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a question for the landmark grads that read this group
Posted by: The Shadow ()
Date: August 20, 2007 06:25AM

Hi skeptic,
yep, I saw a show about "the sweetheart swindler" on 50/50 I think...that is why all good psychologists will tell you not to get into an intimate relationship with someone until a good year has passed. That way you are not as vulnerable, and can make better judgements. (Well, one of the reasons anyway.)...

we also have to remember that we don't live in a world of saints, eh? and there is allways someone lurking in the shadows...we have to be careful...

but I have to keep belabouring my point...I trusted my friend, and I did trust her judgement (up until now)...I did not imagine that I was walking into a den of conniving con men who would attempt to hypnotise me without my conscent. And it took me weeks to realize that they were using my friend to hypnotise me.

I'm sorry if I sound like a broken record, but it is this that I am so angry about...that people don't even know what is happening to them...

How can you exercise good judgement when you are not even aware what is been done to you?

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a question for the landmark grads that read this group
Posted by: skeptic ()
Date: August 21, 2007 09:04AM

The Shadow
"to say that hypnotising without their knowledge is ok as long as they come out feeling happy" is ludricrous beyond belief!!!!!


that would be like saying it is ok to give someone a date rape drug if, after they are raped they don't feel bad.

It is NEVER ok to do something to a person without their knowledge, no matter what the outcome is. And WHY, if the outcome is guaranteed to be favourable, does Landmark (aka EST) need to do this covertly?

Hi Shadow,

I was commenting on this post. The tricky way sociopaths justify their congames . . .


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a question for the landmark grads that read this group
Posted by: The Shadow ()
Date: August 22, 2007 12:39AM

Hi Skeptic,
uh huh, no problems.

I was commention on Glen7's comments.


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