Werner Erhard puff piece in NYC
Posted by: ajinajan ()
Date: July 15, 2007 11:10PM

Official web site

Link to an old version of a Wikipedia article on the characters in the film,
the new version has been whitewashed by a devotee :

At the bottom of the official web site it says: "Copyright © 2006 Symon Productions, Inc. and Eagle Island Films. "

so, WHAT IS THIS " Eagle Island Films " ???

Werner Erhard puff piece in NYC
Posted by: ajinajan ()
Date: July 15, 2007 11:11PM

Official web site

Link to an old version of a Wikipedia article on the characters in the film,
the new version has been whitewashed by a devotee :

At the bottom of the official web site it says: "Copyright © 2006 Symon Productions, Inc. and Eagle Island Films. "

so, WHAT IS THIS " Eagle Island Films " ???

Info on the NYC screening, if you actually want to pay money to see this, and have some of that money go to " Eagle Island Films " whatever that, or whoever that money goes to ...


Werner Erhard puff piece in NYC
Posted by: ajinajan ()
Date: July 15, 2007 11:13PM

Official web site

Link to an old version of a Wikipedia article on the characters in the film,
the new version has been whitewashed by a devotee :

At the bottom of the official web site it says: "Copyright © 2006 Symon Productions, Inc. and Eagle Island Films. "

so, WHAT IS THIS " Eagle Island Films " ???

Info on the NYC screening, if you actually want to pay money to see this, and have some of that money go to " Eagle Island Films " whatever that, or whoever that money goes to ...


So it looks like the premiere is July 27th in NYC, and you can buy tickets to that, but again, some of that money goes to " Eagle Island Films " , and we have yet to see any information on what " Eagle Island Films " is or who it is composed of, other than just making this one film.

Werner Erhard puff piece in NYC
Posted by: jenc ()
Date: July 30, 2007 02:08AM

I wish I had found this web site a week ago! When I read in a reputable magazine (Time Out NY) that there was a documentary on Werner erhard and est playing in NY I bought tickets immediately – I had a bunch of friends who were obsessed with Landmark a few years ago and I myself had gone to an info session before reading up on what it was really about. I assumed this was an actual documentary/ expose that would really explore the tactics used and psychological process that people go through in the seminars. And I thought the footage of the first est seminars would be fascinating.

Needless to say – I paid the $15 for a ticket and went with my boyfriend and friend. We had no idea what we were about to sit through! The first clue came as the film started, and on the screen they showed Randy McNamara, a former est trainer, and the audience in the theater burst into applause. Throughout the film, there were lots of “in-jokes” that the audience all laughed uproariously at, and continued to applaud each time another est “bigwig” appeared on screen. I still was sure this was going to be a real documentary but 10 minutes into the film it finally hit me and I said out loud – “does anyone else think this is a commercial??” It was literally one of the worst films I have ever seen. It was all talking heads talking about what a wonderful program est was and then awful clichéd footage of Erhard walking on the beach talking about what he’s been doing since he left the U.S. in 1991 (and according to the film, he’s been doing seminars throughout the world, and he apparently has been single-handedly resolving conflicts in the middle east and northern Ireland to name a few. Whatever!)

I stayed till the end when there was a question and answer session with Robyn, the director/producer. I kept trying to figure out from the questions asked, whether we were the only ones in the theater who were not est/landmark groupies! The questions were mostly awful – “When can I buy this wonderful film?” “How’s he doing now?” “Was it amazing to work with him?” “Thank you for making this film, it brought me back to the wonderful days I spent with est.” The lack of insight and critical thinking in both the film and the audience was astounding. Someone did ask why she made the film and she said that someone had approached her to make a film about landmark, but she didn’t want to make a promotional film, so instead she wanted to focus on earhard’s ideas. (My boyfriend planned to ask her what distinguished this film from a promotional piece , but she never called on him.) Someone also asked about the landmark copyright at the end of the movie – she said that landmark owns the copyright to the est footage that appears in the film, but that landmark did not fund the film. She also did say that she did a landmark course while she was working on the film.

