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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Somite ()
Date: January 24, 2007 01:31AM

There are many things that are part of churches today that are not in scripture - good (Sunday School, air conditioning) & bad (carrying on of dead traditions and rituals.)

"Typical" does not necessarily translate to "normal" or "right." It has just become popular to do it that way because it is easier than rocking the boat and changing "the way we've always done it."

As to living under a "church dictatorship," as you put it; let us juxtapose 'absolute power' - the very definition of dictatorship - with "right authority."
No one in a church in these United States is under the absolute power of another because they always have the choice of walking away.

One standing in authority, on the other hand, is there for the very purpose of doing good for those [i:de79622b7d]under[/i:de79622b7d] his authority. He only stands in authority to the degree which those under authority have submitted to him - once again, their [i:de79622b7d]choice[/i:de79622b7d].

We are commanded in scripture to submit to the authorities placed over us. In I & II Samuel, we see in the life of David how authority plays out, both good and bad. David was blessed for his submission even to the wicked authority of Saul, & when he didn't retaliate against the rebellion against his authority by Absolom, he was again vindicated.

One in authority is always and only there for the good of those under his authority, and no one remains under authority except and unless they are submitted to that authority. Once you walk out of submission, you walk out from under that authority and its cover, including the good the one to whom you once submitted may do you.

God is the ultimate and only authority. Those in authority in the church are answerable to him. A pastor is answerable also to the Elders of the church, who in turn have scriptural provisions in place should they be led or wander astray.

God holds the only absolute power, and he usually chooses not to wield it, granting instead, free will. We are then given the opportunity to submit that will to him and live under his authority and that of those he has [i:de79622b7d]appointed[/i:de79622b7d] over us, in secular leadership and in the church.

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Transparent ()
Date: January 24, 2007 01:58AM

[b:6e2b1e3372] Mr. Ross, thanks for the link about this movement. I have seen these things take place at this church and it freaks me out. What should one do? I am so concerned for my brothers and sisters that attend. It freaks me out that this kind of thing takes place in many churches. For the longest time I was sucked into this "Discipleship Thing" I wasted a few years of my life trying to submit my life to a "Discipler". I don't want to see others get hurt...but so many are sucked into this and it seems like they are so brainwashed....They are all cookie cut now....And it still continues. I want to see this movement come to an end before others get hurt. I see it with my own eyes every single week....a bunch of robots and zombies have been made and are being made. I disagree with what Radiant Life Church has done by bringing in this "Discipling Movement" years back....It used to be such a real place...but every where you turn...there is so many fake people...who can't live their own lives...all because one man brought this teaching and lives by it and teaches it...yet He is not discipled. I am a disciple of Christ...not a disciple of man and I warn those who read this that RLC is not a healthy place right now. Please let me know how to pray for the things that are going on. Too many things have been swept under the rug...nobody wants to repent or confess the wrongs they have done to new believers and old believers alike. There are many wounded and scarred sheep. A friend of mine that attended the church no longer attends: He said, "I don't have the words to express how my life has been affected because of Discipleship (Shepherding). He is long gone now and will not go to church. This thing has to stop![/b:6e2b1e3372]

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: January 24, 2007 10:16PM


See []

Note "Coping Strategies."

Also see []

And []

These are links about discipling and discipleship groups.

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: January 24, 2007 10:22PM


Thanks for the explanation of church dictatorships.

Would you support a dictatorship in the United States, where the only option people have is to either support the ruler or move away to another country?

Pretty sad choice.

How does Newsong select its elders?

Is there a democratic election by the general membership?

Or are the elders hand-picked by someone?

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Somite ()
Date: January 25, 2007 01:29AM

What I endeavored to do was not explain dictatorship - your web site does a pretty good job of that - but point out the function of authority rightly practiced, or wielded, if you will. That would apply anywhere; a church, a business, the home (though I am [i:4d5d565ad0]not[/i:4d5d565ad0] advocating choice of children in submitting to their parents!) or even a baseball or football team.

I would not support dictatorship anywhere, church, nation, or business, except the military. In a military unit it is necessary, but even in that dictatorship there are provisions for removal of faulty elements.

