism to block out critical thinking.

SGI is no different than all these other organized sects, they are using the same series of techniques.
Except SGI is exceptionally advanced.

So studying cults and sects in general will help.

And if a person from SGI is now feeling guilty for what they did to other people, without knowing what they were doing, there are ways to make up for that.
Like exposing what SGI really is, by telling the truth of what really went on in there.

If a person lured many other people into a sect or group, by pointing out the ugly facts about that sect, and others, perhaps they can cause others to get out, or not get suckered at all.

More importantly, the general knowledge about these advanced modern cults is important for the public to be aware of.

October 26, 2011 03:32PM

Date Added: 02/23/2011
Posts: 253

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

I want to bring up something I'm fascinated with...the all-out crescendo of the Mentor-Disciple business. In one WT this past year, PI talks about how he and Mrs. Ikeda speak "incessantly" about their mentor, Josei Toda. Soooo, members read this and the die-hard ones absorb into their heads that, if PI does this, we must do it, too! Talk incessantly about our mentor, Daisaku Ikeda! I wonder, really, how much of a mentor Mr. Toda truly was, or was it something that sparked in young Daisaku's head, that yes, the flocks will come, and they will look at me as God...

Now that he is in his eighth decade, he probably wants to cement his legacy, making sure he is Forever Sensei. So henceforth, endless M/D loops.

For all well-meaning members, what a travesty. It's a bad cause to play people for fools. Very bad cause.


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Re: Soka Gakkai International - trying to save SGI Lost pages
Posted by: simplify ()
Date: September 11, 2013 08:26PM

Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

Old page 324
Former Cult Members and Affected Families
October 27, 2011 01:43PM

Date Added: 08/29/2010
Posts: 29

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

I just don't understand the whole Ikeda-as-Mentor concept. Your mentor is someone you try to emulate, isn't that right? How exactly am I supposed to pattern my life like Daisaku Ikeda? Start my own muti-billion dollar religious empire? Dupe good people into giving me their money? I'm a 45 year old white woman, so transforming myself into an elderly Japanese Billionaire doesn't seem very likely. There is nothing about Ikeda or his life that I want to emulate.

I'm just waiting for him to start claiming he has attained Buddha-hood. Or has he already? I'm kind of out of the loop these days.

October 27, 2011 05:16PM

Date Added: 02/23/2011
Posts: 253

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

I just don't understand the whole Ikeda-as-Mentor concept. Your mentor is someone you try to emulate, isn't that right? How exactly am I supposed to pattern my life like Daisaku Ikeda? Start my own muti-billion dollar religious empire? Dupe good people into giving me their money? I'm a 45 year old white woman, so transforming myself into an elderly Japanese Billionaire doesn't seem very likely. There is nothing about Ikeda or his life that I want to emulate.
I'm just waiting for him to start claiming he has attained Buddha-hood. Or has he already? I'm kind of out of the loop these days.

Hello, hit the nails on the head here! Also, it seems as though the SGI now is giving no choice, you must accept PI as your personal Number One All-Time Mentor. The only one you'll ever need. Talk about authoritarism! They also talk about "knowing Sensei's heart--making Sensei's heart your own" How can we know his heart? Or anyone's for that matter? Make his heart your own? We have our own hearts!

I don't recall ever seeing that he's claimed Buddhahood. For that matter, I've never heard any other members (or leaders) say that they had reached Buddhahood, either.


October 27, 2011 09:54PM

Date Added: 02/22/2010
Posts: 9

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

Hello everyone, I am a former member of SGI. I joined it because my Japanese friend was raving about how it is a great Buddhist organization in Virgina. Well I Joined and received my Gohonzon one year from today in fact. Well I went to meetings but slowly started to notice anytime I had any problems they would tell me to chant more, get involved in activities, donate(I never donated a dime) and buy PI publications. I am a military spouse (I found out majority of the SGI members in this district are from Okinawa, Japan and are married to military members). I attended all the meetings and soon after I got pregnant, the ones I could not attend were the ones far away.

When I slowly stopped going to meetings I had them host meetings at my house and let me know last minute. With my morning sickness I was barley able to sit through chanting. After I had my baby they wanted me to attend more meetings which wasn't possible. The only meeting I attended after all of this was the last one before we moved to our next duty station Upstate NY. My friend who got me into SGI asked me for my new address I thought she was going to write me a letter or something. She gave my new info to SGI and one month after we moved up here I was getting bombarded with phone calls.

I only answered one call and was told the closest district meeting is an hour away and I should attend, I told them that, that is too far for me I was interrupted and told that an hour drive is nothing. I told them to give me the information and I would get in touch when I had the time. I never called them. Thank goodness I got away from all of this mess the Ikea worship is very obvious I do not know why anyone else doesn't see it.

I went back to Falun Gong a non-profit organization that teaches you how to cultivate your chi (life energy). All of the books and information is free and no pressure to donate or anything. I am happy with this :).

October 27, 2011 10:22PM

Date Added: 08/13/2009
Posts: 564

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

You must check out Chanting Growers Group. They are always claiming that SGI members are Buddhas. Another group of videos show many SGI members declaring, "I am Myoho renge kyo, "I am Buddha" and lastly, see this video: [] .....Getting along with a difficult boss and making "a lot of successful projects" is being a Buddha.


October 27, 2011 10:37PM

Date Added: 02/22/2010
Posts: 9

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

Another thing to add to my post I was always told if I wanted something chant for it... If I wanted a car chant for it, it was surrounded by chanting for materialistic things which is the opposite of the teachings of Buddhism.

