Why Landmark jargon and LGAT jargon screws up our minds
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: May 29, 2017 11:57PM

Use of specialized jargon can impoverish our thought process, disempowering us rather than empowering us.

The temporary high felt by LGAT graduates may be a combination of sleep deprivation, hyperfocus on the forum leader caused by subtle disorientation induced by the room set up.

And the emotional and cognitive high may be created by downloading the specialized jargon into the minds of subjects while punishing them for using words describing
negative or depressed mood states.

Banning all mention of terms such as sad, angry, resentful, scared may temporarily block us from experiencing and feeling those emotions, giving us an illusion of temporary liberation from our authentic suffering.

Temporarily and because the entire seminar is set up to do this, subjects
are led to attribute their 'high" to Landmark.

By contrast, it appears that having a rich and nuanced emotional vocabulary for emotion is what actually empowers us -- what one researcher has termed
"emotional granularity".



"..the work of Lisa Feldman Barrett at Northeastern University, who has shown that our abilities to identify and label our emotions can have far-reaching effects.

Her research was inspired by the observation that certain people use different emotion words interchangeably, while others are highly precise in their descriptions.

Some people use words like anxious, afraid, angry, disgusted to refer to a general affective state of feeling bad,” she explains. “For them, they are synonyms, whereas for other people they are distinctive feelings with distinctive actions associated with them.”

This is called “emotion granularity” and she usually measures this by asking the participants to rate their feelings on each day over the period of a few weeks, before she calculates the variation and nuances within their reports: whether the same old terms always coincide, for instance.

Importantly, she has found that this then determines how well we cope with life. If you are better able to pin down whether you are feeling despair or anxiety, for instance, you might be better able to decide how to remedy those feelings: whether to talk to a friend, or watch a funny film. Or being able to identify your hope in the face of disappointment might help you to look for new solutions to your problem.

In this way, emotion vocabulary is a bit like a directory, allowing you to call up a greater number of strategies to cope with life. Sure enough, people who score highly on emotion granularity are better able to recover more quickly from stress and are less likely to drink alcohol as a way of recovering from bad news. It can even improve your academic success. Marc Brackett at Yale University has found that teaching 10 and 11-year-old children a richer emotional vocabulary improved their end-of-year grades, and promoted better behaviour in the classroom. “The more granular our experience of emotion is, the more capable we are to make sense of our inner lives,” he says.

Both Brackett and Barrett agree that Lomas’s “positive lexicography” could be a good prompt to start identifying the subtler contours of our emotional landscape. “I think it is useful – you can think of the words and the concepts they are associated with as tools for living,” says Barrett.

They might even inspire us to try new experiences, or appreciate old ones in a new light.

Here is an array of terms from different languages and their associated cultures
identified by Lomas.

Lomas' own website for emotional lexicography is here:



Desbundar (Portuguese) – to shed one’s inhibitions in having fun

Tarab (Arabic) – a musically induced state of ecstasy or enchantment

(Corboy: This term may account for the many stories in Muslim history and folklore of rulers lavishing untold wealth upon musicians and poets.
A person possessing the ability to induce ecstasy and enchantment will be valued by the sensitive and resented by religious authorities who fear competing influences.)

Shinrin-yoku (Japanese) – the relaxation gained from bathing in the forest, figuratively or literally

Gigil (Tagalog) – the irresistible urge to pinch or squeeze someone because they are loved or cherished

Yuan bei (Chinese) – a sense of complete and perfect accomplishment

Iktsuarpok (Inuit) – the anticipation one feels when waiting for someone, whereby one keeps going outside to check if they have arrived

Natsukashii (Japanese) – a nostalgic longing for the past, with happiness for the fond memory, yet sadness that it is no longer

Wabi-sabi (Japanese) – a “dark, desolate sublimity” centred on transience and imperfection in beauty

