Re: Sedona Method and Release Technique
Posted by: elena ()
Date: May 20, 2009 01:55AM

I am sorry for your respective losses and can understand your resentments. My dad went to a jazz camp when I was a boy and met a woman there who was his 'music' partner. It became an affair and eventually he divorced my mother and married the new woman. In this situation, I feel that if that is the way he is, my mom is probably better off without him, no matter how bad it hurt her in the beginning. Also, I do not hold jazz camp responsible for my father's actions or my feelings about the situation. There are useful support groups such as Alanon for coping with losses such as we have experienced. I also use the sedona method with my feelings about this event. It's ok for me to feel sad about this. That much is normal. But I needn't dwell. My life continues on. And my mom is doing better than ever, if you were wondering :)

Do you really think mind-numbing and stupifying, covertly orchestrated programs of pseudo-psychological manipulation designed by con-artists to destroy your ability to think critically are the equivalent of "jazz camps?" If so, you are sadly mistaken about the malevolence of these groups. They in no way resemble ordinary venues where people meet and fall in love with people to whom they are not married. You are also mistaken about the benefit of using the "Sedona Method" to deal with your feelings. Actually, your ID says it all -- these techniques teach you to ~disconnect,~ which is another way to lose touch with reality or become insane (dissociate).


Release Technique & Marriage failure??
Posted by: WIZARD ()
Date: May 20, 2009 03:50AM

don't seem to be getting the hang of this posting .. but my observations are that elena's response to disconnect is pretty accurate ... the kernal of truth & value in these releasing programs seems to be easily warped and twisted to create an imbalance in life for the "rabid" adherents ... the focus shifts to SELF and any consideration for others, and the agony that might be rippling outward is ignored ...

critical thought is lost and a "faith-like" acceptance for the pseudo-psychology of "releasing" adopted, making any rationale discussion impossible or resulting in a widening gap with "non-releasing" loved ones when the "faith" is threateded or questioned too much ...

there is no intended malevolence, or outright intent to harm as the family finances crumble the family breaks apart (they will often argue that the "investment" in releasing will pay off with more money and a happier family) - its just that they become "addicted" to the releasing path, the euphoria of the retreats and often with the emotional "connecedness" of the releasing partner(s) and can see no other way to achieve ? ... riches, awareness, success ....?

But life has different pathes for all, its just that its always hard, and there is some agony and hurt ,when a relationship fails and a family to folds, no matter what the cause ...

Re: Sedona Method and Release Technique
Posted by: disconnect ()
Date: May 20, 2009 12:38PM

Thanks for noticing my ID. Disconnect is a song from the hit game "In the Groove" which I used to play a lot.

I've never been to a Sedona seminar. I bought the book for $17 at a book store, and enjoy using the method. It works for me in my daily life, and I am grateful I found it.

Ellen, you called the Sedona Method a "mind-numbing and stupifying, covertly orchestrated program of pseudo-psychological manipulation designed by con-artists to destroy your ability to think critically." I think that's a cheap shot.

Carl Jung once said "The healthy man does not torture others - generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers." It sounds like your spouses were abused in some way at one time. The best thing they can do is to stop projecting their happiness onto others at seminars.

Re: Sedona Method and Release Technique
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: May 20, 2009 09:09PM


So the basis of your knowledge conceerning the Sedona method/seminar is that you bought a book?

Please spare us the Jungian psychoanalysis and talk about "projections."

Attacking members of the board personally is against the rules.

And that's a "cheap shot."

Re: Sedona Method and Release Technique
Posted by: elena ()
Date: May 21, 2009 12:39AM

Thanks for noticing my ID. Disconnect is a song from the hit game "In the Groove" which I used to play a lot.

I've never been to a Sedona seminar. I bought the book for $17 at a book store, and enjoy using the method. It works for me in my daily life, and I am grateful I found it.

Ellen, you called the Sedona Method a "mind-numbing and stupifying, covertly orchestrated program of pseudo-psychological manipulation designed by con-artists to destroy your ability to think critically." I think that's a cheap shot.

