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"Linda-Marie Hubert", The Legacy Center, Cult Leader of the Decade
Posted by: Belinda Desiree ()
Date: December 07, 2007 12:30AM

Congratulations to Ms Hubert who is The Legacy Center's Cult Leader of the Decade.
She took those honors while enrolling 30 people (nearly all men) into this cult, mainly through the use of Match.cum.
The PhD degree she obtained here must have impressed her suitors. The Center's Sexuality workshop helped Ms Hubert hone her recruiting skills.
I wonder how many lives she destroyed, how many people she ripped off, and the extent of her lies and deceit.
It is a fact that she continued recruiting for The Legacy Center even after they destroyed the life of someone she had pressured into attending and after her own brother told her it was a cult.
I guess all that plastic surgery she had from lipo to a face lift came in handy in recruiting the men from Match.cum.
Ms Hubert told people who had had some prior mental issues to sign the Legacy Center's waiver forms indicating that they had never seen a doctor for mental problems.
This was only one of many deceits used by Ms Hubert and The Legacy Center to increase their enrollments for the trainings and MAKE MONEY.
Other than a few health issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome, Ms Hubert is now living it up in Spartanburg, South Carolina.
I don't think she is too happy about her nickname which is, "Stinky".
Go figure, Stinky Marie Hubert.
There is no justice cause she inherited $3,000,000 in 2006 when her grandmother died.
So if any of you had your lives ruined by "Stinky", she has the money to compensate you.
The word is that she is actually working as an accountant in Greenville, South Carolina for C&S Wholesale Grocers.
Linda- Marie Hubert 'STINKY" is very proud of her legacy of lies, deceit, coersion, intimidation, brainwashing, and sleep deprivation to destroy lives in the name of MONEY.
I am aware of an individual that Ms Hubert threatened if they ever wrote anything negative about The Legay Center. At an earlier date, she and The Legacy Center had destroyed this individual's life.
Ms Hubert had also promised this same person a large sum of monet then she cheated them out of it. How low can you get?
Where is the justice?
Let's just hope that she and The Legacy Center reap what they have sown 'cause I hear that paybacks are a bitch.

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"Linda-Marie Hubert", The Legacy Center, Cult Leader of the Decade
Posted by: Belinda Desiree ()
Date: December 17, 2007 12:42AM

The LGAT Basic Experience


Day 2 Friday Evening - Psychological Breakdown

The second evening starts again at 7 P.M. By this time the class is trained to get to their seats when a particular piece of music is played. The agreement is to be in your seat and ready to begin when the music ends.

However the highway department closed a major interstate into the city resulting in a major traffic jam that caused several people to be late, myself included. This must be a trainer's dream come true. One by one people were ordered to stand up and explain why they were late. No excuse was accepted. Everyone was personally humiliated and made to admit total responsibility for being late often revealing other patterns in their life where they were supposedly irresponsible. This often brought people to tears.

Dr. Singer writes in "Cults in Our Midst"

"Having observed a number of LGATs and having interviewed many persons who attended variants of these programs as part of their work assignments, I am astonished at the gross childishness and unkindness of humiliating anyone under the guise of education, experiential learning, or the claim that participation in such travesties enhances work performance. Nor do all participants find sessions of "sharing" personal details helpful."

Because I was late too I got "called to task" for breaking the agreement. Since I knew how that stupid game is played it irritated me. The trainer was trying to get me to admit breaking the agreement and I said "that is your context not mine". The trainer hollered at me some more about having an agreement with everyone to be on time and finally I said "OK, I broke the agreement" and sat down. The trainer ordered me to stand up I said "No, I decide to sit". The trainer ordered
me again and I said "I decide". So the trainer said "well just leave then". So I got up and left (my mistake, Doh!). See how the trainer wins every encounter?

Of course then the "handling" begins. When people get pissed off and walk out the door there is a staff member outside to "handle" you. I bitched a bit about it being all too predictable and that I didn't want to be right about this course but looks like I am anyway. I brought out the copy of Singer's chapter on LGATs and started quoting it to the handler. I also
made comments like "How come every sentence you say starts with 'Are you open to the possibility...'" Finally I said just leave me alone for a few minutes and I sat and cleared away ALL the anger I was feeling using meditation. Then I really had fun with the handler.

The handler asked me to come back in the course. I said "Hey, the trainer asked me to leave. Guess I'm not welcome in the course."

The handler says "What would it take to get you to come back in the room?"

I said "An Invitation".

"Well, I invite you to come back in"

I said "From the trainer"

She said "Well, I'm on the staff and I invite you back in"

I said "Let me get a glass of water and think about it."

So I hung out for about 15 minutes purposely having fun with that handler. I even made her open the door and hold it for me going back in.

When I got back in the trainer was in the middle of another one of those fast paced lectures showing all the negative things in people's life and how it keeps them isolated from the possibilities outside their box.

Then the awareness exercises begin again; dyads, open body posture, closed-eye reflections etc.

The victim game: Tell your partner a story about which you think you were a victim. Then your partner tells you one. After this the trainer instructs you to retell your story from the point of view that you were responsible
and admitting your role in what happened.

They made me do it: This process involves stating as fast as you can things you were *made* to do. My mom made me clean my room. The IRS made me pay my taxes. My boss made me work. The traffic made me late. etc. etc.

I have to: This process involves finding out why you *have* to do things. It is a progression to the underlying cause of why you do things. I have to work. If I don't work, then I don't get paid. If I don't get paid then I
can't make the house payment. If I can't make the house payment then the bank will foreclose. If the bank forecloses then I have no where to live. If I don't have a place to live then I'll freeze in winter. If I freeze in winter then I get sick. If I get sick then I die. THEREFORE, I would RATHER work then die.

The Red/Black game: After several of these types of processes it was time for the Red/Black game. In this game people are divided into 2 teams and sent to separate rooms. Instructions were given to get the most number of points and elect a captain who will tally the votes. The trainer asked if anyone in the room had played the game before. A few had and were excused. I raised my hand and stated that I had read about the game in a book. I was told to play the game anyway.

There are 10 frames in this game like a bowling sheet. The 5th frame is double points, the 10th frame is triple points. Points are accumulated from frame to frame. There is no communication to the other team other than a staffer runs back and forth between rooms and tells you how the other team voted between frames. Each team votes on a color red or black with a simple majority. The trainer goes back and forth between the rooms and observes. There is absolutely no help from the staff.

Scoring is as follows:

Team A vote Team B vote Team A scores Team B scores

Black Black +3 +3
Red Black +5 -5
Black Red -5 +5
Red Red -5 -5

It should be obvious that the scenario is win/win win/lose lose/win and lose/lose.

When I went to the next room with my team, I was overwhelmingly elected to be the team captain since I had read about the game. I then explained the purpose of the game and how it is to illustrate the win-win scenario. We took a vote which I counted being the team captain. The votes for black outnumbered red by about 2:1. The staffer came into the room and said.

"Team B what is your vote?"

To which I responded "Team B votes Black."

The staffer said "Your vote has been accepted. Team A votes Black."