October 28, 2011 04:36AM

Date Added: 01/20/2010
Posts: 51

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

sure it has already been mentioned, in the history of this thread and Nichijew will know for sure what the original source is. I think it was in a book dating from the 70's that it was claimed that Ikeda is a Buddha. Soka Gakkai got in a heap of trouble from Nittatsu about this.

Also like everyone else on here, If find it quite bizzare that Gakkai claimed that following the Head Priest was worthless and evil, but now you have to take Ikeda as your mentor if you want to attain anything. Utter Cult BS!!!

Anyone else read 'Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth and Death 2003 edition' If found it in a second hand shop and against my better judgement, bought and read it, firstly it's the same as all the other Gakkai books, Basics of Buddhism, Buddha in your rearveiw mirror, Buddha in Daily life etc.... How have they got away with reprinting the same books with different names, sure they are worded a bit differently but the content and explanations are all just about the same.

The reason i mention the 2003 edition is that their is a section where Ikeda mentions 9/11 and that one of the people on one of the planes was a Nichiren Buddhist who was a friend of Ikedas, and that Ikeda was a friend of the deceased persons family.

Now I think this is total BS. No names mentioned in the book about who this so called person was, how is Ikeda friends with any of those practicing in the US as he never visits there. Anyone on here know of anyone who was on any of the planes on 9/11 that was an SGI member.
This to me, is just another lie to create and emotional response to how great 'this Buddhism is' and how 'great Ikeda' is. Using 9/11 victims to get emotional responses is just f**ked up.

If only my heart and life state was like Ikedas, I would be a lying Billionaire BS talker!
October 28, 2011 06:27AM

Date Added: 01/20/2010
Posts: 51

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI


Interesting reading, anyone here know where the 700page document resides?


October 28, 2011 09:12AM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Re: Soka Gakkai -- SGI, Ching Hai, Kim Jong-il, mitsibushi

There is no question, Daisaku Ikeda makes it clear by everything he puts out, that he is personally manifesting his deluded version of his so-called the Buddha nature. Those familiar with his so-called 'writings' could find the passages.
By the way, there is no question that Ikeda doesn't write any of that stuff.
He must dictate some of it, then it is edited, and written by his hired ghost-writers. That is a proven fact, as has been shown all over the place. Its just to create an illusion of an Ikeda superman.
Same as him getting his lackies to go a purchase hundreds of fake degrees, in exchange for a donation to some university.

Kim Jong-il also claims to have written countless books, and appears in photo's as the Dear Leader President.

Ching Hai also runs her own personality cult where she made herself the Supreme Master Ching Hai. []

And of course they all sell themselves as "poets".
Pretty much every cultish leader sells themselves as a poet. This is to make them seem less authoritarian and more romantic, but also to allow them to use their ghost-writers to inject all sort of persuasion tactics into artfully vague writings. That is advanced persuasion, using what appears to be poetic language. Its the latest thing in brainwashing.
Permissive persuasion.

This Mentor/Disciple, is the same as Master/slave.
Its psychological persuasion, to try to get people to connect to the Dear Leader Ikeda in an emotional way. Its a cultic technique, that SGI has learned, and is applying.

The only position Ikeda seems to take, is to be against nuclear weapons! Wow, what a hero.
You mean, someone in Japan, a country to suffer direct attacks from nuclear weapons, is against nuclear weapons?
Meanwhile, as has been shown in this thread, Ikeda and Soka Gakkai is definitely in bed and aligned in various ways with Mitsubishi Corporation. []
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is a weapons company, as well as nuclear tech. []

Search google for:

mitsibushi "soka gakkai"

When you are talking possibly hundred(s) of billions in Soka Gakkai assets, washing around the world through hundreds and thousands of banks, many of them in countries without any oversight of the banks, and corrupt government systems, its not hard to connect the dots of what SGI really is on a business level.
These billions did not come from housewives, its impossible. Yes, part of it does, that is the beauty of it. The web is so complex it cannot be deconstructed.
SGI appears to be an ideal mechanism to slosh billions of dollars in assets around the world, tax-free, and with minimal to no oversight in many countries.


October 28, 2011 09:24AM

Date Added: 06/17/2002
Posts: 4921

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI


Please don't promote another religious group on this thread, i.e. Falun Gong.

See []

In my opinion Falun Gong is a destructive cult.

Also see []

October 28, 2011 02:16PM

Date Added: 02/23/2011
Posts: 253

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

sure it has already been mentioned, in the history of this thread and Nichijew will know for sure what the original source is. I think it was in a book dating from the 70's that it was claimed that Ikeda is a Buddha. Soka Gakkai got in a heap of trouble from Nittatsu about this.
Also like everyone else on here, If find it quite bizzare that Gakkai claimed that following the Head Priest was worthless and evil, but now you have to take Ikeda as your mentor if you want to attain anything. Utter Cult BS!!!

Anyone else read 'Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth and Death 2003 edition' If found it in a second hand shop and against my better judgement, bought and read it, firstly it's the same as all the other Gakkai books, Basics of Buddhism, Buddha in your rearveiw mirror, Buddha in Daily life etc.... How have they got away with reprinting the same books with different names, sure they are worded a bit differently but the content and explanations are all just about the same.

The reason i mention the 2003 edition is that their is a section where Ikeda mentions 9/11 and that one of the people on one of the planes was a Nichiren Buddhist who was a friend of Ikedas, and that Ikeda was a friend of the deceased persons family.

Now I think this is total BS. No names mentioned in the book about who this so called person was, how is Ikeda friends with any of those practicing in the US as he never visits there. Anyone on here know of anyone who was on any of the planes on 9/11 that was an SGI member.
This to me, is just another lie to create and emotional response to how great 'this Buddhism is' and how 'great Ikeda' is. Using 9/11 victims to get emotional responses is just f**ked up.