Saudade (Portuguese) – a melancholic longing or nostalgia for a person, place or thing that is far away either spatially or in time – a vague, dreaming wistfulness for phenomena that may not even exist

Sehnsucht (German) – “life-longings”, an intense desire for alternative states and realisations of life, even if they are unattainable

Dadirri (Australian aboriginal) term – a deep, spiritual act of reflective and respectful listening

Pihentagyú (Hungarian) – literally meaning “with a relaxed brain”, it describes quick-witted people who can come up with sophisticated jokes or solutions

Desenrascanço (Portuguese) – to artfully disentangle oneself from a troublesome situation

Sukha (Sanskrit) – genuine lasting happiness independent of circumstances

Orenda (Huron) – the power of the human will to change the world in the face of powerful forces such as fate

These terms were developed within entire communities and cultures. They were not created by a single, driven person with a desperate need to control
brand his name into thousands of souls and impose his impoverished language into thousands of minds.

These terms were created and maintained because entire cultures and communities found them useful.


In the future, Lomas hopes that other psychologists may begin to explore the causes and consequences of these experiences – to extend our understanding of emotion beyond the English concepts that have dominated research so far.

"... Lomas suspects that familiarising ourselves with the words might actually change the way we feel ourselves, by drawing our attention to fleeting sensations we had long ignored.


“In our stream of consciousness – that wash of different sensations feelings and emotions – there’s so much to process that a lot passes us by,” Lomas says. “The feelings we have learned to recognise and label are the ones we notice – but there’s a lot more that we may not be aware of. And so I think if we are given these new words, they can help us articulate whole areas of experience we’ve only dimly noticed.”

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/30/2017 12:03AM by corboy.

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Re: Why Landmark jargon and LGAT jargon screws up our minds
Posted by: kdag ()
Date: May 30, 2017 05:37AM

Thanks, corboy!

I love this list of words!
I see words here that I've been looking for my entire life, but could never find within the English language.

I also like the concept of emotional granularity, and I think you're right.

If someone were to start describing a negative emotion at L.E., someone would often rush in and try to distract them from it. It is counterproductive, in terms of actually processing. I always felt that they were trying to paint over it, instead.

On some occasions, they might seem to go with it momentarily, but would then steer it back around to where the negative emotion was "inauthentic," (and I really can't conceive of anything more inauthentic than that last bit). Sometimes, we have to authentically be allowed to say, "No ~ I really do feel this way right now," and be allowed to process that.

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Werner Erhard's brother ran for public office in California
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: May 30, 2017 06:48AM



pauker Date: July 20, 2008 07:33AM

One thing I found intriguing from an old esthole's perspective -- having NOT done the forum as well -- has been looking to see how some old est jargon got 'updated' as est morphed into the forum, and as the old company became landmark. After seeing the 'X-formation' movie, and ingesting a bunch of Landmark threads here (acidic burp) recently, it seems that indeed, the only real difference between the two trainings is jargon.

One example of this that jumps out at me is how the est term 'act' got broken down into two parts (by the Magical act of DISTINCTIONS) into the two new categories of Racket and Winning Formula. Inferring from Elena, that's no BFD, or even New Age. That kind of thinking IS normal for a sales trainer of encyclopedia salesmen. But I digress...

Can anyone else think of other glaring examples 'between' the 2 lexicons, either where one convenient buzz-phrase morphed into another, or got broken down into multiple 'distinctions?' ;-)



Re: Landmarkese
Posted by: pauker
Date: July 21, 2008 09:19AM

I just thought of another jargon-morph from the old to the newer training. The mind's "yama-yama" in est became the forum's "Already Always Listening."



Re: Landmarkese
Posted by: elena
Date: July 22, 2008 10:51AM

Yes, as I understood, the "yama-yama" was the "monkey-mind" or inner chatter of our own voices that the esties derided as the "little voice" that needed to be stilled in order to be "aware" or "clear" or some such nonsense which was, in reality, the inner voice of conscience or judgment or personal narrative that when quieted was disabled making it that much easier to slip in or reinsert or reprogram with est "technology" -- the silly est notions about a self-centered universe of personal powers where other people are just pawns, objects to be used, or other self-centered operators looking out for their own interests.



