Shedding Light on the Landmark Forum
Posted by: Ryan64 ()
Date: October 28, 2009 04:49AM

I attended a Landmark forum two weeks ago and new nothing of what it was. This is the letter I wrote to my boss after the weekend

Dear Friend,

First, I do want to thank you for inviting me to the Landmark Forum. I have an even stronger connection to myself, my higher self, to spirit, to the Universe and to God. I had all of my beliefs questioned and put to the test, told that they were meaningless and didn’t exist. For a few hours, I lost myself and by the grace of god I snapped back to reality. I was shown both sides of our world, the evil dark side as well as the true power of Love. I now have another mission in my life that will be clear by the end of this letter.

This past year, I have been through, what you might call “the tunnel”. One year ago, while I lived in New York, I lost what I thought was everything meaningful. I was depressed to the point of suicide, but in that fall, I found myself. I realized I had everything all along. What I lost was just materialistic BS from an Ego-Driven Life. None of that had any meaning. And through the experience of having my ego die, I was truly born again.
This past year I sort of went “back to school”. I studied our real History, the Banking System, Government, Spirituality, Brain Chemistry, Meta-Physics & Quantum Physics. I read works from the leading “gurus” (for a lack of a better word) from our day. From this study I learned the true nature of reality and The Power of Thought Manifestation. I realized every person is special, every person can do anything they want, simply with the power of positive thinking and heart based action--Through our emotional guidance system and discernment we can figure everything out and plow through the puzzles of life--That life is infinite consciousness express in a 3D reality-- That we are “gods also” limitless in our possibilities. This was a completely empowering experience…

Soon after I Awakened to this tremendous knowledge, I began to uncover the evil side of this world; the conspiracy that has wrecked havoc upon our planet for thousands of years. You see, this information that I uncovered wasn’t new information at all, but incredibly old and has been kept secret. Why? Well, if the power of one’s thoughts can create infinite possibilities, than to control one’s mind becomes ultimate Power.
Then the light bulb turned on! Everything in life that I thought made no sense, suddenly made perfect sense. Every Advertisement, Every War, Every Terrorist Attack, Every Politician, the Education System, Pop Culture, etc. It’s all Mind Control to keep us confused, in a trance, insecure, entertained & fighting amongst ourselves. Everything has been designed to keep us unconscious, unable to figure out the power of an individual--to keep us from connecting to our God Self.

Armed with my knowledge of the techniques of Mind Control I walked into the Landmark Forum on Friday. I knew nothing of Landmark, besides what you, friend and friend told me. This is something that helped you, so it must be good I thought. I didn’t even research it on the internet. I walked in with an open mind, but soon uncovered the biggest, most sophisticated, convoluted, mind control ponzi scheme on the planet. It became clear to me very soon that the architects of the Landmark Forum have a clear understanding of the nature of reality and have used that knowledge to manipulate its members for pure financial profit. Here is my account.

As with any self-help curriculum there must be some positive aspects. I am not arguing that. After all Rat Poison is 98% Food. It’s the 2% of arsenic that’s going to kill you. During my time at Landmark there were some great points taught -- Living in the present moment-- Letting go of negative emotions attached to past experiences -- Not listening to the voice in your head telling you reasons not to follow possibilities-- holding on to a belief system that limits your creativity. All of these ideals are great. But, also things I have already studied and worked on in my own life. Then came the arsenic.
These tenants I disagree with.
• Every decision is based on looking good or looking bad
• You do not have the power to transform yourself alone
• You are unauthentic
• A Human Being is Design to Fail
• You have no integrity
• Every experience is meaningless
• Life is Dangerous
• Life is Empty and Meaningless
• You are nothing
• Do not fear others, Instill Fear
For the first 30 years of my life (well from 7 on) I lived an ego driven life, completely disconnected. And for sure, every decision was based on looking good, I was fake, I had no integrity, I was a liar! That Ego life was meaningless. My Ego was nothing. My ego couldn’t change. But my Ego is not who I am! My higher self, my god self, is 100% authentic. My Higher Self has Integrity. Every experience in my life has meaning and was exactly necessary for me to evolve into the awakened being I am today. And using the power within I can transform not only me, but I can transform the world. One trick to life I learned is figuring out which thoughts are from your ego and which thoughts are from your higher self. And this is done with the power of your emotions-- by choosing the thoughts that feel better.