If only my heart and life state was like Ikedas, I would be a lying Billionaire BS talker!

TheVoid, there was indeed a member, actually someone who was employed by the SGI in LA named David Aoyama. He was on American Airlines flight 11. If he was an employee, I'm sure he had the company of PI at one time or another.


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Re: Soka Gakkai International - trying to save SGI Lost pages
Posted by: simplify ()
Date: September 11, 2013 08:30PM

Old page 325
Former Cult Members and Affected Families

October 29, 2011 08:11PM

Date Added: 08/20/2009
Posts: 135

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

@Tsukimoto - another great post, thanks. You don't post often but when you do, it's always a doozie.

@Jeenia, @Missy66 - Welcome to the ark. It's good to see that there are still members who can think for themselves. Ex chicago south-sider and north sider here.

Regarding the nobel prize for Ikea, maybe he can get the Bernie Maddoff special mention for swindling people out of their money?

As far as the members living in near poverty for SGI's sake, I guess for Karma to really work you need some people to sacrifice so much that the universe itself rejects the injustice. Could be we'll see Ikea's next incarnation as a leech or a jackal. Remember though, the organization is the shadow of the leader so if we here are all that have stood up and walked away from it, then perhaps there is divine retribution to go all around.

Reading that the WT subscription is now $50, what is inside that rag that is worth that? I sometimes thought they just changed the titles on the articles and recycled that garbage over and over. I'd look for inconsistencies that would suggest the articles were rehashes, but the SGI-blather was so vague that it was hard to even do that. I remember when they changed the format of the Seikyo Times the first time (sorry, that dates me :) ) I hoped there would be some good stuff from american members but no chance, cannot have people not parroting the party line.

Until the members themselves realize that there isn't going to be a hope for change over the next ten years they will just keep on marching to the SGI tune. As Ikea gets more decrepit those around him will compensate more and more and try to make things look like "it's all going okay, move along, nothing to see here, move along". Remember when Castro had some health issues? That Venezuelan dictator that Ikea is so palsy walsy with, same thing. Things get locked down so the big dogs can carve out their piece of the pie without interference.

I am SO GLAD I broke away years ago. Right now it's like a bad soap opera from my perspective.


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October 29, 2011 08:40PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4557

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

SGI uses very powerful and refined techniques of persuasion and brainwashing on vulnerable people.
They can train followers to think a corporation like SGI worth tens of billions, or maybe more, is broke.

With that level of brainwashing, you could train someone to not be able to see the moon in the sky.

These are powerful techniques that Ikeda and his western experts at SGI-USA are using.
Ikeda is old school, his techniques are quite crude, and don't work as well in the west, so SGI-USA had a few persuaders at SGI-USA head-office develop that.

The SGI members have been trained to shut-off their mind, and when there is problems, to chant chant chant. We have all seen it.
Something in their life starts going wrong, and they panic, then just want to go and chant it all away.
They lose the ability to use critical thinking.

So they believe that SGI is broke, when it has billions in cash in banks around the world.
They believe SGI is good Buddhism, when in fact, its really the opposite to Buddhism.

The bottom line, is that these sects can train humans to believe ANYTHING.
They can train them to believe there is a UFO at the center of the earth in a golden city.

So that is the tough part. The SGI folks are deeply indoctrinated, and the repetition makes it very hard to break out of it.
It becomes a closed-loop system, just the way Ikeda wanted it.

Locked into SGI for life.


October 30, 2011 03:28PM

Date Added: 02/23/2011
Posts: 253

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

@Tsukimoto - another great post, thanks. You don't post often but when you do, it's always a doozie.
@Jeenia, @Missy66 - Welcome to the ark. It's good to see that there are still members who can think for themselves. Ex chicago south-sider and north sider here.

Regarding the nobel prize for Ikea, maybe he can get the Bernie Maddoff special mention for swindling people out of their money?

As far as the members living in near poverty for SGI's sake, I guess for Karma to really work you need some people to sacrifice so much that the universe itself rejects the injustice. Could be we'll see Ikea's next incarnation as a leech or a jackal. Remember though, the organization is the shadow of the leader so if we here are all that have stood up and walked away from it, then perhaps there is divine retribution to go all around.

Reading that the WT subscription is now $50, what is inside that rag that is worth that? I sometimes thought they just changed the titles on the articles and recycled that garbage over and over. I'd look for inconsistencies that would suggest the articles were rehashes, but the SGI-blather was so vague that it was hard to even do that. I remember when they changed the format of the Seikyo Times the first time (sorry, that dates me :) ) I hoped there would be some good stuff from american members but no chance, cannot have people not parroting the party line.

Until the members themselves realize that there isn't going to be a hope for change over the next ten years they will just keep on marching to the SGI tune. As Ikea gets more decrepit those around him will compensate more and more and try to make things look like "it's all going okay, move along, nothing to see here, move along". Remember when Castro had some health issues? That Venezuelan dictator that Ikea is so palsy walsy with, same thing. Things get locked down so the big dogs can carve out their piece of the pie without interference.

I am SO GLAD I broke away years ago. Right now it's like a bad soap opera from my perspective.


Wakatta1, the WT has basically turned into an Ikeda Worship Platform. Even in the experiences, it's very rare that someone can relate one without bringing it back to accepting Sensei as Mentor in Life. I remember the Seikyo Times, too and the older WT and that was not the case. Pictures of Sensei abound. As if we'll forget what the Mentor looks like....

Like what The Anticult wrote, too, it is a systematic, constant message for the ego of one man to be adored by millions. But I'm still trying to understand for myself what has been written here recently, about how SGI-USA really doesn't care if people reject the M/D angle upon investigation and turn off/not join. So they really don't care about the expansive goal of Kosen-rufu, having more millions bow down to the Ikeda Man?


