Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center....Debate the Issues
Date: March 25, 2009 02:32AM
Hello, this is my first post. I might tell my story later in the "tell your story thread" but I would rather start here and hopefully see some answers from TP.
I hope people from TP see this thread as what it is. An open thread to debate issues. I really hope those from TP will post here openly with there replies to some of these issues.
Here is some issues that have been on my mind for a long time the first one being something that has been a hard one for me because I think it is the most important one when it comes to an establishment that is non-profit and takes donations and releases those funds towards salaries, projects, etc. And when I say this is a hard one for me, it's because like many I really trusted those in charge of these things at TP, and it has been difficult seeing that I may have been deceived in this area.
Here is some of the issues I would like to see some debate on If you don't mind me taking some initiative. Keep in mind I'm not the most educated in these matters and am seeking truth and please don't be afraid to correct me if I'm wrong.
1. Accountability - How does an a non-profit corp. hold themselves accountable without conflict of interest issues under these circumstances:
Of the 7 Elders, 2 are the head pastor and his wife, 2 are the 2nd head pastor and his wife, and 2 others have wives that are on staff and paroll? (seems like only one elder of the seven can cast a vote without any conflict of interest)((I'm basing this off of TP's website where it shows the elders, and of personal knowledge that two of the elder's wives are on staff or at least were on staff for the years that I attended.))
2. Biblical or not? - If the church teaches that the direct, authoritative voice of God is the Bible and we are to compare/weigh everything with Scripture. And Paul writes in 1Timothy 2:12-13 "I do not permit women to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve." NIV, in 1Timothy 3:2 "Now the overseer must be above reproach, husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach," NIV, and in 1Timothy 3:8 "Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain." NIV. Then how can this church have women as pastors, elders and deacons and remain Biblical? (please read all of 1Timothy 3, I only wrote certain versus to keep it short)
I'm not trying to point fingers or imply wrong doings, I believe these topics can have possible sound answers. I am only seeking some light on these matters hopefully not just from those who have left TP. I would like to see both sides, otherwise it wouldn't be much of a debate. I also think TP has a good chance of defending their stand on these topics in this particular thread. I don't understand why Pastor Mike or someone can't get on here and explain things, I have to admit I'm not up to date on the latest post but I don't see them on this thread yet. I thought these issues could be a good start because the elders are part of this church's foundation of administration and accountability.
Any ways thank you for this opportunity, sorry I have not introduced myself in "tell your story" lets just say I'm working up to it.