The black/black vote gave each team 3 points. Everyone seemed quite pleased that the vote turned out the way it did and it appeared that we were headed towards a win-win game. But this was not to be the case.

I asked for the vote for the second frame and this time the overwhelming majority voted black with just a few people voting red. The staffer returned and asked

"Team B what is your vote?"

I responded "Team B votes Black."

The staffer replied "I'm sorry, you did not follow the ground rules. Your vote is invalid."

This was quite puzzling. We took the vote again with the majority voting black. Again the staffer returns and asks

"Team B what is your vote?"

I responded again "Team B votes Black."

The staffer replies again "I'm sorry, you did not follow the ground rules. Your vote is invalid."

Being that the staffer is not in the room when we vote then one of the staff members that is seated at a table in the rear of the room must be giving him a thumbs down sign. The staffers seated at the rear sit with their arms crossed and are not saying a word. I was to learn later that this is practiced.

By this time people are starting to murmer that voting black must be wrong and that we should be voting red. I responded that the purpose of the game is to observe how you play game. I was thinking about how things had become rather interesting. I asked the group what they remembered about the ground rules. People responded with what they thought they heard. I took another vote. This time there were a few more voting red. Again the vote was declared invalid.

This time several people became very upset. A few of them get disgusted and leave the room. They are, of course, attended by staff. I can't blame them since it has been a long and stressful evening and it is well after midnight and at the rate we were going we could be there all night.

A man stands up and says that we should be voting red. That is why our vote was wrong. I stated that there was nothing in the ground rules stating which way we had to vote. More and more people rally around this individual and there is a motion to dismiss me as the team captain. The majority vote to dismiss me and install the other guy as team captain.

He takes the vote which is red by a small majority. The staffer returns.

"Team B what is your vote?"

To which the captain responds "Team B votes Red."

The staffer said "Your vote has been accepted. Team A votes Black."

There is much relief and celebration in the room. Not only has the vote been accepted but we are now winning the game. I was to learn later that members of Team A in the next room thought that Team B had tricked them into voting Black in the second frame and were now arguing for the third frame to be voted Red.

I stood up and said that I thought that what I did wrong was not count the individual votes in the second frame since it was overwhelmingly Black.

We took another vote which was black by a very small margin.

"Team B what is your vote?"

"Team B votes Black.."

The staffer said "Your vote has been accepted. Team A votes Red."

Several people are upset that Team A has voted Red. Even more people get up and leave the room. I think by the end of the game only 2/3rds are left in the room.

The fourth frame is voted Red/Red. The rest of the game goes rather quickly. From this point on with each frame more and more people in the group vote Red that by the 9th frame only myself and one or two others still vote Black. The tenth frame was the opportunity for triple points. At this point it is close to the end of the game and I said to myself "Screw it. I guess majority rules".

Everyone in the group voted Red, myself included.

Team A also voted Red.

The final result was a score something like -7 to -17. Little did we know there was hell to pay...

By this time it was after 1 AM and we were told to file back into the main ballroom in silence. The trainer had a look that would kill. When we got to our seats we were ordered to close our eyes and the trainer screamed at us for over 30 minutes straight. We were told that what we did in the game amounted to war and the way we played that game was the way we lived our lives. That screaming lecture accused us of just about every negative behavior imaginable. We were told that crime in the streets, racism, and other personal and social problems were because of people like us. You would have thought we were the leaders of Russia and America who just fired off an all-out nuclear exchange at each other and were now being called to account for it in hell. Those of us who knew how the game was supposed to be played and voted black were especially berated because we didn't "take a stand" for the win-win situation.

After a night of sleep deprivation and now another late night plus all the psychological opening exercises, this screaming lecture over a PA system sends thunderbolts through your consciousness. I felt like with every sentence that a powerful jolt of electricity was sent through my nervous system.

We were told to leave in silence and were given an assignment to spend an hour reflecting on what we just did and to be back at 10 AM. This is in addition to written homework due the next day. By this time it is going on 2 in the morning.

How to win the game? Refuse to vote unless the whole team votes for the win-win scenario.


Philip Cushman writes in his PhD dissertation on Lifespring, "The Politics of Transformation":

The last exercise of the evening is the "Red and Black" game. This is a type of "prisoner's dilemma" game popular in social psychology experiments. Participants are encouraged by the trainer and by staff to "win" the game, really pour it on. Staffers become like cheerleaders, and, after the trainer has explained the game ("The purpose is to win"), participants are divided into two teams and are left on their own to elect captains and figure out how to win the game.

[COMMENT: The game, of course. is rigged. It directly follows the long "parent process," when participants are in an euphoric, emotionally primitive state in which they experience the ultimate gratifications of childhood: unconditional love and unlimited attention. After all the importance the trainer has placed on "winning," "doing whatever is necessary to win," and "creating your own reality," it turns out this game can be won only if the two sides cooperate. In the 18 trainings subjects reported on only once did participants figure out how to cooperate.)

By the time the game has to be stopped, 3 of 3"behavior" subjects (100%) reported that many people had become very excited. driven, and frustrated about winning. it is at this point the trainer steps in and harangues and humiliates the participants. He swears at them, he calls them names, he blames the arms race and world hunger on people like them, who "can't imagine winning without killing the other side."

The recrimination is very strong, and very effective. All subjects reported being affected by it and remembering it. The pattern was the same for 14 of 15 "experience" subjects (93%). Either subjects felt distraught because they tried to win by making the other side lose, or they figured out the key to winning, but they were too frightened to speak up or too self-critical to believe they knew the answer. Either way, one "experience" subject noted, everyone seemed to feel embarrassed and crushed. As one "behavior" subject noted, it was, paradoxically, a no-win situation.

Day 3

Back to the awareness page

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"Linda-Marie Hubert", The Legacy Center, Cult Leader of the Decade
Posted by: Belinda Desiree ()
Date: December 17, 2007 12:44AM

The LGAT Basic Experience


Day 3, Saturday - What are YOU pretending not to know?

I did not get a good night sleep Friday night. Opening up the subconscious will keep you awake. I had a feeling of anxiousness for getting there on time Saturday morning. Boy were we trained good. I knew all of this consciously yet could do nothing about it. After driving around the parking garage looking for a space I ran to the hotel to make it on time and did with only two minutes to spare. (Oh God the music is playing, I better get to my seat.)

The session started off with another closed eye exercise in which we were reminded of more negative things about ourselves. I kept my eyes cracked open and was muttering things like "NOT", "No way baby", "Not in my universe", etc. in order to help counteract the effect of the exercise.

What these negative exercises do is to pull up the negative things that are buried in the subconscious. This is not necessarily wrong, but people do not realize that this is what happens.

Then we listened to this wailing blues song about the negativity of life in order to put us in the mood. After this the trainer asks

"Who wants to share?"

By this time there are several people in the group who have been opened up psychologically and put in a sufficiently altered state of consciousness that they are having things surface out of their subconscious.

A row of chairs has been placed on the stage and several people come forward to fill them.

The first one to stand up to be processed is a woman who confesses being sexually molested as a child. The woman tells the story and is reliving the experience.

Woman: "My father is sticking his tongue in me, I don't like it."