Carl Jung once said "The healthy man does not torture others - generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers." It sounds like your spouses were abused in some way at one time. The best thing they can do is to stop projecting their happiness onto others at seminars.


I'm guessing you meant "UNhappiness?"

And thanks for the dime-store psychology.

I would suggest to you that anyone who has been abused or has been a victim of abuse needs a lot more than a $17 book. Even someone mildly troubled by things that happened in the past would be better served by something other than a quack "cure."

All of the so-called New Age, "Awareness," cult-like self-improvement, and pseudo-psycho-motivational/life-enhancement programs offer some type of "counselling," "auditing," or "processing" that involves letting go of the past and of problematic or traumatic memories and troubling emotions. At scientology they call it "erasing engrams" or some other such nonsense. While it may be useful to be able to let go of the anger when someone pulls in front of you in traffic, say, these programs don't limit themselves in that way but mine your past for anything they can seize on that is causing you pain and work that into a full-blown constellation of focus (and $$$). They teach and train that you can breezily go about your day unburdened of the excess baggage we all tend to collect with their "magic" tricks and trade-marked techniques. This is psycho-snake-oil. The problems just go underground in most cases or get sidelined while a whole new set of problems take the stage.

I'm curious to know what type of things you've been "releasing." If you feel no distress at witnessing someone lose his job, say, what type of human does that make you?


Re: Sedona Method and Release Technique
Posted by: disconnect ()
Date: May 21, 2009 01:42AM

rrmoderator, no offense intended. I call it like I see it.

The point I'm trying to make regardless of what detractors of the method claim is that it is working for me. I can do things I couldn't do before due to fear, anger, or even laziness. I don't have to run from my feelings anymore. They're just feelings now that I have a way to deal with them. It's that simple.

Re: Sedona Method and Release Technique
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: May 21, 2009 02:39AM


That's your subjective experience and anecdotal evidence.

Attempting to respond to criticism of a group/leader/program by personally attacking people at this board is against the rules.

Breaking the rules can lead to be being banned from the board.

Re: Release Technique & Marriage failure??
Posted by: elena ()
Date: May 21, 2009 03:49AM

don't seem to be getting the hang of this posting .. but my observations are that elena's response to disconnect is pretty accurate ... the kernal of truth & value in these releasing programs seems to be easily warped and twisted to create an imbalance in life for the "rabid" adherents ... the focus shifts to SELF and any consideration for others, and the agony that might be rippling outward is ignored ...

That's right. It doesn't matter what you do to anyone because they can just "release" whatever bad feelings they have about it.


critical thought is lost and a "faith-like" acceptance for the pseudo-psychology of "releasing" adopted, making any rationale discussion impossible or resulting in a widening gap with "non-releasing" loved ones when the "faith" is threateded or questioned too much ...

Yes...I imagine they come to believe that there is something wrong with their friends and relatives who can't or don't just "let it go."


there is no intended malevolence, or outright intent to harm as the family finances crumble the family breaks apart (they will often argue that the "investment" in releasing will pay off with more money and a happier family) - its just that they become "addicted" to the releasing path, the euphoria of the retreats and often with the emotional "connecedness" of the releasing partner(s) and can see no other way to achieve ? ... riches, awareness, success ....?

Ah but there is...

The people who design these programs know that an unhappy customer is a paying customer and the unhappier you are, the more you need them and the more you'll keep paying and taking more courses and recommending and recruiting your friends and neighbors. And, by design, the victims are usually too ashamed to make a fuss, too embarrassed to complain, or too demoralized to pose much of a threat. Or worse, they blame themselves for whatever misfortune they suffer.


But life has different pathes for all, its just that its always hard, and there is some agony and hurt ,when a relationship fails and a family to folds, no matter what the cause ...

...And plenty of opportunities for those who prey on the vulnerable and seek to sell them a quick fix, fake cure, or bogus therapy.


