Re: New Era Trainings
Posted by: SpookyM61 ()
Date: June 06, 2013 08:47PM

They still active...taking money from suckers...of which I was one off...learnt my lesson the hard way...never again!

Re: New Era Trainings
Posted by: wamback ()
Date: July 03, 2013 03:38AM

I noticed that several recent negative reviews on yelp about new era have been delated. I want people googling New Training was at least getting a alternative viewpoint, hopefully they read this too.

You might think that some of the posts on here are angry diatribes, but please understand people might get angry when they've had a bad experience. please do not dismiss the message just because you know someone who says that they're having a great experience with New Era.

They will say New Age is not a cult. This is not entirely honest of them to say I think. Although technically not a cult, it can be really like a cult.

But if someone you know is bothering you day and night to do the training it can be hard to say no because New era makes people play on the trust for your loved ones, it makes you start thinking you know best for those who you care about.

If you get convinced to do the training, you can feel really good if you "submit to the training", and go through part 1 and 2. But please read this thread and on other LGATS in other posts, which are more or less similar to the New Era Trainings. the good feeling can come at a large cost.

And ACT (3rd level of training) = salesman for New Era Trainings. its almost all about making other people join. Its' pretty ridiculous how much they say your self improvement requires enrollment, and they make peer pressure from the your team to sell all about self improvement too.

So if you are not a good seller or submit yourself to peer pressure, they say that you are not improving. Think about it. to them no sales means no self improving - does that make sense?

They attack people in training when they learn people do not do ACT because they do not want to be sellers, as if someone is spreading poison to the masses about New Era Trainings. What does that say about them.


Re: New Era Trainings
Posted by: wamback ()
Date: July 08, 2013 03:17AM

Yelp Reviews are the first things you see when you google New Era Trainings, however, most of the 12 comments you see are glowing. That's why you see a 4 and half star yelp rating for New Era Trainings. Its' hard to get a balanced view with that, especially when you have a firend or family pressure to take the training, forcing it to be matter of trust (" Do you trust me? Would I do anything to hurt you? you cant think of another reason not to go, so why do you still say no to the training? ")


But check the Yelp filtered reiviews, you get more negative reviews from people who do not have a good experience. People in New Era Trainngs will say that these negative people made the training all about enrolling new people and they have returned to their old unsuccessful self. Say what they will, but with New Era Trainings it really is all about enrollment.
Would you like to participate in a group that promised to help, but basically turns their back to you and says it's your fault when they already have your money and you dont succeed in the training (meaning you dont sell any new people to take the training). This is the same group that says its sacrifices they do to make the world a better place. Would you like to participate in a group that makes you turn your back on family and friends when they tell you they do not want to do the training?

Here are some of the latest Yelp filtered negative reviews, those you do not see unless you take the time to find the hard to find link. These negative reviews dont count in the yelp rating but they are good examples of people who had a bad experience :

"be warned. this place is a fraud. be prepared to get yelled and screamed at and put in check. by the third course you will be so brainwashed into their system that you will become a slave to generating more revenue for their program. they prey on families and friendships and want your hard earned money. do not believe a thing they say they understand the science of human nature which examples that involve honorable things in life to lure you in but they are far from honorable. research micheal lynn jim and the mother hen find out their backround find something on record that is credible that shows their so called allegiance to the betterment of this planet and make your choice from there. these people are scam artists do your homework."

" this program is a hard and abrasive process to get you to learn about yourself. There is no doubt in my mind that you will find a lot of self discovery but it's hard cruel love to say the least. There are other sources other than NEW ERA that can help you find the same self discovery.

They start out really slow and use words such as love, and I want the best for you, ect. As the days go by it slowly becomes more and more controlling.

If you join this program and choose to spend your hard earned dollars, be prepared to get yelled at and controlled by the time you reach the second portion. It's pretty sadistic. By the time you reach the third level of this program they will have full control of you and make sure you come together as a unit to create an on going source of revenue for these guys. They will scream and shout at you and keep you in check. I've witnessed people break down in tears because they could no longer defend themselves. And if they questioned the process the teachers would use as Kate says, this your side my side tactic and they are skilled at using the group setting to go against anyone who challanges the system.

If you think about it it's actually really scary how successfully manipulative these guys are...

I STRONGLY suggest you do EXTENSIVE research of the people who run this program and their lives, Find out where all of your hard earned money goes. If a program claims to be of such help to people, why are they not giving back to establishments and foundations, why are you not hearing of their great work like you hear about others who give back in the world?