I was wondering if anyone who has actually done the forum (and/or subsequent sessions) could tell me the LE definitions of some words and phrases. I would like to know what Landmark SAYS THEY MEAN and what their real intentions were in using this specific word/phrase.

engage powerfully

Already Always Listening





hidden contexts



Vicious Circle

collapse what happened


becomes the way it is

limits what is possible


what happened

our story or interpretation

fluid and open to change

no longer limited by a finite set of options



reinforces the cycle of behavior




sense of fulfillment

interrupt the cycle

notion of possibility

realities we construct

confined to living within this limited range, and we gain the freedom to express ourselves fully


drawing distinctions gives us a facility to navigate in areas that were previously inaccessible

being powerful

adopted ways of being and acting to deal successfully with things that didn’t quite go the way we though they should

identity was put together in response to something that we had determined shouldn’t be

a new freedom in saying who we are

fundamental shift in what we see and know as possible

an extension or variation of what has come before

What we see as possible

we are given a technology for putting the past where it belongs – in the past

free and authentic expression

vitality, wellbeing, and fun, and are able to enjoy a newfound sense of connection and intimacy

the difference between change and transformation

Transformation, on the other hand, is an act of bringing forth or inventing. It is something created, and is inherently expansive and infinite

This dynamic shift enables us to think and act outside existing views and limits

in order to connect and deal

language may in fact be what brings the world into being

a new view of language that alters the very nature of what is possible

a creative act

new dimensions and unexpected power

instruments of creation

power to choose

choice as a profoundly human ability to create

the way things are

We find ourselves able to choose – to have a say – about who we are and who we will be, as the author of our lives in any and all situations


business-as-usual life

what allows for real power, integrity, and courage

express ourselves individually and fully

break and reinvent the mold

possibilities they’ve created for themselves

technology for handling breakdowns effectively

view breakdowns as a pathway – an actual access – to fulfilling what’s possible

step beyond our comfort zone

an occasion for leadership and accomplishment.

Life becomes framed in a new way

The way we approach the world, and the way the world approaches us

an ability to relate to life with new freedom and power

a moment-by-moment approach to being alive

The reason I asked is because I am very interested academically in how slightly changing language use makes groups like this more compelling to some people. I need to know what lekkies think they mean when they are talking this way. I can guess at some of it pretty well, having listened to my friend that I lost to LE babble in this jargon, but whenever I asked him anything about usage he would just tell me that I had to "do the Forum" to find out. I know it's a big list, but any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!




Re: Landmarkese Already Always Listening

Posted by: nettie
Date: May 19, 2008 08:59PM

Already Always Listening

this is one of the most important phrases/jargon. They tell you that you have a little voice in your head that is constantly commenting everything you hear. It is like a filter in your ear. You never hear what other people say without their words going through that filter.

It is true that we do filter things. I think it is our critical thinking that evaluates what we hear - "is this good?" - "is this valid in my thought system?".

They ask you to become aware of this filter and listen to what the forum leader is saying in a new way - with an open mind - so they open up a port into your head that passes around your critical thinking and that is part of mind control.

"listen to what I say - don't use your already always listening when I talk" - it is a very powerful deception. It is like saying "trust me with the keys to your car and apartment - I know we have just met but I am a good guy".

Forum Leaders are very good at persuading people to reveal their innermost secrets. Then they use that to run the course. If someone objects to what is happening during the course the forum leader will say "ha - that is your racket" - or "that is your already always listening" - or any other landmarkese b-shit

A bit of history


Re: Landmarkese
Posted by: elena (ip68-104-15-220.lv.lv.cox.net)
Date: July 24, 2008 10:03AM

The thing that makes me sick to death of Landmark and the whole Landmarky universe is how this intellectual malignancy is spreading into our society and seeming to infest itself into many other areas where it would ordinarily be laughed off the stage. Upper levels of government, for example, and that old corpse of Rumsfeld comes to mind, with his minions who thought that they could ~control~ the world with language and context and reframing and all the other gimmicky semantic tricks they utilized.

