Landmark youtube/google video Propaganda ???
Posted by: ajinajan ()
Date: February 22, 2007 12:14AM


Looks like a youtube user called "livealifeyoulove" ( a phrase instantly recognizable to some as Landmark Education jargon, which could some journalists have compared to Robert Lifton's "loaded language") has begun to post some intriguing videos on youtube. Perhaps an attempt to counteract those that were uploaded by user ?

It will be interesting to see how this develops ...

Landmark youtube/google video Propaganda ???
Posted by: nutrino ()
Date: February 22, 2007 03:45AM

You were referring to this nutcase ?


Landmark youtube/google video Propaganda ???
Posted by: nutrino ()
Date: February 22, 2007 03:47AM

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground ? You don't know what is real ? Go get 'em, weener man.

Landmark youtube/google video Propaganda ???
Posted by: nutrino ()
Date: February 22, 2007 03:57AM

just for fun.... compare the above referenced Exhibit A, weenerism, with this one, Exhibit B....

Is it just me, or is there a disturbing similarity between these two ?


Landmark youtube/google video Propaganda ???
Posted by: nutrino ()
Date: February 22, 2007 04:57AM

And this is your brain afterwards...


Landmark youtube/google video Propaganda ???
Posted by: Maggie ()
Date: February 24, 2007 06:42AM

I viewed the doctor's video and anyone who says "thinking outside the box" ... isn't!!

That and "It's been an incredible journey" and "going outside your comfort zone" are such overused phrases, they're found on every reality show.


Landmark youtube/google video Propaganda ???
Posted by: elena ()
Date: February 24, 2007 09:16AM

Funny that they both use the word "controversy" when referring to their collective and myriad problems and all the accusations of exploitation and abuse, the psychological fall-out, the hordes of victims, legal problems, bad PR, bad press, global criticism, rank exposure, and sad, sad legacy of silliness, of emotional casualties, destroyed lives, and of wasted time. Funny that they both think the word "controversy" covers all that -- ~words~ being their metier, and all that.


Landmark youtube/google video Propaganda ???
Posted by: nutrino ()
Date: February 25, 2007 04:34AM

yeah... eating weeners on a bun with no condiments !

Have I met these guys before ? Like, leading the 6 day, wazzit ?


Landmark youtube/google video Propaganda ???
Posted by: John Fox ()
Date: February 26, 2007 07:39PM

I wonder if this is the youtube equivalent of starting so many web sites that they might possibly drown out the critic sites by sheer numbers?

Good thing that Google values [u:75302c59eb]quality[/u:75302c59eb] (and doesn't know its ass from ....) :-)


Landmark youtube/google video Propaganda ???
Posted by: nutrino ()
Date: February 27, 2007 05:33AM

Meanwhile, Dr. Phil calls Scientology... eventually this will loop back to Landmark Education... somehow... we are confident it will:


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