Greetings everyone:
Not ready to share my story yet, but I have REALLY enjoyed everyone's posts here. I'm still attending Turning Point, but I am praying about leaving. Honestly, I don't have liberty from the Lord to leave -- at this moment. That could change in 5 minutes. However, while I'm still there, I'm praying fervently that God would -- like Daughter of Dorcas so eloquently stated in one of her posts -- return Mike to the person who made the enemy cower in fear. I YEARN for Mike to preach the MEAT of the Word. To go through the Bible verse by verse -- not preach his pet topics. With this in mind -- a friend sent me this You Tube video of Kirk Cameron interviewing John MacArthur. John has a program on KGNW called Grace to You. He is a WELL-RESPECTED Bible teacher and authority on scripture. He has written a book called HARD TO BELIEVE. I think you will find this compelling as John MacArthur speaks to every single complaint/concern expressed in this forum. Jesus is NOT a genie in a bottle to make us prosperous -- HE IS THE SAVIOR! Oh for Turning Point to be a church that preaches the undefiled blood of Christ -- Christ crucified to be our savior -- not our magic genie! At Turning Point I have NEVER heard a sermon about my savior's BLOOD and what that actually means for me.
Oh God! Have mercy. Turn the heart of Pastor Mike back to preaching the undefiled gospel of Jesus Chris crucified. The savior!
Thanks everyone. I'll be lurking still