When I questioned Richard about Ego or Higher Self, or about brain chemistry, about your ego living in the R-Complex of your brain and its top priority is surviving - he dismissed it as Psychology, or Biology, or Spirituality which had no place at Landmark. “Try the program the Landmark way, and by Wednesday you can bring those ideals back into your life”. Well, I agreed with that and I decided to give it a shot.

I soon realized the level of sophistication of this particular type of mind control. Their objective at Landmark was to break down the Mind, to destroy the ability of the NeoCortex to critically think thus moving thinking strictly into the Ego, or R-Complex/Reptilian Part of the Brain. There, the thoughts are all about survival and looking good. By the end of the programming the EGO is tricked through a logical type of reasoning into believing that the EGO is all that there is. And through logic, the EGO concludes that it really isn’t anything. Which in reality is true, the EGO is nothing.
Through the brainwashing techniques of cutting off all critical thinking of the NeoCortex, the voice of the higher self cannot interject with its own logic. While in this state, landmark’s new language is imprinted onto the brain. When the higher self starts to break through, the ego reacts to those thoughts as a type of “Racket”. Since “Rackets” are now bad, the ego goes into survival mode protecting itself from the thoughts of the higher self. That means after the programming you completely are living in EGO, with no connection to higher self. You become a slave, disconnected to god, losing personality and paying Landmark for Advanced Classes and Enrolling friends and family into the courses.

I have been researching different brain washing techniques and mind control tactics. Here is what I witnessed to accomplish this goal (References are at the bottom of the page. )

ISOLATION: the meeting or training takes place in a place where participants are cut off from the outside world. This often involves making a public commitment to stay during the training. When training takes place in isolation like this, there is usually a quick follow-up session to ensure that the technique has really taken hold. (4 days, then weekly sessions to follow)

FATIGUE: a schedule is maintained that ensures physical and mental fatigue. This means long hours, few breaks, and very little time for relaxing or reflection. (13 hours a day with few breaks)

TENSION: techniques are used to increase tension in the group. For example, perhaps there are a few truisms thrown around that might make you feel like you are doing something wrong. Or that you are a sinner, or depressed, or generally unhappy. (Your life is meaningless, You have no integrity etc)

UNCERTAINTY people are randomly put on the spot. Forced to withdraw into anger, fear, or awe. This included asking people to come on stage and talk about humiliating or weak moments in their lives. This withdrawn, fearful, state, makes you many times more susceptible to suggestions as your guard is down and you are looking for safety and reassurance in whatever form it takes. (There were many breakdowns throughout the weekend)

JARGON: new language to talk about what’s going on. It could help label the “enemy”, whether it be ignorant people, people who aren’t yet enlightened, or evil people. Also, new language to talk about people who are “fixed”: either enlightened, saved, or healed. – (e.g. RACKETS)

HUMORLESSNESS: there’s no humor involved until the process is complete. The humor then serves as a way to celebrate and seal the deal. (After the Fear Meditation, the Joke, do you get it? Everyone Laughs)

HYPNOSIS – Voice Roll Technique – A “voice roll” is a patterned, paced style used by hypnotists when inducing a trance. It is also used by many lawyers, several of whom are highly trained hypnotists, when they desire to entrench a point firmly in the minds of the jurors. A voice roll can sound as if the speaker were talking to the beat of a metronome or it may sound as though he were emphasizing every word in a monotonous, patterned style. The words will usually be delivered at the rate of 45 to 60 beats per minute, maximizing the hypnotic effect. (Richard is brilliant at this technique)

GUILT - In human-potential trainings, the controllers will give a lengthy talk about the importance of “keeping agreements” in life. The participants are told that if they don’t keep agreements, their life will never work. It’s a good idea to keep agreements, but the controllers are subverting a positive human value for selfish purposes. The participants vow to themselves and their trainer that they will keep their agreements. Anyone who does not will be intimidated into agreement or forced to leave. The next step is to agree to complete training, thus assuring a high percentage of conversions for the organizations. They will USUALLY have to agree not to take drugs, smoke, and sometimes not to eat or they are given such short meal breaks that it creates tension. The real reason for the agreements is to alter internal chemistry, which generates anxiety and hopefully causes at least a slight malfunction of the nervous system, which in turn increases the conversion potential. – (Richard gave a talk about keeping your word, if you were late or didn’t show up, you were breaking your word - weren’t coachable, you were breaking your word)

PEER GROUP PRESSURE – Suppressing doubt and resistance to new ideas by exploiting the need to belong. (This was done in many ways. 1. In the beginning they said if you want your money back you can leave now. No one wants to be the first one to leave. 2. Throughout the weekend they would ask after a segment, “What did you get out of that?” In the beginning, just a few people would raise their hand, and Richard would call on everyone of them. Giving you the sense, what’s wrong with me? Why didn’t I get anything out of it? By Sunday, Everyone was raising their hand.

