est - "like a rip-off of Scientology"
Posted by: ajinajan ()
Date: April 02, 2008 04:42PM


Charleston City Paper
APRIL 2, 2008
Self-improvement is big business in this country
Get Motivated My Ass


est, as it was called — with lower case letters — was like a rip-off of Scientology, Zen Buddhism, and numerous feel-good philosophies, cobbled together into an upwardly mobile way of thinking and talking that was part of the "human potential movement." ... est ultimately disappeared in a welter of litigation, acrimony, and IRS claims. ... What I did learn from the experience was that there are always people willing to take our money to make us happy and rich, popular and admired. All we have to do is present a major credit card and believe any dream can come true.

Great article, some really good info and observations here. Will Moredock is a good writer and an astute observer.

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