This link was posted to another section but is so important that I hope the moderator doesn't mind me repeating it here.
Those of you involved in any cults, personal development courses, any abusive organisations or know of anyone about to get involved in any of these groups, PLEASE read Dangerous Persuaders by Louise Samways. It's availabe FREE and can be down loaded on line:
This book helped me alot after I came out of a highly abusive personal development course called Money and You.
I highly recommed it!
Wiser Aussie
July 20, 2008 10:40PM SeekingTruth
Date Added: 02/13/2007
Re: Dangerous Persuaders - Down Load FreeExcellent book. Blows open a whole barrel of subversive techniques used by LGATs and Cults. It is horrifying to read of the author's experiences from those who purport to be at one with the spritual and personal development of their vulnerable punters. Rocks through cars windows, death threats, etc., all bring the whole LGAT / Cult industry into disrepute. Those heading and leading these despicable organisations - all of them - are only in it for the money and are nothing but abusive scum.