This Newsong to which you refer I do not know.

Anything God designs and means for good, the enemy will pervert for his own purposes. This is by no means limited to fleshly or material pursuits! What better way for the devil to disrupt and cripple the church than to take what is good and right and turn it to the personal gain or advantage of man. It is his way, his MO. He did it in the Garden, he does it with personal relationships, he does it with money, and he does it in the church.

There are whole elements of scripture that are avoided or denied by some movements and denominations because someone saw a potential for abuse or mistakes.
For example, I grew up in a group that taught that dancing is sinful. Some reading this may agree with that stand. Was David not a man after God's own heart? Did David not dance? Was his wife (Michal) not barren all her days because she despised, not the fact of his dance, but merely the manner?
Let us be more informed and intentional in the practice of scriptural concepts instead of avoiding or considering them invalid altogether.

If anyone there told you that you are any other than a disciple of Christ, talk to somebody else, an elder or a pastor. It is a body composed of humans, people perfectly capable of making mistakes.
Get to know some of those fake people and robots there. I'll bet when you find out more about them you'll see them differently, or you'll influence them for the better.

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Transparent ()
Date: January 25, 2007 06:20AM

The sad part that the elders are all discipled by the man. They do nothing on their own will....they all live like zombies. it's a shame...but the elders are to govern the affairs of the church. the problem is that they are too busy trying to please and submit to their discipler"the pastor". they never make a decision w/o consulting him first. how can they govern the church ? it's ridiculous....Radiant Life Church Sacramento is not in a healthy state. They have a School of Ministry & Arts that charges 18,000 for a total of three's UNACCREDITED. There is no diploma, no accredidation, nothing. I have seen so called "disciplers" encourage there disciplees to go....they have discouraged them from pursuing good jobs and better schools....there is a big problem with that in my book. The school is called SOMA and now they want to branch out and have already branched out what's called SOMA A.D.......This can't be good! GOD, help us all.....

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: January 25, 2007 11:07PM


Please understand that this a specific thread about a specific group.

Note the topic heading.

This is not a place for you to share your views about the bible, interpretation of scriptures about authority or any other personal relgious beliefs.

Note the rules about preaching, which you agreed to.

If you don't know anything about the church specifically, you probably should not post on this thread.

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Somite ()
Date: January 26, 2007 05:57AM

You need to check your facts, as well as the source. I personally know each of the elders in that church, and I can tell you that they are not all discipled by Pastor Tony. I could not even say for sure that any of them are. What you have said about them is inaccurate, incorrect, and slanderous. If you need to leave this chruch, go, and know that you will do so with no hard feelings held toward you for it.
As a graduate of SOMA, I tell you that the only accurate thing you have said about it is that it is not accredited, but everyone who enters does so knowing that. It (SOMA) is not about information or the degree (which is conferred, by the way, upon graduation) but about personal transformation. Talk to any of the graduates.
Scripture tells us that if we have a problem with someone, we are to go to them ourselves. Someone has come to you with their problem about Radiant Life Church. Don't perpetuate it. Go to the people instead of slamming them. Feel free to look me up there.
I'm Ted

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: January 26, 2007 09:30PM


Were the elders elected democratically by the general membership of the church?

How did they become elders?

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Transparent ()
Date: January 27, 2007 03:38AM

To Somite.....Easy sound like your getting offended bby what I have to say. Let's talk about Pators and their relationships with young women. Moderator...DO you agree with Pastors having single young women living under their roof? I DON'T. I know what I'm talking about on this one. I am in now way trying to slander anyone. I feel as if Somite has accused me of slandering. How can one say that I'm slandering another? Isn't that called accusation? I sure think so. I don't think Pastors should have young single women living under their roof and taking on a role as one of the family...included in alll that a family does. If an elder or a person in leadership has children 18 and up....thst parent can teach and instruct their children...if they come from Good families...then why in the world are pastors taking them in as roomates? I'm very upset about this and this needs to be brought to attention....there is something wrong with this picture!

Thank You for making this site available...It's very resourceful!

Transparent "A concerned non-robot believer"

My life will always be real....Not religious as what I've seen!

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