Oh and Jim is in charge of Explore, the first portion of this program. Towards the end Explore he does this thing where he gives this speech about his life and it sounds like he's crying.

I watched him very carefully during that speech wondering how many times he acted this out with previous classes and I watched his face very carefully.

There was nothing authentic about anything he said, not one tear appeared on his face and from that moment i explored the program long enough to realize it was fake. And now i'm acting on the truth so other people won't be fooled by it.

Pay close attention and BEWARE. "

"I have to say I totally agree with the reviewer that said they do some things well and some things very badly. I feel there was a good deal of good training in the first two parts but we parted ways after an extremely abusive session. I have since found a real trained life coach who is guiding me in a much softer way. Some people like New Era but for me part 3 was a giant waste of money and a little scary...."

"If I could give a no star rating I definitely would! I have no doubt that some people will get something from the training, but its because those people are already in SERIOUS need of someone telling them life will be okay. If you don't have big issues or are headstrong, or believe in yourself enough to not have your head filled with lies you will be met with contempt from the people who work there!!

I went for like an hour on the first day before I felt bullied and like they were trying to get me to "group think" which I really don't appreciate! But after I left I asked for my money back because clearly I haven't gotten any kind of moneys worth, they told me absolutely no refunds. So I told them I would complete the training... I would be there, but that I didn't want to "get anything out of it" and they told me I would be escorted from the premises if I came back. Come to find out there is also a clause that they can kick you out for any reason and not give you your money back even though they "stand by their training".

They are rude, inconsiderate, and absolutely a cult! You should have to pay over $1000 to have someone tell you you need help!!"


Re: New Era Trainings
Posted by: wamback ()
Date: July 11, 2013 02:04AM

For the "graduates" of the first level of New Era Trainings "Explore" about to enter "the next part of their journey" to the second level of training "Realize" happening now, and those of you you who will be asked to go to the third level of training was "ACT" next week. Or maybe your friend or family member of a person in the training.

You have been asked to "surrender yourself to training." Maybe you decided to surrender. For some reason you are in this forum. That is good you still have reason. Maybe you have doubts. Trust yourself, that is your reason speaking to you.

New Era Trainings might have a different name and slightly different program, but it still works like almost every other major Large Group Awareness Training -LGAT. Read this description from 20 years about a random LGAT training - sounds just like New Era Trainings EXPLORE, doesnt it?


The risks of LGATS are well documented on and around the internet. But you feel good from your Explore and Realize so far? LGATS can give short-term effects that feel good, but that's a false high caused by mind manipulation and coercion. Look at these posts on how LGAT programs can mess with your brain chemistry for the false high.


They also have other things that you probably are not aware of until you think about it, as the manipulation of the temperature of the rooms. Keep thinking for yourself, that's a good thing. Was it too hot or cold in that room at some point? That's all under their control and they also mess with your head in that way. See this post on how LGATS handle room environment.


If you think your better than that, to be manipulated, please read the experiences of many of us in this forum. LGAT manipulation can happen to the best of us, there is no shame in admitting that you "fell for it" New Era Trainings used and manipulated your good friend or family member to use your trust in them convince you to take the trainings. And they ultimately want to manipulate you to do the same to another friend or a family member. That's what LGATS like New Era Training do, they are professional manipulators.

You have the choice to stop now. You have the choice to keep your family and friends out of it. You may not realize it now, but by ACT what New Era Trainings ultimately want from you is to be a salesman, to get your family members and friends to take the training and make them more money. They are not really acting in your interest past that. That good feeling and "love" from your teammates you might feel now will be used to get you to be a salesman.

Thanks for reading this and thinking. There will be more posts to think about. Meanwhile, read the previous posts on this subject, and other posts on this forum.


Re: New Era Trainings
Posted by: wamback ()
Date: July 13, 2013 05:18AM

For those of you taking the second level of New Era Trainings "REALIZE", and also for those who have friends or family in REALIZE.

Most of you will feel amazing this weekend. That's what New Era Trainings and other LGATS set you up for. They put you through extreme stress, then set you up to overcome it, and you feel like you're on top of the world. Read the post ^ ^ ^ about the way they do that. That good feeling is not built on a firm and safe foundation. It wont last. You have been manipulated and set up to feel good. But its a setup to get you to say YES on Sunday to the third level of New Era Trainings - ACT. ACT = New Era Trainings salesman, thats all.