Trainer: "Uh huh. What else is he doing?"

The trainer speaks coldly and authoritatively with no trace of compassion in the voice. The woman confesses the entire story of being raped by her father and is crying like a little child. The trainer nods likes a talk-show host and acts like they have heard it all before. Several people in the room (myself included) are crying in sympathy. The emotion is way too intense.

The trainer walks up on stage next to the woman and screams in her face


The woman screams out


The trainer yells


The woman points to her solar plexus. The trainer demands


The woman lets out several long screams into the microphone and then bursts into tears. One of the assistants helps her back to her seat.

Another grown man around 50 years old gets up and starts relating the story of how his he and his brother were playing hide and seek. While he was hiding, the father called them in and he didn't hear him. The father went out to look for him and when found, the father beat him mercilessly. While telling the story, the man is crying uncontrollably. Again the trainer asks what he was feeling and where it was in his body. The trainer aggressively coaches out another long scream into the mike.

Another man gets up and confesses that he feels numb and can't feel love. The trainer asks him to have that numbness make a sound. He hums into the mike for a while and eventually breaks down crying like a baby.

A woman gets up and babbles incoherently about breaking up with her boyfriend. After telling her story she returns to her seat.

Person after person gets processed in this fashion by the trainer. They all end up screaming and crying into the microphone. Amplified by a PA system it has a powerful effect on the rest of us. This type of "sharing", more accurately described as "catharsis" is what the previous two days of aggressive awareness exercises produces in the participants. These exercises, along with the sleep deprivation have opened people up
psychologically and have produced a strong altered state of consciousness such that the childhood traumas that have been long buried in the subconscious are now surfacing.

One man confesses that he never told his mother that he loved her. The trainer tells him to get on his knees and visualize his mother and tell her. While he is on his knees the staff in the back of the room play a song about "Mommy being there to tie your shoes and dry your eyes" through the PA system. I am thinking, "Man, they have a song for every occasion". During one of the breaks I check out the PA system and there are dozens of tapes in a rack.

Another woman get up and says she is ashamed at all the hatred that she is feeling. We are told that the rest of us will now have a chance to let it all out. It is time for the "What do you want?" process.

In this process people pair off in chairs facing one another. One person is the coach and screams in the other person's face at the top of his lungs "WHAT DO YOU WANT? WHAT DO YOU WANT?" The second person screams at the top of his lungs anything that pops up "LOVE, LIFE, HAPPINESS, FREEDOM, etc". Sometimes something negative will come up spontaneously. "HATE" I don't think that is what the person wants it is just what comes up.

The lights are dimmed and the process begins. The trainer and the staff cruise the room shouting in people's faces too. Whenever one comes by me I scream out "QUIET" or "A REFUND" or "PRIMAL SCREAM THERAPY". (I gotta have some fun with this). During this process there are a few shivers of emotional release. I don't know what I am releasing. Guess it doesn't matter.

This process went on for an ungodly amount of time. At the end we were coached to let out several screams (no words). Over 100 people in a hotel ballroom screaming at the top of their lungs. At the end we are to hug the other person and listen to another song.

I Want To Know What Love Is - Foreigner

I gotta take a little time, a little time to think things over
I better read between the lines, in case I need it when I'm older

Now this mountain I must climb, feels like the world upon my shoulders
Through the clouds I see love shine, it keeps me warm as life grows

In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've travelled so far, to change this lonely life

I want to know what love is, I want you to show me
I want to feel what love is, I know you can show me

I'm gonna take a little time, a little time to look around me
I've got nowhere left to hide, it looks like love has finally found me

In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've travelled so far, to change this lonely life

I want to know what love is, I want you to show me
I want to feel what love is, I know you can show me
I want to know what love is, I want you to show me
(And I wanna feel) I want to feel what love is
(And I know) I know you can show me

Let's talk about love - I want to know what love is
The love that you feel inside - I want you to show me
And I'm feeling so much love - I want to feel what love is
No, you just can't hide - I know you can show me
I want to know what love is (let's talk about love), I know you can
show me
I wanna feel it too - I want to feel what love is
I wanna feel it too, and I know and I know - I know you can show me
Show me love is real, yeah - I want to know what love is...

After this we were instructed to find a spot in the room and sit or lay down on the floor. The trainer starts another closed eye process. (Jeez, can't we take a break? We keep getting slammed with process after process.)

This process starts out with "walking down a spiral staircase into the darkness". This is a classic hypnotic induction technique. We are led through dark passageways in a maze like fashion. After being led through the catacombs of our consciousness we come to a door. At this point the tunnels we have been led through collapse behind us. The only way out is through the door. There is a saying in hypnosis that you have to go through the basement to get to the attic.

When we open the door we are led into a room of bright light. After ascending a golden staircase we sit down on a special chair. We are guided to pick up a photo album representing our lives.

When we look up from the album, standing there is your mother. We were told to say anything we wanted to our mother. Some people were crying, others were screaming, others were having conversations with their mothers. We repeated this with our fathers. Then we repeated this with other family members. I found that I didn't have any buried resentments against my parents. It was emotional though. Pass the kleenex.

Next we were led through a process where we meet our inner child and the child gives us a gift. The gifts are different for each person and reflect something in their consciousness. This is a very moving and touching experience. These types of processes are done in seminars done by John Bradshaw and others. However I don't believe Bradshaw does this aggressive breakdown stuff beforehand. One of the staffers was next to me on the floor and she was boo-hooing big time. She had done Lifespring. I asked her if she had done this process before. She said no. Apparently Lifespring does not have an inner child process.

We setup the chairs and sit back in our seats. Now the trainer becomes "seductive and charming" and invites people to share what they experienced. I was wondering when the changeover to "nice" would take place.

After this we took a meal break for an hour and a half. When we came back the music is cranked up and there is a half-hour of dancing. I will point out here that this type of physical exertion is helpful at this point. People have just released major emotional stuff. Dancing releases a lot of the tension and gets your energy flowing again.

The moving meditation, hug line, or love bomb process - This process involves a long snaking circular line. Where we are given the opportunity to silently interact with every person in the room including the staff. We are instructed to vote with our fingers: one finger means no contact, Two means to look the other person in the eyes, three fingers for a handshake, and four to give a full body hug. None of this lean over and keep your pelvis away type of hug stuff. That was called a tee-pee hug. This is full body contact head to toe and (jokingly) called a pee-pee hug. Most everyone votes to hug. It is a very moving experience.

We are dismissed early (before 10) in comparison to the last two nights. Homework was given to try to reconnect with a family member or someone from the past.

We are to return on Sunday being "dressed for success".

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"Linda-Marie Hubert", The Legacy Center, Cult Leader of the Decade
Posted by: Belinda Desiree ()
Date: December 17, 2007 12:45AM

Day 4 Sunday - Graduation

We were told to attend the fourth day being "dressed for success". There
was dancing when we came in as well as after each break. We had been
given homework to do a "completion" or reconciliation of a past
relationship. People shared their experiences of contacting parents
and other relatives to heal old wounds. There was also sharing from the
"hold-backs" or people who needed further catharsis.