October 30, 2011 07:03PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4557

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

Ikeda has his core followers, and yes those people they want to lock into SGI for life.
And their babies too.

And like any sect, SGI knows most people do not want to be SGI, so they just ignore them.
Like when Scientology recruits on the street in front of their store, do they want to get everyone to come into the Scientology shop? No, only one in a thousand who pass by falls for the scam. But that is enough.

And the masses of SGI-USA in other countries, the people who work for free for years, and give thousands of dollars. Sure, when they burn out and start complaining, Ikeda wants them to get kicked out. Kick out the traitors. Cut off the cancerous finger before the cancer spreads, that kind of thing.

SGI is a massive corporation.
Does a massive corporation want their front-line workers to be with them for life?
No, they load them up with work, and when they burn out, they get new workers at a lower wage.

But higher level workers stay for a longer time.

So of course, SGI would love the entire world to bow-down to Ikeda, as he was supposed to be the King of Japan, and the Pres of Japan.
but luckily, he failed in that ambition, and had to settle for being a lowly multibillionaire.
But Ikeda is only surrounded by SGI worshipper's for the last decades, so he has been a King in his own mind.

But people who run these sects, are very practical.
Its a numbers game.
They look at the numbers and see that SGI lost, lets say 5% of their members through burn-out.
But they recruited 9%, and these newbies are keeners. So they grew.

People are just numbers on a page, and pawns in the chess game.
October 30, 2011 07:11PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4557

Re: Soka Gakkai -- SGI Bow down to your Supreme Master Ikeda!

But you can see how those in the USA find the Ikeda worship to be so grotesque, as to be physically revolting.
The western culture does not accept that kind of thing as easily.
Like Supreme Master Ching Hai. []
But it seems in the east, they eat that stuff up.

That is why SGI-USA tried to tone it down years ago, and use the english word "Mentor" taking from pop-psychology management.
Mentor is Orwellian Newspeak adapted by some high-paid propagandist at SGI-USA.

but please, the real message is ultimately...

...Bow down to your Supreme Master Ikeda or you will be punished by terrible Karma!
October 30, 2011 11:54PM

quiet one
Date Added: 07/02/2009
Posts: 143

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI


I just don't understand the whole Ikeda-as-Mentor concept. Your mentor is someone you try to emulate, isn't that right? How exactly am I supposed to pattern my life like Daisaku Ikeda? Start my own muti-billion dollar religious empire? Dupe good people into giving me their money? I'm a 45 year old white woman, so transforming myself into an elderly Japanese Billionaire doesn't seem very likely. There is nothing about Ikeda or his life that I want to emulate.
I'm just waiting for him to start claiming he has attained Buddha-hood. Or has he already? I'm kind of out of the loop these days.

Hello, hit the nails on the head here! Also, it seems as though the SGI now is giving no choice, you must accept PI as your personal Number One All-Time Mentor. The only one you'll ever need. Talk about authoritarism! They also talk about "knowing Sensei's heart--making Sensei's heart your own" How can we know his heart? Or anyone's for that matter? Make his heart your own? We have our own hearts!

I don't recall ever seeing that he's claimed Buddhahood. For that matter, I've never heard any other members (or leaders) say that they had reached Buddhahood, either.

You know, when I was in SGI I heard it said several times that President Ikeda was a "modern-day Buddha" or had reached enlightenment. Not sure if he himself claims to be a Buddha, but it would not surprise me. People felt that he had amazing energy and somehow had an aura about him. You were considered to be very lucky if you got to shake his hand or even be in the same room as him, because of his wonderful magical powers.


October 31, 2011 12:29AM

Date Added: 08/29/2010
Posts: 29

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

After I had just lost my job I gave a thousand dollars to the SGI in hopes of "changing my karma". The "friends" that took the check from me knew my situation, knew how little money I had to live on and did nothing to dissuade me.

And now if you have free time that isn't devoted to SGI activites you can volunteer at their thrift stores - awesome!

October 31, 2011 04:20AM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4557

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

That sucks that people would be persuaded to give their last money that they need, to a multibillion dollar organization like SGI, with billions in the bank.

But it happens all the time.
Not just SGI.
Many bogus churches do it too...donate everything to "God" their church pastor, and get blessed.

And every LGAT seminar, you have the millionaire seminar Guru's, conning people who are broke, or massively in debt, to borrow more, and give it to the millionaire, for more courses.
(which is like wanting to change your Karma, they want to change their life).

They hype people up to remortgage their homes, to buy into something ridiculous scam, and end up losing everything. They lose their house, often their marriage.

But no need to ever beat oneself up over mistakes made in the past. It can happen to anyone.
It happens to most people in life.
So if a person got scammed for some thousands of dollars, hopefully they learned a lesson that can be used for the rest of their life. And not get scammed again.

There is one big name famous LGAT seminar leader, who knows he is scamming people of course. His entire Mastery University is a "scam". By the end of it, if you are smart, you realize you have just been scammed for 50K-100K, and bought a piece of blue sky. Its embedded in the course, what was done to you.

So hopefully those who have been scammed by SGI and other sects won't let it happen again, and just jump into another sect, which some folks do.

October 31, 2011 10:54AM

quiet one
Date Added: 07/02/2009
Posts: 143

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

After I had just lost my job I gave a thousand dollars to the SGI in hopes of "changing my karma". The "friends" that took the check from me knew my situation, knew how little money I had to live on and did nothing to dissuade me.
And now if you have free time that isn't devoted to SGI activites you can volunteer at their thrift stores - awesome!

