Its the topic of the whole forum, not this particular thread.
Here is a specific thread on recovery:
Aside from that lecturing other people from the bible on whether or not to be angry is not part of lgats or recovering them. Nor is telling people to be responsible and dig deep to find the dirt that you think got them into an lgat part of the recovery process. Considering this type of thinking is an lgat means of manipulating people, it is actually a counter-productive idea, as it entrenches lgat thinking. It is also contrary to the research which shows very clearly that all types of people get recruited for all types of reasons. From the FAQ section on this board:
What types of people are recruited by cults or become involved in potentially unsafe or destructive groups and relationships?
All types of people. Individuals from strong and troubled families, with and without histories of psychological problems. People who have had and have not had drug problems, with a solid or weak religious background, the educated and uneducated, the wealthy, poor, middle class, intelligent and not so intelligent.
One of the myths about cult involvement is that a certain type of person is more vulnerable. Another myth is that healthy, strong, intelligent well-educated people from good families don't become involved. Or, that somehow if someone has clearly defined religious convictions they cannot be recruited. These theories have never been proven or substantiated through research. In fact, repeated studies continue to indicate a wide and varied background for cult recruits.
Frankly, cults are quite good at persuasion and indoctrination; it's their stock and trade. And most people simply are not prepared, either through education and personal experience, to be sensitive to the possible impact of cult methodology.
Methods used by Quest and similar lgats to recruit people are relevant to this topic.
Rswinters, it seems you feel you have progressed to a stage where you are not interested in things like brainwashing techniques and recruitment techniques and want to gloss over these things to get to your personal problems. If you are bored with that, please start a new thread. If you don't like anger, start an anger-free thread.
Remember that people reading this particular thread, which is about quest, may not be at that stage, and may not have read the entire board yet. They are still learning, they are still interested in these aspects, even if you aren't. They may also be be angry, and want to express anger. Anger is a symptom of PTSD and PTSD is a known effect of lgats. You were left in peace to express anger, very vociferously, for about six months. I don't think its fair to try to stop others doing the same.
I don't like bible-thumping on this board or on this thread because it feeds into another misperception about cults, which is that only narrow-minded religious fanatics have a problem with them, because they are scared of the competition and they see anything outside their particular church or belief system as the anti-christ or equivalent. The reason for this is that a lot of churches are involved in anti-cult activity.
But lgats are a problem to EVERYONE, not only religious people and not for religious reasons. They are a problem because they use deceptive business practices to con people out of money and control them using extremely abusive covert and overt psychological manipulation. That has nothing to do with religion.
If you feel you're above being angry and discussing the methods of lgats and are in an advanced healing stage, please use the specific section of the board provided for that (recovery from cults, link provided above) or start a new thread.
As for anger, I don't consider saying "f*ck that" to a bad idea to be anger. More like mild irritation. When I am angry I write in bold, large font and with some @#$%#$%#$ type symbols, and maybe some red thrown in. I might also get a little personal, not enough to be considered flaming but enough that I'm sure you'd rather not hear it. If you want a demo, try writing one more off-topic or bible-thumping comment on this thread.