Much of the morning focused on goal setting. An exercise was performed
where we were to visualize and write goals for 10 years, 5 years, 2
years, 1 year, 1 month, 1 week. After this we did an exercise where we
were given two weeks to live and were to write goals for that.

During the lunch break we were given an exercise to give hugs to
strangers and perform random acts of kindness. After we came back the
numbers of hugs and acts of kindness were tallied.

During the afternoon there was a sales pitch for the advanced course. It
was presented like the good feelings we had would not stick and we would
fall back into our old ways of doing things unless we signed up for
advanced. We were also asked how many people we would bring to the
Tuesday night guest event. There was an exercise where one is to define
what one stands for. Share your stand with the other participants.

The Graduation - At the end of the day is a candle lighting ceremony
where the trainer lights her candle and then lights the staff's candles.
The staff then lights the candles of the participants. At the end is an
emotional reunion with friends and family members who have come to the
graduation. It seems like all the trauma and catharsis is somehow
magically forgotten.

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"Linda-Marie Hubert", The Legacy Center, Cult Leader of the Decade
Posted by: Belinda Desiree ()
Date: December 17, 2007 12:47AM

The Awareness Page

Taking a stand for speaking the possibility of making a difference for the informed consumer.

Why I have created this page
This page is created to help build awareness of the various types of self awareness programs that are out in the marketplace. This page is by no means a condemnation of these things. However, I take a stand that people should make conscious informed decisions about what programs and organizations they choose to associate with. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. Some of the information may be controversial and some of the organizations may not like it. All I can say is:

"What do they have to hide? Awareness includes it all"

The Awareness Page FAQ
Choosing a Personal Growth Program
Ten Questions to help you make an informed decision - by Chris Mathe

Are you under the influence of a destructive group? Take this Self Quiz and find out.
Please give us some "feedback from our universe" and participate in a discussion group. How does this page "show up" for you? You do not have to use your real name or e-mail address.

Message Board

DISCLAIMER: This page is not for profit and non-commercial in nature. The opinions expressed in the articles and links are those of the individual authors. The goal of this page is to present links to as wide a variety of publicly available information as possible. The vast majority of the links are to EXTERNAL websites. The Awareness Page webmaster and ISP are not responsible for content on external websites. Some of the information here is also found in public and university libraries. All information and links are for research purposes only. The "fictional section" is for contributions from readers who wish to share personal experiences. This page attempts not to discriminate in forming links and will link either directly or indirectly to all relevant information that is on topic either pro or con. Message Boards are available for anyone who wishes to share their viewpoint.


Large Group Awareness Trainings (LGATs)
Find out what "you don't know you don't know" about LGATs

Feature Article: Can an LGAT Change? by Chris Mathe

Intruding Into the Workplace by Dr. Margaret Singer
The Siren Call of Modern Pied Pipers from Wellspring
Large Group Awareness Trainings by Michael Langone PhD
Waking Up: EST and Lifespring
Coercive Persuasion by Richard Ofshe
The Top Ten List for Transformational Types by Thomas Leonard
Spiritual Responsibility: Avoiding Abuses and Pitfalls Along the Path by Steven Hassan [See disclaimer concerning Steve Hassan at the bottom of this post explaining why he is not recommend by this Web site] with the Lama Surya Das
The Battle For Your Mind by Dick Sutphin
Thought Reform Programs and the Production of Psychiatric Casualties by Singer/Ofshe
Mass Marathon Trainings by Philip Cushman
The Power of Words by Harriet Rubin
Report of the APA Task Force... American Psychological Association
Skeptic's Dictionary: LGATs

How it all got started
Mind Dynamics - Alexander Everett (Updated 9/28/98)
A Posting by William O. West
A Door to Door Mind Salesman - by Stephen Pressman

Leadership Dynamics - William Penn Patrick
The Pit - A Group Encounter Defiled
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
Brainwash - A movie based on The Pit

est / The Forum

est - Erhard Seminars Training
Enlightenment in Two Weekends by Stephen Pressman
Est and Responsibility by Irvin D. Yalom
We're Going to Tear You Down and Put you Back Together by Mark Brewer
Skeptic's Dictionary: Werner Erhard and est
The Forum - Landmark Education Corporation
Landmark Education Home Page
Landmark Profile
Landmark Forum Rants and Raves
Winner of Point's Top 5% Best of the Web Award!

Landmark: Just a Bowl of Cherries
The Best of Est? Time Magazine article
The Process and Ecology of The Forum, by Charles Denison
An Introduction to The Forum
The Structure: First Sights of The Forum
The Forum Begins: The Curriculum and the Pedagogy
The Curriculum of The Forum
The Pedagogy of The Forum
My Forum Story by Kirk
My Experience with The Forum by soodo
Landmark Education - A participant's perspective, by Bob Black
There's no Meeting of the Minds, by Steve Jackson
Think About It by Gil Steiner
The est of Friends by Tracy Hukill
Do You Believe in Miracles? - Elle Magazine
The Con-Forumists by Jana Martin
Being There by Fred Wistow
Guy's Diner Open 24 Hours
Skydiving with your Sanity
Skeptic's Dictionary: Landmark Forum
Bob Glickstein: The Forum
Drive-Thru Deliverance by Amanda Scioscia
Pay Money, Be Happy by Vanessa Grigoriadis
Master of Fate by Anupama Bhattacharya
Mindbreakers London Daily Mail 7/23/01

Lifespring Incorporated Home Page
Lifespring Profile
Jon Ruth's Lifespring Page
Training Description, by Philip Cushman
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
I lost My Husband to a Cult by Ann McAndrews
White Collar Cults, They Want Your Mind... by Dirk Mathison
Pathology as Personal Growth- a Participant-Observation Study of Lifespring Training by Janice Haaken

Lifespring Spinoffs
Momentus - Daniel Tocchini (Lifespring)
Momentus Explained
Momentus Training - New Age Deception by Bill Barton
Insight Seminars - Russell Bishop (Lifespring)
MSIA homepage

Resource Realizations - David Gilcrease (Lifespring)
Breaking the Vow of Secrecy by Karen Lile
My Experience of Livermore Discovery Seminar by Kendall Ross Bean
Intrepidnet Reporters
Desperate Measures Rocky Mountain News
VisionWorks -Bruce Solomon (Lifespring)

Impact Trainings - Founder: Hans Berger/John Webb (Lifespring)
Concerns for LDS members
Self-Awareness Groups Have LDS Church Wary - Salt Lake Tribune
Critics Say Be Wary of Self-Help Groups - Salt Lake Tribune
Harmony Institute - Bernell Christensen (Impact)
Spectrum Trainings - Founder: ? (Harmony/Impact)

Phoenix 2000 - Jaimes McNeal, Founder: Mike McKeon/Martha Borst (Lifespring)
Flocking to Phoenix by Linda Tucci
LGATs and Speedos A P2K Experience
Vistar/Serendipity - Founder: Ray Blanchard/Betty Spruill (Lifespring)
Vistar Nevada
A Vistar Experience
Cult Status by Kirsten Marcum
Letters to the Editor
LifeDesign Education

