How do I get someone out of Landmark
Posted by: QuestioningMinds ()
Date: October 22, 2004 04:15AM

In my first post a someone (PSISurvivor?) suggested that I need to get my g/f to hear and listen to their inner voice as part of helping her see that Landmark is crap and the negative impact of Landmark (endless volunteering / uncertainty in decisions and thought / never ending sales pitch / bad grammar / etc)

What other tips suggestions will help bring her out of it? Is it like being an alcoholic and really no one can tell you anything. Will, god willing, she snap back and realize that it is crap. Is there something that I can do to make that happen?

Is there a support group where I could take her to meet those that have come out the other side of a LGAT. Where would I find them for Canada?

Even if our relationship is done, I am by nature someone that want to help people. I also realize that sadly sometimes we have to let people go and that we will never be the ones that are able to help them.

Reminds me of the colliery to a saying - "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. If you still don't succeed, give up, it is not meant to be."

(Driving me nuts looking at my says/idea to see how defeatist they are in the light of LM/self-help ideas.)

As always, thank you for you help, advice and opinion in advance.


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How do I get someone out of Landmark
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: October 23, 2004 01:31AM

I would not recommend Landmark courses to anyone under any circumstnaces--due to the steady stream of complaints I have received and the organization's troubled history.

In my opinion Landmark is not a "cult," but here are some helpful "coping strategies" used with cult members that may be helpful.

See []

For resources regarding destructive groups in Canada--

See []

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How do I get someone out of Landmark
Posted by: QuestioningMinds ()
Date: October 23, 2004 01:49AM

Thank you for you comments.

Now if LM is not a "cult", how would you define it? Classify it?


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How do I get someone out of Landmark
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: October 24, 2004 12:02AM

In my opinion Landmark Education is a potentially unsafe large group awareness training (LGAT) program.

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