Calvin Bontrager:
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Point and click on the selection "Evangelical Churches."
The drop down statistics will then appear.
Note that a very small percentage of evangelicals are in independent and/or nondenominational unaffiliated churches.
Amongst those independents many churches have democratically elected church government according to their bylaws.
And many Protestants are in the "mainline" denominational churches, which have democratically elected government at both the church and denominational level.
Totalitarian churches without democratically elected church government, which essentially have dictatorial leaders, are a small minority.
Most evangelical churches belong to denominations, which affords greater accountability regarding educational requirements for staff, doctrinal issues and ethics. Typically denominations also have democratic government through elections at conferences and conventions, e.g. Southern Baptist Convention.
If people wish to sit under an authoritarian pastor or pastors that lack such constitutional and institutional safeguards that's their choice, but that choice is potentially unsafe and there is a long history of serious problems regarding abuse in such authoritarian churches.
Anyone can readily identify if their church has meaningful safeguards by asking these basic and rather simple questions.
Does the church have a constitution and/or corporate bylaws that require regular elections in which the general membership votes by secret ballot to elect board members that serve fixed terms and must regularly stand for re-election and the end of their terms?
Does the elected board and its officers control the church finances and have the power to fire staff, including pastors?
Is their an annually published budget that discloses in detail all salaries, compensation and expenses paid out from the church funds?
Are the church finances independently audited by an outside accounting firm?
If the church doesn't have these typical safeguards it is neither genuinely democratic nor meaningfully financially transparent, in any objective structural sense.