“LOVE BOMBING” – Creating a sense of family through physical touch, thought & feeling sharing and emotional bonding. (Sharing was done every few hours)

REJECTION OF OLD VALUES – Accelerating acceptance of new lifestyle by constantly denouncing former beliefs and values. (That you have no integrity, everything thing you used to believe is just a story, meaningless)

CONFUSING DOCTRINE – Encouraging blind acceptance and rejection of logic through complex lectures on an incomprehensible doctrine. (Rules of the Forum were written in very confusing language)

METACOMMUNICATION – Implanting subliminal messages by stressing certain key words or phrases in long, confusing lectures. (e.g. ENROLL, ENROLLMENT, ENROLL OTHERS)
REMOVAL OF PRIVACY – Achieving loss of ability to evaluate logically by preventing private contemplation. (Long hours and homework afterwards, no time to think)

DISINHIBITION – Encouraging child-like obedience by orchestrating child-like behavior (This was done when people would raise their hand and would begin to speak, after a few people they would be scolded for not going to the microphone)

UNCOMPROMISING RULES – Inducing regression and disorientation by soliciting agreement to seemingly simple rules which regulate mealtimes, bathroom breaks and use of medications.

VERBAL ABUSE – Desensitizing through bombardment with foul and abusive language. (If you interrupted or didn’t come to the mic, Richard would yell)

CONFESSION – Encouraging the destruction of individual ego through confession of personal weaknesses and innermost feelings of doubt. (Done throughout Seminar)

FINANCIAL COMMITMENT - Achieving increased dependence on the group by 'burning bridges' to the past, through the donation of assets. (Not so much burning bridges, but the point is made that only Landmark can help you and you must take the courses to get help, which cost money)

FINGER POINTING - Creating a false sense of righteousness by pointing to the shortcomings of the outside world. (Every war was caused by people fighting over their beliefs; therefore it is wrong to have beliefs, there were many more)

CONTROLLED APPROVAL - Maintaining vulnerability and confusion by alternately rewarding and punishing similar actions. (people would get up and spew nonsense on the mic, sometimes this was cheered by Richard, other times he said you are not doing the work)

NO QUESTIONS - Accomplishing automatic acceptance of beliefs by discouraging questions. (When someone would question Landmark, Richard would either say you are not following the Landmark way, or you are not being coachable)

PINEAL GLAND ACTIVATION - this is probably the most sinister of all the tactics and where I knew they had a broad knowledge of occultist practices. On Friday night they did a technique to cure your headache. This was clearly a technique to unlock your pineal gland or 3rd eye. When your 3rd eye is open, and you are not aware, you are more susceptible to hypnosis. Theresa called me Sunday Morning complaining of a headache on her forehead. This is common when your 3rd eye is being opened, since it has not been used your entire life.

FEAR - The final straw for me was the Fear Meditation. There have been over 50 scientific studies, peer reviewed, published in leading scientific publications that prove when you get a group of people together and practice meditation with a foundation of Love, Love for yourself, Love for your neighbor, Love for the world that there is a statistical Drop in Crime Rates, Domestic Violence, Terrorist Attacks and the list goes on. The energy of Love is so powerful. So, what do you think a meditation on the opposite, fear will do????

This is when I knew Landmark Education was evil, pure evil, to the core. And to top it off, Richard then said that fear is no big deal, that the emotional Response of fear is meaningless. One communicates with their higher self through their emotions. Positive Thoughts create Positive Emotions create Positive Experiences. Negative Thoughts, create Negative Emotions create Negative Experiences. This is the factual nature of reality and Thought Manifestation. This is the most dangerous aspect of this Course, not listening to your emotional guidance system. But if you try to tell that to a Landmark volunteer they will say that it’s just my point of view on life and everyone has different points of views & that I am just running a racket trying to prove myself right. How brilliant is the Landmark Racket that anytime you try to question its point of view you are wrong, and that’s right.