Anyway, it was a bizarre experience. We felt like we unknowingly had stumbled into an est meeting. I can’t believe it was shown at this theater in NY – it normally shows pretty artsy films. I also can’t believe how much the prices were jacked up. I want to write and complain to someone but don’t know who – we felt pretty duped by the whole thing
I’m also wondering if there are any real documentaries out there about est or others like it because I do think it would be fascinating.

Werner Erhard puff piece in NYC
Posted by: elena ()
Date: July 30, 2007 04:59AM

No documentaries but Steven Pressman's book, "Outrageous Betrayal," and the old movie, "Semi-Tough," might be of interest to you.

Did they include footage of that other piece of Werner Erhard garbage, "Today Is For the Championship?"

And yes, there are fools from thirty years ago who still worship the guy.


Werner Erhard puff piece in NYC
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: July 30, 2007 07:10AM

I can’t believe it was shown at this theater in NY – it normally shows pretty artsy films. I also can’t believe how much the prices were jacked up. I want to write and complain to someone but don’t know who – we felt pretty duped by the whole thing

Thank you for the review! From the sound of it, this "movie" is not going anywhere. It sounds like an extremely poor attempt to mimic "What The Bleep" and "The Secret".

As far as the theatre, they just rented it. You give the owner of the theater the money, they give you the theatre for the night.

They probably also "paid off" whoever promoted the movie in the magazine, or duped them with PR releases. Maybe that person is a Landmarkian too.

They clearly did this as a mock "premier" and then stacked the audience with followers. Now they will send the Esties-Landmarkians out to make fake-blogs about the movie, to try to create "buzz", etc. They will create many fake-movie reviews that promote it.

It probably won't even get reviewed by real movie critics. If it does, make sure to email the real critics the truth that it is a shill-doc, a hoax-doc, and they may say so in their review. Roger Ebert was initially fooled a bit by "What The Bleep" but after people told him what was going on, he revised his review.

As far as the money, if you would have walked out, you can usually get a refund by the theatre. After the fact, if you are really ticked off, write a letter to the theatre, or go in person, and try to get your money back, if you still have the ticket-stub. They MIGHT give you your money back, and then do a "charge-back" against the producers of the movie (LANDMARK obviously owns and produced this movie using others as a front, like Ramtha did with "What The Bleep". That is why Landmark owns the copyright to the movie, what she said was false, of course.).
So if you are really ticked off, you might get your money back from the theatre. But after the fact, they don't have to give it back.
But your money mainly went to the theatre, its not cheap to rent a legit movie theatre.

Clearly, this movie is produced and financed by Landmark, using others as a front, to try and promote Weiner Erhard.
Just make cross-posts everywhere over the internet that the "documentary" is a fake, and a hoax, and its OWNED (copyright) by Landmark, and they are just using others as a front to promote Werner Erhard, and recruit more people to Landmark.

Werner Erhard puff piece in NYC
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: July 30, 2007 07:26AM

The crappy website for the film, is already putting lame-bogus "reviews" up. They have quotes saying the audience was the "largest" and "most enthusiastic".
Yes, that is because they are all Landmarkians ordered by Landmark to carpool and attend in large numbers and to act enthusiastic!

Its a "cult hit", that is, a hit with the cult who produced it.

This movie is owned and 100% controlled by Landmark. Landmark would NEVER give their material to anything they did not own.



Some material presented in this film is © 1975-2006 Landmark Education LLC. All rights reserved. No portion of such material may be copied or distributed without the express written permission of the copyright holder.