Thirty years ago Governor Jerry Brown knew enough to distance himself from this apparent groundswell of interest in the "human potential" movement with its assortment of hucksters and phony gurus. The association was the kiss of death for Werner Erhard's brother in his attempt to win public office in California. Too bad so few people are willing to speak out or even examine this phenomenon. These creeps plow the fields in relative anonymity, all the while fleecing their followers and destroying and undermining the general discourse.

It's the dumbing-down and overall stupidity of their comic-book philosophies and the reduction of complex, nuanced, and intricate human problems to cook-book nostrums and formulaic solutions. These programs are worse than religions, most of which at least acknowledge the unknown and the awe-inspiring recognition of something far greater than ourselves.

Is it any wonder they all hark back to Aleister Crowley and his worship of the self above and separate from all?


For more go here"



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Another list of Landmark jargon
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: May 30, 2017 07:02AM



Landmark Forum vocabulary
Posted by: MercurialMere
Date: January 24, 2007 01:27PM

Here's a quick glossary with some of the main vocabulary for you. I hope this helps! Though I don't post, what originally brought me to this board was both my boss' and pyschotherapist's involvement in Landmark. I can sympathize!

- Strange uses of the word "be" or "being." Like "be your word." "What are you being?"

- "Racket." Anything you say to oppose Landmark's policies or philosophies is called "running a racket."

- "Integrity." They love this word and will manipulate it every which way to win their argument.

- "Enroll." Landmarkians are trained not only to enroll people in the program, but "enrolling" themselves in possibility/creativity/whatever.

- "Possibility." This is a big one. They talk about "being the possibility of..." and living a life of possibilities.

- "Present." You will hear a lot about "being present to" things in your life, being aware of what's going on around you.

- "Vicious circle." This one is pretty self-explanatory.

- "Story." Often, your "story" is your "racket." They emphasize what you felt versus what really happened.

- "Blind spot." This ties in with the "I didn't know what I didn't know" verbage that they like to use a lot.

I'm not sure if there is an existing list out there. If anyone can think of more vocabulary, please add on to my list!


Landmark Forum vocabulary
Posted by: Gulab Jamon
Date: January 25, 2007 01:19PM

The Landmark people I have known also use the following term/expression:

Complete - as in "Are we complete?" after a conversation.



Landmark Forum vocabulary
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm
Date: January 26, 2007 02:23PM

Often LEC words are just slightly twisted to favour the aims of the organisation.

COMMIT = (1) Be on time; (2) Bring a friend or two; (3) Submit fully to your relationship with Landmark, no questions asked; and (4) Keep doing courses.

Because Landmark doesn't have an official book outlining their lexicon, like a dictionary or a printed glossary, those in power are free to alter the meanings of these words.



Landmark Forum vocabulary
Posted by: exImpact
Date: January 26, 2007 10:58PM

A few good vocab giveaway examples are using words like "assist" to replace "help" and "working or not-working" as opposed to "right or wrong".

Also, emphasis and fequent vocalizations about honesty, integrity and LOVE especially. I seem to have LGAT-radar when it comes to this language conditioning thing, and it has led me to find LGAT grads where I would have least expected them. Its actually fun to play my own version of "spot the looney".

Another good clue can be the refusal to speak in the third person, this does not allow one to "own ones power", so to for a trainee to "own ones self" and not disrespect onself and others by speaking for them, all descriptive conversation is conducted in the first person.

Also, consistant/excessive body language like uninterrupted eye-contact and not crossing ones legs or folding ones arms (open body position so you don't appear closed to people etc) are good signs.