Since I woke up to the nature of reality and my own divinity, I have realized my higher purpose. I am a light worker, shedding light where there is dark. I am a way shower, sharing the experience of my awakening with others to shorten their path to enlightenment. I know everyone that comes across my path is not a coincidence. I know everyone I meet I can learn from and they in turn will learn something from me. I learn much from you, but for the longest time I didn’t know how I could teach you, but now I know. Landmark Education must be exposed for what it is. And I am on a mission to expose it.

I know deep down in your heart that you know everything that I am saying is the honest to Gods Truth. During the fear meditation instead of fearing my neighbors I expressed my love for them. I expressed my love for the room, the love for the planet and even love for Richard. My love balanced the room that day, because love is the answer. When you look into your daughter’s eyes, I know you feel that Love. I know you get it. That Love is what Life is all about. And that Love for humanity will save this planet.

I feel confident that you were naïve to the depths of deception that Landmark uses to lure its victims into the Forum. I know it helped you get through some issues and in a way it helped me as well. I just feel sympathy for the hundreds of thousands of people that go through Landmark with real issues, hoping to find the answers to life. Landmark dangles that answer like a carrot stick never letting you know the truth. On the road to enlightenment Landmark is at best a cul-de-sac leading to a dead end; at worst a wrong turn off a cliff falling into the depths of hell. What world do you want to raise your daughter in? A dangerous world based in Fear? Think about all the criminality of the people that are in power in our government, media, and corporations. They all live like this. They instill fear in others; they are out strictly for themselves. Why? Because they believe that this life on earth is all that there is. They live strictly from the Ego, with no higher self, with no Soul.

I know I want to live in a world of love where all dreams are possible. It was no mistake that we met, it was no mistake that I attended the Forum, and it’s no mistake that you are in a time of reflection… It’s time to Wake up!


Landmark Facts
$80 million a year, with a staff of 95% Volunteer
100 cities, 20 Countries and Expanding
This must end…


Re: Shedding Light on the Landmark Forum
Posted by: ajinajan ()
Date: October 29, 2009 02:46AM

I attended a Landmark forum two weeks ago and new nothing of what it was. This is the letter I wrote to my boss after the weekend

Dear Friend,

First, I do want to thank you for inviting me to the Landmark Forum. I have an even stronger connection to myself, my higher self, to spirit, to the Universe and to God. I had all of my beliefs questioned and put to the test, told that they were meaningless and didn’t exist. For a few hours, I lost myself and by the grace of god I snapped back to reality. I was shown both sides of our world, the evil dark side as well as the true power of Love. I now have another mission in my life that will be clear by the end of this letter.

This past year, I have been through, what you might call “the tunnel”. One year ago, while I lived in New York, I lost what I thought was everything meaningful. I was depressed to the point of suicide, but in that fall, I found myself. I realized I had everything all along. What I lost was just materialistic BS from an Ego-Driven Life. None of that had any meaning. And through the experience of having my ego die, I was truly born again.
This past year I sort of went “back to school”. I studied our real History, the Banking System, Government, Spirituality, Brain Chemistry, Meta-Physics & Quantum Physics. I read works from the leading “gurus” (for a lack of a better word) from our day. From this study I learned the true nature of reality and The Power of Thought Manifestation. I realized every person is special, every person can do anything they want, simply with the power of positive thinking and heart based action--Through our emotional guidance system and discernment we can figure everything out and plow through the puzzles of life--That life is infinite consciousness express in a 3D reality-- That we are “gods also” limitless in our possibilities. This was a completely empowering experience…

Soon after I Awakened to this tremendous knowledge, I began to uncover the evil side of this world; the conspiracy that has wrecked havoc upon our planet for thousands of years. You see, this information that I uncovered wasn’t new information at all, but incredibly old and has been kept secret. Why? Well, if the power of one’s thoughts can create infinite possibilities, than to control one’s mind becomes ultimate Power.
Then the light bulb turned on! Everything in life that I thought made no sense, suddenly made perfect sense. Every Advertisement, Every War, Every Terrorist Attack, Every Politician, the Education System, Pop Culture, etc. It’s all Mind Control to keep us confused, in a trance, insecure, entertained & fighting amongst ourselves. Everything has been designed to keep us unconscious, unable to figure out the power of an individual--to keep us from connecting to our God Self.

