Landmark Forum vocabulary
Date: January 24, 2007 06:37AM

I have only found this board in the last day, and have already learned a great deal to confirm my insticts about Landmark. My boss is very involved in Landmark and has been trying (unsuccessfully) to recruit me, as well as the rest of our staff. As I've been reading various posts, I've realized that this group uses quite a few specific words and phrases to back up their arguments and methods. I'm wondering if there is an existing list of this vocabulary that I might see and keep in mind as I work with her. Thanks so much to all who have posted about your experiences here. Your efforts are very much appreciated.

Landmark Forum vocabulary
Posted by: MercurialMere ()
Date: January 25, 2007 05:27AM

Here's a quick glossary with some of the main vocabulary for you. I hope this helps! Though I don't post, what originally brought me to this board was both my boss' and pyschotherapist's involvement in Landmark. I can sympathize!

- Strange uses of the word "be" or "being." Like "be your word." "What are you being?"

- "Racket." Anything you say to oppose Landmark's policies or philosophies is called "running a racket."

- "Integrity." They love this word and will manipulate it every which way to win their argument.

- "Enroll." Landmarkians are trained not only to enroll people in the program, but "enrolling" themselves in possibility/creativity/whatever.

- "Possibility." This is a big one. They talk about "being the possibility of..." and living a life of possibilities.

- "Present." You will hear a lot about "being present to" things in your life, being aware of what's going on around you.

- "Vicious circle." This one is pretty self-explanatory.

- "Story." Often, your "story" is your "racket." They emphasize what you felt versus what really happened.

- "Blind spot." This ties in with the "I didn't know what I didn't know" verbage that they like to use a lot.

I'm not sure if there is an existing list out there. If anyone can think of more vocabulary, please add on to my list!

Landmark Forum vocabulary
Posted by: ON2 LF ()
Date: January 25, 2007 05:44AM


I've realized that this group uses quite a few specific words and phrases to back up their arguments and methods. I'm wondering if there is an existing list of this vocabulary that I might see and keep in mind as I work with her.

It's probably a good idea to keep in mind that what sounds like 'backing up' an argument or a method, is just an empty but 'programmed' application of LE vocabulary or phrases where specific situations or questions seem to require their use. If you say a certain word or ask a certain question, the landmarkian program 'prompts' the landmarkian to insert this word here and that phrase there; it's not about backing anything up, it is about ensuring that the LE installed blinders and ear stops don't get compromised by real life contradictions, and there are many.
Consider how hollow a typical LE word or phrase sounds when used to justify an action or answer a question, that is the LE 'program' in action. Landmarkians will tell you how they don't believe in anything that they haven't witnessed to be true and valid for themselves, especially when they are trying to convince you of the validity of LE 'technologies' and how effective they are, but in fact, what they really witness are generic self-reported accounts of other deceived landmarkians. You certainly NEVER hear how they miraculously come to live a life they love everyday. In watching a friend live this 'extraordinary' life, I noticed that their real everyday life was seriously neglected, ie; work, home, housekeeping stuff etc...I've come to conclude that Landmarkians love their lives everyday because they abandon them for the LE rollercoaster ride of more courses, more training to be good little volunteer, more recruitment efforts, more forums etc...
Interestingly enough, the founder of this racket did the same thing with his life in the beginning...abandoned it to 'create' the greener turf of LE pastures.

Anyway, my experience with a person programmed by LE is that there is no logic offered by LE that may be applicable and effective in most real life processes. The well known 'thought stopping' phrases and isolating vocabulary, are addressed on most threads pertaining to LE on this forum, read on and learn as you go...I will predict that as you read on, you will find that LE is one of the slickest psycho-con games on the grossly unregulated 'self help' market today.
It is a concoction of various eastern/western philosophies, misused and misinterpretations of a few psychological schools of thought (ie: cognitive-behavioral, existential, Rogerian, etc...) and some well researched, thoroughly tested and up-to-date word-of-mouth marketing strategies....back in the day they would have called LE a pyramid scheme, with a twist!

Landmark Forum vocabulary
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: January 25, 2007 08:02AM

There is a thread somewhere called "Cult Speak", I believe. Do a search on vocabulary, language, jargon and you should be able to find it. It had a lot of the catch phrases and other nonsense that LGATs sell as technology.

Landmark Forum vocabulary
Posted by: ajinajan ()
Date: January 25, 2007 08:27AM

There is a thread somewhere called "Cult Speak", I believe. Do a search on vocabulary, language, jargon and you should be able to find it. It had a lot of the catch phrases and other nonsense that LGATs sell as technology.

Here is an old page on Wikipedia that no longer exists, that discusses Landmark Education jargon:

Landmark Education jargon

Landmark Forum vocabulary
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: January 25, 2007 08:38AM

No - it is on this forum somewhere.

Landmark Forum vocabulary
Posted by: sonnie_dee ()
Date: January 25, 2007 04:25PM

here is the link to the post on cult speak that Hope was referring too.


Landmark Forum vocabulary
Date: January 25, 2007 10:23PM

Thank you so much to every one who has taken the time to reply. I think it will be helpful to me to have these terms in the back of my head whenever I have to speak with her, whether it be one on one, or listening during a staff meeting. Thanks again.

Landmark Forum vocabulary
Posted by: Gulab Jamon ()
Date: January 26, 2007 05:19AM

The Landmark people I have known also use the following term/expression:

Complete - as in "Are we complete?" after a conversation.

Landmark Forum vocabulary
Date: January 26, 2007 05:26AM

GJ, thank you.

What about the word "commit" and variations of it?

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