Erhard, est/Landmark and Kurt Lewin
Date: December 14, 2019 10:31AM
It occurred to me that for whatever 'woo' is contained in est/Landmark's training/coaching programs, the over-arching programming is pure Kurt Lewin.
UNFREEZE -- assail the participant's identity and perceptual frameworks with social constructivist 'woo'(we create our own stories, realities), and further batter with "attack therapy" (the gestalt dimension), which elicits the public confessional (ala Korean POW camps), which is followed by the collective love bombing.
CHANGE/TRANSITION -- this is accomplished by a pseudo-self-examination and the identification of 'individual' goals, which are, in turn, vetted by the group and negotiated DOWN, as in "you can only achieve your goals with the aid of the collective...invest your energy in our larger goals, and we will support the attainment of your little goals"...
And, as Lewin observed, (need to find the quote)...identification with a common transcendent goal is necessary to the transformation of individuals and communities...
So, with est/Landmark you have the Hunger Project, the MasterY Project...and, so many more...
Yes, of course, 'a' point was to pad Werner's pockets, but the larger agenda was group conformity.
REFREEZE -- individuals have subsumed individual identity and goals to the perceived wishes of a perceived collective mind, THE GROUP.
I would offer, as well, that the creation of an external enemy would be almost necessary to this process, and this could be members who have fallen away from the group, a competing collective, e.g. Scientology, or IF YOU WANT TO CONTRUE Lewinesque programming more broadly, [...] What is needed is an image, cut-out that members can scream "Hate, Hate, Hate" at, at an appointed hour every day, e.g. while watching the evening news.
I believe it was Margaret Thaler Singer who discussed the concepts of cults within cults, or big cult, little cults.
How it looks to me is that nothing can ever really be done about Landmark and the LGATs, per se, because U.S. society, at least, has become one big Lewin project with competing (not really) cults railing at each other.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2019 08:54PM by rrmoderator.