Asia Works - Founder: Jim Cook (Lifespring)
Asiaworks: LGAT Comes to Asia
"In my opinion Asiaworks is an evil 'cult-like' group"
Looking for a New Path
Yuppies happy to pay for vision of new life by Ruth Mathewson
Argentina Works
Chile Works - Founder: Gabriel Nosevich (Lifespring)
WorldWorks - Formerly Lifespring DC - Lisa Kalman/Gabriel Nossovitch
Summit Education
Personal Dynamics
Millenium 3

The Legacy Center - Formerly Lifespring North Carolina
FACTNET Discussion
Essential Education - Formerly Lifespring Florida
Rising Star Communications
Humanus Institute - Formerly Lifespring Chicago
Head Shrinker by Ben Winters
Wings Seminars
Wings: Making Life Meaningful by David Faux

Other Groups
New Warriors Training
New Warriors Training Homepage
Just Another Therapy Cult
Shadow of Initiation by Dale Roads
Beyond Conformity and Group Think by Andre B. Heuer
Other Transformational Encounter Groups
PSI World Seminars - Founder: Thomas Wilhite (Mind Dynamics)
Context Associated - Founder: Randy Revell (Lifespring/Mind Dynamics)
Life Training - Founder: Roy Whitten/Brad Brown (est)
Lifestream - Founder: Jim Quinn (Mind Dynamics)
Pathways/Temenos - Founder: Carole Kammen/Jodi Gold (Actualizations)
The Art Works - Founder: ?
Personal Mastery - Founder: Brian Klemmer (PSI World)
Summit Workshops - Founder: Paul Larsen
Future Coaching/I Am Workshops - Founder: Pat Grove (est/Forum)
Pathways Educational Corp. - Founder: Dr. Phil McGraw
The Experience - Founder: ? (est/Forum)
Global Relationship Centers
Human Awareness Institute
Lifeskills Curriculum/Access I Education Founder: Jeanne Sterner - Mainly an LGAT with some Avatar material
The Option Institute
The Conversation Founder: Arnold Siegel (est/Forum)
Declaration of Christopher Laehy
The Kiln/August Institute
Sterling Institute
ISA Experience
ASSET Founder: Larry Jensen

The Fictional LGAT Section - A stone's throw from the truth
The Program - A Basic Course outline
The Program - An Advanced Course outline
The Jesus Program outline
The Seagull Program
The Success Program

The LGAT Basic Experience
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
The Guest Night
The LGAT Advanced Experience
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4


An information packet on Large Group Awareness Trainings is available for $18 from AFF and can be ordered online.


Other Programs
The Avatar(tm) Course Founder: Harry Palmer (Scientology)

Star's Edge Inc Home Page
Netherlands site about Avatar and Palmer
Harry Palmer and Scientology
Hoffman Quadrinity Process Founder: Bob Hoffman
Also involved is Charles (Raz) Ingrasci (est/Lifespring)

Hoffman Quadrinity Process


Background and Perspective
Psychological Self Helpby Clayton Tucker-Ladd. Two thumbs up Check out Chapter 15
Return to Spirit - Barbara Stone- Interesting site by a transpersonal psychologist
Help Me-- I'm Tired of Feeling Bad by Paul Vereshack, excellent explanation of regressive/depth psychotherapy
Articles on Rebirthing, a breath technique for releasing suppressed emotions
Self Clearing: A Handbook for Self Enlightenment, by The Pilot
Quantum Psychology Page
The Primal Psychotherapy Page
The Selfheal Page



There are many interesting hours of reading here. Hopefully you will synthesize your own informed opinion of "the work". Good luck to you in your journey.

You are vistor # 39,000 +

Thanks for visiting.

by Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians
I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know if you know what I mean
philosophy is the talk on a cereal box
religion is the smile on a dog

I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know if you know what I mean
choke me in the shallow water
before I get too deep
What I am is what I am are you what you are or what?

I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know if you know what I mean
philosophy is a walk on slippery rocks
religion is a light in the fog

I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know if you know what I mean
choke me in the shallow water
before I get to deep
What I am is what I am are you what you are or what?

Don't let me get too deep

Disclaimer regarding Steve Hassan

The Ross Institute of New Jersey/May 2013

See []

The inclusion of news articles within the Ross Institute of New Jersey (RI) archives, which mention and/or quote Steven Hassan, in no way suggests that RI recommends Mr. Hassan or recognizes him in any way.

News articles that mention Steve Hassan have been archived for historical purposes only due to the information they contain about controversial groups, movements and/or leaders.

RI does not recommend Steven Hassan.

RI has received serious complaints about Steve Hassan concerning his fees. Mr. Hassan does not publicly disclose his fee schedule, but according to complaints Steve Hassan has charged fees varying from $250.00 per hour or $2,500.00 per day to $500.00 per hour or $5,000.00 per day. This does not include Mr. Hassan's expenses, which according to complaints can be quite substantial.

Steven Hassan has charged families tens of thousands of dollars and provided questionable results. One recent complaint cited total fees of almost $50,000.00. But this very expensive intervention effort ended in failure.

Dr. Cathleen Mann, who holds a doctorate in psychology and has been a licensed counselor in the state of Colorado since 1994 points out, "Nowhere does Hassan provide a base rate and/or any type or accepted statistical method defining his results..."

Steve Hassan has at times suggested to potential clients that they purchase a preliminary report based upon what he calls his "BITE" model. These "BITE reports" can potentially cost thousands of dollars.

See []

Steve Hassan runs a for-profit corporation called "Freedom of Mind." Mr. Hassan is listed as the corporate agent for that business as well as its president and treasurer.

RI does not recommend "Freedom of Mind" as a resource.

RI also does not list or recommend Steve Hassan's books.

To better understand why Mr. Hassan's books are not recommended by RI read this detailed review of his most recently self-published book titled "Freedom of Mind."

See []

Steve Hassan's cult intervention methodology has historically raised concerns since its inception. The book "Recovery from Cults" (W.W. Norton & Co. pp. 174-175) edited by Dr. Michael Langone states the following:

"Calling his approach 'strategic intervention [sic] therapy,' Hassan (1988) stresses that, although he too tries to communicate a body of information to cultists and to help them think independently, he also does formal counseling. As with many humanistic counseling approaches, Hassan’s runs the risk of imposing clarity, however subtly, on the framework’s foundational ambiguity and thereby manipulating the client."

RI has also learned that Mr. Hassan has had dual-relationships with his counseling clients. That is, clients seeing Mr. Hassan for counseling may also do professional cult intervention work with him.

Professionals in the field of cultic studies have also expressed concerns regarding Steven Hassan's use of hypnosis and Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

Based upon complaints and the concerns expressed about Mr. Hassan RI does not recommend Steve Hassan for counseling, intervention work or any other form of professional consultation.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/10/2013 09:07PM by rrmoderator.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: "Linda-Marie Hubert", The Legacy Center, Cult Leader of the Decade
Posted by: Belinda Desiree ()
Date: December 17, 2007 12:52AM

The Awareness Page

Taking a stand for speaking the possibility of making a difference for the informed consumer.

