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Off Topic: Cult/group comparative summary
Posted by: SaneAgain ()
Date: June 23, 2007 04:14AM

Contrast - old self / new self
Repetition - enroll, enroll, enroll, enroll, enroll, enroll ad naueum
Alignment - hmmm? Don't know, what does that mean in graphic design?
Proximity - enroll the ones you love most first! Then you can wake up with lgat in the bed next to you each day.

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Off Topic: Cult/group comparative summary
Posted by: SaneAgain ()
Date: June 23, 2007 04:49AM

Found some data academically relevant to this thread on Factnet and could not resist my anal impulse to keep all related subject matter consistently categorized:


Anonymous (
Posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - 4:57 pm:


BTW - speaking of "the weekends".... I know for a fact that for the final weekend of the latest Leadership Program group, the participants were asked to bring the following items:
- Casual, comfortable clothes
- Bathing suit
- Sleeping bag, sheets, blankets, towels
- Toiletries
- Bathing suit
- LP T-shirt
- Shoes than get WET
- Item from your past that you're ready to let go of
- Flashlight
- One plain 3" in diameter candle
- One plain 6" high candle
- 3 feet of rope
- a strong voice for PLENTY of screaming!
- ... (and are you ready for the last item?)
- 1 Enema

I can absolutely confirm that this is all correct, but I'm afraid I do not know what was done with these things. When I saw the last item on the list, I was saying to myself... "What on EARTH would they be doing with an ENEMA?!".... but then I thought, "NO - I don't think I WANT to know!!!"

Anonymous (
Posted on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 6:03 pm:

That is purely frightening information regarding the enema. Absolutely sick. I truly hope those people who take Leadership are not performing enemas on eachother. I wonder if it's used as a method to "flush" the "toxins" that have poisoned their lives up to that point. Although it is sick, it sort of gives me a chuckle to know that several of my supervisors went through that part of the training. It puts them in a whole new light...

New member
Username: trainer007

Post Number: 2
Registered: 5-2006
Posted From:
Posted on Wednesday, May 31, 2006 - 12:29 pm:

regarding the enema.... i am a trainer for these groups and although i can not tell you how the items are used i can share with you that the collecting of the items, and the story you make up about what might be their use, is as valuable as the end use or NOT USE. The items are part of a "set the stage" event that has participants excited and egar to EXPERIENCE something so extra-ordinary that it shifts their way of being, many times, permenently, to one of love, forgivenes, freedom. And if you want more evidence just ask any graduate, they will ALL tell you.

Ah well. The lengths some people go to for extraordinary shifts.

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Off Topic: Cult/group comparative summary
Posted by: John Fox ()
Date: June 23, 2007 12:39PM

Enema = "no more crap from you"?????

(shudder) :roll:

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Off Topic: Cult/group comparative summary
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 24, 2007 03:19AM

notice also that all of these groups/cults, (including Tony Robbins at his LGAT retreat seminars like Mastery University [] ) that use Enemas on their people, refuse to call them enemas?

They call them "cleanses" or All Natural _______ blah-blah-blah.
Its all cultic Doublespeak.
(Arsenic is All Natural too, so is lead and radiation, all of which will kill you)

Its just a trick to get people to spend money on some rip-off pills they make for 2 cents in Mexico, and sell for $85.

But on a deeper level, its psychological. One of the first things in life we do developmentally is toilet training when we are infants. Think Freud.
All of these cultic leaders know this of course, and that is why they do it. What is more vulnerable than them getting their Ideology into your anus too?
If you are at a Tony Robbins Mastery University LGAT, and everyone is getting ENEMAS (not cleanses) from Tony Robbins' enema-people, the fact is they are getting deep into your body. Its just another cultic tactic these days, mixed with "alternative healthy" quackery.

An enema is an enema is an enema.
Want a nice colon? Eat tons of FIBER. Buy a box of wheat bran for $1, and put it in your cereal daily. Now THAT is ALL NATURAL and costs 5 cents a day.