Mental conditionioning is crazy, but as they say, you can't change what someone thinks or feels, but if you can change their behavior, you can access and manipulate those things.



Landmark Forum vocabulary
Posted by: MercurialMere
Date: January 28, 2007 08:31AM

Another telltale sign of Landmark lingo at play is the word "authentic."

They are very concerned with "being authentic" (the irony, of course, being that the Landmark ideology is anything but authentic).



This is written for all interested persons reading this

I am not interested in discussing what 'point' I am
trying to make.

Readers are invited to see for themselves.

It appears that words mattered to Werner Erhard.

What follows is mere speculation on Corboy's part.

A citizens right in the open society of the USA.

Here is report describing Werner Erhard's private office
and the books he kept on hand -- written by someone who
worked at Franklin House, WE's residence in San Francisco
in the 1970s.

For full description read here.


Excerpt here:

"“When I read the printed material he gave me, I was stunned: it contained simple Dale Carnegie techniques. To me such pop culture was hardly worth the paper. But when I realized how much these superficial tips fit Werner’s actual behavior, I had to admit these tools were a clear contrivance of his and his trainers. I felt disheartened and disappointed.

“One day Landon (the faithful valet — note first paragraph - Corboy) gave me permission to locate and catalogue books on the second and third floors. I was curious to see what books might be in the upper, even more private levels of this house.

“When I reached the attic room that was Werner’s personal office, I became uneasy. Just entering such a sacrosanct place by myself was unnerving. It was all white: the shag carpet, the painted walls and attic beams, the furniture. The highest turret windows were hung with white curtains. On shelves in that room were videotapes of Werner’s public speeches for his viewing and refining---narcissistic enough. But it was the collection of specialized dictionaries that caught my attention. In a white bookcase on a sidewall were dictionaries of all types: military, medical, law, rhetoric, science, philosophy, psychology, shelves of them.

“Werner’s fixation with the exact meaning of words and the precise delivery of his own speeches showed me the mechanics of a mastermind. I saw the emperor revealed, and he had no clothes. Werner Erhard was a fabricated illusion."

“Quoted excerpts from Getting It” by Kate Farrell pp 233-238

From "Times They Were a-Changing: Women Remember the '60s & '70s'"
edited by Kate Farrell, Linda Joy Myers & Amber Lea Starfire 2013"

(Note) In a discussion of Werner Erhardian jargon, Corboy dares
speculate whether the response "this matters to you" is a standand
reply to anyone who maintains a stance that the Erhardian

For persons who are reading this thread and who are willing to
open links and read what is contained in them:

A discussion of *some* of the Werner Erhardarian jargon and the violations
of grammar in many of these phrases.

"take a stand"


In Erhardian usage, "take a stand" does not mean quite what it
means in conventional, non Erhardian usage.

Most of us equate 'taking a stand' with being firm about something.

But in Erhard world, one encounters this: "To take a stand that you are cause in the matter contrasts with it being your fault, or that you failed, or that you are to blame, or even that you did it."

Huh? This entire sentence is confusion inducing.

Werner World is full of these language constructions.

Let us examine just a tiny part of the sentence

-- the beginning.

"Take a stand that you are cause in the matter"

"You are cause" is a grammatical violation. It omits an
article (a, the,an). Articles are used with nouns
to indicate relationships with other nouns.

The word "cause" means having an effect. "Cause is
one of the most complex words in the English language.

It is often necessary use articles so that the
relationship between "you" and "cause" can be traced.

"the matter"?

The situation is left unspecified.

(definition of articles here)


"In integrity", II for short.

Here are a variety of searches for II.




Grammatically, 'in' is a preposition. Prepositions indicate time
location, place.

But...integrity is *not* something one can walk into. One
cannot stand on top of integrity. One cannot live inside
integrity as one does in a room.

That is another Erhardian catchphrase that makes most
of us go "Huh?"