Why I have created this page
This page is created to help build awareness of the various types of self awareness programs that are out in the marketplace. This page is by no means a condemnation of these things. However, I take a stand that people should make conscious informed decisions about what programs and organizations they choose to associate with. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. Some of the information may be controversial and some of the organizations may not like it. All I can say is:

"What do they have to hide? Awareness includes it all"

The Awareness Page FAQ
Choosing a Personal Growth Program
Ten Questions to help you make an informed decision - by Chris Mathe

Are you under the influence of a destructive group? Take this Self Quiz and find out.
Please give us some "feedback from our universe" and participate in a discussion group. How does this page "show up" for you? You do not have to use your real name or e-mail address.

Message Board

DISCLAIMER: This page is not for profit and non-commercial in nature. The opinions expressed in the articles and links are those of the individual authors. The goal of this page is to present links to as wide a variety of publicly available information as possible. The vast majority of the links are to EXTERNAL websites. The Awareness Page webmaster and ISP are not responsible for content on external websites. Some of the information here is also found in public and university libraries. All information and links are for research purposes only. The "fictional section" is for contributions from readers who wish to share personal experiences. This page attempts not to discriminate in forming links and will link either directly or indirectly to all relevant information that is on topic either pro or con. Message Boards are available for anyone who wishes to share their viewpoint.


Large Group Awareness Trainings (LGATs)
Find out what "you don't know you don't know" about LGATs

Feature Article: Can an LGAT Change? by Chris Mathe

Intruding Into the Workplace by Dr. Margaret Singer
The Siren Call of Modern Pied Pipers from Wellspring
Large Group Awareness Trainings by Michael Langone PhD
Waking Up: EST and Lifespring
Coercive Persuasion by Richard Ofshe
The Top Ten List for Transformational Types by Thomas Leonard
Spiritual Responsibility: Avoiding Abuses and Pitfalls Along the Path by Steven Hassan with the Lama Surya Das
The Battle For Your Mind by Dick Sutphin
Thought Reform Programs and the Production of Psychiatric Casualties by Singer/Ofshe
Mass Marathon Trainings by Philip Cushman
The Power of Words by Harriet Rubin
Report of the APA Task Force... American Psychological Association
Skeptic's Dictionary: LGATs

How it all got started
Mind Dynamics - Alexander Everett (Updated 9/28/98)
A Posting by William O. West
A Door to Door Mind Salesman - by Stephen Pressman

Leadership Dynamics - William Penn Patrick
The Pit - A Group Encounter Defiled
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
Brainwash - A movie based on The Pit

est / The Forum

est - Erhard Seminars Training
Enlightenment in Two Weekends by Stephen Pressman
Est and Responsibility by Irvin D. Yalom
We're Going to Tear You Down and Put you Back Together by Mark Brewer
Skeptic's Dictionary: Werner Erhard and est
The Forum - Landmark Education Corporation
Landmark Education Home Page
Landmark Profile
Landmark Forum Rants and Raves
Winner of Point's Top 5% Best of the Web Award!

Landmark: Just a Bowl of Cherries
The Best of Est? Time Magazine article
The Process and Ecology of The Forum, by Charles Denison
An Introduction to The Forum
The Structure: First Sights of The Forum
The Forum Begins: The Curriculum and the Pedagogy
The Curriculum of The Forum
The Pedagogy of The Forum
My Forum Story by Kirk
My Experience with The Forum by soodo
Landmark Education - A participant's perspective, by Bob Black
There's no Meeting of the Minds, by Steve Jackson
Think About It by Gil Steiner
The est of Friends by Tracy Hukill
Do You Believe in Miracles? - Elle Magazine
The Con-Forumists by Jana Martin
Being There by Fred Wistow
Guy's Diner Open 24 Hours
Skydiving with your Sanity
Skeptic's Dictionary: Landmark Forum
Bob Glickstein: The Forum
Drive-Thru Deliverance by Amanda Scioscia
Pay Money, Be Happy by Vanessa Grigoriadis
Master of Fate by Anupama Bhattacharya
Mindbreakers London Daily Mail 7/23/01

Lifespring Incorporated Home Page
Lifespring Profile
Jon Ruth's Lifespring Page
Training Description, by Philip Cushman
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
I lost My Husband to a Cult by Ann McAndrews
White Collar Cults, They Want Your Mind... by Dirk Mathison
Pathology as Personal Growth- a Participant-Observation Study of Lifespring Training by Janice Haaken

Lifespring Spinoffs
Momentus - Daniel Tocchini (Lifespring)
Momentus Explained
Momentus Training - New Age Deception by Bill Barton
Insight Seminars - Russell Bishop (Lifespring)
MSIA homepage

Resource Realizations - David Gilcrease (Lifespring)
Breaking the Vow of Secrecy by Karen Lile
My Experience of Livermore Discovery Seminar by Kendall Ross Bean
Intrepidnet Reporters
Desperate Measures Rocky Mountain News
VisionWorks -Bruce Solomon (Lifespring)

Impact Trainings - Founder: Hans Berger/John Webb (Lifespring)
Concerns for LDS members
Self-Awareness Groups Have LDS Church Wary - Salt Lake Tribune
Critics Say Be Wary of Self-Help Groups - Salt Lake Tribune
Harmony Institute - Bernell Christensen (Impact)
Spectrum Trainings - Founder: ? (Harmony/Impact)

Phoenix 2000 - Jaimes McNeal, Founder: Mike McKeon/Martha Borst (Lifespring)
Flocking to Phoenix by Linda Tucci
LGATs and Speedos A P2K Experience
Vistar/Serendipity - Founder: Ray Blanchard/Betty Spruill (Lifespring)
Vistar Nevada
A Vistar Experience
Cult Status by Kirsten Marcum
Letters to the Editor
LifeDesign Education

Asia Works - Founder: Jim Cook (Lifespring)
Asiaworks: LGAT Comes to Asia
"In my opinion Asiaworks is an evil 'cult-like' group"
Looking for a New Path
Yuppies happy to pay for vision of new life by Ruth Mathewson
Argentina Works
Chile Works - Founder: Gabriel Nosevich (Lifespring)
WorldWorks - Formerly Lifespring DC - Lisa Kalman/Gabriel Nossovitch
Summit Education
Personal Dynamics
Millenium 3

The Legacy Center - Formerly Lifespring North Carolina
FACTNET Discussion
Essential Education - Formerly Lifespring Florida
Rising Star Communications
Humanus Institute - Formerly Lifespring Chicago
Head Shrinker by Ben Winters
Wings Seminars
Wings: Making Life Meaningful by David Faux