You have a choice. You can say NO. Your thinking about it, that's why your reading this. Which means you can weigh the good and the bad. You do not need New Era Trainings to help you succeed in life. You have always been able to do that yourself with your family and true friends, they will be there for you and you do not need to pay thousands of dollars. Unlike New Era, which will only be there for you if you keep paying and keep bringing more people to pay them. ACT is primarily about brining in money to New Era. Keep reading.

The New Era people will tell you they are there to help make a better world through the transformation of people like you. That they are sacrificing a lot to be there. They are not there for charity. They do not care much for you. Think about it - how long has been the head coach stayed at the center for you? Their unpaid volunteers team leaders who have been doing most of the work with you, and have been manipulated by the New Age to give them free unpaid work.

ACT is all about getting you to sign up your family and friends to New Era Trainings. They might have hid it in level 1 and 2 of training, but it is obvious in the third level of ACT. They will tell you that their success in life is all about enrollment and getting people to sign up. Most of its main activities revolve around getting people to sign up. The "coaching" is about learning how to get through to people - sales techniques. If your not a successful salesperson for them, you will be ostracized by the group directly and indirectly. You will receive constant peer pressure from teammates, and they will say that your brining down the team if your not enrolling enough. You will get called out by the leadership and be shamed. Think back - did you sign up to be a salesman? Does being a successful New Era salesman have anything to do with your true personal goals before you signed up for New Era?

And the New Era leadership only cares about you so far as you make them more money. They admit that the New Era is a business. New Era does not pay anyone but the owners. The "team leaders" are volunteers who are told they are "gving back" Midway through ACT, the "best" of your "team" are asked to be "coaches" for your team, continuing the cycle of free labor for New Era Trainings. And the "best" of your team are those who have shown "leadership" by fulfilling goals, including enrollment goals (New Era sales).

In ACT you will constantly have emergency meetings and be insulted for not meeting sales goals and bringing more people in. You will have telephone meetings at 4:00 a.m. about your team status on sales goals and why everyone in your team isnt meeting them. New Era owners say that the center is about to close unless you bring more people in, they cannot afford to keep it open, and will everything they can to guilt and shame the group in bring more people in. Here is a little research on that, readily available on the Internet


The estimated annual income of New Era Training is nearly $ 200,000 a year. They may not be millionaires, but thats probably more than the salary of honest working people who pay more than $ 2,000 each for tuition at New Era. And how much work do the owners really do for that money? How much do owners like Lynn really particpate in your training? Think about it - shes leaving early most of the time, right? Leaving much of the work to the unpaid volunteer "group leaders. The owners say they have no expenses, but they do not pay anyone but the owners, and how much is renting office space in a old industrial park anyway?

But maybe their mad because times arent what they used to be. Look at this


One of New Era Trainings former names is iImpact, it has the same address. 10 years ago, they had estimated revenues of $ 400,000. I guess the owners have a reason to be angry with the graduates, their only brining in half as much money as before.

Thanks for reading. Keep thinking for yourself and making your own choices.


Re: New Era Trainings
Posted by: wamback ()
Date: July 16, 2013 03:10AM

For friends and family of the past weekends "graduates" of New Era Trainings second level "Realize", who said yes to the third level of training "ACT" this weekend.

Please be there for you friend, loved one, significant other. Do this by firmly saying NO to enrolling in New Era Trainings. But also please be understanding and patient with them and understand where your friend or family member is coming from.

Some of you must be prepared. This weekend you may receive a call from your friend or loved one in ACT wanting to have a last minute meeting to "catch up" or talk about life. You might get a "heart to heart" talk. You might have dinner or breakfast. But no matter what, you will get the hard sell about taking New Era. Be kind but firm in your NO.

Please read previous posts ^ ^ ^ ^. Your friend or loved one are on a false high right now from manipulative mind games from New Era Trainings, more or less like any other Large Group Awareness Training "LGAT" Group discussed in this forum and all over the intenet. Your friend or loved one have gone through very stressful situations, bad memories revived, and subjected to a "good cop bad cop" situations in which the same people who give praise to them also gives them severe verbal beatings (like an abusive relationship). This program can break even the strongest person, who have been deceived into thinking that the "coaching" of New Era Trainings can make them "change the world".

You might even have seen a positive change in attitude from your friend or family member. But do not be fooled, read previous posts ^^^^ this positive change is built on a shaky foundation and all New Era wants is for your friend or loved one to bring in more money to New Era.