Armed with my knowledge of the techniques of Mind Control I walked into the Landmark Forum on Friday. I knew nothing of Landmark, besides what you, friend and friend told me. This is something that helped you, so it must be good I thought. I didn’t even research it on the internet. I walked in with an open mind, but soon uncovered the biggest, most sophisticated, convoluted, mind control ponzi scheme on the planet. It became clear to me very soon that the architects of the Landmark Forum have a clear understanding of the nature of reality and have used that knowledge to manipulate its members for pure financial profit. Here is my account.

As with any self-help curriculum there must be some positive aspects. I am not arguing that. After all Rat Poison is 98% Food. It’s the 2% of arsenic that’s going to kill you. During my time at Landmark there were some great points taught -- Living in the present moment-- Letting go of negative emotions attached to past experiences -- Not listening to the voice in your head telling you reasons not to follow possibilities-- holding on to a belief system that limits your creativity. All of these ideals are great. But, also things I have already studied and worked on in my own life. Then came the arsenic.
These tenants I disagree with.
• Every decision is based on looking good or looking bad
• You do not have the power to transform yourself alone
• You are unauthentic
• A Human Being is Design to Fail
• You have no integrity
• Every experience is meaningless
• Life is Dangerous
• Life is Empty and Meaningless
• You are nothing
• Do not fear others, Instill Fear
For the first 30 years of my life (well from 7 on) I lived an ego driven life, completely disconnected. And for sure, every decision was based on looking good, I was fake, I had no integrity, I was a liar! That Ego life was meaningless. My Ego was nothing. My ego couldn’t change. But my Ego is not who I am! My higher self, my god self, is 100% authentic. My Higher Self has Integrity. Every experience in my life has meaning and was exactly necessary for me to evolve into the awakened being I am today. And using the power within I can transform not only me, but I can transform the world. One trick to life I learned is figuring out which thoughts are from your ego and which thoughts are from your higher self. And this is done with the power of your emotions-- by choosing the thoughts that feel better.

When I questioned Richard about Ego or Higher Self, or about brain chemistry, about your ego living in the R-Complex of your brain and its top priority is surviving - he dismissed it as Psychology, or Biology, or Spirituality which had no place at Landmark. “Try the program the Landmark way, and by Wednesday you can bring those ideals back into your life”. Well, I agreed with that and I decided to give it a shot.

I soon realized the level of sophistication of this particular type of mind control. Their objective at Landmark was to break down the Mind, to destroy the ability of the NeoCortex to critically think thus moving thinking strictly into the Ego, or R-Complex/Reptilian Part of the Brain. There, the thoughts are all about survival and looking good. By the end of the programming the EGO is tricked through a logical type of reasoning into believing that the EGO is all that there is. And through logic, the EGO concludes that it really isn’t anything. Which in reality is true, the EGO is nothing.
Through the brainwashing techniques of cutting off all critical thinking of the NeoCortex, the voice of the higher self cannot interject with its own logic. While in this state, landmark’s new language is imprinted onto the brain. When the higher self starts to break through, the ego reacts to those thoughts as a type of “Racket”. Since “Rackets” are now bad, the ego goes into survival mode protecting itself from the thoughts of the higher self. That means after the programming you completely are living in EGO, with no connection to higher self. You become a slave, disconnected to god, losing personality and paying Landmark for Advanced Classes and Enrolling friends and family into the courses.

I have been researching different brain washing techniques and mind control tactics. Here is what I witnessed to accomplish this goal (References are at the bottom of the page. )

ISOLATION: the meeting or training takes place in a place where participants are cut off from the outside world. This often involves making a public commitment to stay during the training. When training takes place in isolation like this, there is usually a quick follow-up session to ensure that the technique has really taken hold. (4 days, then weekly sessions to follow)

FATIGUE: a schedule is maintained that ensures physical and mental fatigue. This means long hours, few breaks, and very little time for relaxing or reflection. (13 hours a day with few breaks)

TENSION: techniques are used to increase tension in the group. For example, perhaps there are a few truisms thrown around that might make you feel like you are doing something wrong. Or that you are a sinner, or depressed, or generally unhappy. (Your life is meaningless, You have no integrity etc)