Other Groups
New Warriors Training
New Warriors Training Homepage
Just Another Therapy Cult
Shadow of Initiation by Dale Roads
Beyond Conformity and Group Think by Andre B. Heuer
Other Transformational Encounter Groups
PSI World Seminars - Founder: Thomas Wilhite (Mind Dynamics)
Context Associated - Founder: Randy Revell (Lifespring/Mind Dynamics)
Life Training - Founder: Roy Whitten/Brad Brown (est)
Lifestream - Founder: Jim Quinn (Mind Dynamics)
Pathways/Temenos - Founder: Carole Kammen/Jodi Gold (Actualizations)
The Art Works - Founder: ?
Personal Mastery - Founder: Brian Klemmer (PSI World)
Summit Workshops - Founder: Paul Larsen
Future Coaching/I Am Workshops - Founder: Pat Grove (est/Forum)
Pathways Educational Corp. - Founder: Dr. Phil McGraw
The Experience - Founder: ? (est/Forum)
Global Relationship Centers
Human Awareness Institute
Lifeskills Curriculum/Access I Education Founder: Jeanne Sterner - Mainly an LGAT with some Avatar material
The Option Institute
The Conversation Founder: Arnold Siegel (est/Forum)
Declaration of Christopher Laehy
The Kiln/August Institute
Sterling Institute
ISA Experience
ASSET Founder: Larry Jensen

The Fictional LGAT Section - A stone's throw from the truth
The Program - A Basic Course outline
The Program - An Advanced Course outline
The Jesus Program outline
The Seagull Program
The Success Program

The LGAT Basic Experience
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
The Guest Night
The LGAT Advanced Experience
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4


An information packet on Large Group Awareness Trainings is available for $18 from AFF and can be ordered online.


Other Programs
The Avatar(tm) Course Founder: Harry Palmer (Scientology)

Star's Edge Inc Home Page
Netherlands site about Avatar and Palmer
Harry Palmer and Scientology
Hoffman Quadrinity Process Founder: Bob Hoffman
Also involved is Charles (Raz) Ingrasci (est/Lifespring)

Hoffman Quadrinity Process


Background and Perspective
Psychological Self Helpby Clayton Tucker-Ladd. Two thumbs up Check out Chapter 15
Return to Spirit - Barbara Stone- Interesting site by a transpersonal psychologist
Help Me-- I'm Tired of Feeling Bad by Paul Vereshack, excellent explanation of regressive/depth psychotherapy
Articles on Rebirthing, a breath technique for releasing suppressed emotions
Self Clearing: A Handbook for Self Enlightenment, by The Pilot
Quantum Psychology Page
The Primal Psychotherapy Page
The Selfheal Page



There are many interesting hours of reading here. Hopefully you will synthesize your own informed opinion of "the work". Good luck to you in your journey.

You are vistor # 39,000 +

Thanks for visiting.

by Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians
I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know if you know what I mean
philosophy is the talk on a cereal box
religion is the smile on a dog

I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know if you know what I mean
choke me in the shallow water
before I get too deep
What I am is what I am are you what you are or what?

I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know if you know what I mean
philosophy is a walk on slippery rocks
religion is a light in the fog

I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know if you know what I mean
choke me in the shallow water
before I get to deep
What I am is what I am are you what you are or what?

Don't let me get too deep

Options: ReplyQuote
The Legacy Center, Linda-Marie Hubert, Cult Leader of the Decade
Posted by: Belinda Desiree ()
Date: December 17, 2007 12:56AM

The Awareness Page

Taking a stand for speaking the possibility of making a difference for the informed consumer.

Why I have created this page
This page is created to help build awareness of the various types of self awareness programs that are out in the marketplace. This page is by no means a condemnation of these things. However, I take a stand that people should make conscious informed decisions about what programs and organizations they choose to associate with. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. Some of the information may be controversial and some of the organizations may not like it. All I can say is:

"What do they have to hide? Awareness includes it all"

The Awareness Page FAQ
Choosing a Personal Growth Program
Ten Questions to help you make an informed decision - by Chris Mathe

Are you under the influence of a destructive group? Take this Self Quiz and find out.
Please give us some "feedback from our universe" and participate in a discussion group. How does this page "show up" for you? You do not have to use your real name or e-mail address.

Message Board

DISCLAIMER: This page is not for profit and non-commercial in nature. The opinions expressed in the articles and links are those of the individual authors. The goal of this page is to present links to as wide a variety of publicly available information as possible. The vast majority of the links are to EXTERNAL websites. The Awareness Page webmaster and ISP are not responsible for content on external websites. Some of the information here is also found in public and university libraries. All information and links are for research purposes only. The "fictional section" is for contributions from readers who wish to share personal experiences. This page attempts not to discriminate in forming links and will link either directly or indirectly to all relevant information that is on topic either pro or con. Message Boards are available for anyone who wishes to share their viewpoint.


Large Group Awareness Trainings (LGATs)
Find out what "you don't know you don't know" about LGATs

Feature Article: Can an LGAT Change? by Chris Mathe

Intruding Into the Workplace by Dr. Margaret Singer
The Siren Call of Modern Pied Pipers from Wellspring
Large Group Awareness Trainings by Michael Langone PhD
Waking Up: EST and Lifespring
Coercive Persuasion by Richard Ofshe
The Top Ten List for Transformational Types by Thomas Leonard
Spiritual Responsibility: Avoiding Abuses and Pitfalls Along the Path by Steven Hassan with the Lama Surya Das
The Battle For Your Mind by Dick Sutphin
Thought Reform Programs and the Production of Psychiatric Casualties by Singer/Ofshe
Mass Marathon Trainings by Philip Cushman
The Power of Words by Harriet Rubin
Report of the APA Task Force... American Psychological Association
Skeptic's Dictionary: LGATs

How it all got started
Mind Dynamics - Alexander Everett (Updated 9/28/98)
A Posting by William O. West
A Door to Door Mind Salesman - by Stephen Pressman

Leadership Dynamics - William Penn Patrick
The Pit - A Group Encounter Defiled
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
Brainwash - A movie based on The Pit

est / The Forum

est - Erhard Seminars Training
Enlightenment in Two Weekends by Stephen Pressman
Est and Responsibility by Irvin D. Yalom
We're Going to Tear You Down and Put you Back Together by Mark Brewer
Skeptic's Dictionary: Werner Erhard and est
The Forum - Landmark Education Corporation
Landmark Education Home Page
Landmark Profile
Landmark Forum Rants and Raves
Winner of Point's Top 5% Best of the Web Award!

Landmark: Just a Bowl of Cherries
The Best of Est? Time Magazine article
The Process and Ecology of The Forum, by Charles Denison
An Introduction to The Forum
The Structure: First Sights of The Forum
The Forum Begins: The Curriculum and the Pedagogy
The Curriculum of The Forum
The Pedagogy of The Forum
My Forum Story by Kirk
My Experience with The Forum by soodo
Landmark Education - A participant's perspective, by Bob Black
There's no Meeting of the Minds, by Steve Jackson
Think About It by Gil Steiner
The est of Friends by Tracy Hukill
Do You Believe in Miracles? - Elle Magazine
The Con-Forumists by Jana Martin
Being There by Fred Wistow
Guy's Diner Open 24 Hours
Skydiving with your Sanity
Skeptic's Dictionary: Landmark Forum
Bob Glickstein: The Forum
Drive-Thru Deliverance by Amanda Scioscia
Pay Money, Be Happy by Vanessa Grigoriadis
Master of Fate by Anupama Bhattacharya
Mindbreakers London Daily Mail 7/23/01