Why is it that all the Holier Than Though "Colonics" people are simply scammers?

Gastrointestinal Quackery:Colonics, Laxatives, and More

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Off Topic: Cult/group comparative summary
Posted by: John Fox ()
Date: June 24, 2007 03:26AM

Funny that you should chance upon the toilet training angle ....

Which 'Human Potential' course founder started out by selling franchises for toilet-cleaning routes that didn't exist?

"... In 1969 John Hanley, a 23-year-old college student, was fined $1,000 by the U.S. District Court in Des Moines, Iowa, and placed on five years probation. The social-science major had been selling franchises for toilet-cleaning routes that didn't exist. In 1974, Hanley invented a three-course "human potential" training series, and then founded a company called Lifespring to sell it. Over the next 15 years, nearly a half-million people took the courses at branches around the country, including one in Minneapolis. The company ultimately raked in some $15 million a year."

To read the full article, click here.

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Off Topic: Cult/group comparative summary
Posted by: Rswinters ()
Date: June 24, 2007 03:34AM

Cut from the message copied by SaneAgian. This is from a supposed trainer of this group:

regarding the enema.... i am a trainer for these groups and although i can not tell you how the items are used i can share with you that the collecting of the items, and the story you make up about what might be their use, is as valuable as the end use or NOT USE. The items are part of a "set the stage" event that has participants excited and egar to EXPERIENCE something so extra-ordinary that it shifts their way of being, many times, permenently, to one of love, forgivenes, freedom. And if you want more evidence just ask any graduate, they will ALL tell you.

At least in this part of quote they take responsibility for using mindcontrol, and brainwashing techniques. Which is exactly what we are pointing out.

"The items are part of a "set the stage" event that has participants excited and egar to EXPERIENCE something so extra-ordinary that it shifts their way of being, many times, permenently"

The question begs to be asked? Who gives these companies the right to determine the core belief systems for our society.

Agian I quote from this trainers statement. The supposed new philosphy or core belief system that is being instilled in participants is one of...

"to one of love, forgivenes, freedom. And if you want more evidence just ask any graduate, they will ALL tell you."

Here is my question. Whats wrong with this statement? Read this website, and its many posts. Read about how participants are interacting with those who choose not to go, agree, or have been through and realize the insanity of these LGAT's.

What a bunch of CRAP and the pun is intended.

Maybe if they used these enema's on their brains, instead of whatever.

Then rational thought, and clear critical thinking would function properly agian for them.

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Off Topic: Cult/group comparative summary
Posted by: SaneAgain ()
Date: June 24, 2007 03:59AM

Rs, you've solved the mystery!! Did you see the reader protest at the bottom of the gastrointestinal quackery page? I quote :lol: :


Reader Protest
We received this e-mail response from someone
who apparently has deep feelings on this subject:
Since you think you're so informed on what would constitute staying healthy, why don't you actually stay on top of MEDICAL RESEARCH. Scientists have discovered 90% of the seratonin in the body is produced IN THE COLON WALL. AND they've realized [b:29f4109a1d]we have a second brain, which is located in the wall of the intestine[/color:29f4109a1d][/b:29f4109a1d]....

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Off Topic: Cult/group comparative summary
Posted by: SaneAgain ()
Date: June 24, 2007 04:07AM

John Fox wrote:


Funny that you should chance upon the toilet training angle ....

Funny that you should mention that. The Leadership course requiring the enema is offered by the The Legacy Center, a Hanley / Lifespring off-shoot. :shock: The plot thickens...

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Off Topic: Cult/group comparative summary
Posted by: Rswinters ()
Date: June 24, 2007 04:26AM

[/quote][b:dbda64a80b]we have a second brain, which is located in the wall of the intestine[/color:dbda64a80b][/b:dbda64a80b][/quote]

Hey does this mean that men have three brains now?...LOL

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Off Topic: Cult/group comparative summary
Posted by: SaneAgain ()
Date: June 24, 2007 04:55AM



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