Werner Erhard puff piece in NYC
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: July 30, 2007 07:49AM

Who are the executive producers of the fake documentary / promotional infomercial for Werner Erhard called:

Transformation: The Life and Legacy of Werner Erhard (2006)

Is it correct that Werner Erhard's "former personal attorney" Art Schreiber was involved as an Executive Producer of this infomercial being called a movie?



robyn symon did take landmark classes. [b:7ae851f817]the film was also executive produced by werner's former lawyer.[/b:7ae851f817] It is pro landmark, I've seen it.

I worked on the documentary. I was doing it as a favor to a family member who I shouldn't name.
I also talked with Robyn Symon and heard she had taken the forum.
At one point we went to a Landmark meeting to shoot and it was one of the scarier things I've done. People were sharing about all of the problems in their lives and the moderator was probing them with questions that did not necessarily elicit answers. It was very uncomfortable. One person would say how they were fat, the next would say they couldn't get a date and the moderator would say things like "the problem is you", or the usual Landmark crap. Then this one fillipino man said he was concerned that his daughter was missing and he hadn't heard from her in 2 weeks. He said this was very uncharacteristic of his duaghter, that she is always promt and keeps in touch and he was very worried about her. He hadn't contacted police and was basically dependent on Landmark to give him the approval on what to do in the situation. The moderator told him that this wasn't about his daughter and this was actually about him. I could tell the man was scared and nervous. He was afraid something bad had happened to his daughter and the answer, that it was his problem, didn't sit well with him. The moderator eventually got the man to admit he was focusing on his daughter too much and not on himself.
This is exactly why Landmark is dangerous.

Werner Erhard puff piece in NYC
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: July 30, 2007 08:06AM

Below is an older thread about this movie.
There is some information about the alleged director and producer Robyn Symon and Symon Productions and www.robynsymon.com/

Quite a career, according to IMDB, she's made ONE movie, called Transformation: The Life and Legacy of Werner Erhard (2006)

Robyn Symon

Transformation" documentary showing in Palm Beach

Werner Erhard puff piece in NYC
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: July 30, 2007 09:21AM


it appears that the question of who was the Executive Producer of "Transformation: The Life and Legacy of Werner Erhard" is not about Landmark Dis-education lawyer Art Schrieber, but rather another fellow named Walter Maksym of Eagle Island Films.

"Transformation: The Life and Legacy of Werner Erhard"
Copyright © 2006 Symon Productions, Inc. and Eagle Island Films


A [b:42bf3e65a0] Walter Maksym [/b:42bf3e65a0] is identified as Werner Erhard's attorney in the article below.



San Jose Mercury News Tuesday, April 7, 1992
Est Founder sues critics; suit names Mercury News writer

Mercury News Staff Report

Werner Erhard, controversial founder of the self-improvement
program known as est, has filed a wide-ranging defamation lawsuit
against 20 defendants, including a Mercury News staff writer,
news media, commercial publications and private groups that
have criticized Erhard or his teachings.

Mercury News attorney Edward P. Davis Jr. said the
allegations against staff writer John Hubner are false. "It's
frivolous," the attorney added, "Why they're dragging John into
it is hard to say."

The Mercury News is not named as a defendant.

The suit, filed last month in Chicago's Cook County Circuit
Court, includes charges of slander, invasion of privacy,
conspiracy and other allegations. The defendants include CBS,
Hustler magazine, the National Enquirer and the Chicago-based
Cult Awareness Network, which distributes information on groups
that it classifies as cults.

Hubner wrote a series of critical articles about Erhard
that appeared in West magazine in November 1990. But the lawsuit
focuses on a March 3, 1991, broadcast of the CBS news program "60
Minutes," which used part of a taped interview that Hubner
conducted with Erhard while researching his articles.

During the "60 Minutes" report, one of Erhard's daughters
told CBS that her father had molested her. While Erhard did not
appear on the program, CBS aired portions of Hubner's taped
interview, in which Erhard denied the incest allegations.

Erhard's attorney,[b:42bf3e65a0] Walter Maksym [/b:42bf3e65a0]of Illinois, could not be
reached for comment.

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