Wow, Tibbs, that's too bad. I know of other stories like that. I knew a girl, many years ago, who barely could function because of severe psychiatric problems. She received a monthly check from the government to live on, which was not enough. Because of a lawsuit, she received $2,000 in a windfall. SGI happily took half of it. She was encouraged to give it to change her karma (which, BTW, she definitely did not).

SGI runs thrift stores??? OMG


October 31, 2011 02:31PM

Date Added: 02/23/2011
Posts: 253

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

So I guess the world-wide goal of Kosen-rufu is really smoke-and-mirror! I have to say, there are members over the years who have sincerely claimed mondo benefit from making the contributions. These weren't leaders. They were just "regular folk". I have also heard stories like the one quiet one shared...about people in precarious mental/physical health straits who were encouraged to donate as much as they could, to change their fortune. And it did not happen. Tibbs, did you get any windfall?

Same thing with churches, like was said. Heavy tithing encouragement with the same benefits promised. And I've heard and seen more than one example of monies coming in when they were needed most, after tithing.

Soooooo, SGI does not have the market on making contributions with the expectation of financial protection. It always sounds like they think they do, though. They do not.

@quiet one: I don't think the thrift store thing is happening, yet!


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Re: Soka Gakkai International - trying to save SGI Lost pages
Posted by: simplify ()
Date: September 11, 2013 08:38PM

Old page 326
Former Cult Members and Affected Families
October 31, 2011 03:06PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI Karma-for-cash

If a person gives money to SGI for karma-for-cash, then they are looking for something to happen, and if it does, the mis-attribute it to SGI Karma-for-cash.
They are also encouraged and rewarded from SGI leaders for sharing those Stories, they get lots of attention for saying stuff like that about SGI.

Like if you need a new DVD player, and are visualizing getting one for free, and chanting for it, and it appears in your building from someone putting it in the hallway. A miracle of SGI chanting!
No, happens all the time.

Confirmation Bias.

The entire idea of Karma-for-cash is so crude and absurd, but its great for SGI.
People are as superstitious as hell, just watch them when they buy lottery tickets at the store.

Confirmation Bias





October 31, 2011 03:22PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI Karma-for-cash

It seems to be an essential strategy of getting rich running a cultic sect.

You have to convince your members that giving you their money will make them rich, if they chant hard enough. And the more money they give you, the richer THEY get.
That way you appeal to their greed and wishful thinking.

If they don't get rich, then you just blame them for not chanting hard enough, and for not giving you enough money. Give until it hurts, right?
So give more money, and chant harder.

And as an example, you tell them, look at all the billions we at SGI have!

(of course, SGI got a chunk of their billions from telling people to give them their money, but don't think about that)

If people weren't losing so much, it could be a comedy skit on Saturday Night Live.
Hey, you want to be rich? Give me your money!
If it doesn't work, give me more of your money!
After all, look at me, look at all the money I have gotten for free. (from you).

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/31/2011 03:28PM by The Anticult.


November 02, 2011 02:17AM

Date Added: 02/22/2010
Posts: 9

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

Wow a load of comments to read. My friend is involved in it and so is her mother. Her husband is going to be getting stationed in Japan in 2012 (Shes happy to be going home) but I am afraid for her if she does think for herself and tries to leave. I was told the Japan SGI owns a whole city and they have meetings everyday, also you HAVE to attend all the activities. This is what one of the other Japanese members told me. She even told me she misses it because SGI-USA is too lax.


November 02, 2011 12:47PM

Date Added: 05/16/2011
Posts: 79

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

Hi Jeenia,

Don't be too disheartened if your friend isn't interested in reading about all the culty aspects of SGI. Those who are really engaged in it have quite a distorted view of the organisation. As Anticult reminds us, SGI are masters at mind control and public relations. I know this because I can remember how I perceived things when people suggested I was in a cult (before I saw the reality of what SGI was, that is - and I was a member for 20 years!). I just didn't get it because I was so involved in the whole SGI-World view and felt sorry for those who weren't members and weren't chanting! Ugh, how sickening and embarrassing. I wish it hadn't taken me so long to learn the lesson of being very, very wary of any religious group.

Good for you getting out of SGI after only a year. However doesn't Falun Gong have quite a dodgy reputation?

November 02, 2011 01:20PM

Date Added: 05/16/2011
Posts: 79

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

For those of you with strong stomachs.

My district leader still sends me links to our UK SGI e-bulletin every fortnight. I clicked on it and wish I hadn't. But maybe you might enjoy trying to find if there is anything about Nichiren Buddhism in the bulletin. Here's the link.

It seems to be all about 'Sensei' (surprise) including this wonderful quote "“Youth of Europe: Towards 2030, let’s show indisputable victories as disciples of President Ikeda. Do you agree?” (enthusiastic applause)."

By the way, one of the leading articles is about Ick-eda getting yet another honorary doctorate. The University of Buckingham is the only university in the UK that does not receive state funding from the government. I should imagine in these credit crunch days that all donations are being very gratefully received at this particular University. But glancing through the article on page 4 of the bulletin it looks worse than that.

It looks like Ikeda is getting a foothold in English academia. I don't like this at all. It all looks like a a very cosy arrangement. Ick-eda has given the vice-Chancellor of Buckingham University "the Award of Highest Honour of Soka University" (so they swapped bogus academic honours) and the article goes on to say:

"After this there was a formal signing of a memorandum of understanding of the dual degree that will start next year when five students from Soka University will undertake four years of study – two at each institution – which will culminate with them gaining a degree from each institution."

I note that two of the members from the delegation of Buckingham University are Mrs Anne Matsuoka and Mr Kazuo Tobisawa. Hmmmmm.