UNCERTAINTY people are randomly put on the spot. Forced to withdraw into anger, fear, or awe. This included asking people to come on stage and talk about humiliating or weak moments in their lives. This withdrawn, fearful, state, makes you many times more susceptible to suggestions as your guard is down and you are looking for safety and reassurance in whatever form it takes. (There were many breakdowns throughout the weekend)

JARGON: new language to talk about what’s going on. It could help label the “enemy”, whether it be ignorant people, people who aren’t yet enlightened, or evil people. Also, new language to talk about people who are “fixed”: either enlightened, saved, or healed. – (e.g. RACKETS)

HUMORLESSNESS: there’s no humor involved until the process is complete. The humor then serves as a way to celebrate and seal the deal. (After the Fear Meditation, the Joke, do you get it? Everyone Laughs)

HYPNOSIS – Voice Roll Technique – A “voice roll” is a patterned, paced style used by hypnotists when inducing a trance. It is also used by many lawyers, several of whom are highly trained hypnotists, when they desire to entrench a point firmly in the minds of the jurors. A voice roll can sound as if the speaker were talking to the beat of a metronome or it may sound as though he were emphasizing every word in a monotonous, patterned style. The words will usually be delivered at the rate of 45 to 60 beats per minute, maximizing the hypnotic effect. (Richard is brilliant at this technique)

GUILT - In human-potential trainings, the controllers will give a lengthy talk about the importance of “keeping agreements” in life. The participants are told that if they don’t keep agreements, their life will never work. It’s a good idea to keep agreements, but the controllers are subverting a positive human value for selfish purposes. The participants vow to themselves and their trainer that they will keep their agreements. Anyone who does not will be intimidated into agreement or forced to leave. The next step is to agree to complete training, thus assuring a high percentage of conversions for the organizations. They will USUALLY have to agree not to take drugs, smoke, and sometimes not to eat or they are given such short meal breaks that it creates tension. The real reason for the agreements is to alter internal chemistry, which generates anxiety and hopefully causes at least a slight malfunction of the nervous system, which in turn increases the conversion potential. – (Richard gave a talk about keeping your word, if you were late or didn’t show up, you were breaking your word - weren’t coachable, you were breaking your word)

PEER GROUP PRESSURE – Suppressing doubt and resistance to new ideas by exploiting the need to belong. (This was done in many ways. 1. In the beginning they said if you want your money back you can leave now. No one wants to be the first one to leave. 2. Throughout the weekend they would ask after a segment, “What did you get out of that?” In the beginning, just a few people would raise their hand, and Richard would call on everyone of them. Giving you the sense, what’s wrong with me? Why didn’t I get anything out of it? By Sunday, Everyone was raising their hand.

“LOVE BOMBING” – Creating a sense of family through physical touch, thought & feeling sharing and emotional bonding. (Sharing was done every few hours)

REJECTION OF OLD VALUES – Accelerating acceptance of new lifestyle by constantly denouncing former beliefs and values. (That you have no integrity, everything thing you used to believe is just a story, meaningless)

CONFUSING DOCTRINE – Encouraging blind acceptance and rejection of logic through complex lectures on an incomprehensible doctrine. (Rules of the Forum were written in very confusing language)

METACOMMUNICATION – Implanting subliminal messages by stressing certain key words or phrases in long, confusing lectures. (e.g. ENROLL, ENROLLMENT, ENROLL OTHERS)
REMOVAL OF PRIVACY – Achieving loss of ability to evaluate logically by preventing private contemplation. (Long hours and homework afterwards, no time to think)

DISINHIBITION – Encouraging child-like obedience by orchestrating child-like behavior (This was done when people would raise their hand and would begin to speak, after a few people they would be scolded for not going to the microphone)

UNCOMPROMISING RULES – Inducing regression and disorientation by soliciting agreement to seemingly simple rules which regulate mealtimes, bathroom breaks and use of medications.