(Quote)Prepositions: Locators in Time and Place - Guide to Grammar and ...A preposition describes a relationship between other words in a sentence. In
itself, a word like "in" or "after" is rather meaningless and hard to define in mere ...
grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/prepositions.htm - 27k - Cached - Similar pages

Prepositions "On," "At," "In" - Basic English Grammar - Talk EnglishLearn the basics of prepositions 'on,' 'at,' and 'in' for English grammar.
www.talkenglish.com/Grammar/prepositions-on-at-in.aspx - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

Prepositions "On," "At," and "In"
A preposition is a word that links a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to some other part of the sentence


"in integrity' -- this makes it seem one can get inside of integrity
as though it is a place, a location.

And "in integrity" is an example of alliteration, placing similar
sounding words together, which gives a smooth forward flow
to a sentence. This enhances impact of a grammatically
incorrect catch phrase.

'Already Always Listening'

(Let us shorten it to AAL)

Here are three Google searches on AAL with different search terms




"AAL" is a phrase likely to induce confusion.

It contains a grammatical violation. Two adverbs, one right after the other.

Some alliteration as well, (see the 'A''A' pattern). This would
give forward momentum to the catch phrase, further heightening
impact of the grammatical violation.

For more, read here:


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Re: Why Landmark jargon and LGAT jargon screws up our minds
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: May 30, 2017 07:06AM




From Wikiversity - a list of Landmark jargonFeel free to write definitions, and sign them with <small>~~~</small>. Feel free, as well, to write brief comments or alternative definitions.

These definitions have not been approved by Landmark Worldwide.

Already always listening.™ Undistinguished pre-existing interpretations that shape, color and influence the way people experience their relationships with people, circumstances, and even themselves. grantlam

Advanced Course. The second course in the "Curriculum for Living."
At effect. Usage is "at the effect of [some circumstance]"; to be a victim of circumstances or dependent upon them for success. See also At cause. Abd

Authenticity.When one is being consistent with how they portray themselves to be with others and themselves. grantlam

Breakthrough.Freeing yourself from some limitation that allows you to achieve immediate and permanent quantum leaps in performance and quality of life. grantlam

Breakdown. A breakdown happens when some possibility, intention or commitment is frustrated, stopped or thwarted grantlam

Complete. When one is complete with any aspect of the past and therefore the past has no constraint on who one is being or how they are acting in the present. In communication, being complete is one being left with no lingering resentments, regrets or "unfinished business. grantlam

Cost. (as used in Rackets™). The impact of one’s reactive ways of being and acting. See also Payoff. Abd edited by grantlam

The costs of rackets™ are love/affinity, vitality/well-being, self-expression, and satisfaction/fulfillment, all of which fall under aliveness. Shinigami Realm

Change. (versus transformation). Change begins with a something that is made different in distance (from here to there), time (from now to then) or form (for example, from a square to a circle). An aspect of the nature of change is that change causes the persistence of the something being changed. grantlam

Curriculum for Living™ The basic Landmark curriculum, which includes The Landmark Forum®, The Advanced Course®, The Self Expression and Leadership Program, and The Landmark Forum In Action Series.

Disappear To "disappear something" is to eliminate it, such as to disappear a complaint. JF, edited by Abd (discuss • contribs)

Distinction. A distinction is a linguistic phenomenon that brings something into being as a presence, for which previously there was no presence. grantlam

Distinguish. To take something from an undifferentiated background and bring it to the foreground. Shinigami Realm

Effect. See At effect.

