Spiritually Incorrect Comedy Show
Posted by: ajinajan ()
Date: September 27, 2008 06:41AM

An Intimate Evening with Vanda Mikoloski
When: Friday, September 26, 2008
Where: unity church, Portland
Category: Comedy
A Spiritually Incorrect Comedy Show about one Woman’s Journey toward Enlightenment!



The Show:

Join Vanda for her irreverent & hysterical stand-up show that comes from LOVE! – Referencing the wisdom, knowledge and nonsense she's gained from "What the Bleep," "The Secret," Eckhart Tolle, Ram Das, Alan Watts, New Thought, Byron Katie, Ramana Maharshi, 12-step work, Landmark Education, yoga, meditation, various "channeled" entities, and LA traffic, Vanda begins by questioning our point of view about our point of view.

Looks interesting.

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Re: Spiritually Incorrect Comedy Show
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: September 28, 2008 04:46AM

it would be interesting to see the full angle being taken.
If you read her buzzwords on her website, it does read like Landmark propaganda.
So it would be interesting to look at, maybe using comedy and lite-criticism is a great way to disarm people's objections!
Like these guys who claim to be Anti-Guru's, and who use comedy as a way to make people feel at ease.
It would take some time to look at it.

"Vanda Mikoloski is a renowned stand-up comic and speaker whose passion is personal growth and development. Vanda's work is a delightful, irreverent romp down her twisted spiritual path. The concept "enlightenment" is fascinating to her. Vanda's stand-up comedy deals with the human predicament, inquiring into the nature of being a human being, the trap of it all and the absurdity of it all. She offers powerful spiritual distinctions in a ridiculously funny way that leave the audience empowered, inspired and transformed. She begins by questioning our point of view about our point of view and then challenges many of our spiritual beliefs and beliefs about reality. Many people have reported profound shifts after experiencing Vanda's stand-up work."

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Re: Spiritually Incorrect Comedy Show, Vanda Mikoloski
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: September 28, 2008 04:56AM

also, her website does directly promote all the New Wage LGAT crap, starting with Landmark dis-Education.
hmmm....that would be a brilliant angle. Promote Landmark using comedy and ironic criticism, yet at the same time still promoting its goals, and directing people to it. That would be extremely crafty.

Just look at that list of junk...Landmark, Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle, Ramtha...
It really is all the same stuff.

At very first glance, it does appear to be a possible comedic front for Landmark!!

There are guys like Stephen Sashen [www.sashen.com]
who also try use COMEDY as a way to make people feel at ease, but not at the professional level.
It would be an entire new level to use a pro-comedy person who is a true believer.
this looks like a really new and fresh angle being taken...

(COOL LINKS from Vanda)


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Re: Spiritually Incorrect Comedy Show, Vanda Mikoloski
Posted by: ajinajan ()
Date: September 28, 2008 01:05PM

The Anticult
also, her website does directly promote all the New Wage LGAT crap, starting with Landmark dis-Education.
hmmm....that would be a brilliant angle. Promote Landmark using comedy and ironic criticism, yet at the same time still promoting its goals, and directing people to it. That would be extremely crafty.

Just look at that list of junk...Landmark, Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle, Ramtha...
It really is all the same stuff.

At very first glance, it does appear to be a possible comedic front for Landmark!!

There are guys like Stephen Sashen [www.sashen.com]
who also try use COMEDY as a way to make people feel at ease, but not at the professional level.
It would be an entire new level to use a pro-comedy person who is a true believer.
this looks like a really new and fresh angle being taken...

(COOL LINKS from Vanda)


Had not noticed that, thanks for doing the research here.

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Re: Spiritually Incorrect Comedy Show, Vanda Mikoloski
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: September 29, 2008 09:17AM

I haven't checked out her material, so haven't looked into it in any depth.
But the first impression seems to be a Landmarkian with an attitude of "I am too clever to fall into the culty stuff".
Landmarkian comedy anyone?

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Re: Spiritually Incorrect Comedy Show, Vanda Mikoloski
Posted by: ON2 LF ()
Date: September 29, 2008 10:16AM

The Anticult
But the first impression seems to be a Landmarkian with an attitude of "I am too clever to fall into the culty stuff".

The "I am too clever to fall into a cult" attitude is just the first delusion Landmarkians have fallen into..after that, the possibilities are endless. I checked out some of her videos on YT and found one almost funny, but I quit smiling when I saw her website with all the links to other cults on the first page.

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