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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: Anon1234 ()
Date: November 04, 2006 12:18PM

This is from the San Bernardino County Recorder's Office. The RW actually owns 45 properties...I only detailed some here to give you an idea. Just these alone total over 250 acres of land and over $1,500,000 in cost value or assessed value.

Sorry, the formatting on this forum does not allow tabs or extra spaces.
But I am sure you get the idea...

What on Earth does a church need this much land for and why don't they report the millions of dollars of assets? The plot thickens!

Given that I read one of "Michael's" letters and it contained four pages of rant about hating income tax, I think these real estate transaction are related to his psychotheraphy cult business plan.

If anyone questions the below info, rest assured this is public information and you can go get it for yourself with a little time and research.


[Moderator note: Please avoid giving out detailed addresses or contact information]

0432-032-31 / 5.000 05/22/1998 SLOAN, SHARON NADER $14,059*
0432-032-33 / 9.890 04/21/2003 N/A $20,780*
0432-032-34 / 19.750 04/21/2003 JOY, WILLIAM BRUGH $216,000
0432-032-35 / 75.420 07/10/1996 ROYAL WAY, ; JACUMBA $59,068*
0432-032-36 / 76.840 07/10/1996 N/A $59,068*
0432-032-37 / 39.590 07/10/1996 N/A $356,757*
0432-041-01 / 1.030 07/10/1996 N/A $5,906*
0432-041-06 / 1.130 04/21/2003 N/A $15,586*
0432-041-08 / 1.070 07/10/1996 N/A $5,906*
0432-041-09 / 1.070 02/12/2001 LITTLE, JOYCE $10,000
0432-042-01 / 6.310 07/10/1996 N/A $17,719
0432-043-02 / 1.070 05/28/2003 N/A $144,427*
0432-043-05 / 1.140 01/07/2003 MARY WEBB TRUST $7,000
0432-043-08 / 1.100 05/28/2003 JOY, WILLIAM B $320,000
0432-043-09 / 1.030 05/28/2003 PHYLLIS GRACE TAYLOR TRUST $25,976*
0432-043-10 / 1.030 05/28/2003 N/A $25,976*
0432-043-13 / 1.140 07/10/1996 ROYAL WAY, ; JACUMBA $11,813*
0432-043-14 / 1.140 07/10/1996 N/A $171,582*
0432-043-15 / 1.140 07/10/1996 N/A $13,197*
0432-043-17 / 1.140 01/07/2003 N/A $15,586*
0432-043-18 / 1.070 04/21/2003 N/A $15,586*
0432-043-19 / 1.070 05/28/2003 N/A $25,976*
0432-044-01 / 1.140 03/17/1998 CORSLINE, SAMUEL G $11,247*
0432-044-02 / 1.140 03/17/1998 N/A $11,247*

*Sale price not disclosed; assessed value provided

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: Anon1234 ()
Date: November 04, 2006 12:36PM

We are up to 17,129 views to this message thread. There is a huge amount of interest in this cult and many people are sitting on the sidelines watching it unfold before their eyes.

Go on the Forum home page, click on "Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential" Seminars", and then look at this shows the views right there.

Let's please try to continue to keep the information factual or personal experiences--but feel free to include your interpretations and conclusions. We have done an excellent job of this so far and that is what is driving the interest in the cult. This is like a murder mystery being slowly uncovered, fact by fact.

RW members resort to impotent name calling and nice little fluffy statements about how wonderful RW is. Ha! How weak! If I was part of a legit church, I can assure you I would be able to put up a much stronger defense.

You know why RW doesn't post their writings? Because they are the SMOKING GUN! If they posted the "letter" I read, thousands of people would certainly KNOW that RW is a terrible cult with monetary intentions. They would also consider the "students" (followers) to be victims.

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: November 04, 2006 01:09PM

This is from the San Bernardino County Recorder's Office. The RW actually owns 45 properties...I only detailed some here to give you an idea. Just these alone total over 250 acres of land and over $1,500,000 in cost value or assessed value.

