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Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum leader
Posted by: nettie ()
Date: February 24, 2008 07:19PM

I was once an assistant an held the position of "forum leader support"

The forum leader was David Ure.

Here's what my "duties" were;

- see to that he is picked up at the airport with my car
- Iron his shirts, socks, underwear etc. It had to be perfect (impeccable as they call it)
- prepare all his meals
- be around at all times to fullfill his wishes

I have to admit I enjoyed it. Being close to a forum leader is considered an honor when you are in the cult. He was a very energetic person and he thanked me from his heart (of course he is trained to give people the sense that they are valueable).

BUT WHY can't a forprofit business pay for a taxi for their employees. Why should I invest my time to do their work for free?

This is only one example where landmark uses their indoctrinated drones to do work for them for free. I don't think it is legal actually.

I am very thankful that landmark has left my country. But they continue their scam around the world.

(an ex introduction leader to the forum who enrolled a person that later killed himself)

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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum lead
Posted by: elena ()
Date: February 25, 2008 09:40AM

Thanks for posting this, Nettie.

Lots of people wouldn't believe this but Landmark and all the other cults are constantly trolling for, screening, and sifting for "volunteer" labor (slaves) -- the turnover's pretty high. It's just business to them and what business wouldn't love to have workers they didn't have to pay. It's a great business model, you have to agree. All the better if the used are so ashamed at the end of it that they go away quietly and don't cause trouble amongst the "newbies" or "believe" they ~chose~ to do the work for free.


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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum lead
Posted by: nettie ()
Date: February 25, 2008 02:01PM

All the better if the used are so ashamed at the end of it that they go away quietly and don't cause trouble amongst the "newbies" or "believe" they ~chose~ to do the work for free.

Very true. I don't feel ashamed about telling this little story about being a "butler". At the time I was so impressed about the forum leaders and I thought it to be an "honor to serve". But a lot of people do feel shame for having been used. It is similar to a rape victim. The blame and shame should be put on the perp; in this case landmark.


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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum leader
Posted by: nettie ()
Date: February 27, 2008 01:56PM

I have to add that during the week when he was present to lead the course my focus was NOT on my work.
My usual work (where I got payed) suffered while doing landmark work.

Another example; I had been teamleader for the communicators (a team that contacts people that have signed up for the forum to prepare them for their course). It was my responsibility to keep track of a binder with all the forms containing informátion about what the participant wanted to achieve out of his "going to the forum.

There were a lot of markings from assistants in the forms, like "please call this person and make him understand that this is not an ordinary course" or some initials from the forum registrar and what not.

I am sitting at work on a regular friday - the forum is starting and I am not at the forum location. The center managers calls me up and tells me I have to see to that all the forms in the binder has to be impeccable. All the signatures and markings has to be tippexed or rubbed out. Otherwise the forum leader will not like the forms.

I have to leave my payed work to go to where the course were taking place and fix the problem. It took me 1 or 2 hours plus transportation time (in my own car paying for the gas myself).

I never "applied" for that position again. I was P-ed off - royally.

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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum leader
Posted by: sonnie_dee ()
Date: March 03, 2008 04:16PM

I have done similar and been the course leader assistant. The first time I did it I had roger armstrong and he was a complete arse. He would yell and abuse all the people assisting and that claim the way he spoke was acceptable because he was coaching them.

I took time off work and found myself doing typing for roger and picking up his dry cleaning and trapsing all over the city to find the coffee he liked

He never once thanked me and was actually pretty rude the whole time.

What I find so disgusting is that I let him treat me like that and whats more I thought I was the luckiest person alive. UGH

I did a lot of assisting before going on staff and know that they really do use people. You are expected to be "unreasonable" which is really just a bastardised word for "do what ever landmark wants"

I feel badly about how I used people when I was a staff member. I really manipulated people to get them to assist. It was actually an expection that I would keep my assisting teams full and I know I annoyed the regional manager and the centre manager by not keeping my teams full. I made sure the work was done by coming in early and going home very late.

I don't know how I survived so long on so little sleep as often I was in at work at 7am and wouldn't leave till 1 or 2am

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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum leader
Posted by: patrick-darcy ()
Date: March 11, 2008 11:50AM

i have never had anyone tell me what their "landmark duties " actually were.
u said u went across town and got him some coffee but what were your
actual landmark duties.

can u give us some details ?