I doubt that they would get away with this sort of thing in the State Funded University system that all other UK universities are a part of. But this will legitimise Ick-eda even more - well done SGI PR department.

It is all very Icky and Gakky.

I'm wondering if it is worth writing to Prof. Kealy (vice Chancellor of Buckingham University) to ask him if he has researched the true nature of SGI? But maybe he's an Ikedabot too.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2011 01:22PM by simplify.

November 02, 2011 01:20PM

Date Added: 02/23/2011
Posts: 253

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

Wow a load of comments to read. My friend is involved in it and so is her mother. Her husband is going to be getting stationed in Japan in 2012 (Shes happy to be going home) but I am afraid for her if she does think for herself and tries to leave. I was told the Japan SGI owns a whole city and they have meetings everyday, also you HAVE to attend all the activities. This is what one of the other Japanese members told me. She even told me she misses it because SGI-USA is too lax.

Jeenia, Japan you have to attend all the meetings? Yikes! But I can understand how that member from Japan feels SGI-USA is too relaxed. In Japan, it's a different story. They probably feel well-fortified with those daily meetings. Constant enlightenment!

@simplify...We certainly did feel like ours was the better way, no?

I wonder, do members really feel happiness, or are they chasing the promised carrot? Just saying, hold on, it'll be here annnyday now!

@The Anticult...great posts on karma-for-cash! My Christian friends tell me about tithing a lot. Like I said, they feel they get protection from their giving. They are totally confident about it.

SGI probably took a hard look at tithing and repackaged it as Zaimu/Monthly Sustainable Contributions!

November 03, 2011 01:46AM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Soka Gakkai -- SGI Prof. Kealy Buckingham University for SALE

5 foreign students x 2 years at a private university, that is quite a bit of cash right there.
Some non-resident students have to pay 40 grand a year, so that's half a million.

Be sure that SGI-ikeda is backing up this partnership with cash.
Just like a robber baron can buy a building for a university, they'll take it.

This is nothing for Soka U, they have over 1 billion invested.
5% interest a year, is 50 million bucks a year from that alone.

So a few million here and there is nothing for Soka U.

So Ikeda gets some propaganda points for marketing.
Buckingham University gets some cash.

Ikeda and other cult leaders know the reality, that money talks.


November 04, 2011 05:50AM

Date Added: 08/20/2009
Posts: 135

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI


I wonder. Given the size of SGI's cash holdings and the returns it enjoys from the financial advantages they provide (i.e. interest, turnover of "community centers", etc.) is it reasonable to assume that there will come a day when collecting the money from the membership will simply represent gathering "chump change"?

I suppose that is the reason why they want to get people to donate through automatic deductions, and likely why they want to be sitting there at the members death-bed waiting with pen in hand for their final "ACK....." scrawl.

I'd be interested in seeing what the "official" membership numbers look like from over the past 10 years. I'm certain the US organization has been contracting significantly. SGI of course will either refuse to provide an actual number, or provide one that is inflated since they would want to continue the illusion that the organization is growing. If shrinking then you'd wonder if there is a point of diminishing returns (yes, I know the Japanese WD beats the bushes for free but those gals gotta be getting pretty old these days...)

Anyone want to comment on the growth aspect? Out here in the boondocks I haven't encountered even a single SGI person although I suppose there are some aging hippies hiding outsome where that can account for at least one or two.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/04/2011 05:54AM by wakatta1.


November 04, 2011 12:00PM

Date Added: 02/23/2011
Posts: 253

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

For those of you with strong stomachs.
My district leader still sends me links to our UK SGI e-bulletin every fortnight. I clicked on it and wish I hadn't. But maybe you might enjoy trying to find if there is anything about Nichiren Buddhism in the bulletin. Here's the link.

It seems to be all about 'Sensei' (surprise) including this wonderful quote "“Youth of Europe: Towards 2030, let’s show indisputable victories as disciples of President Ikeda. Do you agree?” (enthusiastic applause)."

By the way, one of the leading articles is about Ick-eda getting yet another honorary doctorate. The University of Buckingham is the only university in the UK that does not receive state funding from the government. I should imagine in these credit crunch days that all donations are being very gratefully received at this particular University. But glancing through the article on page 4 of the bulletin it looks worse than that.

It looks like Ikeda is getting a foothold in English academia. I don't like this at all. It all looks like a a very cosy arrangement. Ick-eda has given the vice-Chancellor of Buckingham University "the Award of Highest Honour of Soka University" (so they swapped bogus academic honours) and the article goes on to say:

"After this there was a formal signing of a memorandum of understanding of the dual degree that will start next year when five students from Soka University will undertake four years of study – two at each institution – which will culminate with them gaining a degree from each institution."

I note that two of the members from the delegation of Buckingham University are Mrs Anne Matsuoka and Mr Kazuo Tobisawa. Hmmmmm.

I doubt that they would get away with this sort of thing in the State Funded University system that all other UK universities are a part of. But this will legitimise Ick-eda even more - well done SGI PR department.

It is all very Icky and Gakky.

I'm wondering if it is worth writing to Prof. Kealy (vice Chancellor of Buckingham University) to ask him if he has researched the true nature of SGI? But maybe he's an Ikedabot too.

One hand washes the other. It seems that Buckingham, in their position, was a natural, vunerable target for the SGI. If one looks at allllllll the honorary doctorate stuff PI has received, it's been brought out here that so many of them are off-the-map universities in struggling countries, who certainly will not turn down a needed helping hand in return for the Doctorate du jour. So I guess this is why he's also known as..Dr. Daisaku Ikeda??
@Wakatta1...the membership seems to be holding steady, not explosive growth by any means. Long-timers are still there. Newbies for the most part come around for awhile. I can only speak for the area I'm at, so I don't know about the larger metropolises, i.e. L.A., New York, etc. That would be interesting to know.