What on Earth does a church need this much land for

Very interesting!
What happens with some of these so-called "non-profit" religious corporations, is that they have so much CASH-MONEY coming in the front door, they don't know where to put it all!
So one thing they do is to buy as much real estate as possible, as they can't hang onto the money and make a "profit", they have to "spend it".
Also, the properties will acrue in value, and can be bought and sold, sometimes even members of the flock do some of the buying and selling...and flipping.

That list of properties of course does not include all of Royal Way's other potential assets, material and financial. Hopefully someone will be able to get whatever is available to the public in regards to their income/expenses/assets from their tax filings. That investigation could start with a few phone calls to the government to find out how to get that info.
It will be interesting to see just how much this little "church" is worth, and where all the money is going, and to whom.

After all, [b:1c1ae0843d]its our tax money, and the public has a right to know how it is being spent.[/b:1c1ae0843d][/color:1c1ae0843d]

This next part is just is a general comment and is not about RW.

There have been cases of rogue religious groups literally have so much money coming in, they literally don't know where to put it.
Some religious groups solicit cash donations, and it makes you wonder how all of that cash is accounted for? If they don't declare it, they can't put it in a bank or have a paper trail, so they have to keep it in cash on-hand. There have even been stories of groups keeping hordes of cash around, as they don't know where to put all of it!
This of course in the past has led to things involving these non-profits setting up sub-businesses that...surprise...operate at a "loss"...and surprise... all sorts of money vanishes...where it goes...nobody knows...

Also, the "flock" begins to do business dealings with the non-profit religious corporation, and this leads to a conflict of interest, and questions arising from the value of properties and assets being bought and sold.
A personal asset can be sold to the non-profit at an inflated price, and this transfers money outside of the non-profit to the corporate insider.
They can also sell their own professional services to the corporation at far above market value, and that does the same thing.
There are hundreds of little tricks they use.

PTL, indeed.

Nothing the IRS can't discover when they do the maths.
The IRS is cracking down BIG TIME on non-profits in New York state, where the abuses have been outrageous.
If what they are doing is illegal and they get caught, they can have those assets taken by Uncle Sam, and Uncle Sam wants to make "examples" of non-profits these days, to scare people straight.

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: RW Member ()
Date: November 04, 2006 01:51PM


First of all, calm down before you give yourself a stroke, ranting and raving the way you are. You asked why are we hostile. Don’t you see how laughable it is that you would ask that? Most of our posts responding to the attacks are not even close to hostile. John Zemanek replied in kind to Eric. Your idea of spiritual people being docile while being attacked is very skewed. Sounds like you can “dish it out, but can’t take it.”

You posted the beautiful pictures of the Ranch to show how rich we are. What you did in point is show how beautiful the Ranch is and that it is nothing like a cult compound, while giving us free advertising. By the way, if you are going to post pictures of our Ranch, why don’t you post a picture of The Crystal Cathedral. And your “King Michael” remark is pure envy.

I did a little research myself and found that you have been a busy little “cult buster.” On this website alone you have attacked many LGATs, including Scientology, Landmark and Tony Robbins to name a few. The list is long. You even went after Madonna and Dr. Phil, definite cult suspects. I read your postings on the David Allen Forum (a group you used to belong to) going on and on about the same issues you hoist upon the other LGATs on your list. That forum called you a troll. So much for your credibility.

Since you can’t comprehend what John said about Michael not being a therapist but a spiritual teacher, let me spell it out for you. He used to be a therapist. He is no longer. He has been a spiritual teacher for years, so you can stop rambling on about an expired license. And he did not say Michael was a rabbi. He corrected you. You said rabbis are licensed. They are ordained.

Lastly, you are such a coward sitting at your computer all day trying to make a name for yourself. How can you do that when you are writing anonymously? Ever consider that?

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: November 04, 2006 03:39PM

By the way, in a decent and proper non-profit, none of this is necessary.
You just call up the secretary, and ask them to mail you their package with their official tax filings showing how they spend their money, assets, debts, salaries, and everything else. They would even have it all on their website, audited by independent professionals.
This way you know your donations are going to good use, and exactly where they are going. Any decent non-profit would LOVE to send you that info, as then you might make a donation!