Release Technique - Could you let go of being so smart?
Posted by: question lady ()
Date: May 21, 2009 04:23AM

I found a perfect example of one of Larry Crane's thought stopping cliches in action. When my husband was in, it was "Could you let go of being so smart?"

Now I found this is from a message board from some other meditation program, (which I know nothing about), but the writer had also done 'releasing'.


Stop trying to be so clever!
Hello Alan,

Larry Crane puts it really well with a statement that you can use when your ego is telling you of all the different avenues that you can follow. "Could I let go of trying to be so clever and allow it to be other than what I think it is?" I certainly came across this when I began releasing. My ego began to tell me that perhaps this release technique was a cult, meditation was a cult, [this group] was a cult, I had never seen [the head of this group], what were his nefarious plans. 'Hey', my ego would say ' you are far more clever than that. I'm just warning you, looking out for you. So, ok, perhaps you do feel better. But that's probably what 'they' want you to feel.It's probably temporary. Maybe Larry Crane is the head of a cult' and on and on it would go. I even found myself looking in Google for "Release Technique Cult" and I found a bulletin board mentioning the very thing, accusing Larry Crane of running a cult! Boy, was my ego happy! Perhaps it could be found in another technique? Bob Proctor? James Arthur Ray? Ram Dass? Ok! Ok!
"Could I let go of trying to be so clever and allow it to be other than what I think it is?"
My ego shuts up and I find myself in a place where I allow myself to be.


This is exactly how I figured it would work when I wrote in February 2007:

question lady
It has been 6 weeks since my (now estranged ) husband went to this mind control camp. That must be about how long it takes for people to start questioning whether it is working because today came a newsletter about "getting back on track".

It says:
Larry Crane
"Our ego is extremely clever. It has a knack for stopping us from Releasing and protecting its negative programs." Ego will "tell us 'releasing isn't working' when it is - just so we'll stop dismantling the limiting programs."

If it's working so darn well, why would people start to think it's not working?

When you mind and your feelings and the condition of your life are telling you it's not working - maybe it's because it doesn't work.

So what's in it for Larry? Well, if he can get you to doubt yourself again - just when you were starting to doubt Larry, he's got a whole catalog of more stuff to sell you to knock out that inner truth that is telling you this is a scam.

This is so twisted.

Sedona Method Release Technique - WRECKS MARRIAGES, divorce, cheating
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: May 21, 2009 11:05AM

There is a pattern, where people who PROMOTE various LGAT's and seminars, often like to pretend that they have never been to a seminar they are promoting.

But the seminars and the "books" often have less than NOTHING to do with eachother.

Most LGAT's and seminars, have their "content", like what is in a book, but that is usually just a distraction. The REAL seminar is about all the other stuff they do to people's minds, with numerous persuasion techniques.
Also, they deliberately put FALSE and incomplete information into the books, to try and draw people into the seminars, as that is where the real money is.

So they are two separate issues.

But comparing the Sedona LGAT seminars to a "Jazz Camp" is absurd. A Jazz Camp is not supposed to "heal your life" like these seminars claim. Things like Jazz Camps, or whatever, are often excuses for people to get away from their house and family, and fool around in the first place!

But something like a Sedona Seminar is supposed to make your life better, not teach you music.
But if the Sedona Seminar WRECKS MARRIAGES, then something is not right.

It would be like going to a Jazz Camp, and you get there and its not about Jazz music, but is about carpentry, and they take your saxophone, and smash it with a hammer.

The reality is that the Sedona Method is getting criticized a lot, and that is going to start hurting their seminar businesses.

So keep posting the info, and use the SPECIFIC NAMES of the seminars, and the seminar leaders, etc. This will allow those names to go into the search engines, and others can find them.

The only thing being Released is your wallet, and often your spouse.
Most of the LGAT seminars are marriage destroyers. Hey, when people get divorced, they often get desperate for more seminars, and often have cash made available.
These LGAT's are divorce machines.

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