Is Landmark about quantum quackery? I keep reading up on quantum physics and alt. med. to try and understand what I was not understanding and found the following article at [] This article discusses the connection of quantum physics with eastern philosophy and alt. med. and I see what a huge con game was played on me and probably many others. Science is not my bag (but I've started to take a real interest in it), so when I have a doctor talking science to me in what seemed to layman's terms, I felt that at least he wasn't a quack - he was using evidence-based medicine (lol). Additionally, his reference to spiritualaity and religion appealed to me because I had rejected my childhood religion, and have felt that that part was missing and probably a void that needed to be filled. In a nutshell, according to ND, thoughts make people sick. Religion is about thoughts (A finger pointing to the moon is not the moon). Having no thoughts is the goal, it is God. Thoughts make chemical reactions in the body that lead to disease. Landmark - illness is a racket that keeps one from being responsible for their own happiness.
What makes it difficult in presenting an intelligent complaint to the Attorney General's office or Board of Health or even a lawyer, is that my lack of knowledge in science hinders explaining what happened. I'm still fighting going on medication because I can see how thoughts - I've pretty much been obsessing about what happened to me, how I could be taken, how I nearly died, how Landmark defended the jerk of a doctor I went to. It takes up a lot of time thinking about this stuff.
I spent about 1-1/2 years trying to understand quantum physics. I am not science-minded, like many others who go to health care people looking for answers. My doctor was slick. He used Landmark tech without using their terminology. He talked about chakras, without saying chakras. The alt. med. people like to back up their talk about chakras by saying that here in the west, it's the same as dermatomes.
I had tried many other medical therapies which did not work, hence, my trial of alt. med. My ND suggested that perhaps I did not want to get well, which is quite similar to Landmark's notion that illness is a racket.
This is dangerous. I'm not a dummy, but I was desperate (and also still malnourished from not eating). There were other people in the audience at LF with poor mental and physical health. One young man was smart enough to leave, but he had to fight his way past the volunteers. He was the first one to get up and talk about how his drunk father beat him with a chair when he was boy. He grew up thinking his father didn't love him and that his father was nuts. The LF leader empathized, got him to open up even more, and then attacked (exactly what my ND did, but over a long period of time) , implying that this young man had foolishly spent his life thinking his father was no good, when in fact his father had simply beat him with a chair. Whatever the man thought about that event was his story. I think about that guy often and hope he is well.
Landmark is dangerous, they're practicing poor psychology without a license.