Lifespring Incorporated Home Page
Lifespring Profile
Jon Ruth's Lifespring Page
Training Description, by Philip Cushman
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
I lost My Husband to a Cult by Ann McAndrews
White Collar Cults, They Want Your Mind... by Dirk Mathison
Pathology as Personal Growth- a Participant-Observation Study of Lifespring Training by Janice Haaken

Lifespring Spinoffs
Momentus - Daniel Tocchini (Lifespring)
Momentus Explained
Momentus Training - New Age Deception by Bill Barton
Insight Seminars - Russell Bishop (Lifespring)
MSIA homepage

Resource Realizations - David Gilcrease (Lifespring)
Breaking the Vow of Secrecy by Karen Lile
My Experience of Livermore Discovery Seminar by Kendall Ross Bean
Intrepidnet Reporters
Desperate Measures Rocky Mountain News
VisionWorks -Bruce Solomon (Lifespring)

Impact Trainings - Founder: Hans Berger/John Webb (Lifespring)
Concerns for LDS members
Self-Awareness Groups Have LDS Church Wary - Salt Lake Tribune
Critics Say Be Wary of Self-Help Groups - Salt Lake Tribune
Harmony Institute - Bernell Christensen (Impact)
Spectrum Trainings - Founder: ? (Harmony/Impact)

Phoenix 2000 - Jaimes McNeal, Founder: Mike McKeon/Martha Borst (Lifespring)
Flocking to Phoenix by Linda Tucci
LGATs and Speedos A P2K Experience
Vistar/Serendipity - Founder: Ray Blanchard/Betty Spruill (Lifespring)
Vistar Nevada
A Vistar Experience
Cult Status by Kirsten Marcum
Letters to the Editor
LifeDesign Education

Asia Works - Founder: Jim Cook (Lifespring)
Asiaworks: LGAT Comes to Asia
"In my opinion Asiaworks is an evil 'cult-like' group"
Looking for a New Path
Yuppies happy to pay for vision of new life by Ruth Mathewson
Argentina Works
Chile Works - Founder: Gabriel Nosevich (Lifespring)
WorldWorks - Formerly Lifespring DC - Lisa Kalman/Gabriel Nossovitch
Summit Education
Personal Dynamics
Millenium 3

The Legacy Center - Formerly Lifespring North Carolina
FACTNET Discussion
Essential Education - Formerly Lifespring Florida
Rising Star Communications
Humanus Institute - Formerly Lifespring Chicago
Head Shrinker by Ben Winters
Wings Seminars
Wings: Making Life Meaningful by David Faux

Other Groups
New Warriors Training
New Warriors Training Homepage
Just Another Therapy Cult
Shadow of Initiation by Dale Roads
Beyond Conformity and Group Think by Andre B. Heuer
Other Transformational Encounter Groups
PSI World Seminars - Founder: Thomas Wilhite (Mind Dynamics)
Context Associated - Founder: Randy Revell (Lifespring/Mind Dynamics)
Life Training - Founder: Roy Whitten/Brad Brown (est)
Lifestream - Founder: Jim Quinn (Mind Dynamics)
Pathways/Temenos - Founder: Carole Kammen/Jodi Gold (Actualizations)
The Art Works - Founder: ?
Personal Mastery - Founder: Brian Klemmer (PSI World)
Summit Workshops - Founder: Paul Larsen
Future Coaching/I Am Workshops - Founder: Pat Grove (est/Forum)
Pathways Educational Corp. - Founder: Dr. Phil McGraw
The Experience - Founder: ? (est/Forum)
Global Relationship Centers
Human Awareness Institute
Lifeskills Curriculum/Access I Education Founder: Jeanne Sterner - Mainly an LGAT with some Avatar material
The Option Institute
The Conversation Founder: Arnold Siegel (est/Forum)
Declaration of Christopher Laehy
The Kiln/August Institute
Sterling Institute
ISA Experience
ASSET Founder: Larry Jensen

The Fictional LGAT Section - A stone's throw from the truth
The Program - A Basic Course outline
The Program - An Advanced Course outline
The Jesus Program outline
The Seagull Program
The Success Program

The LGAT Basic Experience
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
The Guest Night
The LGAT Advanced Experience
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4


An information packet on Large Group Awareness Trainings is available for $18 from AFF and can be ordered online.


Other Programs
The Avatar(tm) Course Founder: Harry Palmer (Scientology)

Star's Edge Inc Home Page
Netherlands site about Avatar and Palmer
Harry Palmer and Scientology
Hoffman Quadrinity Process Founder: Bob Hoffman
Also involved is Charles (Raz) Ingrasci (est/Lifespring)

Hoffman Quadrinity Process


Background and Perspective
Psychological Self Helpby Clayton Tucker-Ladd. Two thumbs up Check out Chapter 15
Return to Spirit - Barbara Stone- Interesting site by a transpersonal psychologist
Help Me-- I'm Tired of Feeling Bad by Paul Vereshack, excellent explanation of regressive/depth psychotherapy
Articles on Rebirthing, a breath technique for releasing suppressed emotions
Self Clearing: A Handbook for Self Enlightenment, by The Pilot
Quantum Psychology Page
The Primal Psychotherapy Page
The Selfheal Page



There are many interesting hours of reading here. Hopefully you will synthesize your own informed opinion of "the work". Good luck to you in your journey.

You are vistor # 39,000 +

Thanks for visiting.

by Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians
I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know if you know what I mean
philosophy is the talk on a cereal box
religion is the smile on a dog

I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know if you know what I mean
choke me in the shallow water
before I get too deep
What I am is what I am are you what you are or what?

I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know if you know what I mean
philosophy is a walk on slippery rocks
religion is a light in the fog

I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know if you know what I mean
choke me in the shallow water
before I get to deep
What I am is what I am are you what you are or what?

Don't let me get too deep

Options: ReplyQuote
"Linda-Marie Hubert", The Legacy Center's Judas of the Decade
Posted by: Belinda Desiree ()
Date: December 17, 2007 07:19AM

Linda-Marie Hubert is the Judas who represents the wolf in sheep's clothing, a type of person commonly found in Christian communities.
Until he produced his fruit, Judas was not recognized as a wicked man. And thus Christians should not judge one another to be such a person until sufficient evidence arises, as in the case of Ms Hubert.
There are those who will betray you will a kiss. They feign friendship. They are not one in spirit. Yet they may be someone you are discipling. They may be a fellow Christian involved in ministry. Unless you have the discernment of Christ you will not recognize who they are until they betray you.
Linda'Marie Hubert, cowardly Judas Cult Leader of the Decade.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: "Linda-Marie Hubert", The Legacy Center, Cult Leader of the Decade
Posted by: John Fox ()
Date: December 23, 2007 09:47PM

Hi Belinda,

Do you yourself have experience of this woman (aka Stinky)?


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: "Linda-Marie Hubert", The Legacy Center, Cult Leader of the Decade
Posted by: Diana Fieldstein ()
Date: November 06, 2009 05:54AM

Does anyone know what happened to Stinky Linda-marie Hubert?
Just how many men did she recruit for The Legacy Center?
Did she retire? Does she still live in the Spartanburg, Carolina area?
Is she involved with the Legacy Center cult still?

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