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Re: LGAT ideas on a therapist's abuse recovery website
Posted by: moongoddess ()
Date: November 06, 2009 11:01AM

what i read when i saw that post was that the good DOCTOR is putting a band aid on a gaping head wound.......much the same as an abuser needs to go about convincing everyone that they person they abused is the crazy, nasty one, and they are the victim.......
the DOCTOR is in fear that people will go to 'the other' site and learn the real truth about who she is........
her explanation as to why she doesn't support that site screams FEAR.......
she is no different than any other abuser........SHE FEARS that others will realize who she is, so she must do whatever she can to convince them that she is healthy and all those other people are crazy.....
those who are healthy will catch on to her abusive tactics, and those who are not healthy will stay......

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Re: LGAT ideas on a therapist's abuse recovery website
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: November 08, 2009 09:32AM

It seems the rebuilding thread was merely intended to stir up drama. If I was a newbie on that forum, I'd very afraid. But that is the thing - newbies are at their most vulnerable now when they find the cat box and are looking up to the person who has provided a supposedly safe haven for them to talk with others about their abuse.

Some of the posts by admin on the thread are classic abuser tactics. One person re-registered in order to speak her mind and call the doc and admin out on their re-writing history. Instead of discussion, she was publicly scolded for breaking the forum rules by re-registering under another name. Deflect attention off the abuser and blame the one pointing out the abuse.

The admins at this site have the ability to read private messages, and have banned people for what they've written in those PMs. At least two members, one an administrator, have no history of being abused, but abuse interests them, so basically the site has at least two voyeurs who are posting advice as if they have a background in helping people in abusive relationships.

And why the comments about which site has more traffic - that the others are jealous they don't have the numbers that the catbox has? The other sites - two sites that have no history of upheavals - were put together by banned admins and the close-knit community of people who bailed out of the cat box after last year's explosion. Is that the doctor's only goal - to increase traffic and maybe increase her client base?

Reeks of narcissism to say the least. I do hope the new people figure it out before they feel the betrayal.

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Re: LGAT ideas on a therapist's abuse recovery website
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: November 13, 2009 01:05AM

Someone pointed this out to me today...Scroll all the way down.

Association for Contextual Behavioral Science
Irene Matiatos
Private practice
Monroe, New York
United States

ACT Therapist

Site member for: 3 years 37 weeks.
Contact Information

* Email Irene
* Website

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

* ACT Background and Training

A cognitive behaviorist who has studied ACT for a couple of years and actively practices the model.

* ACT Experience

Using ACT about two years in private practice.

* Specialties

Lots of work in abuse, PTSD, codependency, as well as general psychological issues such as stress, anxiety, depression.

* Types of Clients

Adults, Couples, and Families

* Licensure/Certification

NY licensure

* Additional Information

A 70s est grad trained in psychodynamic models, grounded in learning theory and CBT and shaped by Eastern philosophy. ACT is simply the natural progression in the practice of psychology, evidence-based yet mindful of the primacy of emotions and Human spirituality.

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Re: LGAT ideas on a therapist's abuse recovery website
Posted by: moongoddess ()
Date: November 13, 2009 01:29AM


A 70s est grad trained in psychodynamic models, grounded in learning theory and CBT and shaped by Eastern philosophy. ACT is simply the natural progression in the practice of psychology, evidence-based yet mindful of the primacy of emotions and Human spirituality

hi hope......
so is it the EST? that interests you? or ACT?......
ACT is a fairly widely used form of CBT, one that i feel works quite well for ABUSERS, not really necessarily for the victim though......
i just read through a long 10 pages of threads from the post that started the 2008 implosion.........crazymaking.......


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Re: LGAT ideas on a therapist's abuse recovery website
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: November 13, 2009 02:00AM

EST, which is now Landmark Education.

People who get involved with LE tend to NEED therapy. There are no victims in these programs, just perception. If you suffered abuse it is because you gave the abuse a meaning - that it was bad. There is no good or bad, just the meaning you give things. Everything is meaningless is there big revelation at the end of the Forum, and it's meaningless that it's meaningless.

There is a lot of eye-opening stuff on this forum about est/Landmark and how they do what they do with the sole purpose of making money. There are also a few ex-Landmark employees who have posted.

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Re: LGAT ideas on a therapist's abuse recovery website
Posted by: moongoddess ()
Date: November 13, 2009 02:08AM

i so agree..........
i have been reading on this forum for quite some time, i have always been a fan of rick ross and his work.......
doc is a sick woman

thanks for your support hope!

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Re: LGAT ideas on a therapist's abuse recovery website
Posted by: moongoddess ()
Date: November 13, 2009 03:59AM

hi hope
ohh yes i am well aware of Landmark..........
i have been reading everything i can about it here.......i have a family member who is very caught up in BYRON much so that i was told to forgive my abuser and move on when i had only fled just days before.......

doc is frightening........the vulnerable people on her forum see her as some sort of guru and have her up on a pedestal....she receives a lot of narcissistic supply from their adoration.........
and it is truly sad that people are so spell bound they don't see her double speak and crazymaking for what it is......
the abusive controlling behaviours of a narcissist......


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Re: LGAT ideas on a therapist's abuse recovery website
Posted by: moongoddess ()
Date: November 13, 2009 06:40AM

i have read a lot on EST and of my family members is heavily into BYRON KATIE.......
so heavily, that mere days after i fled from my abuser he was preaching to me about forgiveness........YIKES.......
my head was still spinning from waking up to the abuse and packing and running in a hailstorm.........

doc is sick, very sick........
and those poor vulnerable souls on her site see her as some type of GURU.........but her latest bizarre posts are showing her narcissistic side.........hopefully people will realize that she has fallen off of her pedestal and is offering them 'grape kool-aid' as a solution to their problems.........


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Re: LGAT ideas on a therapist's abuse recovery website
Posted by: moongoddess ()
Date: November 13, 2009 08:49AM


People who get involved with LE tend to NEED therapy. There are no victims in these programs, just perception. If you suffered abuse it is because you gave the abuse a meaning - that it was bad. There is no good or bad, just the meaning you give things. Everything is meaningless is there big revelation at the end of the Forum, and it's meaningless that it's meaningless

ohh i am very familiar with LE...............
a family member of mine is a big byron katie fan...........
so wrapped up in her garbage that just days after fleeing my extremely abusive he was preaching forgiveness at me.........


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Re: LGAT ideas on a therapist's abuse recovery website
Posted by: moongoddess ()
Date: November 13, 2009 11:40AM

sorry for the multiple posts!
yikes, nothing would post..........then wham all 4 at once........

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