But back to the comparison between Christian beliefs and landmark's. To be quite honest I feel as though I am degrading my beliefs somehow by comparing them to landmark. My feelings toward landmark and its practices are the same as what I feel toward any LGAT, they are despicable in every way I can think of, and are offensive to any good instruction one may find out there. They can justify what they say, do, or practice with any fallacious argument they can grasp at, but at the end of the day they hurt more than they help simply for being so abusive and deceptive in their mode of operation. If not for their covert methods and total unwillingness to be held accountable for what they do and sell, or how they go about it, they might be worth an acceptable status of some sort. However, we both know that its not going to happen as long as the money keeps pouring in.
Would I trust Lekkie teachings in a really difficult situation? But my faith in God will be there, I made the experience that he is helping even if I sometimes don't know what to believe in. Turning to Landmark, I know, they treat me very well, as long as I register for a course. All very superficial stuff, and in the end, there will be no Landmark, Landmark is a "company", it will close its offices if there are not enough recruits.