Gratitude Trainings Ripoff Con Artist
Posted by: JohnHammond999 ()
Date: March 18, 2015 03:35AM

My daughter was pressured into attending The Gratitude Trainings in Florida, Ray Blanchard was the trainer for the first training. While the facade was education and a place to help people I found out that it was a money grubbing cult espousing worthless and scary new age philosophies.

Ray Blanchard is supposed to be charming, he was at the graduation celebration, and he was extremely well dressed.

AFter much research I realize it is the usual mind control and sleep deprivation.

Dr Blanchard is deceitful as well as a liar and a thief. He is also a preacher.
DR Blanchard was preaching SITUATIONAL MORALITY. This is a New Age Secularist philosophy that is in total opposition to the Bible and the Ten Commandments!

Have you ever heard of "Thou shalt not lie" and "Thou shalt not steal"? His teachings are in direct opposition to Christianity. And total BULLS**T.

My daughter told me that he screamed at her for over 30 minutes straight.

Night after night she had sleep deprivation. Many people freaked out and were extreamly upset, to say the least.

One person in the group had a major psychiatric meltdown. These people only care about picking your pocket and taking your hard earned money. Jo Englesson runs a very dangerous cult and she and all the coaches, Liliana Barr, Jo Englesson etc. has no psychiatric training. Hundreds of people have been seriously damaged as a result. Additionally, their teachings are ANTI CHRISTIAN.

Those teachings are SECULAR and NEW AGE. This place is a cult designed to steal money.

The extravagant CULT leader Jo Englesson is very outgoing and also superficial, very superficial. An actress in her own play. She keeps openin up new franchises and Liliana Barr will own the Charlotte Gratitude Franchise. Watch out.

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Graitude Cult...The Friend Killer!
Posted by: rockals ()
Date: March 24, 2015 07:02AM

Im somewhat new to this insanity.
I had a life long friend of over 40 years that has entrenched themselves in this CULT. He has broke all ties with lifelong friends,stopped paying for his home and now the bank is repossing the house, they have stopped paying child support and basically become extremely selfish (Its all about them) speaking to them is like talking to one of my daughters teenaged friends.
My question is this whats to be expected from these CULT teachings?

I have read that other CULTS have used tactics such as "flirty fishing" to recruit new members? Is this tactic used by gratitude CULT?It was his weak point (sex) and its the only weak spot that i could see myself from my friend. Eventhough now he is a totally differnt person from the person that ive known since kindergarten and its happened quickly.

To me this person was always the one of us that was responsible and level headed super smart and now hes begging for money to continue training, such as car washes, yard work etc....its freaking nuts.

Ive tried to talk sense to him but it falls on deaf ears, no matter how blunt or direct i am

Is he gone or is there a way to pull him away from the cold hands of the gratitude CULT?

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