Enrollment. A kind of sharing that causes a new possibility to be present for another such that they are touched moved and inspired by that new possibility. This is not to be confused with Registration. grantlam

The Landmark Forum. An accelerated learning experience, set up as a guided dialog between the instructor and participants designed to bring about a transformational shift in the participants' effectiveness and quality of life in three days. The first course in the "Curriculum for Living," The Landmark Forum® is the entry point for all Landmark programs. grantlam

Graduate. A person who has completed The Landmark Forum. edited by grantlam

I. What people tend to think of, in its capacity as an identity, as being a collection of characteristics, attributes, and experiences from the past. Shinigami Realm

A pattern of patterns of neurons firing, see Identity. Abd

Identity. A story that we invented about ourselves. The process of inventing an identity began in childhood, as we gradually adopted ways of being and acting to deal successfully with things that didn't quite go the way we thought they should. Abd

Informative learning. Learning that increases what people know and adds to their skills by bringing new knowledge to an existing worldview and frame of reference. Compare to transformative learning. Shinigami Realm

Integrity. Integrity is a condition that is "whole, perfect, and complete," and specifically that one does what one says one will do, when one says one will do it, and in the manner expected, and that one does complete work. When there is a breakdown, "restoring your integrity" means honoring the word given by acknowledging the breakdown, and recommitting -- or withdrawing the promise when it becomes clear that one is not going to fulfill it. Abd

Life, as in "yourself and your life." Our entire set of relationships with people. Abd

Meaningless. "Life is empty and meaningless and it is empty and meaningless that it is empty and meaningless." "Meaning" here refers to invented meaning, this is not an ultimate philosophical or religious declaration but a "distinction," a tool. Abd

Payoff. Payoffs are consequences of behavior that are perceived as rewards, such as Being Right, Making Others Wrong, Looking Good or Making Others Look Bad. See also Cost. Abd

Pop. To transform, like popcorn, in one moment. Much as a kernel's popping is the result of its being heated, the popping is the culmination of transformative learning. A moment occurs when a newly recognized state of being is opened. Shinigami Realm

Possibility. The future does not exist, it's imaginary, but possibilities are real. Real possibilities, that is. The most powerful possibilities arise from nothing. Abd

Power. The velocity with which possibilities are translated into action. Shinigami Realm

Racket.™ A persistent complaint combined with a fixed way of being. Rackets are maintained because of payoffs (see payoff) and persist until dropping the racket (and thus its associated cost) is chosen. Abd

Reality. What we think of as including an objective world that exists independent of us, where cause and effect are key operative factors. Shinigami Realm

Reason. An excuse we invent to justify choices we make. That would be w:Ambrose Bierce's definition. When choices are made according to "reasons," they are distinguished as the "machine" operating, based on assumptions about truth and reality. Genuine choice operates on another level. Reasoning is not denied, but distinguished as rooted in our stories about reality.

Reasonable. Landmark turns these terms on their head. To be "reasonable" is to stick with what is safe, and therefore unlikely to transform life and generate new possibilities. See also Unreasonable. Abd

Registration. See also Enrollment. Acceptance of a request or offered choice. The goal of a "successful registration conversation" is that a person is invited to take some action, and makes a choice, and is satisfied with their choice. While the invited action might be that the person register in a course, the term is used very generally in the training, and most "registration conversations" that are reported are not "Forum registration conversations," except in the Introduction Leader Program, where such are, of course, common.Abd

Resentment. A poison people swallow hoping it will kill the other person.
Self-Expression and Leadership Program. A program that seeks to help participants expand their natural capacity for leadership and express their thinking and ideas effectively in a way that calls forth the alignment, cooperation, and partnership of others.

Speaking into the listening. Speaking experienced as created by the listening, as an interaction, not as the speaker just expressing personal opinion. When a person speaks to the listening, the listener experiences it as if it was their own speech, i.e., "Great minds think alike."