Let go your heart. Let go your head. And feel it now.
...............................................................david gray

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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum leader
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: March 11, 2008 12:22PM

I made the post below about how/why Landmark gets people to WORK FOR FREE for them. It applies here too. Save money of course, but people work harder for LOVE not money. The best salespeople BELIEVE what they are selling.

In the Byron Katie system, she takes it one step farther! She appears to CHARGE some people who attend the LGAT, who are then called "STAFF", and work at the LGAT. So its not even volunteer...they are PAYING to WORK!! How's that for clever?

Tony Robbins has what he calls a "CREW" who work for free, pay their own expenses, but don't PAY to attend the LGAT, as far as we know.

Does Landmark have anything like that?
Not just working for PAYING TO WORK, and thinking to yourself you are "blessed" to be lucky enough to PAY to work for a for-profit company?

this is also something you see again and again with Werner Erhard...he likes to do things that have double/triple meaning and function...


-the Target thinks calling up his former friends will improve his life and relationships. (it wrecks them!)
-Landmark knows that doing this is free advertising and recruiting. (save money)
-Werner Erhard knows the best salesmen are the ones who REALLY BELIEVE, so he has the BEST salesforce on earth...who work for FREE and Target their families(trust). (much better than a paid salesforce).

-Meta-Level: Werner Erhard knows this might automatically live forever as a Landmark Replicator System, in a Darwinian sense. The Landmark system is designed to constantly bring in new Targets automatically, so it should always keep growing, without any cost to the company.

-You can be sure Erhard sits on his boat thinking about how clever he is...there are many things of his that have these the "Integrity" scam they do. Very clever, functions on many levels at once, they seem to get off on that.

Byron Katie seems to be very similar in this sense, multiple layers and functions. She's added one layer on top though...put out a smokescreen you are sorta-kooky, and don't know what's going on, and its all about Love and World Peace and Giving.

(like The Hunger Project? think of the irony, in that all the money was pissed away on luxuries for their cronies They LOVE that stuff.)

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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum lead
Posted by: The Shadow ()
Date: March 11, 2008 02:52PM

Thanks for posting this, Nettie.

Lots of people wouldn't believe this but Landmark and all the other cults are constantly trolling for, screening, and sifting for "volunteer" labor (slaves) -- the turnover's pretty high. It's just business to them and what business wouldn't love to have workers they didn't have to pay. It's a great business model, you have to agree. All the better if the used are so ashamed at the end of it that they go away quietly and don't cause trouble amongst the "newbies" or "believe" they ~chose~ to do the work for free.


Good point Ellen, and as i read this just now, an image came to mind, that of the slaves in the cotton fields of the "old South" - indeed, that is how lazy people make lots of money, from the blood, sweat and tears of SLAVE LABOUR.


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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum leader
Posted by: sonnie_dee ()
Date: March 11, 2008 03:16PM

i have never had anyone tell me what their "landmark duties " actually were.
u said u went across town and got him some coffee but what were your
actual landmark duties.

can u give us some details ?

Are you asking about when I was assisting or when I was a paid staff member?

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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum lead
Posted by: elena ()
Date: March 12, 2008 01:42AM

The Shadow

Good point Ellen, and as i read this just now, an image came to mind, that of the slaves in the cotton fields of the "old South" - indeed, that is how lazy people make lots of money, from the blood, sweat and tears of SLAVE LABOUR.


Covert influence, persuasion tactics, and such things as indoctrination programs and propaganda have replaced whips and chains. Google "social engineering" for a quick look at what has been going on in the minds of those in positions of power for the last hundred years or so. It started on a grand scale in the US before WWI and pervades the political and social landscape. Our culture is riddled with these manipulative tricks in everything from advertising to military induction. It (sort of) started with George Creel (in the modern era) who worked for the Woodrow Wilson administration. Look what he titled his own book:

How We Advertised America: The First Telling Of The Amazing Story Of The Committee On Public Information That Carried The Gospel Of Americanism To Every Corner Of The Globe (1920)


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