What they don't do is try to hide everything, and keep it a secret. That is insane, and very dangerous. All this secrecy and cloak and dagger stuff is very suspicious.

Also, someone from Royal Way said that 'its none of your business' what kind of money Michael Gottlieb makes. Not true. Its a non-profit, and it is our business what kind of salary he draws from Royal Way. It might be $100K, it might be $20K, it might be $900K, it might be $0K. Who knows?

I am going to take a wild guess and say that maybe he draws either $0 under a spiritual "vow of poverty", or draws a very low salary that is non-taxable. Lets see the tax filings and reports, and prove me wrong!

But if he does draw no does he live then?
Well, does Royal Way own the house he lives in? Who pays the bills and food? Who pays for the cars and furniture?

Many of these 'un-spiritual' Leaders set themselves up with no or low salary, but then they live and uses all of the corporations assets for free, in exchange for their "services". They live like Kings, and better than Enron.
Can't be taxed personally, and can't be personally sued as they have no personal assets.
All the corporation assets compound, and can't be taxed like a normal business, yet they have total control of these assets, to use as they please.

So all these questions would be answered with a look at their filings with Uncle Sam for the past year, and maybe the past 10 years or so.
Lets see the facts!
Why not?

Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

This is a good place to start. Someone could give them a phone call, and see what you can get. It might cost $10 or so to get some documents from them.

Also, a call to the general IRS line might get some info about what information is available to the public, and where to go to access that information.

If someone suspects foul play, they can easily file a complaint with
Consumer Affairs []
or the IRS []

Michael was allegedly railing against the word "charity"?
Well, guess what, the Royal Way is a non-profit religious corporation, so its a type of "charity".
Maybe they are collecting all that real estate, so they can give free land to the homeless?

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: November 05, 2006 12:27AM

Here is some excellent info from another thread, that is precisely relevant to the Royal Way sect. From what we have seen so far, The Royal Way appears to [b:a8d2c9c189]fail completely on every single one of these critieria.[/b:a8d2c9c189]
Can it get any worse than that?

See []

[b:a8d2c9c189]Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability [/b:a8d2c9c189]

[b:a8d2c9c189]Accountability, independent oversight and financial disclosure are important to me, but I don't see my favorite charities listed with ECFA. What can I do to obtain a greater comfort level when giving to them? [/b:a8d2c9c189]

If the factors mentioned above are important to you, but you do not see your favorite organization among ECFA's members, ask them the following suggested questions, and expect a [b:a8d2c9c189]timely, courteous and informative response.[/b:a8d2c9c189] ECFA firmly believes that good charities willingly answer tough questions:

Does the organization have a clear and strong commitment to a certain project area?

Is there an independent board that accepts responsibility for the activities of the organization and oversees its operations?

Are the financial records audited annually by certified public accountants?

Are copies of the audited financial statements provided to anyone who requests them?

Is information provided to donors about any program that the donors have supported?

How does the organization avoid conflicts of interest?

What are its guidelines and standards for fund-raising?

Is there a review procedure to assure compliance with fund-raising standards and guidelines?

[b:a8d2c9c189]The Donor's Bill of Rights [/b:a8d2c9c189]

See []

The Donor's Bill of Rights

When you give, be sure your selected charity employs standards and policies that assure you of a "bill of rights" as a donor. You have the[b:a8d2c9c189] right [/b:a8d2c9c189]to:

Know how the funds of an organization are being spent.

Know what the programs you support are accomplishing.

Know that the organization complies with federal, state, and municipal laws.

Restrict or designate your gifts to a particular project within the organization's mission objectives.

A timely and courteous response to your inquiries about finances and programs.

Visit office and program sites of an organization to talk personally with the staff.

Give cheerfully without being pressured by the organization.

Obtain a copy of the organization's most recent audited financial statements

Know that there is a responsible governing board providing oversight to the organization's mission.

Know that all appeals for funds are truthful and accurate.

Before you give to any charity, ask these questions. Worthy nonprofit organizations recognize they are recipients of the public trust, and are willing and prepared to supply the answers.

Does the organization have a clear and strong commitment to a certain mission objective?

