IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Hope&Joy ()
Date: July 27, 2007 11:42PM

RS, if you want to talk about Klemmer, please post on the Klemmer thread as this is the Impact thread. You are diluting this one. Yes, they are very very similar but there is a thread for your experience on the other one.
Sinse when did you become the moderator? Like I said before, I feel you need to put the 'com' prefix in your name and treat others with the respect they deserve.
On a different subject....
Has anyone been legally threatened by Impact? If so, what happened?[/quote]

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Passionate ()
Date: July 28, 2007 12:21AM

Rick continually tells people to post on the appropriate thread. I am conpassionate towards RS's situation but his experience is not from Impact and would better serve people seeking Klemmer info and this isn't the Klemmer thread.

Yes I have heard of people being legally threatened. I know a guy whose wife decided to speak up about a few issues she was having with Impact, the training and how it was affecting her belief system, mostly about her religious beliefs and how Impact's doctrine was out of line with what she believed. They talked to her (processed is what they would call it) and then invited her to leave. Her husband decided to leave also, and they received a letter in the mail shortly after that from Impact's attorney telling them that they weren't allowed back to Impact, and talking to other trainees about their problem would result in further attention from their attorney. I forget the exact wording of the last part but this is the general tone it gave.

I find it interesting that Impact has done its best to tailor the mastery level training to suit the LDS majority in Utah, but many LDS people find Impact's religious views to be totally out of line with what they believe. They either suck it in and give up their beliefs or walk away from Impact and keep them. I knew very few who accepted both Impact's and their own LDS beliefs, as they conflict and cannot live in harmony.

This is a great example of how Impact tried very hard to minimize the bad-mouthing that is out there by cowing people into staying quiet.

Thanks for bringing up this subject Hope. I heard of this one incident only, but I imagine it has happened many times.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Rswinters ()
Date: July 28, 2007 01:24AM

RS, if you want to talk about Klemmer, please post on the Klemmer thread as this is the Impact thread. You are diluting this one. Yes, they are very very similar but there is a thread for your experience on the other one.

I will adhere to the majority, and will do so if asked by them.

I have been trying to share within the context of Impact, and the similarities. Before you began posting on this website as Passionate. There was some really good comparisons going on.

If I am diluting this thread talking about the similarities. Let the moderator be the ones who say so.

I do need to contain my posts to the similarities, as that is adding to the thread and its focus. If this is not correct? I will adjust.

I do have a lot of pain in my life that my experience in an LGAT brought.

My hearts desire is to expose not just Klemmer. It is to expose all LGAT's including Impact.

So Passionate. Let the moderator do his job, and let him tell me where, and when I need to address how I am sharing.

I am not perfect, and will work on keeping this threads focus on Impact. Yet, you need to also accept that Klemmer & Impact have many similarities that help people see the deceptions when compared.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: July 28, 2007 01:35AM


Your contribution here has been considerable.

"Passionate" seems to be a minority opinion on this.

Please feel free to keep posting as much as you wish.

The primary difference between the two LGATs seems to be the addition of certain religious beliefs. Isn't that so?

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Passionate ()
Date: July 28, 2007 01:54AM

Yes RS, they are so similar its hard to tell them apart. If we were to give a process description of 10 LGAT's and leave out the names, I would be hard pressed to identify any of them by name. I MIGHT be able to name Impact's but past that they are so alike I'd not be able to.

Religious beliefs aren't a big part of Impact until the TIT mastery classes. A few things are discussed in the core trainings but noting compared to TIT. Since I haven't heard about other LGAT's advanced classes, I can't say they don't do the same. Impact certainly is tailored towards the LDS in Utah. Christians in general have a hard time with Impact's religious tone. A Born-again would have the same issues as an LDS person.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: July 28, 2007 01:56AM

To whom it may concern:

LGATs and other controversial groups and movements often attempt to create unreasonable fear through some sort of legal threat made against criics.

But typically they are bluffing.

It is not in the best interest of a controversial group to provide a platform for a former participant's complaints to be made public, such as a court of law.

This leads to further exposure and could hurt the LGATs business. The press often picks up the story and then of course the whole matter becomes public record.

See the following examples of controversial groups that sued former members and/or the Ross Institute:

Gentle Wind Project

The accompanying publicity destroyed Gentle Wind in Maine. Maine's Attorney General shut the group down and liquidated its assets.

Landmark Education

Landmark, probably the largest and richest LGAT company in the world, dismissed its own lawsuit, rather than submit to discovery, which would then become public record.

The Church of Immortal Consciousness

Ended up being ordered to pay the costs of the defendants it sued.

Pure Bride Ministries


Now the defendant in a countersuit for $1 million dollars.

Two of the groups, Church of Immortal Consciousness and NXIVM, appealed their claims all the way to the US Supreme Court and lost.

None of these cases ever went to trial.

The Ross Insitute was defended by large law firms pro bono.

Other resources have also been helpful in such situations.

Public Citizen of Washington D.C. and the Birkman Center at Harvard University have helped former members and/or the Ross Institute.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has also weighed in on occasion, regarding groups like Landmark Education.

A federal judge in New Jersey ruled that the identity of message board users is confidential and protected.

Landmark Education attempted pierce this protection to discover the identities of users of this board, but completely failed. A federal judge made it clear that the LGAT company would never receive that information.

Just thought this information might be useful at this juncture, since Impact supporters have so aggresively attempted to subvert this thread.

Please don't be taken in by bluffs in an effort to silence crtitics. Legally, it's a failed strategy, at least at this message board.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Rswinters ()
Date: July 28, 2007 01:56AM


Your contribution here has been considerable.

"Passionate" seems to be a minority opinion on this.

Please feel free to keep posting as much as you wish.

The primary difference between the two LGATs seems to be the addition of certain religious beliefs. Isn't that so?

Yes, it does the first levels seminars up to the one that focuses on "The Secret" philosophy is very much the same. After that is the seperating as far as I can tell.

Yet, I must admit that I stepped out of Klemmers Mastermind groups only 2 months into the one I was involved in. So, there may not be any difference between them on this level also.

I am not the one to make this comparison since I don't really know what Mastermind groups truly develop into.

Thank you for an opportunity to expose LGAT's as a whole. I will try to add to this thread, and limit posts that will detract from this focus.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: formerimpactgrad ()
Date: July 28, 2007 02:05AM

I response to what rrmoderator posted, does anyone have information on visionworks/rising star? They were also a Lifespring spin-off based in Utah. I'm not sure what brought them down but it could be useful as far as Impact is concerned. I heard that there was a 20/20 story done on the company but I have not been able to find any information online. Any information would be appreciated.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Passionate ()
Date: July 28, 2007 02:23AM

I heard that their Colorado location shut down, but I don't know why. Here is their web bsite...aparently they are still alive and well.

"It grew from the original vision of Rising Star Communications, but at this point the “Star” has risen and given birth to bigger “Vision” at “Work”, VisionWorks International"

Maybe they were shut down, not rising? had to change their name?

Here's a Rick Ross link:


IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: formerimpactgrad ()
Date: July 28, 2007 06:16AM

I heard that their Colorado location shut down, but I don't know why. Here is their web bsite...aparently they are still alive and well.

"It grew from the original vision of Rising Star Communications, but at this point the “Star” has risen and given birth to bigger “Vision” at “Work”, VisionWorks International"

Maybe they were shut down, not rising? had to change their name?

Here's a Rick Ross link:


My bad, I was thinking of Lifespring. I found what I was looking for.

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