Pathways Core Training in Dallas, Texas
Posted by: counselor47 ()
Date: January 23, 2012 01:13PM

This is an LGAT program originally started by Dr. Phil McGraw, of Oprah fame. We received a call from a woman whose daughter has gotten very involved in this, and it is raising some red flags for her. Has anyone heard of this group or had experiences with them?

Re: Pathways Core Training in Dallas, Texas
Posted by: northtexasmba ()
Date: April 19, 2012 02:07AM

I am a "graduate" of this quasi therapeutic program. It meets most of the criteria for the definition of a cult. Isolationism, focus on one "supreme" leader, sleep deprivation, social exclusiveness, etc. Too bad there is not more public information about this "self help" entity. It's not technically a "therapy" or "psychology" based program so it does not have to meet any state criteria. Too bad the suicides were never made public, more people need to know before comitting to "creating a great life".

Re: Pathways Core Training in Dallas, Texas
Posted by: onceagain ()
Date: May 09, 2012 07:19AM

Hi Counselor47...

I have also attended the 4 month Pathways Core Training Program. My husband just completed the program last month. And, our 32 year old son is currently enrolled in the program.

If both people commenting are referring to the Pathways Core Training course that was started by Dr. Phil McGraw in the 80's (It was called YOU) my opinion varies greatly from northtexasmba's opinion.

Regarding the "isolationism" - There is absolutely no isolationism involved. The training occurs over a 4 month period, which entails 1 weekend per month and a 5 day period which also is in the first month of the class. Not only are you free to leave at any time. But, they encourage you to leave the training facility (Park Inn Radisson Hotel) while you are attending the classes for both meals and outside entertainment.

Regarding the "supreme" Leader - I have no idea what this supreme leader is, unless you are referring to God. Yes, there are "spiritual" overtones. But, nothing is religious in the training.

Sleep Deprivation - That would depend on whether or not the attendee wishes to stay up all night and do whatever they want to. I never was sleep deprived. On Friday, when classes begin at 7:15PM, the classes let out just after 11:00pm.

The Saturday's classes would begin at approximately 8:00am and would end at 7:00pm for the Weekend and WALK attendees. Please keep in mind you have several 10 minute breaks as well as lunch/dinner breaks.

Sunday classes also begin at around 8:00 and end at 5:00 (for the weekend and the WALK), and end at 2:30 for the P1, 2 and 3 classes.

Social Exclusiveness - I have no idea what northtexasmba is referring to. The friends I had prior to my attending Pathways Core Training are still my friends. Yes, I have made other friends through the training. But, that is to be expected when you spend any amount of time with other people.

This course is NOT for people who are suicidal. The facilitators make that very clear on day 1 of the class. There are multiple licensed therapists that re involved in facilitating the course, who are trained to spot people with suicidal tendencies.

Finally, Pathways Core Training has not once tried to contact me since I completed or "graduated" from the course early last year. In my opinion, if it were a CULT, wouldn't they want to keep in touch with me?


Re: Pathways Core Training in Dallas, Texas
Posted by: mfox2010 ()
Date: June 29, 2012 01:13AM

My wife is attending right now. I am freaking out! Her sister graduated last year and talked her in to it. They kept this from me for over a year. Now she quit her job to attend another week long session. I feel completely betrayed.

Re: Pathways Core Training in Dallas, Texas
Posted by: mfox2010 ()
Date: June 29, 2012 01:27AM

Finally, Pathways Core Training has not once tried to contact me since I completed or "graduated" from the course early last year. In my opinion, if it were a CULT, wouldn't they want to keep in touch with me?

you must work for them! see cult definition below

1: formal religious veneration : worship
2: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
3: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
4: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>
5a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion

Re: Pathways Core Training in Dallas, Texas
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: June 29, 2012 03:40AM

Isn't Pathways an LGAT (large group awareness training) or "mass marathon training" like Landmark Education, Lifespring, Sterling Institute of Relationship and NXIVM?

See []

This is a paper done by a psychologist that did Lifespring and analyzed what's wrong with such training.

Also see []

These are the coercive persuasion techniques that such groups have repeatedly been accused of using in their training. This seems to be at the core of why people think they are "cult-like", i.e. they use persuasion techniques similar to groups called "cults"

See []

This is much better working definition of a cult as outlined by a psychiatrist that has studied cults specifically and how they are formed.

LGATs have a history of bad press, personal injury claims and complaints.

See []

It seems risky given the history of such groups.

Essentially what an LGAT does is download the philosophy of the fournder as an antidote to virtually everything and anything.

Problem is maybe that philosophy isn't practical, reasonable and/or conflicts with the participants personal views. Then it can get rough as the LGAT pounds the square ped into the round hole.

People have had breakdowns.

Re: Pathways Core Training in Dallas, Texas
Posted by: mfox2010 ()
Date: July 07, 2012 09:08AM

My wife is attending right now. I am freaking out! Her sister graduated last year and talked her in to it. They kept this from me for over a year. Now she quit her job to attend another week long session. I feel completely betrayed.

UPDATE- now she has withdrawn over 1000.00 (200 at a time over a few days)from our checking account. she assured me the classes were paid for.... now i am really freaking out.
i spoke to my 11 year son today and he told me he cant wait to go when he 13. wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP1

Re: Pathways Core Training in Dallas, Texas
Posted by: mfox2010 ()
Date: July 07, 2012 06:37PM

Update, she has withdrawn over a 1000 dollars (200 at a time) from our checking account in the last few days. this is a living nightmare!
also, I talked to my 11 year old son today and he said he cant wait to go to the classes when he is 13. anybody know a good lawer?

Re: Pathways Core Training in Dallas, Texas
Posted by: onceagain ()
Date: July 07, 2012 11:04PM

My wife is attending right now. I am freaking out! Her sister graduated last year and talked her in to it. They kept this from me for over a year. Now she quit her job to attend another week long session. I feel completely betrayed.

UPDATE- now she has withdrawn over 1000.00 (200 at a time over a few days)from our checking account. she assured me the classes were paid for.... now i am really freaking out.
i spoke to my 11 year son today and he told me he cant wait to go when he 13. wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP1

Hi mfox2010...

I don't think your wife is attending the Pathways Core Training in Dallas.

Please be assured there are NO week long classes. Also, the classes are not for teenagers.

After reading your post, it sounds like your wife might be leaving you. The withdrawals from your checking account seem suspicious.

Good luck!

Re: Pathways Core Training in Dallas, Texas
Posted by: onceagain ()
Date: July 07, 2012 11:18PM

Finally, Pathways Core Training has not once tried to contact me since I completed or "graduated" from the course early last year. In my opinion, if it were a CULT, wouldn't they want to keep in touch with me?

you must work for them! see cult definition below

1: formal religious veneration : worship
2: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
3: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
4: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>
5a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion


By reading your posts.. It appears are though you are a teenager. Thank you for cutting and posting the definition of a cult from your dictionary.

There is no worship in Pathways
There are no rituals in Pathways
There is no "system for any cure of disease" in Pathways
And as far as "devotion" the only devotion (if you want to call it that) is devoting time to yourself - i.e. being happy living in the moment and learning tolet go.

While googling Pathways website, I noticed there was 1 post negative to the course on the web, which took me to this website and I responded.

In hindsight, I wish I hadn't. A website devoted to cult awareness?? With that mentality, anyone that believes in a higher power, goes to church, or even has to follow standards at their job would be classified as being in a cult.

I can't, and won't argue with dumb...

Good luck to you!

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