November 04, 2011 07:01PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

SGI = Karma-4-cash Soka Gakkai International - SGI = Karma-4-cash

SGI would never release the real membership numbers if they were going down. Never.
That's bad karma! You must think-chant positively against all the enemies of SGI! yadda yadda.

But SGI will continue to push for maximum donations and sales.
SGI does collect a lot of money. Even in the smaller SGI-UK, they are collecting millions a year.

The USA might be 20x bigger? The assets certainly are.
So SGI Karma-4-cash will live on no matter what.

Also, Ikeda would be PISSED at the recent investment losses, so guess who has to make up for that?
More donations.

And in any complex "money-washing" system, lots of clean money, has to be mixed in with the dubious money. So donations will always be sought.

SGI wants direct deposit for many reasons.
#1) it stops any local SGI from stealing the Rev Dr. Ikeda's money. (formerly your money). Yes, some SGI senior people have and will steal that cash-money.

#2) makes it harder to stop giving donations, and more automatic.
#3) save money in administration.

SGI is not in any way mysterious. Everything makes perfect sense, if you are Ikeda and his family. Its all designed to make people believe giving SGI their cash/labor will clear their bad karma. If course, it doesn't work, so that just means you need to give SGI more cash and harder labor. The system is rigged, like a casino, the House-SGI always wins.

SGI = Karma-4-cash.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/04/2011 07:06PM by The Anticult.


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Re: Soka Gakkai International - trying to save SGI Lost pages
Posted by: simplify ()
Date: September 11, 2013 08:53PM

Can't find old page 327

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Re: Soka Gakkai International - trying to save SGI Lost pages
Posted by: simplify ()
Date: September 11, 2013 08:56PM

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Old Page 328
Former Cult Members and Affected Families
November 08, 2011 01:19PM

Date Added: 08/13/2009
Posts: 564

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

When I was in the Gakkai, I was always spaced out, rarely focused [except on Gakkai activities]. Rather than taking care of family, career, and my own spiritual development, I was taking care of the SGI. I lost many things, keys, money, checks, jobs, apartments, certificates and even when I would gain something I would quickly lose it. I can't remember one important thing I lost since leaving the Gakkai. I continue to chant but with a different worldview.


November 09, 2011 01:18AM

Date Added: 07/01/2009
Posts: 49

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

Hello, it's been a very long time since I have been on this forum. Since then (without the chanting) I have studied abroad in Europe for five months and have been pursuing my degree in Radio and TV. I have been very well and every now and then have an urge to chant but not really. It feels good to no longer struggle with the fact that nothing bad is going to happen with me if I do not chant. As a matter of fact I still run into SGI members in my neighborhood at least once or twice a week. They no longer pester me to come to meetings because I have put my foot down and have let them know that I am done with it. I don't have my gohonzon anymore and that is fine with me as well. However, I still have one or two close friends who are in the organization and have no knowledge of this. Eventually in time I will tell them that I no longer have it but right now I am not ready. The memories of being a member in SGI at times are becoming very faraway and at times I chalk it up as an experience that shaped me to be the person that I am in spite of all it's negativity. With that being said I know that their will be other experiences that do this as well.

Take Care Everyone:-)

November 09, 2011 11:40PM

quiet one
Date Added: 07/02/2009
Posts: 143

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

Hi, Ithomas. So glad to hear that everything is well and that you have been doing such interesting things!


November 12, 2011 10:13PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

President for Life: Daisaku Ikeda SGI, and Idi Amin

There is a movie about Idi Amin called The Last King Of Scotland.
In the Idi Amin biography [] it lists the string of titles that Idi awarded to himself, as he was a meglomaniac.

"His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Alhaji Dr. Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, CBE"

Ikeda is also President For Life.
Has purchased a string of bogus doctorates [] and bogus degrees and fake titles.

Idi Amin called himself the "uncrowned king of Scotland".
Ikeda said "I am the king of Japan"

Ikeda is such a meglomaniac, he even has his webmaster say on his website..

(All banner photos by Daisaku Ikeda)

Meawhile its obvious those are purchased STOCK photographs, especially the panorama shots of the mountain.

Meanwhile, its been proven Ikeda has obviously used hired ghostwriters, Ikeda is not a writer, he's a fake.

Ikeda says he tried to get political power starting back in 1955, and of course claims "persecution" which actually looks like attempts at some kind of vote-rigging by SGI. Ikeda says his signed confession was a forced confession. []

What would Ikeda have done if he had gotten into power?
The megalomania of Ikeda is off the charts.

And the so-called biography of him on his own website, is unreadable, just propaganda trying to reframe the events of his life.

In fact, Ikeda was excommunicated, as he should have been.
Ikeda cannot be called a "Buddhist" by any measure.

Ikeda is simply a businessman and a multibillionaire, running a cult of personality for his own benefit and his family.
Its interesting that most people in the west have a gut-level revulsion to Ikeda.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/12/2011 10:26PM by The Anticult.
November 13, 2011 03:34PM

Date Added: 02/23/2011
Posts: 253

Re: President for Life: Daisaku Ikeda SGI, and Idi Amin

The Anticult
There is a movie about Idi Amin called The Last King Of Scotland.
In the Idi Amin biography [] it lists the string of titles that Idi awarded to himself, as he was a meglomaniac.

"His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Alhaji Dr. Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, CBE"

Ikeda is also President For Life.
Has purchased a string of bogus doctorates [] and bogus degrees and fake titles.

Idi Amin called himself the "uncrowned king of Scotland".
Ikeda said "I am the king of Japan"

Ikeda is such a meglomaniac, he even has his webmaster say on his website..