VERBAL ABUSE – Desensitizing through bombardment with foul and abusive language. (If you interrupted or didn’t come to the mic, Richard would yell)

CONFESSION – Encouraging the destruction of individual ego through confession of personal weaknesses and innermost feelings of doubt. (Done throughout Seminar)

FINANCIAL COMMITMENT - Achieving increased dependence on the group by 'burning bridges' to the past, through the donation of assets. (Not so much burning bridges, but the point is made that only Landmark can help you and you must take the courses to get help, which cost money)

FINGER POINTING - Creating a false sense of righteousness by pointing to the shortcomings of the outside world. (Every war was caused by people fighting over their beliefs; therefore it is wrong to have beliefs, there were many more)

CONTROLLED APPROVAL - Maintaining vulnerability and confusion by alternately rewarding and punishing similar actions. (people would get up and spew nonsense on the mic, sometimes this was cheered by Richard, other times he said you are not doing the work)

NO QUESTIONS - Accomplishing automatic acceptance of beliefs by discouraging questions. (When someone would question Landmark, Richard would either say you are not following the Landmark way, or you are not being coachable)

PINEAL GLAND ACTIVATION - this is probably the most sinister of all the tactics and where I knew they had a broad knowledge of occultist practices. On Friday night they did a technique to cure your headache. This was clearly a technique to unlock your pineal gland or 3rd eye. When your 3rd eye is open, and you are not aware, you are more susceptible to hypnosis. Theresa called me Sunday Morning complaining of a headache on her forehead. This is common when your 3rd eye is being opened, since it has not been used your entire life.

FEAR - The final straw for me was the Fear Meditation. There have been over 50 scientific studies, peer reviewed, published in leading scientific publications that prove when you get a group of people together and practice meditation with a foundation of Love, Love for yourself, Love for your neighbor, Love for the world that there is a statistical Drop in Crime Rates, Domestic Violence, Terrorist Attacks and the list goes on. The energy of Love is so powerful. So, what do you think a meditation on the opposite, fear will do????

This is when I knew Landmark Education was evil, pure evil, to the core. And to top it off, Richard then said that fear is no big deal, that the emotional Response of fear is meaningless. One communicates with their higher self through their emotions. Positive Thoughts create Positive Emotions create Positive Experiences. Negative Thoughts, create Negative Emotions create Negative Experiences. This is the factual nature of reality and Thought Manifestation. This is the most dangerous aspect of this Course, not listening to your emotional guidance system. But if you try to tell that to a Landmark volunteer they will say that it’s just my point of view on life and everyone has different points of views & that I am just running a racket trying to prove myself right. How brilliant is the Landmark Racket that anytime you try to question its point of view you are wrong, and that’s right.


Since I woke up to the nature of reality and my own divinity, I have realized my higher purpose. I am a light worker, shedding light where there is dark. I am a way shower, sharing the experience of my awakening with others to shorten their path to enlightenment. I know everyone that comes across my path is not a coincidence. I know everyone I meet I can learn from and they in turn will learn something from me. I learn much from you, but for the longest time I didn’t know how I could teach you, but now I know. Landmark Education must be exposed for what it is. And I am on a mission to expose it.

I know deep down in your heart that you know everything that I am saying is the honest to Gods Truth. During the fear meditation instead of fearing my neighbors I expressed my love for them. I expressed my love for the room, the love for the planet and even love for Richard. My love balanced the room that day, because love is the answer. When you look into your daughter’s eyes, I know you feel that Love. I know you get it. That Love is what Life is all about. And that Love for humanity will save this planet.

I feel confident that you were naïve to the depths of deception that Landmark uses to lure its victims into the Forum. I know it helped you get through some issues and in a way it helped me as well. I just feel sympathy for the hundreds of thousands of people that go through Landmark with real issues, hoping to find the answers to life. Landmark dangles that answer like a carrot stick never letting you know the truth. On the road to enlightenment Landmark is at best a cul-de-sac leading to a dead end; at worst a wrong turn off a cliff falling into the depths of hell. What world do you want to raise your daughter in? A dangerous world based in Fear? Think about all the criminality of the people that are in power in our government, media, and corporations. They all live like this. They instill fear in others; they are out strictly for themselves. Why? Because they believe that this life on earth is all that there is. They live strictly from the Ego, with no higher self, with no Soul.

I know I want to live in a world of love where all dreams are possible. It was no mistake that we met, it was no mistake that I attended the Forum, and it’s no mistake that you are in a time of reflection… It’s time to Wake up!


Landmark Facts
$80 million a year, with a staff of 95% Volunteer
100 cities, 20 Countries and Expanding
This must end…


A wonderful letter, Ryan64, and excellent research!

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