Does an independent board that oversees the organization's operations and accepts responsibility for itsactivities?

Are the organization's financial records audited annually by independent certified public accountants?

Does the organization practice financial disclosure?

Can anyone receive a copy of the organization's most recent audited financial statements upon written request?

Can donors obtain financial and other information about any program they have supported?

How does the organization avoid conflicts of interest?

What are the guidelines and standards for fund-raising?

Is there a review procedure to assure compliance with fund-raising standards and guidelines? [/color:a8d2c9c189]

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: RW Member ()
Date: November 05, 2006 07:23AM


In my last posting I suggested that you calm down before you give yourself a stroke, and that got you even more excited. I hope you’re doing okay. You seem to have difficulty comprehending the difference between a church and a charity. You attack Royal Way and make ridiculous demands and expect us to comply just because you say so. Get real. We are not providing you with anything. We have nothing to hide. Research all you want. Knock yourself out. Post all the public records you want. Who cares. Your accusations mean nothing because they are all lies. Why don’t you make your next “target” the Vatican? Now there’s a church with wealth. Until then, enjoy yourself.

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: November 05, 2006 08:53AM

uh...your posts are on "hold", so all my posts appeared before yours did, so there was no "reaction" from me, except in your weak attempt to play a weak mind game.

Look, you LGAT culty folks can do your little "attacks" on your victims in your church and get away with it, but that nonsense does not work with someone like myself.

All my posts are lies? That is a meaningless statement, which has no basis in reality whatsoever.
All I have posted are FACTS about your secret religious sect.

You are not providing me with anything, eh?
You have nothing to hide?
we'll see...

Soon some former member of RW will publish Michael's writings somewhere on the internet, and then we'll see for ourselves.

Anyone from the public who reads this thread can easily see what The Royal Way is up to.

RW Member

In my last posting I suggested that you calm down before you give yourself a stroke, and that got you even more excited. ...We are not providing you with anything. We have nothing to hide. ... Your accusations mean nothing because they are all lies.

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: November 05, 2006 09:44AM

Its interesting to analyze when a sect member tries to do an attack on someone who has the "nerve" to think critically about their sect, and not worship them mindlessly. Its an interesting object lesson. They feel they have the skills to play mind games with people, and try to put them off-balance. So lets have a look at what they tried here.

First off, they will open with some type of personal attack or comment, which has no relation to the facts. Like saying you are having a "stroke", or whatever. Personally, I am calm as a spiritual butterfly. Its the attacks and obvious BS coming from the RW members in this thread that brought me into this.

Then, they try to DEFLECT blame from the "John Zemanek" personal attacks on someone else. Whoever was posting as Zemanek did some strong personal attacks against those who dared to criticize the RW. Its all there in the text. No debate there.

Then, they try to DISTORT reality, by saying how beautiful the 'cult compound' is. I never said it was a "cult compound"...whoops...Freudian slip in your part?
By the way, did you know that sometimes the most "beautiful" places have the ugliest skeletons in the closet, as they try to cover up their internal ugliness with a facade?
Michael can borrow that aphorism if he likes, help yourself Mike! (you gotta know he's reading this, if not posting here...)

And if you think this thread is such good advertising for Royal Way...then why are the RW folks going nuts about it, and have tried to have it removed? Why would a RW Member say a deliberate falsehood that this thread and pics are good advertising?

Royal Way wants to remain "secret" as that makes them seem more "occult" to their members. Its an old technique from the Middle Ages, Mike knows all about that.
Also, I obviously have no "envy" of King Michael, he sounds like a typical scammer type guy to me who doesn't like working for a living! That is another cultish technique, accusing those "dangerous outsiders" of Envy. And when I say "King", Michael knows what I mean, mythologically...right?

Then they try to do more DEFLECTION to criticize you more, and attack you personally. What does that have to do with RW? Its off-topic. I have criticized several sects, and persons, all in different ways. I did point out that David Allen belonged to MSIA, but that is not being a troll, that is a FACT, which David Allen and MSIA have hidden. Of course a few MSIA employees would be upset by that fact getting out!
Just like Royal Way is freaking out as the facts they are trying to keep hidden are leaking out.
But from what we can see so far, Royal Way MIGHT not be quite as overtly nasty as Landmark, but maybe more Greedy. Certainly more secretive and paranoid. We'll see, as more and more complaints come out about Royal Way, then more details will emerge.

