Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Date: January 25, 2007 01:29AM
What I endeavored to do was not explain dictatorship - your web site does a pretty good job of that - but point out the function of authority rightly practiced, or wielded, if you will. That would apply anywhere; a church, a business, the home (though I am [i:4d5d565ad0]not[/i:4d5d565ad0] advocating choice of children in submitting to their parents!) or even a baseball or football team.
I would not support dictatorship anywhere, church, nation, or business, except the military. In a military unit it is necessary, but even in that dictatorship there are provisions for removal of faulty elements.
This Newsong to which you refer I do not know.
Anything God designs and means for good, the enemy will pervert for his own purposes. This is by no means limited to fleshly or material pursuits! What better way for the devil to disrupt and cripple the church than to take what is good and right and turn it to the personal gain or advantage of man. It is his way, his MO. He did it in the Garden, he does it with personal relationships, he does it with money, and he does it in the church.
There are whole elements of scripture that are avoided or denied by some movements and denominations because someone saw a potential for abuse or mistakes.
For example, I grew up in a group that taught that dancing is sinful. Some reading this may agree with that stand. Was David not a man after God's own heart? Did David not dance? Was his wife (Michal) not barren all her days because she despised, not the fact of his dance, but merely the manner?
Let us be more informed and intentional in the practice of scriptural concepts instead of avoiding or considering them invalid altogether.
If anyone there told you that you are any other than a disciple of Christ, talk to somebody else, an elder or a pastor. It is a body composed of humans, people perfectly capable of making mistakes.
Get to know some of those fake people and robots there. I'll bet when you find out more about them you'll see them differently, or you'll influence them for the better.