liminal Wrote:
> I strongly encourage you to buy and read this book
> Cults Inside Out: How People Get in and Can Get
> Out
> []
> /dp/149731660X The whole book will be useful,
> there is specific information on lgats too.
> I've attended lgats, also had friends that were
> temporarily adversely affected by lgats.
> If I were in your shoes now, I would remind myself
> to not panic, and to focus first on my own well
> being. I would talk with friends, develop a stable
> and healthy daily life, get a medical checkup if
> need be. Calm and stable is a priority.
> If my ex was involved in an lgat, I would stop
> reading their social media posts. I would keep
> working on focusing on my own well being. I'd read
> the book I suggested, taking my time to think and
> learn. I would educate myself further on lgats, or
> maybe even give myself a break for awhile so I can
> rest and enjoy life.
> Coping with cult members
> []
> n
Thank you for reply. did you and your friends have similar symptoms? are lgats common to ruin relationships?
also I've seen a recent pic of her,and she has a deep soul less, glossy eyed gaze now. random ppl who never met her, looked at the pic and didn't even think it was the same girl.
any body been or have known someone in choices acting like this?