(All banner photos by Daisaku Ikeda)

Meawhile its obvious those are purchased STOCK photographs, especially the panorama shots of the mountain.

Meanwhile, its been proven Ikeda has obviously used hired ghostwriters, Ikeda is not a writer, he's a fake.

Ikeda says he tried to get political power starting back in 1955, and of course claims "persecution" which actually looks like attempts at some kind of vote-rigging by SGI. Ikeda says his signed confession was a forced confession. []

What would Ikeda have done if he had gotten into power?
The megalomania of Ikeda is off the charts.

And the so-called biography of him on his own website, is unreadable, just propaganda trying to reframe the events of his life.

In fact, Ikeda was excommunicated, as he should have been.
Ikeda cannot be called a "Buddhist" by any measure.

Ikeda is simply a businessman and a multibillionaire, running a cult of personality for his own benefit and his family.
Its interesting that most people in the west have a gut-level revulsion to Ikeda.

The Anticult...People have a revulsion now more than ever in the west to Mr. Ikeda because they have low tolerance for Cults of Personality. People have worshiped and respected the Rev. Billy Graham for decades, but you don't get the same feeling about his flock, as an example. Sometimes looking at Oprah's empire, I see a comparison to President Ikeda. She's got her hands in everything, down to having her own network and her face on the cover of O every month. But she's not asking America to bow down and mention her name in awe and reverence every 5 minutes.

The SGI just wants everyone to talk incessantly about P.I, how great he is, (just like he claims he and Mrs. Ikeda "talked incessantly" of their mentor, Josei Toda).

I bet he wishes he was Oprah.

November 14, 2011 10:57PM

The Anticult
Date Added: 03/17/2006
Posts: 4558

Re: President for Life: Daisaku Ikeda SGI, and Idi Amin

Ikeda is far far richer than Oprah!
Again, you have to wonder, its impossible for all of those SGI billions to have come from mere "donations". Sure, many many millions were collected in donations.

But there seems to be mysterious billions which have flowed into SGI, and then were repeatedly moved all over the world, as the money was put through the washing machine.

Maybe one day, some outside authorities in Japan will do a complete investigation.
Maybe some former insiders will leak some documents and information.

November 15, 2011 11:25AM

quiet one
Date Added: 07/02/2009
Posts: 143

Re: President for Life: Daisaku Ikeda SGI, and Idi Amin

The Anticult
Ikeda is far far richer than Oprah!
Again, you have to wonder, its impossible for all of those SGI billions to have come from mere "donations". Sure, many many millions were collected in donations.

But there seems to be mysterious billions which have flowed into SGI, and then were repeatedly moved all over the world, as the money was put through the washing machine.

Maybe one day, some outside authorities in Japan will do a complete investigation.
Maybe some former insiders will leak some documents and information.

Occupy SGI!!!!!!!


November 24, 2011 11:54AM

Date Added: 08/13/2009
Posts: 564

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

Happy Thanksgiving!



December 01, 2011 04:21PM

Date Added: 11/29/2011
Posts: 2

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

Hi everyone,

I'm new here. I've been a member of SGI for nearly four years and, after starting university at Soka U of America, have stopped practicing almost completely. I started noticing things, became uncomfortable with the amount of Ikeda worship from the members, and flat out got angry. I don't need someone to tell me anything about what kind of faith I have or what kind of faith I should have. I don't need someone to tell me that good things will happen to me if I donate my savings (besides, as a typical broke college student, I'm taking care of myself first, thanks). My connection to Ikeda is nonexistent, and that bothers a lot of members.

So, while I agree about the shady business revolving SGI, it kind of upset and disappointed me to see some people refer to Ikeda as "fat Jap" or other derogatory terms. There's no need for name calling or using such a terms for Japanese. Regardless of what kind of person he is and what he's doing with the organization, we should focus on revealing the kind of person he is and not focusing on insulting him or degrading him. We'd be stooping far lower than him, because at least he keeps away from name calling (even if it is to keep up with an act). It also disappointed me to see how quick people jump to assumptions about the intentions of anything revolving SGI. Yeah, shady and deceitful people run it, but we shouldn't be rising in arms if someone in the organization gets a paper cut, either. Let's focus on the facts and personal experiences.

Please continue raising awareness about this but please be aware of the language you're using. I came to this forum looking for support and to see if others felt the same way, but was kind of put off by the unnecessary name calling and accusations.

I don't mean to offend anyone. I'm just posing a concern as an outsider trying to learn more. Thanks for all your hard work.


December 01, 2011 08:56PM

Date Added: 12/11/2007
Posts: 789

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI

I agree..."Fat Jap" is very offensive and uncalled for. It doesn't help with the conversation going forward.

I think "Lying Body and Mind Rapist" is a better term.

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Re: Soka Gakkai International - trying to save SGI Lost pages
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: September 12, 2013 01:27AM

sounds like a good idea to put archived threads into a new thread for reference. Here are a few notes on how to find those pages.


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Re: Soka Gakkai International - trying to save SGI Lost pages
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: September 12, 2013 01:49AM

Also if the page doesn't come up on Google, try the cache.

For Bing just delete the "site:" part, so it would be as below, just searching the keywords.

Soka Gakkai international page=327

There is probably a way to find each exact page, and use the page number sometimes works on Google.

Soka Gakkai international page=327

But sometimes it doesn't work, as its just searching those words and numbers. So sometimes the correct page comes up, sometimes it doesn't, and just by clicking other links it might come up.
Or trying alternate searches, perhaps like..

page=327 Soka Gakkai
page=327 SGI

Or search the date keywords for that page, as you can see by the previous page

soka gakkai November 2011

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