Then he goes on to say that I said things I did not say.
I did not say "Rabbis are licensed". And Michael Gottlieb is a THERAPIST with an DELINQUENT license. That is what he has done for a living for 30 years, that is a FACT, and that is reality.
I don't believe that Michael is a qualified "spiritual teacher" because he has no credentials or experience anyone will talk about, and he has no endorsements, affiliations, no code of ethics, no nothing!
Lets see some FACTS, and not empty words. Talk is cheap, show us the facts.

Lastly, they try more personal attacks by calling me a "coward" trying to make a name for myself? Nice try, yawn.
I think the only real cowards are people who try to hide all of the information about their non-profit church.

So anyway, you can see the lame attempt at sect mind games 101 that some folks from these LGAT religious sects are weaned on. Sadly, that stuff works on many people. It does not work on people with critical thinking skills.
Notice that the entire post was basically a DEFLECTION, DISTORTION, and personal attack?
They do this to try to draw you away from the FACTS at hand.
They try to attack the messenger, and then deflect as far from the facts as possible.

Well nice try, you failed. And hopefully if all they can post are personal attacks on members of this forum, then those posts will be moved out of this thread, as its not relevant to the thread. Start another thread to do personal attacks on people, but keep this thread ON-TOPIC.
Its about Royal Way.

If Royal Way can show us their financials, and they check out, then fine. But its not looking good right now.
Royal Way [b:43d2e8f0f0]completely fails every single criteria for objectively analyzing a healthy religious non-profit.[/b:43d2e8f0f0]
[b:43d2e8f0f0]They break EVERY SINGLE POINT in the above code of conduct.[/b:43d2e8f0f0]

Their most flagrant abuses of the code of ethics, are when you ask then for their financials, they get hostile, defensive, aggressive, and refuse to ever submit them. That is as bad of a warning sign as you will ever get.
People need to stay far away from Royal Way.

The posts from the senior RW members in this thread, are quite disturbing.
Any decent and moral organization would respond in exactly the opposite way. They would release financial information, credentials, references, and show people what was going on.
But RW does the exact opposite.
They get hostile, aggressive, attack, hide information, distort, deflect, and refuse to [b:43d2e8f0f0]ever [/b:43d2e8f0f0]divulge any information.
That is sicko stuff.

Well, perhaps since the IRS is cracking down on the religious non-profits these days, we might find out the facts sooner than later.

RW Member

First of all, calm down before you give yourself a stroke, ranting and raving the way you are. ... Most of our posts responding to the attacks are not even close to hostile. John Zemanek replied in kind to Eric.

You posted the beautiful pictures of the Ranch to show how rich we are. What you did in point is show how beautiful the Ranch is and that it is nothing like a cult compound, while giving us free advertising.

He used to be a therapist. He is no longer. He has been a spiritual teacher for years, so you can stop rambling on about an expired license. And he did not say Michael was a rabbi. He corrected you. You said rabbis are licensed. They are ordained.

Lastly, you are such a coward sitting at your computer all day trying to make a name for yourself. How can you do that when you are writing anonymously?

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Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael - Need Info
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: November 05, 2006 10:09AM

By the way, you know the real reason The Royal Way sect is attacking this thread?

If a person searches Google for two words...

royal way

...then this thread comes up #5 on the list of all the pages on earth!

If they search...

royal way michael comes up #1.

This is why sects and destructive groups hate the internet, as information flows too easily, and their power comes from controlling the information they feed to their followers-victims brains and minds.
Royal Way knows damn well most of their people are reading this thread. By now, they are cranking out more "letters" about the evils of the internet. But too bad that will fail as well, as most of this thread is about FACTS.

Their power comes from controlling the information their followers can access. But now anyone can access facts instantly from anywhere on earth for free. Folks like us who believe in Freedom of Thought and critical thought, love it.
But the cultists hate it, as they know it can destroy their scam.

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