Stinginess. Unwillingness to share anecdotes, thoughts, etc. that would create opportunities for the other participants to learn something
Story. A "story" is an interpretation or set of interpretations of what happened, providing meaning and thus influencing behavior. Depending on context, the same happening may generate radically different stories. Stories are powerful organizers of experience, developed through language, but also limit us, often severely, when the stories are accepted as real, as "what happened." Human beings tell stories, it's universal, we learn to do this as children, but distinguishing stories from what happened is a crucial Landmark distinction, often liberating in itself. See also What happened. Abd

Strong suit. Special skills developed as a response to early childhood trauma and consequential choices. Strong suits can be excellent tools, but they are not generally transformative when we depend only on them. Strong suits used to be called "winning formulas". Abd

Superstition. The system of ideas, beliefs, social and cultural assumptions, and taken-for-granted conclusions, etc., through which an individual interprets and interacts with the world, other people, and himself or herself. Shinigami Realm

Transformation. A shift in being, not merely a change, but an entry into a new realm. See also Change. Abd

Transformative learning. Learning that gives people an awareness of the basic structures in which they know, think, and act. Compare to informative learning. Shinigami Realm

Unreasonable. An assignment in a course may be to "Be unreasonable!" It means to do something outside the world of routine expectation, to go for results that might be thought impossible. See also Reasonable. Abd

Unreasonable Request. A request that is "unreasonable," that would routinely be avoided as, perhaps, being "too much" or that might be rejected. Examples: my first SELP leader requested that the pizza place across the street give him a free piece of pizza. He was a regular customer. They gave it to him. See Talk for some examples.

Vicious circle.™ When stories are collapsed with what happens, i.e., believed to be what happened, the stories create further stories about stories, leading to deeper estrangement from what happens, leading us to increasingly filter out what is inconsistent with or not related to our stories, and thus miss what is actually happening and possible. We tend to remember dramatic stories more than direct sensory experience. --Abd

What happened. Consensual reality, "objective," aside from judgment, blame, right/wrong, good/bad, and other forms of "meaning." What happens occurs to us as it is analyzed by the Already Always Listening to be good/bad, etc. If my ex-wife told me she had a problem with what I've done, that's what happened. If I say that she was unreasonable, that's my story about it, not what happened. See also Story. --Abd

Terms with "™" are known to be trademarked by Landmark Education.

Definitions to be added[edit]












No agreement


On the court (or in the stands)


Realm of survival/Realm of enrollment



Transform (versus change)

Trump card





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Re: Why Landmark jargon and LGAT jargon screws up our minds
Posted by: anonday ()
Date: June 03, 2017 10:48PM

Thanks, corboy. I'll read your posts in-depth later, but please keep posting. This is very helpful.

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Re: Why Landmark jargon and LGAT jargon screws up our minds
Posted by: kdag ()
Date: June 04, 2017 09:39AM

One more piece of LGAT jargon:

"Smart Rat"

This was a term used by L.E., but I never had it defined to me.  I believe that this is someone who sees a couple of steps ahead of a conversation,  and so does not allow themself to be "trapped" into a certain path of logic, or into agreeing to something.

A minor example, and this is a bad example, because they try to "trap" you into more insidious types of logic:

Seminar leader:
"Would you say that you got a lot out assisting at this seminar?"

Assistant: "Yes"

Seminar leader:
"Was it more important than other things that you could have been doing with that time?"  (The trap is set)

You: (Fall into it answer):  "Oh, yes! Nothing is more important than my possibilities!"

To which seminar leader responds:

"Then I'm sure that you would love to assist in my next seminar, starting in three weeks! You just agreed that nothing was more important to you."


Smart Rat answer:

"It was great, and it's a good thing I got that in now, because I'm going to be super busy the next couple of months, and there's no way I could have done it then."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/2017 09:58AM by kdag.

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Re: Why Landmark jargon and LGAT jargon screws up our minds
Posted by: kdag ()
Date: June 05, 2017 03:34AM

...and another:

"Sleep fast!"

This is said to the production team, as they are sent home for the night. This is usually LATE at night, and they will have to return early in the morning. I wondered at the time if this was a deliberate attempt to sabotage sleep, because being told to do something "fast" does generally not promote relaxation.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2017 03:35AM by kdag.

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