Your friend or family member will be chasing you around the clock to go to an "guest event", or enroll for the first level Explore trianing. Please kindly, but firmly say NO. Why wont they say whats in the training? They will say its for your own good that you dont know. Click the link for a preview if your curious


Thats a description from a random LGAT training 20 years ago. That is close to the Explore training. LGAT programs are cookiecutter, they do not really change, no matter how much they say they try to "improve" the product.

Your friend or family member will continue to learn sales tactics in ACT to get trusted people to enroll in New Era like learning to adapt to your personality type so you say yes, like "being different" and "doing what it takes" until you say yes. Above all, they have told to make it a matter of trust. Your friend or family member has been "trained" by the New Era "coaching" to believe that they know what is best for you and if you trust them, you will say yes to New Era Trainings. You know this is BS, but your friend or family member does not realize at this time. You have known your friend or family member for much longer than New Era, so what do those New Era "coaches" know about the trust in the relationship with your friend and family member?

Some friends and family might even go so far as to make it an ultimatum - if you do not go to New Era Trainings, you do not trust me, so our relationship is over unless you go to training. New Era says they do not break relationship - but thats not honest for them to say that.

New Era is dishonest when they say they are not a cult. Maybe they technically are not a cult, but New Era Trainings can be very cult-like. New Era say they have no "guru", but what do the owner Lynn or other "trainers" to act like? Their "followers" do all they are commmanded to. New Era say they do not isolate from your friends and family members, but this is only true because New Era does not physically isolate people like some cults do. But there is lots of alienation from friends and family members when New Era instills an "us against them" attitude.

Please, please, be there for your friend or family member when ACT breaks them down. That high they feel now will quickly be replaced by a big low when they are lashed out by their New Era "coaches" for failing to meet enrollment "goals" - their sales goals. You see, to continue the training, to get more New Era "love", to "continue your journey" with the New Era "team" you are told to do everything possible to enroll more people in New Era. Including taking advantage your trustful relationships with friends and family. But be kind to your friend or family member - their mind is clouded by New Era right now, so they think they are doing whats best for you.

also be patient with your friend or family member if they meet their sales goals and are filled with pride from New Era. They will continue to pressure you and use a variety of tactics to get you to sign up. They have been programmed to think they know whats best for you. Eventually some of the people they enroll will fail their New Era goals because they think for themselves, fail at enrollment, etc. Remind your friend or family member does a true friend or family look down on their loved ones because they "failed"? Does a true friend or family member respect the decisions of their friends and family members?

Your friend or family member may be expelled from ACT when they do not meet sales goals. Please be there for them, their New Era "trainer", "leaders" and "teammates" have cast them down mentally and emotionally. New Era say you are "responsible" for your "results" and your friend or family "choose" to leave because they failed their objectives in ACT. That is how New Era can say that no one is kicked out of ACT. The good feeling your friend or family member felt when they graduated, that is gone, and they might be sad, angry, or emotional. They may not know what happened. They may feel embarrassed to say what really happened. As a friend or loved one, please be there to comfort them and forgive them and talk with them. They did not know what they were doing, but New Age clouded their mind and they think they are "responsible" for their failed "result". If this happens, just be their for your friend or loved one and remind them about their true trustful, loving relationship. Accept their apolgies for being obnoxious on enrollment. They never needed New Era to have a positive change in life. You are there for them, and have a lot of non-New Era people to talk to. Above all, they are strong and can think for themselves and can learn from their New Era Trainings mistake. We're only human, we make mistakes.


Re: New Era Trainings
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: August 02, 2013 08:03PM

See []

The Rick A. Ross Institute for the Study of Destructive Cults, Controversial Groups, and Movements has officially changed its name to The Cult Education Institute for the Study of Destructive Cults, Controversial Groups and Movements.

The new domain name entry point and gateway to the Internet archives of the institute will soon be

The Cult Education Institute archives is a library of information about destructive cults, controversial groups and movements, which was initially launched in 1996 and has continued to be under construction and expansion for the past 17 years.

The public message board attached to the The Cult Education Institute will soon only be accessible through the domain name More than 100,000 entries from the former members of destructive cults, controversial groups and movements and others concerned has accumulated at the board over the past decade. The message board content continues to grow daily and it serves as a free speech zone for those who wish to share their insights and concerns about the topics listed.

Re: New Era Trainings
Posted by: SpookyM61 ()
Date: October 16, 2013 08:08AM

Checkout, subscribe, and share this subreddit []
on lgats I made to fill a void there. Spreading info on the net. Knowledge is power.

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